Javascript strip Latex form of English letter variants - javascript

How can I replace Latex characters using {\'<1 alpha>} pattern with corresponding English letter?
For example
Should change to
It should not affect any other character out of {\'<1 alpha>} pattern. It should be greedy as well since there might be several characters required to be pruned.

$1 was made for this:
var new_string = 'L{\\\'o}pez'.replace(/\{\\['"]([A-Z])\}/gi, '$1');
The extra \ are so we can escape the \ and the '.
\{ Selects a {
\\ Selects a \
(?: Starts a group that is not "stored"
\' Selects a quote
| OR
\" Selects a double quote
) Ends the group
([A-Z]) Takes one alphabetical character and stores it in a group
\} Selects a } to end the selection
g: Selects multiple times
i: Case in-sensitive. [A-Z] becomes: [A-Za-z]

Try this.Replace by $1.See demo.
var re = /{\\'([a-zA-Z])}/g;
var str = 'L{\'o}pez';
var subst = '$1';
var result = str.replace(re, subst);

You can use a regex like following :
var str = "L{\'o}pez";
var res = str.replace(/{\\'([a-zA-Z])}/g, /$1/);
\S will match a alphabetical character and the preceding replace function will replace the match regex /{\'([a-zA-Z])}/g with first group $1 that is your character ([a-zA-Z]).


How do I replace the last character of the selected regex?

I want this string {Rotation:[45f,90f],lvl:10s} to turn into {Rotation:[45,90],lvl:10}.
I've tried this:
const bar = `{Rotation:[45f,90f],lvl:10s}`
const regex = /(\d)\w+/g
console.log(bar.replace(regex, '$&'.substring(0, -1)))
I've also tried to just select the letter at the end using $ but I can't seem to get it right.
You can use
bar.replace(/(\d+)[a-z]\b/gi, '$1')
See the regex demo.
(\d+) - captures one or more digits into Group 1
[a-z] - matches any letter
\b - at the word boundary, ie. at the end of the word
gi - all occurrences, case insensitive
The replacement is Group 1 value, $1.
See the JavaScript demo:
const bar = `{Rotation:[45f,90f],lvl:10s}`
const regex = /(\d+)[a-z]\b/gi
console.log(bar.replace(regex, '$1'))
Check this out :
const str = `{Rotation:[45f,90f],lvl:10s}`.split('');
const x = str.splice(str.length - 2, 1)
You can use positive lookahead to match the closing brace, but not capture it. Then the single character can be replaced with a blank string.
const bar= '{Rotation:[45f,90f],lvl:10s}'
const regex = /.(?=})/g
console.log(bar.replace(regex, ''))
The following regex will match each group of one or more digits followed by f or s.
$1 represents the contents captured by the capture group (\d).
const bar = `{Rotation:[45f,90f],lvl:10s}`
const regex = /(\d+)[fs]/g
console.log(bar.replace(regex, '$1'))

Is there a regex to remove everything after comma in a string except first letter

I am trying to remove all the characters from the string after comma except the first letter. The string is basically the last name,first name.
For example:
I tried as below but it removes comma and everything after comma.
let str = "Smith,John";
str = str.replace(/\s/g, ""); // to remove all whitespace if there is any at the beginning, in the middle and at the end
str = str.split(',')[0];
Expected output: Smith,J
Thank you!
Or try (,\w).* with replace:
let str = "Smith,John";
str = str.replace(/(,\w).*/, '$1');
Try this regex out:
This matches one or more characters before the comma and then matches only 1 character.
Here is the demo:
Note: \w matches any character from [a-zA-Z0-9_].
Taking optional spaces around the comma in to account, and perhaps multiple "names" before the comma:
*([^\s,][^,\n]*?) *, *([^\s,]).*
* Match optional spaces
( Capture group 1
*([^\s,] Match optional spaces and match at least a single char other than a whitespace char or a ,
[^,\n]*? Match any char except a , or a newline non greedy
) Close group 1
*, * Match a comma between optional spaces
([^\s,]) Capture group 2, match a single char other than , or a whitespace char
.* Match the rest of the line
Regex demo
In the replacement using group 1 and group 2 with a comma in between $1,$2
const regex = / *([^\s,][^,\n]*?) *, *([^\s,]).*/;
"Smith,John Jack",
"Smith Lastname , Jack John",
"Smith , John",
" ,Jack"
].forEach(s => console.log(s.replace(regex, "$1,$2")));

JavaScript regex to replace a whole word

I have a variable:
var str = "#devtest11 #devtest1";
I use this way to replace #devtest1 with another string:
str.replace(new RegExp('#devtest1', 'g'), "aaaa")
However, its result (aaaa1 aaaa) is not what I expect. The expected result is: #devtest11 aaaa. I just want to replace the whole word #devtest1.
How can I do that?
Use the \b zero-width word-boundary assertion.
var str = "#devtest11 #devtest1";
str.replace(/#devtest1\b/g, "aaaa");
// => #devtest11 aaaa
If you need to also prevent matching the cases like hello#devtest1, you can do this:
var str = "#devtest1 #devtest11 #devtest1 hello#devtest1";
str.replace(/( |^)#devtest1\b/g, "$1aaaa");
// => #devtest11 aaaa
Use word boundary \b for limiting the search to words.
Because # is special character, you need to match it outside of the word.
\b assert position at a word boundary (^\w|\w$|\W\w|\w\W), since \b does not include special characters.
var str = "#devtest11 #devtest1";
str = str.replace(/#devtest1\b/g, "aaaa");
If your string always starts with # and you don't want other characters to match
var str = "#devtest11 #devtest1";
str = str.replace(/(\s*)#devtest1\b/g, "$1aaaa");
// ^^^^^ ^^
\b won't work properly if the words are surrounded by non space characters..I suggest the below method
var output=str.replace('(\s|^)#devtest1(?=\s|$)','$1aaaa');

How to add white space in regular expression in Javascript

I have a string {{my name}} and i want to add white space in regular expression
var str = "{{my name}}";
var patt1 = /\{{\w{1,}\}}/gi;
var result = str.match(patt1);
But result in not match.
Any solution for this.
Give the word character\w and the space character\s inside character class[],
> var patt1 = /\{\{[\w\s]+\}\}/gi;
> var result = str.match(patt1);
> console.log(result);
[ '{{my name}}' ]
The above regex is as same as /\{\{[\w\s]{1,}\}\}/gi
\{ - Matches a literal { symbol.
\{ - Matches a literal { symbol.
[\w\s]+ - word character and space character are given inside Character class. It matches one or more word or space character.
\} - Matches a literal } symbol.
\} - Matches a literal } symbol.
Try this on
\{ - Matches a literal { symbol.
\{ - Matches a literal { symbol.
[a-z]* - will match zero or more characters
\s - will match exact one space
\} - Matches a literal } symbol.
\} - Matches a literal } symbol.
If you want compulsory character then use + instead of *.
To match this pattern, use this simple regex:
The demo shows you what the pattern matches and doesn't match.
In JS:
match = subject.match(/{{[^}]+}}/);
To do a replacement around the pattern, use this:
result = subject.replace(/{{[^}]+}}/g, "Something$0Something_else");
{{ matches your two opening braces
[^}]+ matches one or more chars that are not a closing brace
}} matches your two closing braces

Regular Expression: Any character that is not a letter or number

I need a regular expression that will match any character that is not a letter or a number. Once found I want to replace it with a blank space.
To match anything other than letter or number you could try this:
And to replace:
var str = 'dfj,dsf7lfsd .sdklfj';
str = str.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, ' ');
This regular expression matches anything that isn't a letter, digit, or an underscore (_) character.
For example in JavaScript:
"(,,#,£,() asdf 345345".replace(/\W/g, ' '); // Output: " asdf 345345"
You are looking for:
var yourVar = '1324567890abc§$)%';
yourVar = yourVar.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, ' ');
This replaces all non-alphanumeric characters with a space.
The "g" on the end replaces all occurrences.
Instead of specifying a-z (lowercase) and A-Z (uppercase) you can also use the in-case-sensitive option: /[^a-z0-9]/gi.
This is way way too late, but since there is no accepted answer I'd like to provide what I think is the simplest one: \D - matches all non digit characters.
var x = "123 235-25%";
x.replace(/\D/g, '');
Results in x: "12323525"
Match letters only /[A-Z]/ig
Match anything not letters /[^A-Z]/ig
Match number only /[0-9]/g or /\d+/g
Match anything not number /[^0-9]/g or /\D+/g
Match anything not number or letter /[^A-Z0-9]/ig
There are other possible patterns
try doing str.replace(/[^\w]/);
It will replace all the non-alphabets and numbers from your string!
Edit 1: str.replace(/[^\w]/g, ' ')
Just for others to see:
someString.replaceAll("([^\\p{L}\\p{N}])", " ");
will remove any non-letter and non-number unicode characters.
To match anything other than letter or number or letter with diacritics like é you could try this:
And to replace:
var str = 'dfj,dsf7é#lfsd .sdklfàj1';
str = str.replace(/[^\wÀ-úÀ-ÿ]/g, '_');
Inspired by the top post with support for diacritics
Have you tried str = str.replace(/\W|_/g,''); it will return a string without any character and you can specify if any especial character after the pipe bar | to catch them as well.
var str = "1324567890abc§$)% John Doe #$#'.replace(/\W|_/g, ''); it will return str = 1324567890abcJohnDoe
or look for digits and letters and replace them for empty string (""):
var str = "1324567890abc§$)% John Doe #$#".replace(/\w|_/g, ''); it will return str = '§$)% #$#';
Working with unicode, best for me:
text.replace(/[^\p{L}\p{N}]+/gu, ' ');

