template tag does not include content - javascript

I have some html wrapped in a template, however when I try to activate the template and change some of the elements within the template, it comes back as null. I have done a console.log on the template and all that comes back is the start of the template tag and end tag e.g. <template id="panel-template"></template> this is the rendered version, and as you can see none of the html that is supposed to be encapsulated within are not present.
Here is my template
<template id="panel-template">
<div class="panel panel-default" draggable="true">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">
Panel title
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil panel-icons"></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-zoom-in panel-icons"></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash panel-icons"></span>
<div class="panel-body">
and here is part of the javascript that is related to the template, I have of course wrapped this in document.ready
if ('content' in document.createElement('template')) {
//var widgetCount = document.getElementById('columns').getAttribute('data-count');
var widgetModel = #Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model.widgets));
for (var i = 0; i < widgetModel.length; i++) {
var clone = loadwidgets(widgetModel[i]); //This function is in an external js file
var inputDestination = document.querySelector('#col2')
and here is the loadWidgets function.
function loadwidgets (jsonObject) {
var template = document.querySelector('#panel-template');
var panelTitle = template.querySelector('div.panel-title');
var widgetType = template.querySelector('div.panel-body');
//We give the widget a name on top of panel, this will be user defined.
panelTitle.textContent = jsonObject.WidgetName;
widgetType.setAttribute('id', jsonObject.WidgetCode);
return document.importNode(template, true);
I get an error saying panelTitle is null, but I think this is because when activating the template, it doest not seem to pull through the encapsulated html elements. I am unsure how to proceed.

I see in your Javascript part that you state that if you create an element. You need to start the code. But i don't see you craeting the element "template"

You should use querySelector() on the template's content property:
var panelTitle = template.content.querySelector('div.panel-title');
as explained in the link you provided.


Why can't I access the new DOM element created by Angular?

<div class="list-group link-list" ng-show="linksForPerson">
<a href="" class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="link in linksForPerson" ng-click="showLinkDetail(link)" ng-class="{active: isSelectedLink(link)}">
<h4 class="list-group-item-heading">[[ link.engine.name ]]</h4>
<p class="list-group-item-text">[[ link.engine.base_url ]]</p>
<p class="list-group-item-text" ng-show="link.user_sync_id">[[ link.user_sync_id ]]</p>
<p class="list-group-item-text" ng-show="link.group_sync_id">[[ link.group_sync_id ]]</p>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Add a new link
function($scope, $http, $timeout) {
$scope.addLink = function(event) {
// Error: [$rootScope:inprog] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.3.0-rc.1/$rootScope/inprog?p0=%24apply
$('.link-list .list-group-item').eq(-2).trigger('click');
// But this works ---- why?
// $timeout( function(){$('.link-list .list-group-item').eq(-2).trigger('click')} , 0);
I have changed the interpolate symbol to [[]] as it conflicts with Django
The problem:
A new list item will be created when the user clicks on the "Add a new link". I wanted to select this new list item automatically.
But it looks like I couldn't select that new DOM element created by Angular ( i.e. $('.link-list .list-group-item') doesn't return the new one ), unless I wrap the code with $timeout. Anyone knows why?
Also, please advise if there is a more Angular way to achieve it:)
Your question is "why". The answer is because at the moment you are trying to use jQuery to find the element, it hasn't yet been added to the DOM. That doesn't happen until the digest cycle runs.
$timeout works because the function call is now deferred until after the next digest cycle. The problem with that solution is that there are cases where the DOM still won't yet have been modified.
Looking in more detail, this will have several failure modes. The error you are showing is sent because you are actually triggering a click in the second to last element already added, and you are doing it from inside of a digest cycle. If you already have two or more items added to the collection, this triggers angular's ng-click on the second to last one (which happens to not be the one you think), which assumes it is called outside of a digest cycle and calls $apply, which fails with the error you see because it's actually inside of a digest cycle.
The "angular way" to achieve what you want is to use a directive.
.directive('triggerClick', function($parse) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, elem, attr) {
var fn = $parse(attr['triggerClick']);
if(scope.$last) { //or some other logic
div class="list-group link-list" ng-show="linksForPerson">
<a href="" class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="link in linksForPerson" ng-click="showLinkDetail(link)" ng-class="{active: isSelectedLink(link)}" trigger-click="showLinkDetail(link)">
<h4 class="list-group-item-heading">[[ link.engine.name ]]</h4>
<p class="list-group-item-text">[[ link.engine.base_url ]]</p>
<p class="list-group-item-text" ng-show="link.user_sync_id">[[ link.user_sync_id ]]</p>
<p class="list-group-item-text" ng-show="link.group_sync_id">[[ link.group_sync_id ]]</p>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Add a new link
This works because the link function of the directive will be called after the node has been constructed and added to the DOM. Note the addition of "trigger-click" to your ng-repeat element.
elem in the directive is a jQuery object wrapped around the instance of the ng-repeat item. Angular will call the link function for every instance of the directive, which in this case is every instance of the ng-repeat.
Even more "angular" would be to not use a click event at all. You don't include the implementation of showLinkDetail, but rather than trigger a click, just call it in your controller.
As a general "angular" rule, anything that looks like jQuery should only happen in a directive.
EDIT: With more info on what you need, you can do this without need to do any DOM manipulation at all (no directives).
function($scope, $http, $timeout) {
$scope.activeLink = undefined;
$scope.addLink = function(event) {
$scope.activeLink = {};
$scope.showLinkDetail = function(link){
$scope.activeLink = link
$scope.isSelectedLink = function(link){
return $scope.activeLink === link;
<div class="list-group link-list" ng-show="linksForPerson">
<a href="" class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="link in linksForPerson" ng-click="showLinkDetail(link)" ng-class="{active: isSelectedLink(link)}">
<h4 class="list-group-item-heading">[[ link.engine.name ]]</h4>
<p class="list-group-item-text">[[ link.engine.base_url ]]</p>
<p class="list-group-item-text" ng-show="link.user_sync_id">[[ link.user_sync_id ]]</p>
<p class="list-group-item-text" ng-show="link.group_sync_id">[[ link.group_sync_id ]]</p>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Add a new link
you should not put your "add new link" inside the div with ngShow because when the linksForPerson array is empty, you will not be able to add a new link . Also, putting it outside the div will ease up every other manipulation (based on what you want to achieve"
linksForPerson is an array, use ng-show="linksForPerson.length" instead
you should initialize your arrays before pushing anything into it $scope.linksForPerson=[]
use of ng-bind is a better alternative to {{}} or [[]]
I refactored your code.
// ---- controller
function($scope, $http, $timeout) {
var activeLink;
// you should initiate your array
$scope.linksForPerson = [];
$scope.isSelectedLink = function (link) {
return activeLink === link;
$scope.addLink = function(event) {
activeLink = {
engine: {
name : "engine" + ($scope.linksForPerson.length + 1),
base_url : " someUrl"
and html (note use of ng-bind)
<div ng-controller="ManageLinksController">
<div class="list-group link-list" ng-show="linksForPerson.length">
<a href="#" class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="link in linksForPerson" ng-click="showLinkDetail(link)" ng-class="{active: isSelectedLink(link)}">
<h4 class="list-group-item-heading" ng-bind="link.engine.name"></h4>
<p class="list-group-item-text" ng-bind="link.engine.base_url"></p>
<p class="list-group-item-text" ng-show="link.user_sync_id" ng-bind="link.user_sync_id"></p>
<p class="list-group-item-text" ng-show="link.group_sync_id" ng-bind="link.group_sync_id"></p>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Add a new link
here's jsfiddle for you to play with

how to change values in a hidden chunk of html code

I have this hidden block of code that i want to call based on the values that are received from server:
<div id="hiddenChart" style="display:none;">
<li style="height:auto;">
<div class="col-sm-4" id="chart_0_0">
<div class="panel panel-success" style="width:550px; height:auto;" id="accordion_0_0">
<div class="panel-heading">
<div class="btn-group" style="float:right;">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus" id="minimize_0_0"></i>
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" id="close_0_0"></i>
<h3 class="panel-title">title</h3>
<div class="panel-body" style="height:400px;">
<nvd3-multi-bar-chart data="Sec1Graf1Data" id="dataChart_0_0" height="400" showXAxis="true" reduceXTicks="true" showYAxis="true" showLegend="true" showControls="true" tooltips="true">
but i need to change some values: ids, tags, data variables.
I know how to show the code using "$('ul').append($('div').html());" but i have to change it before doing it.
How can i do it?
How do i define in which fields i have to insert the string i'me receiving?
I was able put it to work, here is the fiddle with it fiddle.
When i inspect the element, the ids that i want to change, instead of #1, it returns chart_0_0.
Thank you all for your posts and help
You can get a reference to your div like this:
var $div = $('#hiddenChart');
To clone it,
var $clonedDiv = $div.clone();
Then, in the $cloneDiv object, you make the changes:
$clonedDiv.find(--selector of a node--).attr(atributeName, atributeValue); //change/add attribute
$clonedDiv.find(--selector of a node--).removeAttr(atributeName); //remove attribute
And so on. I won't explain how jQuery works, Lekhnath gave you a link.
Finally you insert the $clonedDiv with .appendTo() wherever you want. The original div remains untouched so you can clone it again and again.
Jquery Change text/html from a hidden div content :
maintain a copy of the hidden content
replace the content based on the element class/id selector with the server response
then paste the html into another div
replace the content of the hidden back to original (optional)
var serverRes = {
title: "New Title In Header",
body: "New body text from server <\/br><nvd3-multi-bar-chart data=\"Sec1Graf1Data\" id=\"dataChart_0_0\" height=\"400\" showXAxis=\"true\" reduceXTicks=\"true\" showYAxis=\"true\" showLegend=\"true\" showControls=\"true\" tooltips=\"true\"><svg><\/svg><\/nvd3-multi-bar-chart>"
var tmpOldCont = $("#hiddenChart").html();
var counter = 1;
$("#hiddenChart").find(".panel-body").html(counter + " = " + serverRes.body);
$("#hiddenChart").find(".panel-title").text(serverRes.title + " " + counter);

How can a data-bind to an element within a Kendo-Knockout listview?

I have a rather sophisticated template for Kendo ListView using knockout-kendo.js bindings. It displays beautifully. My problem is that I need to use the visible and click bindings in parts of the template, but I can't get them to work. Below is a simplified version of my template. Basically, deleteButtonVisible determines whether the close button can be seen, and removeComp removes the item from the array.
<div class='template'>
<div >
<div style='display:inline-block' data-bind='visible: deleteButtonVisible, event: {click: $parent.removeComp}'>
<img src='../../../Img/dialog_close.png'></img>
<div class='embolden'>#= type#</div><div class='label1'> #= marketArea# </div>
<div class='label2'> #= address# </div>
<!-- more of the same -->
The view model:
function CompViewModel() {
var self = this;
self.compData = ko.observableArray().subscribeTo("compData");
self.template = kendo.template(//template in here);
self.removeComp = function (comp) {
//do something here
<div class="row" >
<div class="col-md-12 centerouter" id="compDiv" >
<div class="centerinner" id="compListView" data-bind="kendoListView: {data: compData, template: template}"></div>
finally, sample data:
type: "Comparable",
marketArea: "",
address: "2327 Bristol St",
deleteButtonVisible: true
Take in count that the deleteButtonVisible must be a property on the viewModel linked to the view.You are not doing that right now. The click element can v¡be access from the outer scope of the binding and remove the $parent.He take the method from the viewmodel. Take in count that every thing that you take on the vie must be present on the view model for a easy access.

How can I apply KnockoutJS on a master page and an individual page?

I'm stuck on an older WebForms project and I'd like to know if there's a recommended approach for my scenario.
I have a feedback form in a modal dialog that I bound up using KnockoutJS.
I would like the feedback form to be available on all pages, via a link in the footer of the site.
I would like to have several other pages using knockout as well with their own individual scripts & bindings, irrespective of the feedback form bindings in the modal.
I have some pages that do not use knockout at all. I would like them not to have to insert code to accomplish this.
I would like to avoid global variables, if possible, in favor of namespaced JavaScript.
In essence, I would like for the viewmodels on the page and the feedback viewmodel not to be aware of each others' existence.
Current Setup
Our footer links are in a Site.master file, and so that's where I've placed the Feedback.js script and the div for the modal which has the bindings. So on the master page, I call ko.applyBindings(vm, referenceToFeedbackDiv), which works fine to wire up the feedback form.
Our individual pages occasionally have a knockout viewmodel, and so they may call ko.applyBindings(vm), since to their knowledge they'd like to apply the vm to their entire page.
This causes a conflict in knockout because one vm is being applied to the feedback form via the Site.master call, and one vm is being applied to the entire body by the page after it.
How can I enable these two things -- a modal dialog across all pages that uses knockout, and individual knockout pages -- to work in harmony?
Demonstration of the Issue in (the Current) Code
Remember, the issue is that I want to be able to have one feedback VM that applies only to the feedback div across the client site, and I want to have other VMs able to be applied that aren't required to know anything about the feedback vm.
Master Page file (Site.Master) -- Excerpt
This is on every page:
<div class="page">
<div class="main">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="MainContent" runat="server" />
<div class="footer">
© <%=DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() %> Company, Inc. | Home | About |
<!-- begin feedback area -->
<span id="FeedbackArea">
<a data-bind="click: showModal">Feedback</a>
<div id="feedback-modal" title="What's on your mind?">
<div class="btn-group" id="feedbackButtonGroup">
<button class="btn" data-bind="click: UpdateFeedbackType" style="padding-top: 6px;">
<i class="fa fa-warning fa-2x fa-align-center"></i>
<br />
<button class="btn" data-bind="click: UpdateFeedbackType" style="padding-top: 6px;">
<i class="fa fa-question-circle fa-2x fa-align-center"></i>
<br />
<button class="btn" data-bind="click: UpdateFeedbackType" style="padding-top: 6px;">
<i class="fa fa-lightbulb-o fa-2x fa-align-center"></i>
<br />
<button class="btn" data-bind="click: UpdateFeedbackType" style="padding-top: 6px;">
<i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-up fa-2x fa-align-center"></i>
<br />
<button class="btn" data-bind="click: UpdateFeedbackType" style="padding-top: 6px;">
<i class="fa fa-info-circle fa-2x fa-align-center"></i>
<br />
<br />
<br />
<textarea rows="5" placeholder="Enter feedback here" data-bind="value: feedbackText, valueUpdate: 'afterkeydown'"></textarea>
<br />
<br />
<button>Send Feedback</button>
<button data-bind="click: CancelFeedback">Cancel</button>
<h3>Other Information: </h3>
<li><strong>Feedback Type:</strong> <span data-bind="text: feedbackType"></span></li>
<li><strong>Current URL:</strong> <span data-bind="text: pageUserIsOn"></span></li>
<li><strong>Current User: </strong><%=hdnLoggedInUsername.Value %></li>
<li><strong>Current Client: </strong>[Not yet captured]</li>
<li><strong>Current Tab: </strong>[Not yet captured]</li>
<!-- End feedback area -->
Feedback.JS -- This is also included in every page
...a somewhat-namespaced definition of a FeedbackVM:
var FeedbackNamespace = FeedbackNamespace || {};
..the definition of the namespace itself:
FeedbackNamespace = {
ViewModel: function () {
// etc. etc.
...and the declaration of a VM variable plus wiring it up on document.ready():
var FeedbackVM;
$(document).ready(function () {
FeedbackVM = new FeedbackNamespace.ViewModel();
ko.applyBindings(FeedbackVM, $('#FeedbackArea')[0]);
log('FeedbackVM started');
Other Pages without Knockout / JS
Other pages may or may not have any javascript on them at all, let alone knockout. On these pages, the FeedbackVM currently works fine.
Pages with their own Knockout ViewModel
These pages would have their own namespaced JS file with their own document.ready() event, that creates a vm of say invoiceUploaderVM = new InvoiceUploader.ViewModel(), and then calls ko.applyBindings(invoiceUploaderVM).
This is where we run into trouble.
Update: One potential Approach and a little trouble
In the Site.master page, I wrapped my entire footer in a "stopBindings: true" div:
<div data-bind="stopBindings: true">
<div class="footer" id="footerDiv">
<!-- Feedback Viewmodel stuff in here -->
I've defined stopBindings as:
ko.bindingHandlers.stopBindings = {
init: function () {
return { controlsDescendantBindings: true };
My Feedback.js file, loaded on every page as part of a global JS file, has:
var FeedbackNamespace = FeedbackNamespace || {};
FeedbackNamespace = {
// defines viewmodel, etc. etc.
var FeedbackVM;
$(document).ready(function () {
FeedbackVM = new FeedbackNamespace.ViewModel();
ko.applyBindings(FeedbackVM, $('#footerDiv')[0]);
log('FeedbackVM started');
This approach works perfectly well -- as long as there are no other viewmodels being bound. On the pages that inherit from my master page, I might have something like:
$(document).ready(function () {
'use strict';
vm = new invoiceUploader.ViewModel();
I would expect that this:
Sets up the feedback viewmodel applied to the div, stopping other viewmodels
Sets up the invoiceUploader viewmodel and applies it to the body (which is then stopped by the stopBindings div)
However, instead I get an error upon loading the child page along the lines of:
Commenting the line to apply the feedback bindings makes this work just fine again.
What am I doing wrong?
I think I would put the view model for your modal in a global object and do whatever you need to do with it aside from applying the bindings in a shared script:
window.feedbackModal = {
foo: ko.observable("Whatever you need to do here"),
bar: ko.observable("assuming it can be done the same on every page")
Then in the Site.master
<div class="feedback-modal" data-bind="with: feedbackModal">
<p data-bind="text: foo"></p>
<p data-bind="text: bar"></p>
And in every individual page's script:
function ViewModel() {
this.individualProperty = ko.observable(true);
this.specificAction = function() { /* do something specific to this page */ };
this.feedbackModal = window.feedbackModal;
ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());
So window.feedbackModal could be undefined and it won't cause you problems, but if you ko.applyBindings, you have to have a feedbackModal property exposed in the view model or you'll get errors applying those bindings.
Of course, there are more clever ways you could implement this basic idea in order to fit your patterns the best, but the big point is, as you know, you can't apply bindings twice, so you need to defer that task to your most specific code and expose your reusable code to to it.
Here is another strategy for separation of common modules from page dependant modules:
// An example of a module that runs on everypage
var modalDialog = function(){
this.name = "dialog1";
this.title = ko.observable("My Modal Title");
this.content = ko.observable("My Modal content is also something");
// An example of a module that runs on everypage
var modalDialog2 = function(){
this.name = "dialog2";
this.title = ko.observable("My Modal Title 2");
this.content = ko.observable("My Modal content is also something 2");
// Either generate it automatically or by hand
// to represent which modules are common
var commonModules = [modalDialog, modalDialog2];
// An example of a module only for this page
var pageModule = function(){
this.pageFunction = function(){
alert("Called page function");
// Composition is the final object you will actually bind to the page
var composition = {
pageMod: new pageModule()
// Let's add the common modules to the composition
ko.utils.arrayForEach(commonModules, function(item){
var module = new item();
composition[module.name] = module;
// Bind the composition
example HTML for this would be:
<div class="modalDialog">
<h2 data-bind="text: dialog1.title"><h2>
<h2 data-bind="text: dialog1.content"><h2>
<div class="modalDialog">
<h2 data-bind="text: dialog2.title"><h2>
<h2 data-bind="text: dialog2.content"><h2>
<div id="content">
<h2>Welcome to page</h2>
<div id="somePageStuff">
Click me
Link to the jsfille for this
You can set this up by using a technique to not have scope your bindings to a specific area in your page.
Check out: How to stop knockout.js bindings evaluating on child elements
<div id="Main">
<label data-bind="text: ViewModel.Name">default</label>
<div data-bind="stopBindings: true">
<div id="ChildBinding">
<label data-bind="text: AnotherViewModel.Name">default</label>
$(function () {
ko.bindingHandlers.stopBindings = {
init: function () {
return {
controlsDescendantBindings: true
var data = {
ViewModel: {
Name: "Testing"
var data2 = {
AnotherViewModel: {
Name: "More Testing"
ko.applyBindings(data, $("#Main")[0]);
ko.applyBindings(data2, $("#MyModalHtml")[0]);

Running click functions on every instance of listing instead of current

I have a listing of articles here, and I can't figure out how to execute the ng-click function calls on every new article inside the ng-repeat. Right now it works for existing articles, but when new articles are added dynamically (via AJAX), I need those to have the same functionality too.
For example: the ng-click function calls on the "+" sign to reveal social buttons seem to not work once new articles are inserted via AJAX (ie: delete articles, and let list be populated again with new elements)
Does AngularJS provide any tools to do that?
<input type="text" ng-model="search">
<span>{{filtered.length}} article(s)</span>
<div article-listing ng-repeat="article in filtered = (wikiArticles | filter:search)">
<!--Individual article begin-->
<a ng-click="articles.removeArticle($index)" title="Delete">
<a ng-click="articles.toggleShare(article)">
<span class="plus-sign" title="Share">✖</span>
<div social-share ng-show="article.socialShare">
<div ng-click="socialShare = !socialShare" class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style addthis_32x32_style"
addthis:title="{{article.title}}" addthis:description="{{article.extract}}" addthis:url="{{article.url}}">
<a class="addthis_button_facebook"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_twitter"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_google_plusone_share"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_reddit"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_hackernews"></a>
<!--Individual article end-->
Code for ng-click calls that don't seem to work for new article insertions
$scope.articles = (function() {
return {
shuffleArticles : function() {
removeArticle : function(index) {
$scope.wikiArticles.splice(index, 1);
toggleShare : function(currArticle) {
var previousState = currArticle.socialShare;
angular.forEach($scope.wikiArticles, function(article) {
article.socialShare = false;
currArticle.socialShare = previousState ? false : true;
Your ng-click calls are actually working- you can watch the ng-show toggle in the debugger.
The problem is that there is nothing to display on the new items you add.
The articles you initially add all have their icons populated with the .addthis classes, for instance here's your Facebook icon element:
<a class="addthis_button_facebook at300b" title="Facebook" href="#">
<span class=" at300bs at15nc at15t_facebook">
<span class="at_a11y">Share on facebook</span>
at300bs includes the following css which displays the image:
background: url(widget058_32x32.gif) no-repeat left!important;
However as you add new items, you aren't including the needed .addthis classes to them. Their elements look like this:
<a class="addthis_button_facebook"></a>
So ng-show has nothing to display (it shows a 0x0 div).
Add the .addthis classes to your new elements as you add them and you'll be all set.

