make a string alphabetical order using only javascript - javascript

I want to make a string in alphabet order using javascript.
example, if string is "bobby bca" then it must be "abbbbcoy" but I want it in a function - take not that I dont want spaces to be there just alphabet order.
I'm new to javascript here is what I have already:
function make Alphabet(str) {
var arr = str.split(''),
alpha = arr.sort();
return alpha.join('');
console.log(Alphabet("dryhczwa test hello"));

There are a few things wrong with this code as the comments under your post mentioned.
the function name is incorrect, it has to be one word as well as the same as when you calling it to actually use the function.
once that is out the way then your code is correct and actually makes things alphabetical
About the spaces you want removed then you can use regex inside the function to remove the spaces and make it output just the characters in alphabetical order like this:
function makeAlphabet(str) {
var arr = str.split(''),
alpha = arr.sort().join('').replace(/\s+/g, '');
return alpha;
console.log(makeAlphabet("dryhczwa test hello"));
Other than that this is what I could make of your question
This is updated based on the comment and here is the fiddle:

you start from a string like
var str ='dryhczwa test hello';
create an array from this
var arr = str.split(' ');
then you sort it (alphabetically)
var array = arr.sort();
and you join it back together
var str2 = array.join(' ');

Your function name cannot have spaces;
function makeAlphabet(str) {
return str.split('').sort().join('');
Plus, this won't remove spaces, so your example
console.log(makeAlphabet("dryhczwa test hello"));
Will return ' acdeehhllorsttwyz'.

The function:
function makeAlphabet(str) {
var arr = str.split('');
return arr.join('').trim();
An example call:
console.log(makeAlphabet("dryhczwa test hello"));
// returns "acdeehhllorsttwyz"
Line 1 of makeAlphabet converts the string into an array, with each character beeing one array element.
Line 2 sorts the array in alphabetic order.
Line 3 converted the array elements back to a string and thereby removes all whitespace characters.


Regex matching comma delimited strings

Given any of the following strings, where operator and value are just placeholders:
"operator1(value), operator2(value)"
"operator1(value), operator2(value), operator_n(value)"
I need to be able to match so i can get each operator and it's value as follows:
[[operator1, value]]
[[operator1, value], [operator2, value]]
[[operator1, value], [operator2, value], [operator_n, value]]
Please Note: There could be n number of operators (comma delimited) in the given string.
My current attempt will match on operator1(value) but nothing with multiple operators. See regex101 for the results.
You should be able to do this with a single regex using the global flag.
var re= /(?:,\s*)?([^(]+?)\(([^)]+)\)/g;
var results = re.exec(str);
See the result at Regex 101:
Here's a pure regex answer to this question, this will work so long as your variables are always separated by a , and a space, should traverse through lines without much issue
([^\(]*)(\([^, ]*\))(?:, )?(?:\n)?
Matches on:
operator1(value), operator2(value), operator_n(value),
operator1(value), operator2(value)
So, this sets up 2 capture groups and 2 non-capture groups.
The first capture group will match a value name until a parenthesis (by using a negated set and greedy). The second capture group will grab the parenthesis and the value name until the end of the parenthesis are found (note you can get rid of the parenthesis by escaping the outer set of parenthesis rather than the inner (Example here: There's an optional ", " in a non capturing group, and an optional "\n" in another non-capturing group to handle any newline characters that you may happen across.
This should break your data out into:
For as many as there are.
You can do this by first splitting then using a regular expression:
"operator1(value), operator2(value)",
"operator1(value), operator2(value), operator_n(value)"
var results = str
.split(/[,\s]+/) // split operations
.map(s=>s.match(/(\w+)\((\w+)\)/)) // extracts parts of the operations
.filter(Boolean) // ensure there's no error (in case of impure entries)
.map(s=>s.slice(1)); // make the desired result
The following function "check" will achieve what you are looking for, if you want a string instead of an array of result, simply use the .toString() method on the array returned from the function.
function check(str) {
var myRe = /([^(,\s]*)\(([^)]*)\)/g;
var myArray;
var result = [];
while ((myArray = myRe.exec(str)) !== null) {
result.push(`[${myArray[1]}, ${myArray[2]}]`);
return result;
var check1 = check("operator1(value)");
console.log("check1", check1);
var check2 = check("operator1(value), operator2(value)");
console.log("check2", check2);
var check3 = check("operator1(value), operator2(value), operator_n(value)");
console.log("check3", check3);
This can also be done with a simple split and a for loop.
var data = "operator1(value), operator2(value), operator_n(value)",
ops = data.substring(0, data.length - 1), // Remove the last parenth from the string
arr = ops.split(/\(|\), /),
res = [], n, eN = arr.length;
for (n = 0; n < eN; n += 2) {
res.push([arr[n], arr[n + 1]]);
The code creates a flattened array from a string, and then nests arrays of "operator"/"value" pairs to the result array. Works for older browsers too.

how can i replace first two characters of a string in javascript?

lets suppose i have string
var string = "$-20455.00"
I am trying to swap first two characters of a string. I was thinking to split it and make an array and then replacing it, but is there any other way? Also, I am not clear how can I achieve it using arrays? if I have to use arrays.
var string = "-$20455.00"
How can I achieve this?
You can use the replace function in Javascript.
var string = "$-20455.00"
string = string.replace(/^.{2}/g, 'rr');
Here is jsfiddle:
You dont have to use arrays. Just do this
string[1] + string[0] + string.slice(2)
You can split to an array, and then reverse the first two characters and join the pieces together again
var string = "$-20455.00";
var arr = string.split('');
var result = arr.slice(0,2).reverse().concat(arr.slice(2)).join('');
document.body.innerHTML = result;
try using the "slice" method and string concatenation:
stringpart1 = '' //fill in whatever you want to replace the first two characters of the first string with here
string2 = stringpart1 + string.slice(1)
edit: I now see what you meant by "swap". I thought you meant "swap in something else". Vlad's answer is best to just switch the first and the second character.
Note that string[0] refers to the first character in the string, and string[1] to the second character, and so on, because code starts counting at 0.
var string = "$-20455.00";
// Reverse first two characters
var reverse = string.slice(0,2).split('').reverse().join('');
// Concat again with renaming string
var result= reverse.concat(string.slice(2));
document.body.innerHTML = result;
let finalStr = string[1] + string[0] + string.slice(2); //this will give you the result

How to remove the last matched regex pattern in javascript

I have a text which goes like this...
var string = '~a=123~b=234~c=345~b=456'
I need to extract the string such that it splits into
That is, I need to split the string with /b=.*/ pattern but it should match the last found pattern. How to achieve this using RegEx?
Note: The numbers present after the equal is randomly generated.
The above one was just an example. I did not make the question clear I guess.
Generalized String being...
All have random length and all wordi are alphabets, the whole string length is not fixed. the only text known would be <word2>. Hence I needed RegEx for it and pattern being /<word2>=.*/
This doesn't sound like a job for regexen considering that you want to extract a specific piece. Instead, you can just use lastIndexOf to split the string in two:
var lio = str.lastIndexOf('b=');
var arr = [];
var arr[0] = str.substr(0, lio);
var arr[1] = str.substr(lio);
I don't think I'd personally use a regex for this type of problem, but you can extract the last option pair with a regex like this:
var str = '~a=123~b=234~c=345~b=456';
var matches = str.match(/^(.*)~([^=]+=[^=]+)$/);
// matches[1] = "~a=123~b=234~c=345"
// matches[2] = "b=456"
Assuming the format is (~, alphanumeric name, =, and numbers) repeated arbitrary number of times. The most important assumption here is that ~ appear once for each name-value pair, and it doesn't appear in the name.
You can remove the last token by a simple replacement:
str.replace(/(.*)~.*/, '$1')
This works by using the greedy property of * to force it to match the last ~ in the input.
This can also be achieved with lastIndexOf, since you only need to know the index of the last ~:
str.substring(0, (str.lastIndexOf('~') + 1 || str.length() + 1) - 1)
(Well, I don't know if the code above is good JS or not... I would rather write in a few lines. The above is just for showing one-liner solution).
A RegExp that will give a result that you may could use is:
// ["a=123", "b=234", "c=345", "b=456"]
But in your case the simplest solution is to split the string before extract the content:
var results = string.split('~'); // ["", "a=123", "b=234", "c=345", "b=456"]
Now will be easy to extract the key and result to add to an object:
var myObj = {};
results.forEach(function (item) {
if(item) {
var r = item.split('=');
if (!myObj[r[0]]) {
myObj[r[0]] = [r[1]];
} else {
a: ["123"]
b: ["234", "456"]
c: ["345"]
will get it done in one match, but if there are duplicate entries it will go to the first. Performance also isn't great and if you string.replace it will destroy all duplicates. It would pass your example, but against '~a=123~b=234~c=345~b=234' it would go to the first 'b=234'.
will run a lot faster, but it requires another step because the match comes out in a group:
var re = /.*(~b=[^~]*)/.exec(string);
var result = re[1]; //~b=234
var array = string.split(re[1]);
This method will also have the with exact duplicates. Another option is:
var regex = /.*(~b=[^~]*)/g;
var re = regex.exec(string);
var result = re[1];
// if you want an array from either side of the string:
var array = [string.slice(0, regex.lastIndex - re[1].length - 1), string.slice(regex.lastIndex, string.length)];
This actually finds the exact location of the last match and removes it regex.lastIndex - re[1].length - 1 is my guess for the index to remove the ellipsis from the leading side, but I didn't test it so it might be off by 1.

Remove leading comma from a string

I have the following string:
",'first string','more','even more'"
I want to transform this into an Array but obviously this is not valid due to the first comma. How can I remove the first comma from my string and make it a valid Array?
I’d like to end up with something like this:
myArray = ['first string','more','even more']
To remove the first character you would use:
var myOriginalString = ",'first string','more','even more'";
var myString = myOriginalString.substring(1);
I'm not sure this will be the result you're looking for though because you will still need to split it to create an array with it. Maybe something like:
var myString = myOriginalString.substring(1);
var myArray = myString.split(',');
Keep in mind, the ' character will be a part of each string in the split here.
In this specific case (there is always a single character at the start you want to remove) you'll want:
However, if you want to be able to detect if the comma is there and remove it if it is, then something like:
if (str[0] == ',') {
str = str.substring(1);
str = str.replace(/^,/, '');
I'll be back.
var s = ",'first string','more','even more'";
var array = s.split(',').slice(1);
That's assuming the string you begin with is in fact a String, like you said, and not an Array of strings.
Assuming the string is called myStr:
// Strip start and end quotation mark and possible initial comma
// Split stripping quotations
Note that if a string can be missing in the list without even having its quotation marks present and you want an empty spot in the corresponding location in the array, you'll need to write the splitting manually for a robust solution.
var s = ",'first string','more','even more'";
s.split(/'?,'?/).filter(function(v) { return v; });
Results in:
["first string", "more", "even more'"]
First split with commas possibly surrounded by single quotes,
then filter the non-truthy (empty) parts out.
To turn a string into an array I usually use split()
> var s = ",'first string','more','even more'"
> s.split("','")
[",'first string", "more", "even more'"]
This is almost what you want. Now you just have to strip the first two and the last character:
> s.slice(2, s.length-1)
"first string','more','even more"
> s.slice(2, s.length-2).split("','");
["first string", "more", "even more"]
To extract a substring from a string I usually use slice() but substr() and substring() also do the job.
I like to keep stuff simple.
You can use directly replace function on javascript with regex or define a help function as in php ltrim(left) and rtrim(right):
1) With replace:
var myArray = ",'first string','more','even more'".replace(/^\s+/, '').split(/'?,?'/);
2) Help functions:
if (!String.prototype.ltrim) String.prototype.ltrim = function() {
return this.replace(/^\s+/, '');
if (!String.prototype.rtrim) String.prototype.rtrim = function() {
return this.replace(/\s+$/, '');
var myArray = ",'first string','more','even more'".ltrim().split(/'?,?'/).filter(function(el) {return el.length != 0});;
You can do and other things to add parameter to the help function with what you want to replace the char, etc.
this will remove the trailing commas and spaces
var str = ",'first string','more','even more'";
var trim = str.replace(/(^\s*,)|(,\s*$)/g, '');
remove leading or trailing characters:
function trimLeadingTrailing(inputStr, toRemove) {
// use a regex to match toRemove at the start (^)
// and at the end ($) of inputStr
const re = new Regex(`/^${toRemove}|{toRemove}$/`);
return inputStr.replace(re, '');

How to extract a string using JavaScript Regex?

I'm trying to extract a substring from a file with JavaScript Regex. Here is a slice from the file :
SUMMARY:Dad's birthday
the field I want to extract is "Summary". Here is the approach:
extractSummary : function(iCalContent) {
input : iCal file content
return : Event summary
var arr = iCalContent.match(/^SUMMARY\:(.)*$/g);
function extractSummary(iCalContent) {
var rx = /\nSUMMARY:(.*)\n/g;
var arr = rx.exec(iCalContent);
return arr[1];
You need these changes:
Put the * inside the parenthesis as
suggested above. Otherwise your matching
group will contain only one
Get rid of the ^ and $. With the global option they match on start and end of the full string, rather than on start and end of lines. Match on explicit newlines instead.
I suppose you want the matching group (what's
inside the parenthesis) rather than
the full array? arr[0] is
the full match ("\nSUMMARY:...") and
the next indexes contain the group
String.match(regexp) is
supposed to return an array with the
matches. In my browser it doesn't (Safari on Mac returns only the full
match, not the groups), but
Regexp.exec(string) works.
You need to use the m flag:
multiline; treat beginning and end characters (^ and $) as working
over multiple lines (i.e., match the beginning or end of each line
(delimited by \n or \r), not only the very beginning or end of the
whole input string)
Also put the * in the right place:
"DATE:20091201T220000\r\nSUMMARY:Dad's birthday".match(/^SUMMARY\:(.*)$/gm);
//------------------------------------------------------------------^ ^
Your regular expression most likely wants to be
A helpful little trick I like to use is to default assign on match with an array.
var arr = iCalContent.match(/\nSUMMARY:(.*)$/g) || [""]; //could also use null for empty value
return arr[0];
This way you don't get annoying type errors when you go to use arr
This code works:
let str = "governance[string_i_want]";
let res = str.match(/[^governance\[](.*)[^\]]/g);
res will equal "string_i_want". However, in this example res is still an array, so do not treat res like a string.
By grouping the characters I do not want, using [^string], and matching on what is between the brackets, the code extracts the string I want!
You can try it out here:
Good luck.
(.*) instead of (.)* would be a start. The latter will only capture the last character on the line.
Also, no need to escape the :.
You should use this :
var arr = iCalContent.match(/^SUMMARY\:(.)*$/g);
this is how you can parse iCal files with javascript
function calParse(str) {
function parse() {
var obj = {};
while(str.length) {
var p = str.shift().split(":");
var k = p.shift(), p = p.join();
switch(k) {
case "BEGIN":
obj[p] = parse();
case "END":
return obj;
obj[k] = p;
return obj;
str = str.replace(/\n /g, " ").split("\n");
return parse().VCALENDAR;
example =
'PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN\n'+
'SUMMARY:Bastille Day Party\n'+
cal = calParse(example);

