AJAX response caching / onclick-event inside of a function - javascript

I´m using AJAX to execute some server-side actions and refresh a table inside the page without reloading the page itself. All works fine at first view. But I wrote a function in PHP to send an email and execute it via AJAX. When I´m starting this action for a second time old responses gets triggered.
What exactly happens:
I´m clicking a Button to execute the "Sendmail-Action"
a Modal asks me if I want to execute the action and I´m clicking yes
a PHP-Script gets executed and sends the email
the Modal gets closed after the PHP-Script finishes (~2s)
the table (with emails and so on) gets refreshed and the status updated
What happens next:
I´m clicking a Button to execute the "Sendmail-Action" for the same
or another entry in my table
a Modal asks me if I want to execute the action and I´m clicking yes
the Event triggers twice / 4xAjax-Request instead of 2 (I can see it in my Chrome-Console)
the Modal closes and 2 Mails sended
What I´ve tried to get rid of this behaviour:
checked my JS with JSHint
checked my PHP-Code (no errors in apache error.log)
redesigned the PHP-Script (Sendmail), now the AJAX executes a function
tried different browsers
deactivated AJAX-Caching
completely deactivated Caching with Apache (correct Headers)
deactivated Session-Caching in my php.ini (I don´t use sessions)
unset all variables in PHP
cleared the cache for all of my browsers
checked all headers
searched several hours for solutions
More information about my setup:
jQuery 2.1.4
php 5.4
Apache 2.2
I can´t find a solution to my problem and maybe this is caused because I´m adding the content dynamically to the table. I had the same problem in the past and I´m thinking the Modal (which is also dynamic) triggers the click on the "Yes-Button" twice.

You can put your ajax click handler outside of that function:
$(document).on('click', '.email-resend, .email-send, .show-doc, .show-acc, .more-acc, .no, .yes, .termin', function(){
$.fn.doAction(classname, comEntry);
As you mentioned that you have placed this in the function. Instead you should put this outside of it:
$(document).on('click', '.bt-ok', function(){
Edit by #pandora: Or just use a second function (in my case) like this:
$(document).on('click', '.bt-ok', function(){
$.fn.sendRequest($('#modal').attr('data-1'), $('#modal').attr('data-2'));
Then I can call the function like this and execute the AJAX:
$.fn.sendRequest = function(data1, data2) {
url: 'target.php',
cache: false,
data: { gimme1 : data1, gimme2 : data2 },
success: function(response) {
// Show Error
if(response.length > 0){
// Reload Content
// Close Modal
$('#modal').css({'display' : 'none'});


How to prevent repeatative submit while using ajax or javascript?

I have a controller in c# and inside the controller there is a save method. The save method saves/updates data that is submitted by submit button click and javascript. The problem is, if you click on the button multiple time, it should only process the very first click and rest of them should be identified as duplicate submit and should be discarded by controller. How to do this in c# mvc web application?
Disable the button after it's clicked. So it can just be clicked once.
Simple way
when button clicked disabled it then actived again after you got response result from ajax! u can also add loader that make ur web look so cool!
<button id="btnSend" onClick="send()">submit</button>
function send(){
//set disabled button here
$.ajax({ type: "GET",
url: "http://www.google.de",
async: false,
success : function(text)
//set active to button
// add your code here
fail : function(text)
//set active to button
// add your code here
I would also disable the button on the client side. But you could also check if the submitted data is different from the stored data. If no changes were made you could just return without further saving logic.
Should it be possible to just save the data once? Maybe a redirect to a different view after saving could be a possible solution in special cases.

Ajax success code not loading in synchronous manner

We are expecting the below things:
Would like to show the page with updated values.
Then show the session attribute.
What is happening for the below code, session message displayed first and then the page is getting reload.
type: "POST",
url: "startSelectedServer",
data: { selectedJvmHostIp : selectedJvmHostIp, selectedJvmPort : selectedJvmPort },
success: function(result){
1. location.reload();
2. $("#save-message-div").show();
error : function(e) {
<div id="save-message-div" style="background-color: #DFF2BF; padding: 8px;display:none">
<h2 id="save-message" style="color: #4F8A10"></h2>
But we are expecting to show message after reloading the page.
In above 2 is executing first then 1 is executing.
ok it appears to me that you are trying to perform a server-side functionality and then refresh the page and have a message appear that the functionality has occurred.
This is fine as far as it goes but will not work the way you have it. To do it closest to the way you invision you will want to put in conditional logic on page load to determine if it is appropriate to show the div.
Even if your page did not show the div prior to reloading, the way it is written, when the page reloads it will not still be executing the same piece of script - it is a blank slate with only what you pass to it.
I am not sure why you want to reload the page at all actually; you can, and should [to make use of ajax], just use the information client-side that is returned from the server asynchronously.

Bootstrap remote Modal doesn't update content after first run

It comes javaScript and jQuery are beeing a big challenge for me. Like it's not enough I've started to use ajax to get over my problem - which is:
I've got some empty tables on my page. Each cell of a table has got its own id. A php-script is parsing a .xlsx file and puts the right link to the cell of my html table through javaScript code like:
document.getElementById("cellNrXY").innerHTML = "someLink";
If the link is clicked, then a Modal (Bootstrap) appears and loads the remote content (which is different depending on the clicked link).
My problem was that the remote content was cached in modal, so it worked only on first run. After closing the modal and choosing another link the previous modal appeared und didn't change to the new remote content.
I've read a lot solutions here that are based on:
but had no luck with it. After some trying with different solutions one worked properly. The only problem was: when I've clicked the second time on some other link, the modal opened up with previous content and it took some seconds for the modal beeing updated. This is why I wanted to show a rotating element while the new modal content is beeing loaded. Somewhere here I've read a solution tu use ajax for this, which I've added "on luck" and ... it worked:
$("#myModal").on("show.bs.modal", function(e) {
beforeSend: function() { $('#myModal')
.html('<div class="rotatingElement"></div>')
.show(); },
complete: function() { $('#myModal').html.hide(); }
var link = $(e.relatedTarget);
The only thing is - I've no idea why this is working. Is there any chance that somebody here explain the functionality of this code to me?
if you read about the event show.bs.modal you will know that this event fires immediately when the show instance method is called. If caused by a click, the clicked element is available as the relatedTarget property of the event. Learn more about Events
so what is happening is every time you open a modal this event triggers and makes an ajax call which you see like this $.ajax({ wchi has 2 options set
A pre-request callback function beforeSend
A function to be called when the request finishes complete
so whenever the modal triggeres the ajax requet is made and every time ajax request i made just before sending the request the modal html is overridden $('#myModal').html('<div class="rotatingElement"></div>').show(); and a loader is added in form of a div element with class rotatingElement and as soon as the requet completes that loader is removed via complete function $('#myModal').html.hide(); and then the e.relatedTarget property as described above gets the anchor object and the href of that anchor .../remoteContent.php is loaded in side the modal body in the following 2 steps
var link = $(e.relatedTarget);

Passing php variables on click without refresh

The problem:
I have a series of 'accept' buttons, on click it opens a lightbox (a modal- using bootstrap), of course this is done without refreshing the page.
On the lightbox I need to show information regarding what is being accepted (therefore I need to pass a PHP variable to the lightbox). So the problem is how can I pass on a variable on click without refreshing the page? I tried using javascript, but the thing is once I set up a variable in JS I can't get that variable to PHP without refreshing the page.
The button has this code.
<button class="btn btn-acceptColor m-t-lg">Accept</button>
The other code isn't relevant for the purpose of this question. I just need the concept of how to actually do it.
Any help!?
there are many examples.
I provides some links, you can use them in your code as you suitability..
1). Ajax Tutorial
2). jQuery Ajax POST example with php
3). jQuery Ajax POST example with php
4). show data in lightbox
5). How to add jquery lightbox to content added to page via ajax?
I hope above links helpful for you
$(".btn-acceptColor").click( function (){
var person = {
name: $("#id-name").val(),
type: "POST",
url: "exaple.php",
data: person,
success: function(msg) {
var msg = $.parseJSON(msg);
return true;
// fill you light-box form get value from example.php page
alert('Server error');
return false;

Check for page refresh or close with jQuery/javascript

I am looking to check if a page has been refreshed or closed with jQuery or javascript.
What I have currently is I have some database values that I want to delete if the user either navigates away or refreshes the page.
I am using AJAX calls to delete the values.
Right now, I have the following code:
The handler:
window.beforeunload = cleanUp;
The cleanUp() method:
function cleanUp() {
// Check to see if it's an actual page change.
if(myActualLeave) {
type: "POST",
url: "/api/cleanup",
data: { id: myLocalId },
success: function (data) {
console.log(myLocalId + " got removed from the database.");
// Reset the flag, so it can be checked again.
myActualLeave = true;
Where myActualLeave is a flag that I set to false when AJAX calls are made, so they don't trigger the beforeunload handler.
The problem I am running into is that when I click a link on my page, so for instance a link to Google, the window.beforeunload doesn't trigger. I may have a misunderstanding of this, but I have tried using jQuery's $(window).unload(...); and the onbeforeunload trigger as well.
What should I use to call javascript when:
the user refreshes the page,
when the user navigates away from the page, or
when the user closes the page?
Edit: It came up in a comment that I could use a click() jQuery handler to detect navigating away. I should have made it more specific that I don't mean when the user clicks a link only then I want it to proc. I want it to trigger when they change pages in any way. So if the address bar gets typed in, for instance.
You should try "onbeforeunload" :
But i think you can't put "active" (ajax call) code in this callback function. All you can do is defining a confirm modal window that will be displayed to the user before leaving like :
Are you sure you want to leave because...
So you should do as #Leeish said : put a code in the .on('click') of the link so it can launch the ajax call before sending to another page.
But for the "refresh" or "close" scenario, you can consider marking your database row as "draft" (or whatever) and if not saved when on the next page, delete the draft line.

