updating date via C# or JavaScript causes following error - javascript

I have recently discovered that when I update any date in Lightswitch HTML, whether it be in C# or JavaScript, that it causes the application to display this message:
if i comment out anything that changes the date then this does not appear.. so my question is has anyone else come across this problem and if so, what is the fix?
some examples of code that causes the error:
JS - Executed on a custom Save button
var today = new Date();
var tomorrow = new Date();
tomorrow.setDate(today.getDate() + 0);
if (screen.OrderRequest.changedate == null) {
screen.OrderRequest.changedate = tomorrow;
C# executed on either the inserting or updating method
partial void OrderRequests_Updating(OrderRequest entity) {
entity.changedate = DateTime.Now;
JS - executed in the beforeApplyChanges also causes same error:
myapp.OrderScreenView.beforeApplyChanges = function (screen) {
screen.OrderRequest.changedate = Date.now();

It is possible that your custom save button is causing the problem. Any chance you could implement the beforeApplyChanges event and handle any updates there?


Retrieving the error elements in Pega 8.1 Tree Navigation Flow

I am currently working on Pega. I am basically new in it. Pega version which I am working is 8.1.
Actually in the flow while submitting a form whenever there are validation errors in the required fields there an alert pops up. But as far as UI and UX the window needs to scroll with a subtle animation to the error fields, this I can do perfectly for any HTML page using jquery, but as I am new to Pega, I am facing a problem to get the error fields.
What I find, the error fields are appending on the relevant fields whenever there are validations, but catching those elements are going undefined.
I am sharing the simple code which I have written:
var validateScroll = function(){
var getErrors = function(){
this.parent = "";
getErrors.prototype.getErrorfn = function(node){
this.parent = $(node);
var errorLabels = this.parent.find('.dynamic-icon-error');
var a = new getErrors();
var scrollfn = function(){
var forms = $(document).find('form')[0];
var _FORM = $(forms);
The result I am getting is "undefined", since those are appending and not caught in the DOM.
Can anyone please suggest me any process? Is there any API to get the error fields in javascript. I have searched their Javascript API, but couldn't find any such API.
I have also asked this on PDN but got no reply.
Thanks in advance.

C# + WebBrowser + JavaScript - full load

Good time of day!:).Net 4.0, console. I need to write a parser page in console mode to get the code page in the form in which it is displayed to the user after download, without clicking the buttons, scrolling, and other events. I use this code, but it returns absolutely not what you need. In what ways can I get my desired result? I use other methods or components?
wb = new WebBrowser();
wb.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true;
wb.DocumentCompleted += new
while (wb.ReadyState != WebBrowserReadyState.Complete)
originalText = wb.DocumentText;
void w_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
Change method to wb.Document.Body.OuterHtml - not help me. Result is so bad.
I think this is a pretty simple task, probably someone already solved.
Note - i need full HTML text in string-variable after work ALL JS

Why/How is my code causing a memory leak?

I have written the following JavaScipt code within a Spotfire TextArea. I include the application and tag for completeness, but I don't believe my issue is Spotfire-specific. Essentially, I have a timer which runs every 5 minutes, and clicks on a link (clickLink('Foo');) to trigger execution of some Python code elsewhere in the application. If the application also contains a timestamp of the last full update, which occurs every 30 minutes in the same manner (clickLink('Foo');):
function reportTimestamp() {
var timeNow = new Date();
var hoursNow = timeNow.getHours();
var minutesNow = timeNow.getMinutes();
var secondsNow = timeNow.getSeconds();
return hoursNow + ":" + minutesNow + ":" + secondsNow;
function timeBasedReaction(timestampAge){
if (timestampAge >= 1800) {
} else if (timestampAge >= 300) {
function timeBasedReaction_B(timestampAge){
if (timestampAge >= 300) {
if (timestampAge >= 1800) {
function clickLink(linkName) {
var clickTarget = document.getElementById(linkName).children[0];
function checkTimestampAge() {
var myTimeStamp = document.getElementById('Timestamp').children[0]
var timeStampMS = new Date(myTimeStamp.textContent).getTime();
var currentDateMS = new Date().getTime();
var timestampAgeSeconds = (currentDateMS - timeStampMS)/1000;
function pageInitialization() {
var myTimer = null;
var timerInterval = 300000;
myTimer = setInterval(function(){checkTimestampAge()},timerInterval);
For reasons unclear to me, running this code in the application or in a web browser starts off fine, but eventually leads to very large memory allocation.
I've tried to read
4 Types of Memory Leaks in JavaScript and How to Get Rid Of Them,
JS setInterval/setTimeout Tutorial, and
An interesting kind of JavaScript memory leak, and it's a start, but I don't know enough to really understand what I'm doing wrong and how to correct it.
Thanks, and sorry for the huge block of text.
This causes a memory leak because of how Spotfire handles Javascript which has been associated with/loaded into a TextArea.
Both in the desktop client, as well as in the Webplayer instance, when the page is loaded, all the portions of that page are loaded, include the TextArea and including the Javascript associated therein. My previous understanding in the comments above:
"the code is intended to run when the page loads, and it was my understanding that it would stop/be cleared if the page was re-loaded or someone navigated away from it"
was incorrect. One of the script's actions was to update/redraw the HTML location in the TextArea. This, in turn, reloads the TextArea but does not clear the existing Javascript code. However, it's not really accessible anymore, either, since var myTimer = null actually creates a new myTimer rather than nulling-out the existing one. In this way, instances of myTimer increase geometrically as instances of function timeBasedReaction run and continually update the underlying TextArea and load in more of the same Javascript.
To anyone who ha a similar issue and come here, it's been over 3 months and I haven't figured out how to solve this once and for all. If I do, I'll try to come back with another update.

Uncaught ScriptError: Invalid argument: EVENT_HANGOUT

This error is received when I try to update a calendar event's title and description. The strange thing is it works on one calendar and not on the other.
Here is a code example
function makeAppointment(eventID, person, calendarID){
Logger.log("eventID:", eventID);
Logger.log("userFolder: " + person);
Logger.log("calendarID: " + calendarID);
var userFolder = findFolder(person);
var calendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(calendarID);
var event = calendar.getEventSeriesById(eventID);
var appointments = getAppointments(true, calendarID);
try {
event.setTitle("Interviewee: " + person);
return appointments;
Logger.log("There was an issue with setting interview");
return appointments;
The makeAppointment function is called from the java script side where the relevant information is passed in. But it throws an error on the client side browser console image attached. There are 59 events present on the calendar that creates this issue and 2 on the one that doesn't, I find that to be the only difference between the two.
Thanks for any help provided in solving this issue
The issue was with the type of event. When creating an event, if there is a video call option present for that event, it will throw an error when updating. Removing the video call option will resolve the issue.

IE 10 + jQuery - Not able to use "append" function

I am running an HTML 5 application using the KendoUI framework. Once of the screens deal with XML data that needs to be parsed and processed.
This screen needs to be shown as a popup and that data is shown in a grid inside this popup. To do this, I am calling a function on clicking the "show-popup" button inside which I have the following piece of code :
var tTranslationXML = XMLFromString(_SelectedCategoryValueRecord.DisplayTextTranslation);
// other stuff but nothing that changes "tTranslationXML"
if (_SelectedCategoryValueRecord.DisplayTextTranslation) // and there are values in the translation field
var $language = $(tTranslationXML).find('Language');
var $oldTranslation = $($language).find("en-US");
if ($oldTranslation.length == 0)
$oldTranslation = $($language).find(GetCorrectedCase("en-US"));
if ($oldTranslation.length == 0) {
var $newTranslation = $.createElementNS("en-US").text(_UpdatedDisplayText);
And if you are wondering what "XMLFromString" is, its nothing but a simple helper to parse the XML data from a string variable
function XMLFromString(pXMLString)
if (!pXMLString)
pXMLString = "<Language></Language>";
if (window.ActiveXObject) {
var oXML = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
return oXML;
} else {
return (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(pXMLString, "text/xml");
My issue is that this works fine on Chrome and Firefox but I get an error in IE10 when this particular line executes -
I am basically trying to append a new translation value to the contents of my variable here.
The error is as follows :
SCRIPT13: Type mismatch
jquery-1.8.3.min.js, line 2 character 71981
Any ideas on how to solve this?
Sorry for the delayed response.
I figured out that the issue was to avoid using the method "createElementNS" and instead use the "createElement" method when creating the parent node. Subsequent appendages to this node do not throw up any issues. However there will issues when you append to a node that was originally created using "createElementNS".
This seems specific to IE10 because the NS method worked fine on chrome, FF and Safari.
Thank you all for the tips and ideas.

