DataCloneError: An object could not be cloned - javascript

I need to pass a Hash function by using the javascript postMessage. I'm using the browser Firefox. When I'm sending this I'm getting the below exception.
'DataCloneError: An object could not be cloned' The code which I have implemented so far is as below.
var mes = CryptoJS.SHA256(clientId + origin + sessionState);
When I'm sending a string value this works successfully. I tried to send mes.toString() but it still gives the same error. I saw several threads on this topic. But could not configure a solution. Please advice me on this.

Ensure that the mes variable contains a WordArray object after the call to CryptoJS.SHA256 by logging it into the console. It looks like the object you're trying to send via postMessage() is not what you're expecting (possibly an Error or a Function object).


403 Forbidden while sending data from JavaScript

It is neither issue of file permission nor existence of file.
While sending formData through jquery data is passing successfully, but when I try with pure javascript then it returns error POST 403(Forbidden).
It is sure that problem is generated from ckeditor content. because if I pass following parameters
var heading = document.getElementById('heading').value;
var date = document.getElementById('date').value;
And pass as follow
It returns no error, works fine.
But if I add following parameters
var content = CKEDITOR.instances.editor.getData();
And pass as follow
It returns error.
POST 403(Forbidden)
I think special characters that are inserted in textarea are the cause of problem. Because if variable content is empty there would no error. Jquery is passing data, but why forbidden issue while using javascript ? I need to pass special characters without escaping. Because I can't control ckeditor output, becuase it is user input.

"Unexpected end of JSON input" error on loading JSON file from local file system

Hi I'm trying to retrieve data from a title.JSON file into an index.html file using AJAX calls.Both these files resides in my local file system.I have created a new instance of the chrome and 've set its target property as "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"--disable-web-security --user-data-dir="c:/chromedev"(I'm aware that this is not a good practice. Just trying out a server less way).Below is my code
<h1><a id="headName" href="#">Name</a></h1>
<p onclick="spaLoad()">NameChange</p>
function spaLoad(){
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET','title.json',true);
xhr.onreadystatechange=function () {
//var obj=xhr.responseText;
var obj = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
//document.getElementById('headName').innerHTML = obj;
document.getElementById('headName').innerHTML =;
I get my h1 updated as "stackoverflow" through an ajax call along with the error
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
at JSON.parse ()
at XMLHttpRequest.xhr.onreadystatechange
Here are my doubts:
1.I hope AJAX is for the communication between the client and the server. Though I have avoided using a server by modifying the browser settings, how did the ajax call work for me?Is it logical?
2.The JSON file contains the data as objects.Then why should I use JSON.parse(responseText)?(JSON.parse() is for converting the string from server into object for client I hope).If i directly give var obj=xhr.responseText;I get undefined.
3.readystate is changing to 4, but status is always 0.Why is it so?How could I resolve it.
Please give a brief explanation of how this server less ajax call works.I'm very new to ajax and is confused with this.
It is because readystate change fires multiple times and you expect it to fire once. You would need to check for readystate to be equal to 4 and the status to be 200 (or zero in your case since you are on the file protocol). Or use the onload and onerror events instead.
And if you still get a parsing error than you need to debug what is being returned.
//see what is returned
//Look to see if you have hidden characters in the file.
Parsing errors occur either the file you are loading returns something else like an error page OR it has special hidden characters that cause the parser to choke.

JSON Reader issue: cannot access jsonData

I have a strange thing going on here: I am using a JSON reader within a store to fetch search results. After loading the store I receive data or error states (built together as a JSON, too). So in both ways I get a successfully response, so I have to check the JSON for myself to trap "error conditions". But I cannot access the jsonData property that shhould be a JSON object within the reader. Chrome tells me that:
I can access the applyDefaults though (it returns true in that case) but not the jsonData.
My code looks like this:
var result = searchStore.getProxy().getReader();
The output is "undefined". As you can see in the picture the jsonData object holds my JSON (with the isError property I wanted to access).
What I am doing wrong?
You need to think more async and think of the timing it takes for a request to return and when you are trying to get the jsonData. Instead of using console.log, set a breakpoint or use the debugger; statement so you can freeze the browser and walk through the code. You can then inspect variables and such to see what the object looks like.
Try to access your JSON data in a success callback, to make sure the data is gathered from the server.

Working with JSON via GET requests in Javascript

I've built a php API that provides data in json output, I need to get the values via a get request to then plot as a graph on the page.
The front end web component in hosted on the same server as in the api in this basic structure:
My current code in graph.php is as follows:
var myJson;
$.getJson('api/src/api.php/poll/results/current/13/', function(jd){
myJson = jd.AnswerCount.1;
document.getElementById('jsonhere').innerHTML = myJson; //just to test
The endpoint outputs data like the following:
Which I need loaded into a key-value pair array,
to then be put into the graphing library.
How do I fix my code/write new code to do this? I'm pretty stuck here.
On a hunch I logged all the get requests via wireshark, and no request is ever sent to the url in question. Even with an empty function { } ?
You can't use a number as an identifier, to access the 1 property you have to say [1] not .1
You have to use the variable containing your data, not x which hasn't been mentioned until you try to assign it somewhere
The A in Ajax stands for Asynchronous. You have to work with your data inside your callback since the function you pass to getJson won't be called until the HTTP response arrived but the line starting document.get will run as soon as the HTTP request has been sent.

Accessing JSON values with a variable

I'm trying to access JSON data with jQuery and grab a specific set of values based on a variable. I've done this before using [] but for some reason I can't figure out what is going wrong this time.
My JSON file (being read in by getJSON, and named jsonmaker.php) looks like this:
I then have a function which is essentially this:
function addAttrib(attrib) {
$.getJSON("jsonmaker.php", function(data) {
But it keeps returning undefined. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I've checked to make sure the var going to attrib is 0107001, no problems there.
Also, I know my JSON file is a php file so I could filter what's returned to match the attrib value, but I'm looking to develop something that can run purely on HTML and JS, so I could just pack the JSON file for the project and take it with me. No need for a web server w/ PHP etc.
The data access itself works for me:
var data = {"0107001":{"label":"Canada","x":"0","y":"0.34"},"0107002":{"label":"USA","x":"-0.16","y":"0.53"}};
var attrib = "0107002";
alert(data[attrib].label); // USA
Make sure that attrib remains untouched between the moment you call addAttrib() and the moment when the AJAX request completes and your anonymous callback function gets called.
Update: is this your real code? You have at least one syntax error:
function addAttrib(attrib) {
$.getJSON("jsonmaker.php", function(data) {
}); // <- Please note missing ");"
In my experience, $.getJSON() doesn't always return an object. Depending on the MIME type that the server returns along with the JSON, you might end up with a string instead of an object. Check what data contains. If it's a string, you must manually parse it using eval() (old style) or JSON.parse() (new browsers only).
try to list all properties from data, to have sure the data is being returned:
for (var p in data){
if (data.hasOwnProperty(p){
It's not your solution but with this you can know how your data is coming.

