REACT JS : Uncaught Error: parse Error: Unexpected token - javascript

I am new to react (I am incorporating it into my ruby on rails project), here the component ive made:
<div id="articles"></div>
<script type="text/jsx">
var Article=React.createClass({
render: function(){
var input = [{name: "hello", email: ""}]
React.render(<Article data={input} />, document.getElementById("articles"))
When i run this, this is the error i get:
Uncaught Error: Parse Error: Line 7: Unexpected token .
I have set a prop to be an array. I just want to output the name hash key inside the array - why am i getting this error, it seems to me that this should work ?

You're not returning anything inside your map-statement, try writing
return {};
However, I would suggest you try moving your map-function outside of the immediate render, its easier to read and less error-prone.
<div id="articles"></div>
<script type="text/jsx">
var Article=React.createClass({
render: function() {
var rows = {
//You could return any valid jsx here, like <span>{}</span>
var input = [{name: "hello", email: ""}
React.render(<Article data={input} />, document.getElementById("articles"))

In JSX you have two 'modes'. JS mode (default) and JSX mode.
You enter JSX mode with a tag, like <div. In JSX mode only tags, attributes, and arbitrary text are allowed. You are also allowed to go into a JS mode with {}. This can happen any number of times.
function jsMode(){
So coming back to your code:
Let's break this down into chunks
// js mode
<div> // begin jsx
{ // begin js // some js code
} // end js, back to jsx
.map(function(item) // this is just plain text visible to the user
{ // begin js
{} // some invalid js, SyntaxError
} // end js
) // this is just plain text visible to the user
</div> // end jsx
// js mode
Because you want the .map to be interpreted as JS, and you were previously in JSX mode, it should also be in the {}s.
Also, inside the .map callback, you're still in JS mode, so you need to remove the {}s
And finally, you need to return the name from the .map callback.
Other stuff
The code above will work, but probably not as expected.
If data was [{name: 'foo'}, {name: 'bar'}], map will return ['foo', 'bar'], and react will render it as:
To the user this appears as "foobar". If you want it to appear as two separate words you could put a space after each name:
return + " ";
Or return an element from .map and style it as you like. For example, an unordered list of names. Note that here we wrap in {}s because we enter JSX mode.
{, i){
return <li key={i}>{}</li>;
We also provide a key. In this case it's the index of the item, which works as long as the list never changes, or only has items added/removed to/from the end of the array.
Image credit: wikipedia/commons
If the array is reordered, or items are added/remove to/from the start or middle, we need a unique string identifier for each item.
If your data was [{name: "foo", id: "14019751"}, {name: "bar", id: "13409185"}], then:
{, i){
return <li key={}>{}</li>;


null value in dynamic v-for with functional template refs

I am building a custom filtering component. This allows the user to apply n filters that are displayed with a v-for in the template. The user can update any value in the input fields or remove any of the filters afterwards.
After removing one of the filters, my array itemRefs got a null value as the last item.
Code (simplified)
<script setup>
const filtersScope = $ref([])
const itemRefs = $ref([])
function addFilter () {
filtersScope.push({ value: '' })
function removeFilter (idx) {
filtersScope.splice(idx, 1)
itemRefs.pop() // <- necessary? has no effect
// validate and emit stuff
// itemRefs got at least one null item
// itemRefs = [null]
// assign the values from the input fields to work with it later on
function updateValue() {
itemRefs.forEach((input, idx) => filtersScope[idx].value = input.value)
<div v-for="(filter, idx) in filtersScope" :key="">
:ref="(input) => { itemRefs[idx] = input }"
<button #click="removeFilter(idx)" v-text="'x'" />
<button #click="addFilter()" v-text="'add filter +'" />
>>> Working demo
to reproduce:
add two filters
itemRefs got now the template refs as a reference, like: [input, input]
remove one filter, itemRefs now looks: [input, null]
remove the last filter, itemRefs now looks like: [null]
Without the itemRefs.pop() I got the following error, after removing and applying new filters:
Uncaught TypeError: input is null
With the pop() method I prevent a console error, but the null-value in itemRefs still remains.
How do I clean my template refs cleanly?
I don't know what's up with using $refs inside $refs but it's clearly not working as one would expect.
However, you should never need nested $refs. When mutating data, mutate the outer $refs. Use $computed to get a simplified/focused angle/slice of that data.
Here's a working example.
<script setup>
const filtersScope = $ref([])
const values = $computed(() => => e.value))
function addFilter() {
filtersScope.push({ value: '' })
function removeFilter(idx) {
filtersScope.splice(idx, 1);
<div v-for="(filter, idx) in filtersScope" :key="idx">
<input type="text"
<button #click="removeFilter(idx)" v-text="'x'" />
<button #click="addFilter()" v-text="'add filter +'" />

React dangerouslySetInnerHTML Inside Fragment

I have a use-case where I need to format some text in React and also render HTML.
Here is an example of what I'm currently trying to achieve:
import React, {Fragment} from "react";
import {renderToString} from "react-dom/server";
function FormatText(props) {
const lines = props.children.split('\n');
return, index) => (
<Fragment key={index}>
{line}{index !== lines.length - 1 && <br/>}
const content = {
first: 'This is some text\nwith new\n\nline characters - 1',
second: 'This is some text\nwith new\n\nline <strong>characters - <sup>2</sup></strong>',
function App() {
return (
<li dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{
__html: renderToString(<FormatText>{content.second}</FormatText>)
As you can see, I have some content which contains \n characters and HTML. Calling the renderToString function converts the HTML into encoded characters, which means the HTML is not rendered properly.
Is there a way to render HTML inside a react fragment.
Ideally I wanted to do the following (but it doesn't):
function FormatText(props) {
const lines = props.children.split('\n');
return, index) => (
<Fragment key={index} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: renderToString(
{line}{index !== lines.length - 1 && <br/>}
<Fragment> doesn't adds any node to DOM and so you can't do dangerouslySetInnerHTML on it. It is basically a functionality provided by React to avoid addition of extra node to DOM when you needed to return more than one from return in render. So, if something doesn't exists on real DOM, you can't do anything on it.
renderToString is generally used on node server. When doing server side rendering, you want to send the html from server to client. So, better avoid renderToString also.
The issue is that, html doesn't recognises \n for new line etc. It needs html tags. The approach to use FormatText is fine or you can simply convert the \n to br and then use dangerouslySetInnerHTML inside the <li> tag.
const content = {
first: 'This is some text\nwith new\n\nline characters - 1',
second: 'This is some text\nwith new\n\nline <strong>characters - <sup>2</sup></strong>',
function App() {
return (
<li dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{
__html: content.first.replace(/\n/g, "<br/>")
<li dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{
__html: content.second.replace(/\n/g, "<br/>")
ReactDOM.render(<App/>, document.getElementById("root"))
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
Hope it helps. Revert for any doubts.
Hi I guess it is not possible, only way hot to pass formated html into DOm is via dom element DIV.
Maybe this link could help you or point to

How Can I Insert <span> To a Rendered Text In React?

I'm rendering some paragraphs using React. Inside those paragraphs there should be a span for footnotes. The best I got so far is that it rendered [object Object].
function ArticleItem() {
const articles = [
title: "title",
content: [
`Text based on this footnote <span>1</span>`,
`Another argument, here is my source <span>2</span>`
return (
<div className="article-container">
<h3> {articles[i].title} </h3>
articles[i] => (
{ paragraph }
Because you are creating a string with "<span>" instead of creating actual <span> HTML elements. What you are using is named jsx, which converts HTML tags to their corresponding document.createElement() (or similar, which in React has it own way).
If you want the content to be an HTML element and not a string, then create an HTML element:
function ArticleItem() {
const articles = [
title: "title",
content: [
<p>Text based on this footnote <span>1</span></p>,
<p>Another argument, here is my source <span>2</span></p>
return (
<div className="article-container">
<h3> {articles[i].title} </h3>
{ articles[i] => paragraph) }
Notice how I removed the string literal (``) and created an HTML element.
If the article content comes from an API call, then avoid using HTML tags inside strings. That's a bad practice actually. Always create the tags within the render() call and populate them with the API data you received.
Assuming the content array has to be supplied as raw HTML, a common solution is to use the dangerouslySetInnerHTML prop to render that HTML directly. You can introduce that to your <p> elements like this:
articles[i] => (
<p dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: paragraph }} />
A few other things to consider; I noticed a missing ) in your code after the <p> element of your map statement which will be causing a syntax error. Also, ensure that i is defined to an index in range of your articles array. Here's an example of each fix applied:
function ArticleItem() {
const articles = [
title: "title",
content: [
`Text based on this footnote <span>1</span>`,
`Another argument, here is my source <span>2</span>`
const i = 0;
return (
<div className="article-container">
<h3> {articles[i].title} </h3>
articles[i] =>
(<p dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: paragraph }} />)
Here's a working example as well - hope that helps!

JavaScript - Replace a string with anchor tag while fetching data from JSON Array

I have encountered this problem while doing loop over array of objects. Consider I have below array of objects.
General : [
question: 'Whats you suggestion?',
answer: "Before you go ahead and book one of our trusted developer, please read our FAQ.",
question: 'Do you have guaranteed solution?',
answer: 'Please let us know at',
I am using map in my JSX (react application) something like this., index) => (
Now I want the text to render as html anchor tag. I have done this through React Linkify. But how we can achieve this with pure javascript ?
This will work for emails, but you'll need to work out the regex for urls and chain them. Hope it helps., index) => {
const emailRegex = /([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+)/g;
const emailReplacer = "<a href='mailto:$1'>$1</a>";
return (
{faq.answer.replace(emailRegex, emailReplacer)}

Rendering "a" with optional href in React.js

I need to render a table with a link in one of the columns, and searching for a most elegant way to do it. My main problem is - not all table rows are supplied with that link. If link is present - I need that "a" tag rendered. If not - no need for "a" tag at all. Generally speaking I would like react to handle that choice (render vs not render) depending on this.state.
This is what I have at the moment.
getInitialState: function () {
return {
render: function () {
return (
<tr className="posting-list">
<input className="datepicker" type="text" value={this.state.posted}/>
<input className="datepicker" type="text" value={this.state.expires}/>
This results is DOM element :
This is not acceptable solution for me, because those blank hrefs are still clickable.
I also tried adding some logic to getInitalState(
liveUrl: ( !== "") ? : "javascript:void;",
), which worked fine, but looks weird, and adds errors in console(Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ;)
The only way I've got left is creating 2 different components for
It's just JavaScript, so you can use any logic you like, e.g.:
? <a ...>{this.state.pipeline}</a>
: this.state.pipeline}
You can choose the type of component at runtime, as well:
import * as React from "react";
const FooBar = props => {
const Component = props.href ? "a" : "div";
return (
<Component href={href}>
<FooBar>Hello</FooBar> // <div>Hello</div>
<FooBar href="/">World</FooBar> // World
Take a look at spread properties:
You could use them like this for example:
var extras = { };
if (this.state.liveUrl) { extras.href = this.state.liveUrl; }
return <a {...extras} >My link</a>;
The values are merged with directly set properties. If they're not on the object, they're excluded.

