Understanding Express routing in conjunction with AngularJS (using mean.js boilerplate) - javascript

I am developing a web application with the mean.js boilerplate code. Recently I added a view to my application (the 'analysis' page) by creating an analysis module and added some route logic with the following code.
//Setting up route
function($stateProvider) {
// Projects state routing
state('imageAnalysis', {
url: '/image_analysis',
templateUrl: 'modules/analysis/views/tools.client.view.html'
This works just dandy, I can go to homepage.com/image_analysis and see my tools.client.view.html page. My goal now is to have this page only visible to user who are logged in. My first approach to this was to check if the user was logged in the angular routes logic, this has proven to be difficult for me. I also read that check authentication in the front end is very unsafe. So I've decided to check if the user is logged in with Express routing.
Here is an example of what Express routing looks like for one of my other AngularJS modules
module.exports = function(app) {
var users = require('../../app/controllers/users.server.controller');
var projects = require('../../app/controllers/projects.server.controller');
// Projects Routes
.get(users.requiresLogin, projects.list)
.post(users.requiresLogin, projects.create);
.get(users.requiresLogin, projects.read)
.put(users.requiresLogin, projects.hasAuthorization, projects.update)
.delete(users.requiresLogin, projects.hasAuthorization, projects.delete);
// Finish by binding the Project middleware
app.param('projectId', projects.projectByID);
Notice the users.requiresLogin function which check if a user is logged in and redirects the user to the signin page if they are not. I want to take advantage of this function. Some things I dont quite understand in the boilerplate code are what is the purpose of app.route()? I think this might be a middleware but I am not sure what it does.
Here are some attempts I've take taken at messing around with express routing. These attempts are in my analysis.server.routes.js file that I created.
Attempt 1
module.exports = function(app) {
var users = require('../../app/controllers/users.server.controller');
// analysis routes
app.get('/image_analysis', function(req, res) {
I thought this would log 'helloworld' when I access the image_analysis page, but it didnt appear to do anything.
Attempt 2
module.exports = function(app) {
var users = require('../../app/controllers/users.server.controller');
// analysis routes
Based on the other code, I thought this might work to require login for the analysis page. But it did nothing.
Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks everyone, I am struggling to grasp express routing at the moment and stackoverflow has been a tremendous help.

I don't have a solution, or not at least at this moment that I could think of.
However I can explain to you how things work and why a solution might not be trivial.
what is the purpose of app.route()
This defines your routes.
.get(users.requiresLogin, projects.read)
.put(users.requiresLogin, projects.hasAuthorization, projects.update)
.delete(users.requiresLogin, projects.hasAuthorization, projects.delete);
What that code does is when a client requests a URL like one of the following
GET /projects/5562ff08de4f70180bba3083
PUT /projects/5562ff08de4f70180bba3083
DELETE /projects/5562ff08de4f70180bba3083
it first executes that middleware function users.requiresLogin,
which is defined to be common in all methods (.get .put .delete)
and then their respective middlewares in that order
projects.read | projects.hasAuthorization ...
On how Angluar routing works in contrast to Express routing:
Angluar routing is all done client-side. It's all achieved through Javascript
changing the addressbar url and displaying the view attached to that route.
Your Angular app is served by the server through a single (Express) route - / (homepage)
So again, your entire Angular app loads thorough just 1 route on the server-side,
and then Angular takes over the routing to client-side through it's own ui-router.
Now it must be starting to seem obvious that it's not trivial to have server-side authentication check
interfere between client-side routing.
You can only have server-side authentication work with routes that server actually is in control of serving.
Those are mostly just your API routes, in your case.
Attempt 1
app.get('/image_analysis', function(req, res) {
I thought this would log 'helloworld' when I access the image_analysis page, but it didnt appear to do anything.
It indeed should have! Unless.. there's a route that comes before it that already serves all requests
app.get('*', function(req, res) {
res.send(angularApp); // your angular app is served here
// No request would *need* to go beyond past this point
// because it already got served above
app.get('/image_analysis', function(req, res) {
// so this isn't reached.
So that's why it doesn't work.


How does Express and React Routes work on initial GET request from browser?

I'm new to the react world and to the fullstack world as a whole but I've searched endlessly for an answer to the following and some guidance would be really appreciated.
I'm creating an app using React and Express. It requires authentication so I was planning on using Passport to help. The client side JS uses React Routers to navigate through the website. That's all fine but my issue is with the initial GET request made by the browser.
I'll first describe my specific app requirements and then generalize what I don't understand.
As I said, my application requires OAuth2 authentication. If you try to GET a path on my website and you're not logged in, it should just load the login page. If you are logged in, then load as normal and find your path. Similar to facebook, I'd like the login URL to be the same as the "feed" page. So similar to how facebook.com '/' route is either the login page or your new feed depending on whether you are signed in, I want the same thing.
From what I understand, Passport authenticates on the back end by checking the request header. So I understand that I should have some kind of middleware that says "if user is signed in, continue down the routes otherwise render sign in page" ... How is this done? What would the code look like? My only experience with Express was from an intro class which used res.render to send back an HTML file and pass it through some template engine like handlebars. But I have no idea how it'd work with react routes. Would i still use res.render()? Something else?
Let's say my index.html has the root div to inject the react into. If I had to guess, I'd send back that index.html page with the .js file with the routes and somehow on the backend send back the route I want it to match on my react routes (either the login one or the user requested)??
More generally, I guess I'm just confused how the initial request to a website using react routes is done. 1) How does the server interact with everything to render what I asked for? 2) What would the code look like for that. My only experience with React is from a basic Udemy course that just used "react-scripts start" to render the page.
After spending the entire day Googling this question it led me to SSR which is a rabbit-hole of its own and I'm not even sure if its what I need to help me. Is it?
I'm clearly missing some fundamental knowledge as this is really tripping me up so if you have any resources to learn more just post them. Thanks!
I understand your struggle as I've had to go through it myself when combining front-end with back-end, specifically React and Node. So first things first, we know that the browser/client will always initiate a request to the server, so how does React Router take control of the routes? Well its plain simple actually, all you have to do is return the entire react app from any route from your express server. The code will look something like this:
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.get('/*', (req, res, next) => {
// Return React App index.html
Once the react app renders on the user browser (don't worry about paths, as react will automatically render according to the URL based on the code you wrote in the client side, it will also take care of authentication vs feed page when it will scan for your local storage, cookies, etc), it will take control of routing, instead of a request going to the express server. But what happens when we request data from our server, well it returns react app on each route so we need to setup an api route to handle any data requests.
app.get('/api/v1/*', (req, res, next) {
// Return some data in json format
Hopefully, this gives you insight about what you were looking for.
I think the fundamental gap you're struggling with stems from that lot of those 'intro courses' shove the entire browser client into the application server to get things up and running quickly, as in, the Node server renders the entire React app AND operates as an API...
// Ajax request from React app to: http://example.com/api
app.use('/api/*'),()=> {
res.send({ <!-- some JSON object -->})
// User visits in browser: http://example.com/**/*
res.render(<!-- entire React App sent to browser -->)
The first request (assuming the user doesn't visit /api/* ) will just send down the React bundle. Further user navigation within the client would generally send XHR requests (or open WebSockets) from the React app to Express routes running on the same node program.
In many situations it makes sense to have these parts of your program separated, as by having react delivered from a completely different location than where it requests data. There's many reasons for this, but optimizing computing resources to their differing demands of CPU, memory, network .etc and manageability of code/deployment are the big reasons for me.
For example...
User visits: http://example.com *
Nginx, Apache, a 'cloud proxy' .etc direct the traffic to a static React bundle, which has no authentication and never makes contact with your Node server.
If the user has Authenticate previously they will have token in local storage (if you're using JWTs for Authentication) and your React app will be configured to always check for these tokens when you first it is initially loaded.
If the user has a token it will send an Ajax request in the background with the token as a Header Bearer and will send back user data, then redirect them to an 'Authenticated page' like the FB feed you mention.
If they don't have a token or the token Authentication fails then React will redirect them to the Login or Registration page
React basically high jacks the browser's native 'location' functionality (whats displayed after you domain name). So any events after the initial page load (buttons clicks and such) are handled entirely by React internally and uses those routes to determine what to display or what data to fetch from the API through Ajax (XHR).
If the user performs a hard page reload then that request will go back to the server and it will perform the whole cycle over again
React Router
Allows you to do 2 things simultaneously...
Manipulate the browser Location and History objects.
Use that History and Location information elsewhere by detecting changes and sending off events.
I've only toyed around with SSR so I can speak to it, but its provides extremely low latency for initial renders, doing it in 1 network request, so you want to use it areas of your program where thats important.
Not sure if this answers you question, but let me know if you would like me to elaborate on anything or provide some more detailed resources.
SSR is a little bit confuses for developer that has less experience, let forget it for now.
It will be more easier for you to assume that frontend JavaScript (React) and backend Javascript (NodeJS) are two separate apps, and they communicate to each other via API.
here the code that show Login component and Feed component depending on whether you are signed in
import React, { Component } from "react";
import axios from "axios";
class Home extends Component {
constructor() {
const accessToken = localStorage.getItem("accessToken");
this.state = {
feeds: []
componentDidMount() {
if (this.state.accessToken) {
axios(`api/feeds?accessToken=${this.state.accessToken}`).then(({ data }) => {
feeds: data
render() {
if (this.state.accessToken) {
return <FeedsComponent feeds={this.state.feeds} />;
return <LoginComponent />;
and this is your backend
const express = require("express");
const app = express();
app.get('/api/feeds', (req, res, ) => {
const feeds = [
just keep in mind that they are two separate apps, the can be in two different folder, different server, different port.
Simply point Express to the folder containing your React files or build files.
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/dist'));
where 'dist' contains the build files
See docs for more details

How to build large scale express.js sites

I am pretty new to the node.js and express.js landscape. However I have been trying to wrap my head around the code behind creating a site (20+ pages for example) in express.js without the code getting pretty large.
A route, when using a view engine, points the incoming request to index or whatever page they requested. After running the default express-generator with the view engine set to HBS you get something like
app.use('/', index);
This points to the index.js file under the routes folder that contains something like
router.get('/', function(req, res, next){
res.render('index', {title: 'Express'});
And that then renders the index.hbs file to show what I want on the page.
My problem is this. Would you have to have a route for each page you wanted like a profile page, login page, about page, etc? If so wouldn't this create a lot of lines of code in routes if you had 20+ routes? Example would be in the app.js
app.use('a', a);
app.use('b', b);
app.use('z', z);
then each would require a corresponding route js file.
I assume there is a cleaner way of doing routing or perhaps I am over thinking this?
Any light on this concern/question of mine would be amazing.
In my express servers I break routes into different sections called "components" Each components can correspond to a give page if you're doing server-side rendering or it can correspond to a set of API routes.
Each component can have controllers to handle each route, and each controller can borrow from a handful of reusable actions.
Here's an example of an express server component I made(this example is for a set of API routes but the same architecture can be used for sets of hbs server-side rendering routes):
It depends on how similar your routes are:
If they basically all have the same functionality, I'd put them in the same file.
If there are slight variations, I'd create a separate class containing the core functions, and then call to what ever is needed separately.
If they are completley different, put them all in separate files
This will give you a solid outline of how to do each:
How to include route handlers in multiple files in Express?
Node.js: Configuration and routes in a different file
How to include route handlers in multiple files in Express?
Generally, you make route files around areas of concern, though a given router can define whatever endpoints make sense. So for example, let's say your site has several pages that are fairly static (e.g. your "about" and "index" examples, and then several that are all based on blog entries (creating, listing, viewing, etc) and then several around users (user profiles and so on). You would probably create one router for each set of things, e.g.:
// ./routes/index.js
router.get('/', (req, res) => { res.render('index', {title: 'Express'}); });
router.get('/about', (req, res) => {res.render('about', {title: 'Express'});});
// etc
conceptually, you could use that more simply to pull the "index" or "about" values from the URI, but I'm assuming you'll do other things like assigning variables and such.
Then in another file
// ./routes/blog.js
router.get('/blog', (req, res) => {
// do whatever to fetch info fromt eh DB and render it...
And so on.

Node.js: Changes on route settings don't show effect

For some strange reason, some changes on my route settings (MEAN environment, Node v0.12.2 and express 4) don't show effect any more!? Particularly instructions where I respond to client requests using ".sendfile()".
app.get('/', function(req, res){
res.sendfile("/public/index.html"); // <-- trying to exclude or change this
console.log("debug message"); //added later, never shown!!
Excluding or altering the sendfile instruction in the example above doesn't change anything - index.html is alyways being delivered upon request. Not even simple debug messages like console.log are shown any more?! Here's what I checked:
restarted Node.js server and computer several times
checked for duplicates of routes.js file
checked for duplicates of home route ("/")
cleaned browser cache
even deleted the ENTIRE route, site still delivered upon request!?!?
Maybe there is some kind of server-side cache that needs to be wiped?! I got no idea any more of what's wrong. Suggestions anyone?
There are changes in express 4 with respect to express 3. In express 4 we have got a new method app.route() to create chainable route handlers for a route path and a new class express.Router to create modular mountable route handlers. For more details ref: Moving to Express 4 What you can do is try using code in following order:
.get(function(req, res) {
And its also good serve static files by adding:
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../public')));
Good luck...:)

Send URL string to other script with Node.js

I am starting to learn Node.js, using Express with Jade and Mongoose as my default toolbox. I used to develop in PHP, migrated to Python, and learned MVC through Django. Having a large client-side JS game and some inspiration from Mozilla.org, I am willing to make a multiplayer game -- and saw this as a noncommercial opportunity to learn Node: I can take my time with it.
However, I ran into a problem. I'm not trying to write an MVC system on my own, just to separate my site's "apps" like most MVCs do. The question is probably basic -- having this chunk of code:
app.get(/^blog/, function(req, res) {
... I understand the basics of Node/Express' URL masking, however I need to pass the rest of the URL string (everything that's after mysite.com/blog) to another URL parsing script, inside the blogapp.
I googled around for a while and couldn't find a good solution. I even found a full tutorial on building an MVC scheme in Node and Express written for an older Express version, but that's a bit over the top for now. Can you provide me a simple solution?
I think blog/index.js should look something like this:
module.exports = function(urlstring) {
if(urlstring.indexOf('post') != -1) {
// do stuff...
else if(urlstring === '/') {
// return home.jade or something
I hope I'm being clear. Thanks in advance!
With express there is no need to parse your URLs on your own. I guess you'll want to build your blog URLs somehow like this
/blog Show a list of blog posts
/blog/post/1 Show blog post with id '1'
With express 4 you can set up a router for your blog path or a mounted app. Mounted apps allow you to let an app handle all sub URLs of a base URL path. See the express documentation for more detail.
I'd like to demonstrate how you can use the express 4 router together with the mounting feature of express to build blog routes.
// Set up express app
var app = express();
// Set up a router
var router = express.Router();
router.get('/', function(req, res) {
// Show a list of blog posts
router.get('/post/:id', function(req, res) {
// Show a single blog post
// Mount router
app.use('/blog', router);
A benefit of this solution is that your routes registered in the router always get relative URLs with out the /blog prefix so you may reuse your blog routes in some other project under a URL like /companyblog.

.redirect() from mounted middleware with relative destination fails

I want to restrict a certain subtree only to authenticated users. The basic setup is as follows (fat removed):
.use(express.cookieParser('MY SECRET'))
.use('/admin', isAuthenticatedHandler)
.use('/admin', adminPanelHandler);
Where the handler functions is:
isAuthenticatedHandler = function(req, res, next) {
if (!req.session.username) {
} else {
The problem is that even though I provide the redirect destination as a relative path 'login', it doesn't lead to <mount_point>/login i.e. /admin/login but to /login which of course throws a 404.
From the expressjs API reference:
This next redirect is relative to the mount point of the application.
For example if you have a blog application mounted at /blog, ideally
it has no knowledge of where it was mounted, so where a redirect of
/admin/post/new would simply give you `http://example.com/admin/post/new`,
the following mount-relative redirect would give you
Am I misreading this?
The issue here is that while you are using your middleware off of /admin, your app itself is not mounted at /admin. Your app is still off of the root, and your configuration simply says to only use your isAuthenticatedHandler middleware if the request comes in off the /admin path.
I whipped together this gist. Notice how it uses 2 Express applications, one mounted inside the other (line 23 pulls this off). That is an example of mounting the application at a different point rather than just putting a given middleware at a given point. As presently written, that example will give you an endless redirect, since the isAuthenticatedHandler fires for everything off of / in the child application, which equates to /admin overall. Using 2 separate applications might introduce other issues you're not looking to deal with, and I only include the example to show what Express means when it talks about mounting entire applications.
For your present question, you'll either need to follow what Yashua is saying and redirect to /admin/login or mount your admin interface as a separate Express application.
What are you trying to achieve? Why not just redirect to '/admin/login' ? And the mount point they are talking about is the place where your Express app is located, not necessarily the current URL. So /blog might be setup on your server to be the root of your app while / might be a totally different app. At least that's the way I read this.

