I can get audio.currentTime but not set it (in Google Chrome) - javascript

This is driving me crazy. Here is the code I use to set current time:
$("#audio").click(function(e) {
function mr_waveform_skip(event) {
clientX = event.clientX;
left = event.currentTarget.offsetLeft;
clickoffset = clientX - left;
percent = clickoffset/event.currentTarget.offsetWidth
audio_duration = audio_element.duration;
duration_seek = percent*audio_duration;
audio_element.currentTime = duration_seek;
// audio_element.currentTime = 10;
console.log('CLICK: ' + duration_seek + ' Element: ' + audio_element + ' CurrentTime: ' + audio_element.currentTime);
I cannot seem to set audio_element.currentTime only get it!
And worse, it works in fireFox! Chrome restarts at 0, no matter what.
This is what the above code produces in Firefox console:
CLICK: 63.82905432385121 Element: [object HTMLAudioElement] CurrentTime: 3.849546
And in Chrome:
CLICK: 63.82905432385121 Element: [object HTMLAudioElement] CurrentTime: 3.849546
See? The same one! We can see that Chromes sees the HTML audio element (since it can get the value). If I do audio_element.currentTime = 10; it still does not work (in Chrome, Firefox loyally restarts at 10)..

Your code works perfectly when I tested it with with an Ogg file from Wikipedia.. If that really is all of your code, then this problem appears to be caused by some kind of corruption or unexpected format in your media file.
You will not be able to fix this problem with code; you will need to produce a new media file that your browser can process correctly. Perhaps try using a different piece of audio software (or different settings) to produce or re-process the media file.

If the format isn't the problem:
I've bumped into this problem in Chrome a couple of times today. Wasted so much time trying to solve it. (Version 55.x)
The solution is to restart Chrome. After countless page refreshes the value is suddenly not set. It's probably some cache bug. I would stress that using a development server supporting range requests is also a good idea.
If I'm not running Node or Django I use : https://github.com/danvk/RangeHTTPServer


can't fine variable OfflineAudioContext in safari

I am using web audio API to stream audio to my remote server. I am using OfflineAudioContext. The code works fine in chrome and firefox but in safari, it gives the above mentioned error when trying to use OfflineAudioContext. I have tried adding webkit prefix to OfflineAudioContext, then it gives me this error:
SyntaxError: The string did not match the expected pattern.
I have tried adding different values to the OfflineAudioContext constructor but its always giving me the same error.
I went through Mozilla developers page for browser compatibility and I found this :
So, here its mentioned that for OfflineAudioContext constructor the compatibility is unknown for edge and safari. So, is this the reason, why I am not able to use OfflineAudioContext in safari? Is it not supported yet? or Am I doing it wrong? Or Is there another way to solve this in safari?
This is the first time I am using the Web Audio API. So, I hope somebody can clear my doubt if I missed out somewhere. Thank You.
Code of OfflineAudioContext added below:
let sourceAudioBuffer = e.inputBuffer; // directly received by the audioprocess event from the microphone in the browser
let OfflineAudioContext =
window.OfflineAudioContext || window.webkitOfflineAudioContext;
let offlineCtx = new OfflineAudioContext(
sourceAudioBuffer.duration *
sourceAudioBuffer.numberOfChannels *
(if more code is needed of the js file to know the problem better. Just comment for it. I will add that but I thought the snippet is enough to understand the problem)
It's a bit confusing, but a SyntaxError is what Safari throws if it doesn't like the arguments. And unfortunately Safari doesn't like a wide range of arguments which should normally be supported.
As far as I know Safari only accepts a first parameter from 1 to 10. That's the parameter for numberOfChannels.
The second parameter (the length) just needs to be positive.
The sampleRate can only be a number between 44100 and 96000.
However it is possible to translate all the computations from 16kHz to another sampleRate which then works in Safari. Let's say this is the computation you would like to do at 16kHz:
const oac = new OfflineAudioContext(1, 10, 16000);
const osciallator = oac.createOscillator();
osciallator.frequency.value = 400;
.then((renderedBuffer) => {
You can do almost the same at 48kHz. Only the sampleRate will be different but the channelData of the rendered AudioBuffer will be the same.
const oac = new webkitOfflineAudioContext(1, 10, 48000);
const osciallator = oac.createOscillator();
osciallator.frequency.value = 1200;
oac.oncomplete = (event) => {
Aside: Since I'm the author of standardized-audio-context which is a library that tries to ease out inconsistencies between browser implementations, I have to mention it here. :-) It won't help with the parameter restrictions in Safari, but it will at least throw the expected error if the parameter is out of range.
Also please note that the length is independent of the numberOfChannels. If IfsourceAudioBuffer.duration in your example is the duration in seconds, then you just have to multiply it with the TARGET_SAMPLE_RATE to get the desired length.

Checking canvas dimension limitations

Discovering the Web Audio Api I wanted to draw a waveform for sound files. Now, I am aware of the image dimension limitations in some browsers, and I tried to look them up, but they seem to be ever changing (or at least memory differences like Chrome Desktop vs Chrome Mobile).
I tried to look up how to test if an image, or a Canvas / 2D Context can be of a certain size with almost no success. However, when testing this thing in Firefox I did get an error in the console so I tried the following method:
wfWidth = source.buffer.duration*100;
document.getElementById("waveform").width = wfWidth;
wfCtx = document.getElementById("waveform").getContext("2d");
var success = false;
while(success == false)
try {
var temp = wfCtx.getImageData(0,0,10,10); // this produced an error further down the code, so I use this as my test case.
success = true;
} catch(err) {
wfWidth = wfWidth / 2;
document.getElementById("waveform").width = wfWidth;
wfCtx = document.getElementById("waveform").getContext("2d");
This does seem to work in Firefox as the console first outputs false showing that the canvas is too big and then true after halving the width of the canvas and the waveform is shown.
However, in Google Chrome on Desktop the canvas seems to be of a certain size (as indicated by a scroll bar) but it is totally blank. When I right-click to save image, it is a 0 byte txt file. On Chrome Mobile (android) I get this little square sad face. Guess that method of checking doesn't work in Chrome.
What would be the best way to test if the canvas is, well, valid, and resize if it is not?

Why is a Safari page breaking iOS rendering?

I know the title is not that explanatory but here is the story: I am developing a browser game, mostly using JavaScript and the Mapbox library.
Everything works well on desktop, Android and iOS but one problem appears on iOS: after letting the game run for a few minutes the phone suddenly begins to have graphic artifacts and display most of the text scrambled.
Here are some photos of what the phone begins too look like:
My question is: what exactly in my code can cause this? A memory leak? (LE: it turned out to actually be a memory leak)
The real question is: How comes that you can almost brick the entire phone by simply browsing a web page? Shouldn't Safari stop this, or at least the iOS ?
This is not a problem with this specific device, as this problem can be reproduced on different iPhone devices. (I'm not so sure about different iOS versions).
How I can reproduce the error:
Open the game (inside Safari).
Let it run for 3-4 minutes.
Slide down the notification center and everything goes crazy.
I have added a YouTube video showing how I can reproduce the error (on my iPhone 5C).
It seems that the issue first appears in the notification center (if you swipe down the menu from the top).
As for now, this problem seems to only occur on iPhone 5C iOS 9.2.1 (13D15). It also occurs on the new iOS 9.3 version.
In order to fix this issue I have to:
Close the Safari application (in which the game tab is open).
Lock the phone. After unlocking it everything is back to normal.
Some details about the game itself:
The game shows a Mapbox map and some units over it (markers).
A Node.js server runs at 1 tick/second and after each tick the updated game state is sent to the browser through Socket.io.
Every time the browser receives the game state it updates the markers accordingly.
*The game might also update markers if you zoom in or out or if you select them.
Found the memory leak (as expected). After fixing this leak (check for undefined _icon) the issue no longer occurs. This means, that somewhere along those lines the Safari/iOS bug is triggered.
Here is what exactly was being called each tick, for each unit that was clustered (was hidden and grouped with others inside a MarkerCluster):
var $icon = $(marker._icon); // marker._icon is undefined because of the clustering
$icon.append($('<img class="markerIcon" src="' + options.iconUrl + '" />'));
var iconX = 10;
var iconY = -10;
var iconOffset = 0;
for(var v in this.icons) {
this.icons[v].css('z-index', + $icon.css('z-index') + 1);
this.icons[v].css('transform', 'translate3d(' + iconX + 'px,'
+ (iconY + iconOffset) + 'px,' + '0px)');
iconOffset += 20;
// Fire rate icons
this.attackRateCircle = $('<div class="circle"></div>');
value: 0,
size: 16,
fill: { color: "#b5deff" },
emptyFill: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)',
startAngle: -Math.PI / 2,
thickness: 4,
animation: false,
// Create and display the healthbar
this.healthBar = $('<div>').addClass('healthBar ');
this.healthBar.css('z-index', $icon.css('z-index'));
this.healthBarFill = $('<span class="fill">');
And this is the icons array:
this.icons = {
attack_order: $('<img src="img/attack.png" class="status_icon">'),
attack: $('<img src="img/damage.png" class="status_icon icon_damage">'),
hit: $('<img src="img/hit.png" class="status_icon icon_hit">'),
circleProgress call is from this library: https://github.com/kottenator/jquery-circle-progress
Yay, I have been able to create a jsFiddle that reproduces the bug: https://jsfiddle.net/cte55cz7/14/
Open on Safari on iPhone 5C and wait a couple of minutes. On iPhone 6 and iPad mini the page crashes (as expected due to the memory leak)
Here's the same code in a HasteBin, for anyone who doesn't want to run it.
This memory leaks is probably due to how 'WebKit’s JS Engine' works [safari webkit-javascript llvm]
and really looks like to be a virtual memory buffer-overflow, having a direct impact on the remaining RAM (shared and used also by iOS to store User Interface graphical elements)
Relatively to the piece of code:
"[...]finding jQuery memory leaks is easy. Check the size of $.cache. If it’s too large, inspect it and see which entries stay and why. [...]" (http://javascript.info/tutorial/memory-leaks)
Let me expect that it is relative to this for loop :
for(var v in this.icons) {
this.icons[v].css('z-index', + $icon.css('z-index') + 1);
this.icons[v].css('transform', 'translate3d(' + iconX + 'px,'
+ (iconY + iconOffset) + 'px,' + '0px)');
iconOffset += 20;
Assuming inspection is done, and also assuming the fact that you find the entries, you may want to clean the data manually with removeData()
or you may use first $elem.detach() and then put $(elem).remove() in setTimeout.

`Preload.js` failed to load some files on Android devices

PreloadJS stuck at a specific step when loading files on Android devices while everything works fine on a desktop browser and iPhone.
The loading process stopped at the final GIF file (as shown in the code). Why this GIF file could not be loaded?
This happened before with desktop browser, but with no error, But at that time it was caused by some non-standard mp3 files. How to deal with this kind of exception when failed to load/init a file?
Here is the code I used to load files.
var preload = new createjs.LoadQueue();
createjs.Sound.alternateExtensions = ["ogg"];
preload.addEventListener("fileload", updateLoadingProcess); // show loading process
var resources = {
change: "assets/sound/change.mp3",
click: "assets/sound/click.mp3",
collide: "assets/sound/collide.mp3",
game_over: "assets/sound/gameover.mp3",
reset: "assets/sound/reset.mp3",
win: "assets/sound/win.mp3",
interface_assets: "assets/interface.png",
raining_serial: "assets/raining-serial.gif",
background: "assets/background.jpg",
text: "assets/text-" + LANG + ".gif",
var loadedResource = 0;
var manifest = [];
for(var i in resources){
manifest.push({id: i, src: resources[i] + _VER_ }); //add version to update cache
I found that some Android devices stopped at another point, the first image(interface.png), and I really don't know why because these browsers don't have a developer tool.
The problem is solved by not using XHR for these image files, although I still don't know why. var preload = new createjs.LoadQueue(false); could make it work.
there was a WebAudioPlugin bug with handling errors and a few issues with SoundJS and PreloadJS integration that have been fixed in the latest version SoundJS-Next and PreloadJS-Next. I would suggest trying those and seeing if you still have issues.
Hope that helps.

Jquery - how to load everything except the images?

I'm currently working on a WordPress addition which loads full post content (normally it shows exceprts) when asked to. I did my code like this:
$(".readMore").click(function() {
var url = $(this).attr("href");
$(this).parent("p").parent("div").children("div.text").slideUp("slow", function () {
$(this).load(url + " .text", function(){
return false; });
And it works. But I don't want images to be loaded. I tried .text:not(img), but it didn't worked. How can I do this?
The trick, of course, is preventing the images from being downloaded unnecessarily by the user's browser; not displaying them is easy.
I only have two browsers were it's easy and convenient to tell what's downloading: Chrome and Firefox+Firebug. In my tests, Martin's solution using *:not(img) results in the images being downloaded (although not displayed) in both Chrome and Firefox+Firebug. (I emphasize "Firefox+Firebug" because Firebug can change the behavior of Firefox on occasion, and so it may well be changing its behavior here, although I don't think it is; more on that below.)
It took some tweaking, but this seems to do the trick (more on testing below):
url: url,
success: function(data) {
var div = $("<div>").html(data);
if (stripImages) {
// Find the images, remove them, and explicitly
// clear the `src` property from each of them
div.find("img").remove().each(function() {
this.src = "";
error: function(jxhr, status, err) {
display("ajax error, status = " + status + ", err = " + err);
Live example The "Include big image" checkbox includes a large file from NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD).
The key there was setting the src of the img elements to "". On Chrome, just removing the elements was enough to prevent Chrome starting the download of the images, but on Firefox+Firebug it not only started downloading them, but continued even when the download took considerable time. Clearing the src causes Firefox to abort the download (I can see this in the Firebug Net console).
So what about IE? Or Firefox without Firebug? I only did unscientific testing of those, but it's promising: If I run my live example of Martin's solution on either IE or Firefox without Firebug in a VM, I see the VM's network interface working hard, suggesting that it's downloading that big APOD picture. In contrast, if I run my solution above in that same environment (with caches cleared, etc., etc.), I don't see the VM network interface doing that work, suggesting that the download is either not being started or is being aborted early on.
.text *:not(img) will select every descendant from .text that is not an image, so in theory it should work.

