Storing Javascript Array of Objects in Mongo DB using Mongoose - javascript

I have an array of the form [{key: ..., type: ..., value: ...}] and want to store it in the fields field in the following schema:
var articleSchema = mongoose.Schema({
name: {
type: String,
unique: true,
required: true
updated: {
type: Date,
pageviews: {
type: Number,
default: 0
fields: [{
key: String,
type: String,
value: String
image: String
I am doing this as follows, my Javascript array referenced as keyValueObj
{ name: articleName },
fields: keyValueObj
{ upsert: true },
However, all that is stored in the database in the fields field is an array of strings like this: ["[object Object]"]
How can I store my Javascript array so that it matches my mongoose schema correctly?

I was able to fix this using Molda's idea of using a separate schema.
The updated fields field in the articleSchema now looks like this:
fields: [{
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Field'
I then converted the array to an array of schema objects, like this:
keyValueObj ={
return new Field({
key: fieldObj.key,
type: fieldObj.type,
value: fieldObj.value
I was then able to store keyValueObj the was doing it in the initial code.


How to get an array element in the same index as the query in mongoose

I have the following Schema:
const PublicationSchema = mongoose.Schema({
title: {
type: String,
required: true
contentType: String,
data: Buffer,
name: String
What I'm trying to do is to get the file with the same index as the query.For example I have this object:
_id: new ObjectId("637f20ce6ce5c48d9788a1ff"),
title: 'TEST',
files: [
contentType: 'application/pdf',
name: 'imId1',
_id: new ObjectId("id1")
contentType: 'application/pdf',
name: 'imId2',
_id: new ObjectId("id2")
where if I query id2 it only retrieves:
contentType: 'application/pdf',
name: 'imId2',
_id: new ObjectId("id2")
What I was trying to use was const onePublication = await Publication.findOne({ "files._id": req.body.fileId},{}) but this retrieves every field.
I was going to just tell it to not retrieve the other field using field:0 but I realized that this will still retrieve the files in other indexes of the field.
Is there a way to tell it to only retrieve the one with the same index or should I be using another query entirely?
One of the options is to $unwind the array first. $match by your criteria. Then, $replaceRoot to get your array entry.
"$unwind": "$files"
$match: {
"files._id": "id2"
"$replaceRoot": {
"newRoot": "$files"
Mongo Playground
Consider changing your schema to store files as an individual collection, if most of the time you are going to access the array objects only.

How to insert ref objectId in nodejs?

Main Model
name: {
type: String,
trim: true,
required: true
carModels: [{
type: ObjectId,
ref: 'CarModel'
Second Model
name: {
type: String,
trim: true,
required: true
carModels: [
type: ObjectId,
ref: 'CarModel'
Third Model
name: {
type: String,
trim: true,
required: true
Here i am trying to insert the data like this
"name": "test",
"phoneNumber": "0123456789",
"email": "",
"carMakes": [{
"name": "BMW",
"carModels": [{
"_id": "some id"
and it giving me error like
carMakes.0: Cast to [ObjectId] failed for value
here is the create function
export const create = async data => {
const result = await Booking(data).save();
return result;
Can anyone tell what I am missing here ..i am learning nodejs
i think the problem is with the _id that you're passing to carModel and since you set the type to ObjectId it has to be in a valid format "either 12 byte binary string, or a 24 hex byte string" and "some id" is not the valid one if you're sending that.
you can check if your id is valid with isValidObjectId() function.
or you can easily generate an ObjectId:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var id = new mongoose.Types.ObjectId();

Mongoose populate nested element inside of multiple arrays

I have the following schema:
const userSchema = new Schema({
categories: [
name: {
type: String,
required: true
products: [
type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId,
required: false,
ref: 'Product'
I want to get all the products a user have.
I have seen more questions about this topic but I don't get it to work.
If you entered your data correctly you can do like this:
let result = await User.findById(id).populate("categories.products").lean()

How to drop index from mongodb schema using mongoose?

I'm trying to remove an index from my mongoDB collection in node.js application using mongoose. I tried using model.collection.dropIndex("username") but it gives me an error UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: MongoError: index not found with name [username].
Here is my Schema
var mongoose = require("mongoose"),
Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var userTable = new Schema({
firstname: { type: String, required: true },
lastname: { type: String, required: true },
username: { type: String },
salt: { type: String },
passwordHash: { type: String },
email: { type: String, unique: true, required: true },
sessionToken: { type: String },
dateCreated: { type: String, default: new Date().toString() },
loginHistory: [String]
module.exports = mongoose.model("userTable", userTable);
When I perform the query in mongo shell from the terminal using command db.usertable.find({}), I can see that the results still have username field. I also tried after removing the username field from schema file, but even that didn't help.
Thanks in advance.
This drops all the indexes of the collection except for the object id
to delete a certain index
first type the command
You will see something like above the in the red square is the index name .
db.collection.dropIndex( { "indexname": 1 } )
Creating an index using a unique name:
{ email: 1 },
{ unique: true,
name: '' }, // here we set index name
and then drop the index using it's name:

Pushing object into array using MongoDB syntax and SimpleSchema validation

The idea is to push an object that looks like this into a field called likes, which is an array:
movieId: "VgtyvjVUAjf8ya",
information: {
genre: "Action",
length: "160",
language: "English"
I thought this would do it:
Meteor.users.update({_id: Meteor.userId()}, {$push: {likes: {movieId: movieId, information: informationObj}}})
But either it is wrong or the validation by SimpleSchema has some issues (it doesn't complain, though) because all I get is an empty object in an array! And no, there's nothing wrong with the values themselves, I have checked.
The SimpleSchema for the field in question looks like this:
likes: {
type: [Object],
optional: true
I've tried reading through the documentation but I don't really understand what's wrong. Anyone knows?
If you don't care to validate the objects that get pushed into the likes property, you can set blackbox to true in your schema, like so:
likes: {
type: [Object],
optional: true,
blackbox: true
This will allow you to put whatever you want into a "like" object.
If you do want to validate the "like" objects, then you'll need to create some additional schemas, like so:
var likeInfoSchema = new SimpleSchema({
genre: {
type: String
length: {
type: String
language: {
type: String
var likeSchema = new SimpleSchema({
movieId: {
type: String
information: {
type: likeInfoSchema
Meteor.users.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema({
// ...
likes: {
type: [likeSchema]

