Sign Key HMAC SHA1 with Javascript - javascript

For some reason I am not able to create a signature from a private key in JS. Using this online help from google:
Example Key (fake for the purposes of the exercise)
Key: QNade5DtdJKKZbidTsrIgONupc4=
(Result) Signature: XDsiH5JAY7kJLgA1K2PWlhTdO1k=
However, my javascript code:
var keyString = 'QNade5DtdJKKZbidTsrIgONupc4=';
var urlString = encodeURIComponent('/maps/api/geocode/json?address=New+York&client=test');
// We need to decode private key to binary
var decoded_key_words = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(keyString);
var decoded_key = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(decoded_key_words);
var signature = CryptoJS.HmacSHA1(decoded_key,urlString);
// Encode binary signature to base 64
var encoded_signature = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(signature);
Gives me a signature:
I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Am I decoding base64 incorrectly?

For the record, this worked:
<script src="sha.js"></script>
var url = '/maps/api/geocode/json?address=New+York&client=test';
var key = 'QNade5DtdJKKZbidTsrIgONupc4='
var hmacObj = new jsSHA(url, 'TEXT');
var hmacOutput = hmacObj.getHMAC(key,'B64','SHA-1','B64');
Giving me:


TripleDES encryption - c# and javascript differences

I have data encrypted in c#, and need to put together a demo of how to decrypt in javascript. (Note, this is just for a demo - we will not be putting keys into client side code!)
I cannot get the settings right using Crypto-js - I've tried lots of variations, but am getting nowhere.
I cannot change the c# code, so need to get the javascript to work the same way.
Current skeleton code is as follows -
C# (encrypt)
var EncryptionKey = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("14ggh11dd3fvv4n4aabb33a3");
var IV = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("312a44de");
TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider tdes = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider();
tdes.Key = EncryptionKey;
tdes.IV = IV;
byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("test");
var ciphertext = Convert.ToBase64String(tdes.CreateEncryptor().TransformFinalBlock(buffer, 0, buffer.Length));
which generates the cipher VrB1Ih0Ll%2fQ%3d
javascript (decrypt)
function decryptByDESModeCBC(ciphertext) {
var key = '14ggh11dd3fvv4n4aabb33a3';
var iv = '312a44de'
ciphertext = decodeURIComponent(ciphertext);
var keyBytes = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(key);
var ivBytes = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(iv);
var decrypted = CryptoJS.DES.decrypt({
ciphertext: CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(ciphertext)
}, keyBytes, {
mode: CryptoJS.mode.CBC,
padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7,
return decrypted.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
function test()
Expected result is "test", but I am getting blank.
Any pointers would be great.
As answered by #Topaco in the comments
I needed to use CryptoJS.TripleDES instead of CryptoJS.DES

How to get X509Certificate thumbprint in Javascript?

I need to write a function in javascript (forge) that get a thumbnail of a pfx certificate. I created a test certificate(mypfx.pfx). By using c# X509Certificate2 library, I can see thumbprint of input certificate in X509Certificate2 object by passing file bytes array and password. Here is c# code snippet:
X509Certificate2 certificate = new X509Certificate2(byteArrayCertData, password);
var thumbprint = certificate.Thumbprint;
//thumbprint is a hex encoding SHA-1 hash
But when I am trying to do the same thing in javascript (using forge). I can't get a correct thumbprint. Here is my Javascript code:
var certi = fs.readFileSync('c:/mypfx.pfx');
let p12b64 = Buffer(certi).toString('base64');
let p12Der = forge.util.decode64(p12b64);
var outAsn1 = forge.asn1.fromDer(p12Der);
var pkcs12 = forge.pkcs12.pkcs12FromAsn1(outAsn1, false, "1234");
var fp = null;
for (var sci = 0; sci < pkcs12.safeContents.length; ++sci) {
var safeContents = pkcs12.safeContents[sci];
for (var sbi = 0; sbi < safeContents.safeBags.length; ++sbi) {
var safeBag = safeContents.safeBags[sbi];
if (safeBag.cert != undefined && safeBag.cert.publicKey != undefined) {
fp = forge.pki.getPublicKeyFingerprint(safeBag.cert.publicKey, {type: 'RSAPublicKey'});
//Is this fingerprint value I am looking for??
The result is different value compare to c# thumbprint which seems to be wrong. I tried different functions in pkcs12.js file. None of them works. It's acceptable using other JS library as long as correct thumbprint result is produced. Please help and correct any mistakes I made. Thanks!
You are comparing different data. The certificate thumbprint is not the same that the public key fingerprint.
The certificate thumbprint is a hash calculated on the entire certificate. Seems forge does not have a method, but you can calculate yourself
//SHA-1 on certificate binary data
var md =;
var digest = md.digest();
//print as HEX
var hex = digest.toHex();
To convert the forge certificate to DER (binary) you can use this
var certAsn1 = forge.pki.certificateToAsn1(cert);
var certDer = forge.asn1.toDer(certAsn1).getBytes();

Laravel and node js encryption

var key = new Buffer('laravel app ', 'base64');
var json = JSON.parse(new Buffer(password_encrypted,'base64').toString('utf8'));
var _iv = new Buffer(json.iv , 'base64');
var decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('AES-256-CBC', key, _iv);
var t = new Buffer(json.value,'base64');
var dec = decipher.update(t) +;
So i got it working with the code above. Now the problem is the output is showing additional characters.
output : "s:8:\"asd123\";\u0001"
the password is asd123
s:x seems to be the size, any idea how to remove this?
i only want to extract the password, maybe im missing some settings in crypto?

Encrypt string with Blowfish in NodeJS

I need to encrypt a string but I almost get the output I desire, I read online that it has something to do with padding and iv_vector at the end to complete for the remaining 8 bytes to be same length as txtToEncrypt.
I'm using this library
// function in Java that I need
// javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance("Blowfish/CBC/NoPadding").doFinal("spamshog")
var iv_vector = "2278dc9wf_178703";
var txtToEncrypt = "spamshog";
var bf = new Blowfish("spamshog", "cbc");
var encrypted = bf.encrypt(txtToEncrypt, iv_vector);
Actual output: /z9/n0FzBJQ=
What I need: /z9/n0FzBJRGS6nPXso5TQ==
If anyone has any clue please let me know. I searched all over Google all day.
Finally, here is how to encrypt a string in NodeJS with Blowfish
// Module crypto already included in NodeJS
var crypto = require('crypto');
var iv = "spamshog";
var key = "spamshog";
var text = "2278dc9wf_178703";
var decipher = crypto.createCipheriv('bf-cbc', key, iv);
var encrypted = decipher.update(text, 'utf-8', "base64");
encrypted +='base64');
Returns: /z9/n0FzBJRGS6nPXso5TQ==

python decrypt a text encrypted in jsencrypt

In a web form the answers (packed in a jsonstring) are encrypted in several steps. First a random key is generated. Second the random key is used for AES encryption of the jsonstring. The random key is encrypted as well. Both are send in the body of a mail.
// Generate Random key
var rand_key = ('0000' + Math.random().toString(36).replace('.', '')).substr(-10);
console.log('rand_key', rand_key)
//var pubkey = "MFwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADSwAwSAJBALDjeFwFNhMCjMwcRVVKG1VvfsntEVPR3lNTujJnNk1+iSqZ4Tl5Lwq9GbwO+qlYVwXHNmeqG7rkEhL9uyDIZVECAwEAAQ=="
// rsa_key_public07012016.bin
//var pubkey = "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCv8FVei4Q2ehmYsSCv/uODSojIOGHwfQe686S1cEH5i/1mGME5ZzNqyy0d+lhMRD0tr7Sje7JoCEC/XRIZaiKJjpl1+3RXotf/Cx3bd9H7WtitshZB1m38ZZFsrX4oigMpUPFbCefMeBS4hvvNnmtl08lQGhfIXdXeflZsgWRHtQIDAQAB";
// my_pub_key.pem
var pubkey ="MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA38gtENP9/hpirSCIsPh6CAVm0UmME4XBlPyK8yhwk079EUJpNzlEhu9HKcA/B7Fxo2lNoY9Tb9e+PYtJ6+VOB4+Y6zgGMX7cchYmumKRTbbQ6FNfBE5Q8XnOAUlgC7gNrs0e5lW7JH1kWlK+eTT4TANT7F3US09aXmym+fZaRInbXmJujGnDIbRIIbzr5FE82EeMpw2TqRWV466wz5EeFWSSQ8EqV1pSox8B1ywb6cnB/Vofs2qR9Zf2efi9TMcSGm/ij/p9IZcbLeep9qfGsv29lbLNMfwNwQyH0JU27eAM4tPdirceZPxfD6iiILmKzN253BMoAeQCp6us53CnGQIDAQAB"
// Make form_data a JSON string
var jsonstring = JSON.stringify(form_data);
// Create AES encrypted object
var aes_encrypted_json = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(jsonstring, rand_key);
// Encrypt rand_key
var encrypt = new JSEncrypt();
//console.log('encrypt obj', encrypt);
var encrypted_rand_key = encrypt.encrypt(rand_key);
//var encrypted = encrypt.encrypt(jsonstring);
console.log('encypted', encrypted_rand_key);
var mail_body = encrypted_rand_key + aes_encrypted_json
console.log('body', mail_body)
var mailto_string = "" + encodeURIComponent(mail_body);
$('#mailtosend').attr('href', mailto_string);
At the recipient mail server side I want to decrypt the random generated key and the jsonstring using a private key using the pycryptodome package.
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_v1_5
from base64 import *
def decrypt(key, text):
if type(key) == str:
key = key.encode()
if type(text) == str:
text = text.encode()
rsakey = RSA.importKey(key)
rsakey =
d = rsakey.decrypt(text, 'bolloux')
return d
# rand_key am2mhiwwmi
text = "ZvcrluUmZLY3lRRw01W9mQnhMn7zzpIWn1Bo3csM/ZZ0pWY/8H2dCB9fZDi9/cmp0UtIqDXhLd7SIwyxqrFgPcHUuEHlZl0WQcjSty8PjadG2Abulk1XqEQV4u0Gb/bFGDBMcf5tV1G0d4FFcBPE8r8inrxUjSj2CSffVL8gIGq3ZfY5g7t5FOZV8npBCEONgOLKYnzIiHrHUuXWsOaMAqxMFOLd5DTDLKAkyMybDClsLW9ka+CvWd5fnZBCvO2ziehFp7b9PG4QPSnQpdC8jNLGZB2h0FI8YQD6IyUwmVluUbAlPMqwd6A2CBdGCbfbMChaA5R7bJgKkYhPOQTjaQ=="
text = b64decode(text.encode())
with open('my_priv_key.pem', 'rb') as f:
key =
decrypt(key, text)
I run into a encoding problem. "UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xf7 in position 1: ordinal not in range(128)" The encoding is complicating the issue beyond my capabilities.
My questions:
1. How can I resolve the encoding problem ?
2. How can I make the decryption work ?
The issue is more than likely caused by b64decode(text) returning a str that contains values such as \xf7 and then attempting to .encode() those values within your decrypt function. encode will use the default encoding which in this case is ascii. I would personally remove the calls to encode unless you specifically have a reason you are doing so.

