Get last 4 characters of every element of array in JavaScript - javascript

I would be surprised if this hasn't been asked in the past. I was unable to find something that works. I have an array of strings and I would like to create a new array with only the last 4 characters of each of the elements. The code is below. What do I need to change to make it work?
for(i=0; i<userScanDataObjects.length;i++){
// if statement used to select every alternative element from the array as th rows are duplicated
if (i%2 !==0){

['11114444', '22224444'].map(function(string) { return string.substring(string.length - 4, string.length) })

You can use depending on your targeted browser support/polyfills. And you can do the following:
for( var i = 0; i < array.length; ++ i ) {
array[i] = array[i].substr(-4);


Javascript - Conditionally selecting the condition of a while loop

I need to fill an array with randomly selected elements until the array reaches an appointed length. The length of that array must be equal to the smallest of two lengths. We'll call them length_1 and length_2. So if length_1 < length_2, then use length_1, otherwise, use length_2. Note that both lengths are constant so the statement length_1 < length_2 will always give the same Boolean value.
The method I came up with to deal with that situation is to create a while loop which, at each turn, adds a new randomly selected element to the array. It goes like this:
while (
length_1 < length_2
? array.length < length_1
: array.length < length_2
) {
// Add a new randomly selected element to the array
Is this a valid way to it? Is there a more concise way to go about it?
You could get the minimum in advance for a looping condition.
length = Math.min(length_1, length_2);
while (array.length < length) {
// ...
I try to avoid while loops. They are prone to get into an endless loop.
const length = Math.min(length_1, length_2);
for(let i = 0; i < length; i+=1) {

Using Javascript Array Filter method to apply logic [duplicate]

I have search through quite a lot of questions here, but havent found one that i think fits my bill, so if you know of one please link to it.
I have an array that i want to search through for a specific number and if that number is in the array, i then want to take an action and if not then another action.
I have something like this
var Array = ["1","8","17","14","11","20","2","6"];
then change picture.src to srcpicture1
then change picture.src to srcpicture2
but this will run the lenght of the array and end up checking the last element of the array and since the last element is not 8 then it will change the picture to picture2.
Now i can see why this happens, i just dont have any ideas as to how to go about checking if an array contains a specific number.
Thanks in advance.
What you can do is write yourself a function to check if an element belongs to an array:
function inArray(array, value) {
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array[i] == value) return true;
return false;
And the just do:
var arr = ["1","8","17","14","11","20","2","6"];
if (inArray(arr, 8)) {
// change picture.src to srcpicture1
} else {
// change picture.src to srcpicture2
It's a lot more readable to me.
For extra points you can add the function to the array prototype like so:
Array.prototype.has = function (value) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
if (this[i] === value) return true;
return false;
And then the call would be
if (arr.has(8)) // ...
Pushing this even further, you can check for indexOf() method on array and use it - if not - replace it with the code above.
P.S. Try not to use Array for a variable name, since it's reserved for the actual array type.
use this
ie version
Why don't just you abort the loop when you find the right number :
if(Array[x]==8) {
//change picture.src to srcpicture1
You could sort the array first then check the array only up to the point at which a number would be in the array, were it to exist.
If you have unique keys and a faster retrieval is what you care about a lot, you can consider using a map instead of an array (if there's a hard-bound case of using an array, then it won't work of course). If using a map, you just check "if( num in arr ) ".

Javascript (dynamic) insert into array, then shift all elements underneath +1

Didn't really found a solution to this for Javascript.
What I need; I want to insert an element into an array, but not really overwrite that element. Rather a 'dynamic' insert. Thus Insert element, then shift all elements underneath it by +1 index.
For instance:
I have an array "14S" "16S" "19S".
I know want to insert "15S".
The resulting array: "14S" "15S" "16S" "19S"
What i tried:
fullName = "15S"
low = 5;
cardsS[low] = fullName;
for (var i = low; i < cardsS.length; i++) {
cardsS[i + 1] = cardsS[i];
If you know the position you want to insert the element into:
Use the splice method. It's cheap and works exactly like you want. You can also insert multiple elements at once:
var strings = ["14S", "16S", "19S"];
"14S" "15S" "16S" "19S"
You should also use this solution if you don't want the array to be sorted in a specific way.
If you don't know the position you want to insert the element into:
You will have to resort to a push/sort combination, supplying your own sort algorithm (unless the standard sort is enough)
var strings = ["14S", "16S", "19S"];
strings.sort(function(a, b){
if (a is less than b by some ordering criterion)
return -1;
if (a is greater than b by the ordering criterion)
return 1;
// a must be equal to b
return 0;
You can use Array.splice to insert a value:
var arr = ["14S","16S","19S"];
// ^position after which to insert
// ^number of elements to delete (none here)
// ^value to insert ("15S" here)
// => arr is now ["14S","15S","16S","19S"]
If you don't know the position, you could use Array.indexOf to determine it:
var arr = ["14S","16S","19S"];
arr.splice((arr.indexOf('14S')>-1 && arr.indexOf(after)+1 || 0),0,"15S");
// ^use indexOf result if applicable or just insert
// (so, if no position, this turns into unshift ;)
You can create a method for it:
function arrayInsertAfter(array, after, value){
after = array.indexOf(after)>-1 && array.indexOf('14S')+1 || 0;
array.splice(after, 0, value);
return array;
// usage
var arr = arrayInsertAfter(["14S","16S","19S"],"14S","15S");
// => ["14S","15S","16S","19S"]
MDN link for Array.splice
you just need to use push() and then sort() functions :
var yourArray = ['14S', '16S', '19S'];
You want Array.splice.
This splices a new element at position 1.
arr.splice(1, 0, '155');
What you want is the splice function on the native array object.
var arr = [];
arr[0] = "14S";
arr[1] = "16S";
arr[2] = "19S";
arr.splice(2, 0, "15S");
The resulting array: 14S, 16S, 15S, 19S
If you do that, you will start at cardsS[5], which will have the value of "fullName".
The fact is that your cardsS as 4 values, so your array is 0 to 3. You can see that your array at position 4 is unbind.
Moreover, if you do cardsS[i + 1], you will be at position 6, which is unbind too.
What you have to do is to:
Check how many item you have in your array (Lenght, Count)
Create a new array with Lenght + 1
Check if your new item is > or < to your first item. If it is >, you have to add your first item, if not you have to add your new item
Do this until your array is full.
If you don't want to do like that, you can use Splice function, just check it, or use a sort function from javascript library.
Hope this can help you !
Try This:
fullName ="15S"
cardsS = ["14S", "16S", "19S"];
for (var k in cardsS)
if(parseInt(fullName) < parseInt(cardsS[k])){
if you think is better:
fullName ="15S"
cardsS = ["14S", "16S", "19S"];
for (var k = 0; cardsS.length > k; k++)
if(parseInt(fullName) < parseInt(cardsS[k])){
In one of your comments you asked the difference between the splice method and the push+sort method.
Splice just cuts up your array and inserts/deletes values based on index.
Using above mentioned example:
var strings = ["14S", "16S", "19S"];
This will literally place the "15S" on index 1. This is why there is a remark "If you don't know the position you want to insert the element into:"
In which case the push+sort method comes into play. At this point you don't have to go about counting your elements and making sure you place everything at the right location.
You literally just push your "15S" at the end of the array, and then have the sort() automatically sort everything for you.
This, granted that your array is indeed sortable. Some setups don't really allow you to sort your arrays (Like colors sorted by color in the rainbow ... you can't just sort them using sort()).
In this case KooiInc's response comes into play. At this point you know where your item needs to be. 15S comes after 14S, so you search for 14S, get that index, and use that index to splice.
At this point you still have to calculate yourself what element 15S will have to go after - in my rainbow example you'll have to actively remember where you want to 'insert' which color based on which colors are in your array at this moment.
In your example the values seem to be suited for normal sorting, so i would go with the Push+sort approach a few people mentioned.
var arr = [1,2,4,5,6];
var element = 3, pos=3;
for(i=arr.length-1; i>=pos-1; i--){

javascript array for loop i+1 returning undefined

array ref.length = 7 (0 - 6), and I want to try to match ref[0]['x'] to ref[1]['x'] I am doing this:
for(var i=0;i<ref.length;i++){
if( ref[i]['x'] != ref[i+1]['x'] && ref[i+1]['x'].length > 0 )
//do something
The for loop is iterating all the way to array number 6 then element 6+1 is blank so I get an error on the if statement line saying ref[i+1] is undefined....
is there a better way to do this?
for (var i=ref.length-2;i>=0;i--)
Javascript will evaluate the condition on each iteration, so it's generally preferable go backwards instead. With this construct "ref.length" is only evaluated once. Another alternative I like which will perform the same:
var i=ref.length-1;
while (i--) {
(Normally you'd be i=ref.length-1 in the first example, and i=ref.length in the second, but you're trying to stay one less than the array length).
for (var i=0; i<ref.length-1; i++) { // Note the "-1".
This way when you use the index i+1 you're still in bounds.
for (var i = 0; i < ref.length - 1; i++)
What about:
for(var i=0;i<ref.length-1;i++){
If you just use ref.length-1 won't that solve your problem? I might not fully understand what you're asking.
Here's a simple solution.
Just count the counter again.
if( ref[i]['x'] != ref[++i]['x'] && ref[++i]['x'].length > 0 )

javascript, remove identical items from array

I do an ajax call in a lightbox script which returns a form.
when the form is loaded I call var initial = $('form').serializeArray();
when the form is submitted I call var final = $('form').serializeArray();
which gives me two arrays of objects,
What I now want to do is compare each object in the arrays and remove those that have not changed.
how would I do this?
I'm assuming that the two arrays will have equal length, and that the elements will be in the same order in both arrays. In this case, what you need to do is look at each element of the first array and compare it to the corresponding element of the second array; if they match, then remove the element in that position from both arrays.
Something like this should work (though I haven't tested it):
var i = 0;
while (i < initial.length) {
if(initial[i] == final[i]) {
else {
The fastest way to do this I think
var len = initial.length, i=0, changed=[];
/* I hope initial.length==final.length*/
for(i; i<len; i++){
/* 0== '' */
if (initial[i]===final[i])
changed[i] = final[i];
//now play with
I've got confused abou the question
does .splice() reorder the indexes?

