How to represent time in JavaScript? - javascript

HTML5 form input element provides a way to enter only time. What is the best way to represent that time then in a JavaScript object which could be manipulated in a similar way one can manipulate datetime objects with moment.js? If I use moment.js to parse only time, like moment('12:13:14', 'HH:mm:ss'), it is added current date to the value. So it is not possible to know that in fact the object represents only time. So if you later want to work with the object, you do not know if that is date or time.


How to extract a React key from a js Date?

I'm building a schedule calendar in React and wondering what's the best way to extract a key from a js Date object? I'm already using the date-fns library but haven't seen anything about ids in their documentation.
to be clear, each date only appears once in the list so I'm looking for the fastest way to get a unique key out of a date, without using the object reference.
So far I'm using date.valueOf() or format(date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') although I feel that might be overkill since it might be recalculated every render.

MomentJS: Display formatted range between two arbitrary dates

I have two arbitrary dates that I would like to compare using MomentJS. By "arbitrary," I mean that neither of them are now (i.e. moment()).
I would like to display both of these dates as a nicely-formatted string based on the difference between them. For example, if the difference between them is just a few hours, I'd rather display something like "5 am to 8am", rather than "1/1/2018 5:00am to 1/1/2018 8:00am".
Put more succinctly, I'm trying to see if moment can determine which fields are equivalent, and based on this, format the time range as a string without any redundant information.
Is there a way to do this using standard functions in MomentJS?
Here's what I understand so far:
The functions such as toNow(), fromNow(), to(), and from() all provide relative time ranges, but these are in reference to now. What I'm looking for is this same interface, but without referencing now.
I believe that my options are either to:
Use one of the aforementioned functions to compare the two dates, drop the suffix, and display something like "1/1/2018 5:00am + 3 hours", OR
Use a duration to compare the dates, and add custom code to determine equivalent quantities, and set the format accordingly. E.g. if years, months, weeks, and days are equivalent, format each timestamp as "h:mm:ss a".
The output of the second option would be much more desirable. Essentially, I'm trying to implement this option using MomentJS and as little custom code as possible.
It looks like this is handled externally by a plugin called Twix.

MomentJS .date() issue

Could anyone please explain me why moment("2013-04-22 00:00:00+07:00").date() returns 21?
For example moment("2013-04-22 00:00:00+02:00").date() returns 22.
I would be interested in getting the date without taking into account any timezone info in the string from which the moment object is built, i.e. always 22 in this particular example.
I think I figured it out: moment("iso8601_string") parses/converts that string into a local time. In my case, I'm in the UTC+2 timezone, so parsing strings containing "+02:00" (or "+01:00") and then calling .date() returns 22 because the time stored in the moment object matches my local time.
However, when parsing a string with e.g. "+07:00", the time stored in the moment object will be my local time, in which case the date will actually be different, a day before.
I think also my original requirement was convoluted and based on an incorrect assumption. My use-case was that I got the datetime from some UI widget always as date+time, but I needed only the date. Writing a unit test which parsed a string containing "+07:00" caused the date to be "incorrect". However this was an incorrect assumption, because (at least in my use-case) the datetime from the UI widget will always be in the local time so the code won't ever parse a string containing "+07:00".
I'm not sure that a use-case as I originally stated does exist in the real world:
you get a string containing a date in another timezone
you need to take the date out of it, but in the timezone of that date (why?)
I guess normally whenever getting a date from somewhere remote the convention is to always get UTC, that way the point of reference is clear and you can convert it further locally. So probably the case when you get a date in a random timezone and need the date from it, in that timezone, isn't common. Still, as an academic question, I don't know how I would be able to get the date out of it in that case :)

Asp-net web api output datetime with the letter T

the data in the DB look like this
2011-09-07 14:43:22.520
But my Web API outputs the data and replace the space with the letter T
I can replace the letter T with a space again in jquery, but can I fix this problem from the Web API (make the web api output the original data?)
I also do not want the miliseconds at the end. How can I get rid of them?
The format of how you see the date in the database is usually irrelevant, because it should be passed into .Net as a DateTime - not as a string. (If you are storing it as a varchar in the database, you have a bigger problem.)
ASP.Net WebAPI is returning the value in format defined by ISO8601 and RFC3339. This is a good thing, as it is a recognized machine-readable format. You probably don't want to change it.
If you really want to change it, you would need to implement a custom JSON.Net JsonConverter, deriving from DateTimeConverterBase. This is discussed here and here.
But instead, you should consider how you are using the actual result in your client application. You mentioned jQuery, so I will assume your consumer is JavaScript. In many browsers, the ISO8601 value that you have is already recognized by the JavaScript Date constructor, so you might be able to just do this:
var dt = new Date("2011-09-07T14:43:22.520");
But this won't work in all browsers. And Date doesn't have a whole lot of flexibility when it comes to formatting. So instead, you might want to consider a library such as moment.js. With that in place, you can do this:
var m = moment("2011-09-07T14:43:22.520");
var s = m.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"); // output: "2011-09-07 14:43:22"
Please note that the format string here conforms to moment.js, not to .NET. There are differences in case sensitivity. Please refer to the moment.js documentation for details.
One other thing - since the value you provided doesn't have either a Z at the end, nor does it have an offset such as -07:00, then I assume it came from a DateTime whos .Kind value is DateTimeKind.Unspecified. You should be aware that when this gets sent into JavaScript (or anywhere else for that matter), there is no information about what time zone is represented. JavaScript will assume the local time zone of the browser.
If that's not what you had intended, then you need to store UTC values in your database, and make sure they have DateTimeKind.Utc so they get serialized with a Z at the end. JavaScript will normalize this to the browser's time zone, but you will still be talking about the same moment in time.
Alternatively, you could use a DateTimeOffset type - which would serialize with the specific offset. JavaScript will still normalize this to the user's time zone.

Multiple date compare in javascript

I am trying to validate, get and compare 2 dates.
The dates are coming from 2 text inputs and are currently formatted as the following example: 17/01/2011 00:00
How do I convert that string to a date using the Date object?
I'm trying to validate it under these terms:
Date must be in the correct format (17/01/2011 00:00)
Date must be in the future (How do I do that considering JS runs on Local and date can be set incorrectly on the user's machine?
First date must be before second date. (it's a from_date -> to_date input).
Can you please assist?
A slightly different approach,
If it is not too late, you can enforce the validity of the date by providing a date / time selection control that will output the date in the format that you required (There should be quite a lot of them out there, see this or this for some. In this way, you don't have to rely on the user to input the date in a textbox where they can input whatever they want. If this is not possible, you can try looking at the input masking that might help the user input the date more accurately in a textbox format, for example see: this or even this that will allow you to input string like "today", "2 weeks from now", etc. This will increase the usability aspect of the form.
You might have to revalidate the date on the server side for this. It's always a good idea to double check user inputs both at client side and again in server side. But for client side validation, you can try the datejs libray i mentioned above or create one as per suggestion from Stefanos.
Already answered this in #2.
Hope that helps.
As for the format validation you can use a regex to do it.
To get the current time you need to request the data from a server. One option is from the one your users get the web pages using a backing language (php, java, ...). One other option is to request the time from a time server with an http request. The answer could be simle text or an XML, or you may need to communicate with another protocol, like SOAP.
To compare the 2 dates you can convert them to milliseconds and then simply compare the values. Also the JavaScript object Date can be helpful for conversions and comparisons.
You cannot manipulate times and dates without knowing the time zone.
If a string representation of a date does not include the GMT offset, you have to guess the time-zone, unless you add a rule to account for it, or only want the date to be within a day or so accurate.

