Toggle only this item - javascript

i've a problem to toggle only (this) 1 'card'
var div = $('.comments');
$(div, this).slideToggle('slow');
<!-- This is a example code -->
<div class="mainclass">
<div class="select">
<ul class="comments">
<!-- Content -->
<div class="mainclass">
<div class="select">
<ul class="comments">
<!-- Content -->
When I clicked at 'toggle_comments', toggle all '.comments' classes, not only that, I have clicked. Anyone have any ideas?
Sorry for my bad english.
I hope you understand what I mean - Thanks :-)

If you want to toggle only the .comments under the <section> tag your link is in, do this:
// find the closest section tag (parent) and find all child `.comments`
var $comments = $(this).closest('section').find('.comments');
If you want to toggle all .comments:


Add and remove class on multiple element when clicked

I have the below as an example of what I'm working on; I'm trying to add a class to two elements when one of the elements is clicked.
<div id="main">
<div id="section1">
- contents here -
<div id="section2">
- contents here -
<div id="section3">
- contents here -
<div class="plans-group">
<div class="plans-columns plans-type-1">
<div class="plans-col plans-left plans-heading">Heading</div>
<div class="plans-col plans-right">
<div class="select-plan select-gold">Gold</div>
<!-- end plans-right -->
<!-- end plans-columns -->
<div class="plans-columns plans-type-2">
<div class="plans-col plans-left plans-heading">Heading</div>
<div class="plans-col plans-right">
<div class="select-plan select-silver">Silver</div>
<!-- end plans-right -->
<!-- end plans-columns -->
<div class="plans-columns plans-type-3">
<div class="plans-col plans-left plans-heading">Heading</div>
<div class="plans-col plans-right">
<div class="select-plan select-bronze">Bronze</div>
<!-- end plans-right -->
<!-- end plans-columns -->
<!-- end plans-group -->
<!-- end main -->
#1): DIV with class "select-plan"
When div with class "select-plan" is clicked, add class "clicked" to that div. When it's clicked again, remove the added class.
#2): DIV with id "main"
When "select-plan" is clicked (as explained above) also add class to the container div with id "main". And remove the added class when "select-plan" is clicked again.
This is where I have a problem because different classes have to be added to "main". For example:
When "select-gold" is clicked, add class "gold-selected" to "main"
When "select-silver" is clicked, add class "silver-selected" to "main"
When "select-bronze" is clicked, add class "bronze-selected" to "main"
I don't want previously clicked div to have its added class removed because another div is clicked. The added class should only be removed when that same div is clicked for the second time and so on...
Also, I might have up to 8 or more plans. The solution should not be limited to the 3 plans (Gold, Silver, and Bronze). I should have the ability to create more plans.
I really appreciate everyone's help with this.
Thanks in advance.
let selectPlan = document.querySelectorAll('.select-plan');
let mainDiv = document.getElementById('main');
selectPlan.forEach(el =>{
}else if('select-silver')){
let main = document.getElementById("main");
let select = document.querySelector(".select-plan");
let selectG = document.getElementsByName("gold");
let selectS = document.getElementsByName("silver");
let selectB = document.getElementsByName("bronze");
function toggleGold() {
if (main.classList.contains('gold-select')) {
} else {
//You can add same function for silver and bronze
document.querySelector(".select-gold").addEventListener("click", toggleGold);
document.querySelector(".select-silver").addEventListener("click", toggleSilver);
document.querySelector(".select-bronze").addEventListener("click", toggleBronze)
<script src=""></script>
<div name="gold" class="select-plan select-gold">Gold</div>
<div name="silver" class="select-plan select-silver">Silver</div>
<div name="bronze" class="select-plan select-bronze">Bronze</div>

How do I hide a section when I show a different section?

Basically I want one section to be shown at first as the home page. When I click on a link, I want that section to be shown, but everything else hidden, and so on. Every time I click a link, I only want the clicked on link's section to be shown.
I am close, but stuck. Here is my HTML:
About Me
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="container about showing">
<h2>About Me</h2>
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="container about showing">
And here is my script:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#contact').on('click', function(e) {
if ($('div').hasClass('showing')) {
} else {
So it shows the 'About Me' section right away and everything else is hidden. When I click the 'Contact' link it removes the 'showing' class from all my 'div's and adds the 'showing' class to my contact section. I then check to see if the 'div' has the 'showing' class, if it does I have it show the 'div' otherwise I want it to hide it.
However, when I click on the Contact link, it does show the Contact section, but it does not hide the About Me section. I know this is a long post, I am just trying to make sure I explain everything correctly. Any help is greatly appreciated!
I would strongly suggest you use data fields and common classes to make it generic.
var $pages = $('.container');
$('.menu').on('click', function(e){
//remove showing from all containers
//put it on the container with the matching class of the data target
$pages.filter('.'+ $('target')).addClass('showing');
.container {
display: none;
.container.showing {
display: unset;
<script src=""></script>
About Me
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="container home showing">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="container about">
<h2>About Me</h2>
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="container contact">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="container other">
Here's a few things you can optimize:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.about, .contact').hide(); //put both of them in single selector
$('.showing').show(); //this shows the only element that has "showing
$('#contact, #about').on('click', function(e) {
var self = $(this); //reference to the object being clicked
var target = $("." + self.attr('id'));
//removes "showing" class from all others and hides them
//adds "showing" class to the new current item
<script src=""></script>
About Me
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="container about showing">
<h2>About Me</h2>
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="container contact"> <!--you don't want that "showing" class here!-->

I am trying to make a div disappear on click and make another div appear in its place I have wrote and run code using javascript;

document.getElementById("nextOneButton").onclick = function(){
//mainFrameTwo is initially set hidden in terms of visibillity
//nextOneButton is on top of the mainFrameOne in terms of position, when //clicked it should move to next frame. Some what like a slide show
Really you need a button so you can bind your function to the onclick event. Here is a possible solution:
function myFunction() {
<div id="mainFrameOne">
<div id="mainFrameTwo" style="display:none;">
<button onclick="myFunction()">Click me</button>
Alternatively, you could use anchor tags to remove the need for the button:
function myFunction() {
<a id="mainFrameOne" onclick="myFunction()" href="#">
<a id="mainFrameTwo" href="#" style="display:none;">
<div id ="activeContent" >
<img src="person.gif" id ="person" width="1350" height ="900">
<div id ="backOneButton"> <h4 class ="directionButtonsText"> Back </h4> </div>
<div id ="nextOneButton"> <h4 class ="directionButtonsText"> Next </h4> </div>
<div id = "mainFrameOneTitleBar">
<h3 id ="jakesLemonade">Jake's Lemonade Stand</h3>
</div> <!-- End of MainFrameTitleBar -->
<h3 id = "firstTextJake"> This is Jake, the owner of a small lemonade stand.<br> Like many other small business owners, Jake wants to know <br>what the future holds for him. CloudFin can tell him exactly that. </h3>
</div> <!-- End of MainFrameOne Div-->
<div id ="mainFrameTwo">
<div id ="backTwoButton"> <h4 class ="directionButtonsText"> Back </h4> </div>
<div id ="nextTwoButton"> <h4 class ="directionButtonsText"> Next </h4> </div>
<div id = "mainFrameTwoTitleBar">
<h3 id ="lemsLemons">When life gives you lemons, Make lemonade</h3>
<script type="text/javascript">
</div> <!-- End of MainFrameTitleBar -->
<h3 id = "secondTextJake"> How much does each lemon cost?</h3>
</div> <!-- End of MainFrameTwo -->
</div> <!-- End of ActiveContent Div -->
If something is not working you can consider using addEventListener.
document.getElementById('button').addEventListener('click', changeVisibility(), null);
function changeVisibility()
document.getElementById('divToHide').style.display = "none";
document.getElementById('divToShow').style.display = "block";

Hide certain xml using Javascript

Anyway to display some li tags while hiding some using Javascript? I'm sorry if my question doesn't make sense.
Let me write my codes here.
<background>Background of Milk</background>
<recipes>Recipes using Milk</recipes>
<background>Background of Tree</background>
<recipes>NIL</recipes> or Not Applicable
var wordsName, wordsBG, wordsRecipes, wordsCurrent;
var wordsArray = new Array();
$(xml).find('words').each(function() { //find <words> in words.xml
wordName = $(this).find('name').text();
wordBG = $(this).find('background').text();
wordRecipes = $(this).find('recipes').text();
threatsArray.push({threatsName:threatsName, threatsBG:threatsBG, threatsCases:threatsCases});
$('#threats li').click(function(){ //li
wordsCurrent = $(this).index()
$('#description h1').text(threatsArray[wordsCurrent].threatsName);
var backgroundInformation = wordsArray[wordsCurrent].wordsBG;
backgroundInformation = backgroundInformation.split("\\n"); //to clear the line
$('#backgroundInfo').empty(); //empty the things inside
for (x in backgroundInformation) { //starts from zero and go to the last object
$('#backgroundInfo').append(backgroundInformation[x]+ '<br />');
} //for loop CLOSE
var recipesInformation = wordsArray[wordsCurrent].wordsRecipes;
recipesInformation = recipesInformation("\\n"); //to clear the line
$('#recipesInfo').empty(); //empty the things inside
for (x in recipesInformation) { //starts from zero and go to the last object
$('#recipesInfo').append(recipesInformation[x]+ '<br />');
} //for loop CLOSE
Lastly, my HTML
<div data-role="page" id="menu">
<div data-role="header">
<h1>Home Page</h1>
<div data-role="content">
<ul data-role="listview">
<h3>Not Available</h3> <!--Not Available-->
<div data-role="content"> <!--Start of DESCRIPTION content-->
<ul data-role="listview" id="informationList">
</div> <!--End of DESCRIPTION content-->
</div> <!--End of DESCRIPTION-->
<div data-role="page" id="background"> <!--Start of BACKGROUND-->
<div data-role="header">
<div data-role="content"> <!--Start of BACKGROUND content-->
<p id="backgroundInfo">Not Available</p>
</div> <!--End of BACKGROUND content-->
</div> <!--End of BACKGROUND-->
<div data-role="page" id="recipes"> <!--Start of RECIPES-->
<div data-role="header">
<div data-role="content"> <!--Start of RECIPES content-->
<p id="recipesInfo"> Recipes</p>
</div> <!--End of RECIPES content-->
</div> <!--End of RECIPES-->
As the information above, the second element in the Array, Tree, does not have any information for recipe tab, how can I prompt the page when user clicks into Tree, recipe li will hides itself?
Many thanks. It's the first time I am sending a question.
Welcome to StackOverflow! You seem to be parsing XML and generating HTML dynamically using JavaScript. In your case, maybe the easiest way is to detect the condition during parsing and add a "class" attribute to your <li> nodes. Then define the style class somewhere in your CSS, like this:
<li class="no-recipe">blah blah blah</li>
<style> {
Not sure what you're aiming for exactly, but a declarative approach is almost always better than a dynamic approach (using JavaScript).

Using JQuery hashtags to fade in & fade out content of a certain div

*EDIT: Here's a link to a staging version of the site: *
I am extremely new to jquery so I apologize if this question is extremely simple. What I'm trying to do on my website is first when the page is loaded have the content in my #topContent div fade in.
But along with this I'd also like my main navigation to use jquery hashtags to switch up the page content displayed in the #topContent div. I've read up a bit on how to do this in jquery and from what I've read I think I need create page sections within my main html doc that are hidden until a certain nav link is selected - then hide the content that is currently showing and show the content associated with the nav link that was just selected, how close am I?
Here's my attempt so far at doing this...
<nav id="headerNav">
<ul class="navList">
<li class="navItem">Products</li>
<li id="view-about" class="navItem">About</li>
<li class="navItem">Portfolio</li>
<li class="navItem">Contact</li>
<!-- topMain -->
<div id="topContentWrapper">
<div id="topContent">
<div id="#products">
<h2>Test worked! - products </h2>
<p>this test just worked sooo hard!</p>
<div id="#about">
<h2>Test worked! - about </h2>
<p>this test just worked sooo hard!</p>
<div id="#portfolio">
<h2>Test worked! - Portfolio </h2>
<p>this test just worked sooo hard!</p>
// Fade In Effect
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#topContent").css("display", "none");
linkLocation = this.href;
function redirectPage() {
window.location = linkLocation;
Ok, this code should work:
$last = null;
$(".navList li a").click(function(){
if ($last != null) $last.fadeOut(1000);
$last = $($(this).attr("href"));
However, you will need to change your topContent to this:
<div id="topContent">
<div id="products" style="display: none;">
<h2>Test worked! - products </h2>
<p>this test just worked sooo hard!</p>
<div id="about" style="display: none;">
<h2>Test worked! - about </h2>
<p>this test just worked sooo hard!</p>
<div id="portfolio" style="display: none;">
<h2>Test worked! - Portfolio </h2>
<p>this test just worked sooo hard!</p>
Firstly, you need your ids to be like this: id="about" and not this: id="#about".
The id specified doesn't need a # in front of it. (Same as how class doesn't need a . when setting a tag with it)
The jQuery code I tested locally, so it should work.
You may want to automatically have some different content automatically displayed, because right now as it loads it is blank until you click one of the links.
Hope this helped!
I suggest you change the code to this:
ids = [ "products", "about", "portfolio" ];
links = [ "Products", "About", "Portfolio" ];
$last = null;
$(".navList li a").click(function(){
New = "#" + ids[links.indexOf($(this).text())];
if ($last != null) $last.fadeOut(1000);
$last = $(New);
Because it will keep all the content constantly in the same place. For this to work, you'll need to change two more sections of your code:
<ul class="navList">
<li class="navItem">Products</li>
<li id="view-about" class="navItem">About</li>
<li class="navItem">Portfolio</li>
<li class="navItem">Contact</li>
<div id="topContent">
<div id="products" style="display: none; position: absolute">
<h2>Test worked! - products </h2>
<p>this test just worked sooo hard!</p>
<div id="about" style="display: none; position: absolute">
<h2>Test worked! - about </h2>
<p>this test just worked sooo hard!</p>
<div id="portfolio" style="display: none; position: absolute">
<h2>Test worked! - Portfolio </h2>
<p>this test just worked sooo hard!</p>
That last part was just my suggestion, but do whatever you need to.
Instead of doing this in your a.transition handler:
The issue is that you're actually fading out the higher level item thus the children are no longer visible even if you fade them in.

