Rails test JS view from controller spec - javascript

I've got a controller action that responds with a js response. This js response actually renders another partial. I'd like a controller test in case the partial or js file ever has an error.
class ZonesController < ApplicationController
def library_zones
$("#zoneSelectionPlaceholder").html("<%= j(render 'library_zones') %>")
_library_zones.html.haml (notice I call the model BadName, trying to get an error):
= collection_select(:zones, :zone_id, BadName.library_zones, :id, :description, {prompt: 'Zone to Add...'}, {id: 'zoneToAddSelection'})
resources :zones do
collection do
get 'library_zones
RSpec.describe ZonesController, type: :controller do
describe 'library_zones' do
it 'renders library_zones.js template' do
xhr :get, :library_zones
expect(response).to render_template('library_zones')
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
All my specs are passing. I've tried introducing haml parse errors into the _library_zones.html.haml file as well as trying to introduce js errors into the librarys_zones.coffee file, but nothing seems to cause this test to fail.
RSpec 3.1.7

By default, controller specs do not render views unless you specifically enable it:


ActionController::UnknownFormat with respond_to js for AJAX

I am searching for the internet about this topic, but I don't get how AJAX works with rails, I already check the documentation and I just simply don't understand it.
What I know is that AJAX is asynchronous and it just only takes to put this code in the view for make the request: "remote:true", the big deal that I don't get it is about this code:
respond_to :js
Apparently, it tells the controller that it would respond to Javascript and you have to make a file for whatever you wanna do with JS, my structure of my project is this one:
<p>Imagen de portada</p>
<%= simple_form_for #entries, remote: true do |f| %>
<% f.file_field 'input-image' %>
<% end %>
<div id="image-entry"></div>
View route:
module Admins
class EntriesController < ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate_admin!
def index
render 'index'
def new
render 'new'
respond_to :js
Controller route:
$('body').css('background-color', 'red');
JS route:
My error in this code is the following:
So, I have questions about this error and what is the correct name of the file in JS for get the respond_to work correctly.
Answer by Irfan Fadilah on Facebook:
Your request is not processed by "new" method in EntriesController. The default form method is POST, so Rails will looking for "create" method in you EntriesController.
You can read RESTful routing in Rails Guide for more details.
In order to make your AJAX request to works. Add "create" method in EntriesController and create.js.erb (just write alert("Hello"); or something to test it) in views/entries.

Rails and AJAX remote: true what else is required?

I'm confused about remote:true in Rails forms, I thought some Javascript was required to make it asynchronous but this just seems to break my page.
Here is a really simple index.html.haml that includes a partial to show all appointments:
%h1 Calander
%h2 AppointmentsController
%h3 Make a new appointment
= form_for #appointment, remote: true do |f|
= f.text_field :title
= f.text_field :appt_time
= f.submit 'Make appointment'
=render 'appointments'
Here is the previously mentioned partial:
-#appointments.each do |a|
%h3= a.title
%p= a.appt_time
Controller methods for index and create:
def index
#appointments = Appointment.order('appt_time ASC')
#appointment = Appointment.new
def create
#appointmet = Appointment.create(appointment_params)
redirect_to :root
Now this works fine. I can add a new appointment, hit submit and the new appointment shows up without the page refreshing, I think because I have included remote: true. So do I need to add anything else to handle the request? Am I violating best practices by not including something to handle this request and relying entirely on remote: true?
Nothing more required unless you want some callback after ajax call. You did not break any conventions. You can read this document to get ride of confusion.
Let's take a step back.
Web applications can respond to different request formats. Rails has built-in format handling.
So a request might ask for index via HTML, which response with an HTML file. It might also request index via JSON, XML, PDF or even JavaScript.
Whenever you add remote: true you are telling your form make a POST request via JS instead of HTML.
In your views you will have a bunch of HTML.ERB files. These views are request responses.
So to handle a JS request to index, you will need a app/views/appointements/index.js file.
This will be sent as the response to the request and the browser will know what to do with a JS response.
In index.js you can write JS that will be executed once the response is received.
You can also load partials into the page.
For example:
# app/views/appointements/index.js
$('#appointements').html('<%= j render "appointements" %>')
Which will render the partial content as a JavaScript string for the response.

Rails server returning HTML as opposed to JavaScript

I have the following link_to helper:
# app/views/users/show.html.erb
<div id="social">
<%= link_to "Friends", index_friends_path, id: "index_friends", remote: true %>
Since the value of :remote is set to true, my expectation was that the server would naturally try to return JavaScript with the AJAX response.
However, each time the link is clicked the AJAX response contains HTML from a file called users/friends.html.erb rather than JavaScript that dynamically renders the HTML from users/_friends.html.erb which would be the required behaviour.
My code for handling the request is as follows:
# config/routes.rb
get '/index_friends' => 'users#friends'
# app/controllers/users_controller.rb
def friends
respond_to do |format|
--js.erb template:
# app/views/friends.js.erb
$("#social").html("<%= j(render("friends")) %>");
The corresponding Rails log entry looks like this:
# log/development.log
Started GET "/index_friends" for at 2015-09-13 12:20:41 +0100
Processing by UsersController#friends as JS
"data-type" => "js"
remote: true
The friends.js.erb file was in the wrong directory (app/views/ as opposed to app/views/users).
To remedy this I ran the following in the terminal:
mv app/views/friends.js.erb app/views/users/friends.js.erb
Rails can now find this template since, by convention, the format instructions from the users controller point to files in app/views/users.

j(render(#partial)) returns error: ActionController::UnknownFormat

I'm trying to render a partial with ajax, but for some reason it returns this error:
ActionController::UnknownFormat in ThingsController#upvoterandom
I'm very confused because I accomplished something with an essentially identical format before, and I never had any problems with it. Does anyone see anything wrong with my code? I can render a string with the ajax; it's only when I try to render a partial that I get the error. By the way, I achieved this error by deleting the format.html line and then visiting the upvoterandom_thing path directly in my browser.
<div id= "randomajax" >
<div id="randajax">
<%= link_to #rand.name, thing_path(#rand) %>
<%= link_to image_tag("UpArrowGray.jpg", class: "rand_up_vote"), remote: true, %>
<script type="text/javascript">
function reload_script() {
$(".rand_up_vote").click(function () {
$.get( "<%= upvoterandom_thing_path(:id => #rand.id) %>", function( data ) {
controllers/things_controller.rb I put asterisks around the line highlighted with the error.
def upvoterandom
#thing = Thing.find(params[:id])
***respond_to do |format|***
format.html { redirect_to root_path }
views/things/upvoterandom.js.erb: .html("test") returns "test", so the problem has to be in the rendering.
$('#randomajax').html("<%= j(render(#randajax)) %>");
<%= form_for([#thing, #comment], remote: true) do |f| %>
<%= f.text_area :text %>
<%= f.submit "Post", id: "postacomment" %>
<% end %>
def create
#thing = Thing.find(params[:thing_id])
#comment = #thing.comments.create(comment_params)
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to root_path }
$('#comments_h2').prepend("<%= j(render(#comment)) %>");
I'll apologize up front for the long answer. I've tried reproducing your issue in multiple ways, but I think you might be looking in the wrong direction. I've included the entire story so you can see if it all matches up, and if it doesn't it hopefully leads to insights which will help you resolve the issue.
ActionController::UnknownFormat happens before view rendering
If Rails presents you with the ActionController::UnknownFormat error, it means that your controller does not respond to the format that is being requested. The error is raised by the respond_to method, at the exact line you highlighted.
Had an error been raised during view rendering, then it would have been bubbled up through either the line with format.html or format.js. So this error is certainly not caused in the view rendering part.
Reproducing the ActionController::UnknownFormat error
The only way I can get the exact error message you posted, is if I request the AJAX response page directly in the browser. Then you see the Rails error page, which will also show you which format the request was done with. You're probably requesting the page with a format other than html or js, in which case the ActionController::UnknownFormat error is triggered, since your controller only responds to the html or js format.
I think the actual issue is hiding somewhere else.
Reproducing from views/things/show.html.erb
I have tried to reproduce the error from the views/things/show.html.erb page as well. When doing this with your original code, I get a syntax error on the following line:
<%= link_to image_tag("UpArrowGray.jpg", class: "rand_up_vote"), remote: true, %>
This happens due to the comma after remote: true. Because of this, I assume you haven't been constantly testing with the remote link. When testing it without the remote: true, the reload_script function triggers a jQuery AJAX request. You're doing this with the following line:
$.get( "<%= upvoterandom_thing_path(:id => #rand.id) %>", function( data ) {
This actually triggers an XHR request with the format */*. It basically tells Rails that any format will do. Here's what happens:
The ThingsController responds with the first format you've defined in the respond_to block, which is the HTML format. This triggers a redirect to your root path.
jQuery follows the redirect, again using the */* format.
The controller at your root path responds with the first defined format, or HTML by default if no respond_to block is present.
jQuery then loads that response.
There's no way that the ActionController::UnknownFormat could have been raised from ThingsController when reproducing it like this.
What I think
This is mostly guessing work, so please correct me if I'm wrong:
You clicked the upvote remote link and nothing visibly happened.
You added a JavaScript to explictly fetch the page through AJAX, but still nothing visibly happened.
You visited the things/1/upvoterandom.js (or alike) page directly with your browser. In this case an ActionController::InvalidCrossOriginRequest would have been raised.
You visited the things/1/upvoterandom.json (I used JSON, but it could be any format other than HTML or JS) page directly with your browser, and you got the ActionController::UnknownFormat error.
If this is how it happened, you need to go back to step 1, and start reproducing the issue in another direction:
Go to the things/1 (or another Thing ID) page.
Open up the Developer Tools/Web Inspector of your browser.
Go to the view which shows the network communication (in Chrome this is the tab called Network).
Now click the link, and see what communication happens between your browser and your Rails application. If a lot happens, you often can filter for XHR only, which only show AJAX requests.
If you see a 500 status popping up there, you need to check the Rails server output for an error with stacktrace.
I can only guess what the actual cause of the issue is, but I think it might actually be some error when rendering the view, As you said, the only case where it doesn't work is if you render the partial. I hope this information helps you to resolve the issue.
In views/things/upvoterandom.js.erb you're trying to render #randajax like so:
$('#randomajax').html("<%= j(render(#randajax)) %>");
But I don't see #randajax being assigned anywhere, which means that it's nil.
Trying to render nil is the cause of this issue. But do confirm this by doing the following the first:
$('#randomajax').html("<%= j(render(nil)) %>");
If it returns the same error, then we've found the culprit.
Either assign #randajax something prior to rendering it or simply use:
$('#randomajax').html("<%= j(render(path_to_partial)) %>");
Well I haven't figured out why the syntax I was trying wasn't working, but this syntax does work:
$('#randomajax').html("<%= render 'randajax' %>");

How can I render via CoffeeScript in Ruby on Rails 4

I was trying to solve this problem for a while with no result.
I've wanted to pass variables and load a render into a div using CoffeeScript in rails 4.
(I'm using SpreeCommerce platform).
<%= link_to taxonomy.name,root_path+'t/'+tid, {class: "uno", remote: true} %>
respond_to do |format|
format.js # menu.js.coffee.erb
$('div#productos').html("<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => /shared/products) %>")
I'd like to load the page '_products.erb.html' and the partial processes the variables that I give it. As soon as I know, view and controller are ok, the problem is in menu.js.erb.coffee
Any help will be apreciated!
I've modified the extension to .js.coffee.erb. When I try to run the app, it shows me:
"undefined method `render' for #<#:0xa70317c>"
I tryied using <%= raw escape_javascript( render :partial =>... almost always "render" method give me problems.
I added gem 'coffee-script' to the Gemfile (then 'bundle install').
Now, when I click the link_to, it shows me into the HTML <%= escape_javascript(render :partial => /shared/products) %> as a text instead of loading the "partial"... any suggestion please?
I wrote a post about this after struggling through the same problem.
You need to:
Name it menu.js.coffee. Suffixing .erb causes it not to be evaluated as CoffeeScript.
Use raw to escape it.
I used these two on my website. Here's how it looks:
<%= raw render 'path/to/menu.js.coffee' %>
It still processes ERB within your CoffeeScript.
I would recommend changing it from menu.js.erb.coffee to menu.js.coffee.erb.
Rails will process the file extensions from right to left. Meaning right now, your file is treated first as coffeescript, then as ruby, and finally as javascript. It looks like you want to make the ruby substitutions first, then parse the coffeescript into javascript, so that would be menu.js.coffee.erb
First of all, you should change file name from menu.js.erb.coffee to menu.js.coffee.erb and you need configuration file as follow, which is a contribution by cervinka on coffee-rails issue #36
ActionView::Template.register_template_handler 'coffee.erb', Coffee::Rails::TemplateHandler # without this there will be template not found error
class ActionView::PathResolver < ActionView::Resolver
EXTRACT_METHODS = %w{extract_handler_and_format_and_variant extract_handler_and_format} # name for rails 4.1 resp. 4.0
method_name = EXTRACT_METHODS.detect{|m| method_defined?(m) || private_method_defined?(m)}
raise 'unknown extract method name' if method_name.nil?
old_method_name = "old_#{method_name}"
alias_method old_method_name, method_name
define_method(method_name) do |path, default_formats|
self.send(old_method_name, path.gsub(/\.js\.coffee\.erb$/, '.js.coffee'), default_formats)

