How can I join an array of numbers into 1 concatenated number? - javascript

How do I join this array to give me expected output in as few steps as possible?
var x = [31,31,3,1]
//expected output: x = 313131;

Use array join method.Join joins the elements of an array into a string, and returns the string. The default separator is comma (,). Here the separator should be an empty string.
var x = [31,31,3,1].join("");
EDIT: To get the result as numeric
const x = +[31,31,3,1].join("");
const x = Number([31,31,3,1].join(""));

Javascript join() will give you the expected output as string. If you want it as a number, do this:
var x = [31,31,3,1];
var xAsString = x.join(''); // Results in a string
var xAsNumber = Number(x.join('')); // Results in a number, you can also use +(x.join(''))

I can't think of anything other than, x)
or, if you insist
+''.concat.apply('', x)
In ES6:
Using reduce:
+x.reduce((a, b) => a + b, '');
Or if you prefer
x.reduce(, '')
Another idea is to manipulate the array as a string, always a good approach., /,/g, '')
There may be other ways. Perhaps a Google search on "join array javascript" would turn up some obscure function which joins elements of an array.

Your question asks for a number, most of the answers above are going to give you a string. You want something like this.
const number = Number([31,31,3,1].join(""));

Try join() as follows
var x = [31,31,3,1]
var y = x.join('');

Try below.
var x = [31,31,3,1]
var teststring = x.join("");

This will work
var x = [31,31,3,1];
var result = x.join("");


Javascript split by numbers using regex

I'm trying to come up with a regex that will do following.
I have a string
var input_string = "E100T10P200E3000T3S10";
var output=input_string.split(**Trying to find this**);
this should give an array with all the letters in order with repetitions
output = ["E","T","P","E","T","S"]
See below. \d+ means one or more digits; filter (x => x) removes empty strings that can appear in the beginning or the end of the array if the input string begins or ends with digits.
var input_string = "E100T10P200E3000T3S10";
var output = input_string.split (/\d+/).filter (x => x);
console.log (output);
We can try just matching for capital letters here:
var input_string = "E100T10P200E3000T3S10";
var output = input_string.match(/[A-Z]/g);
Another approach is spread the string to array and use isNaN as filter callback
var input_string = "E100T10P200E3000T3S10";
var output = [...input_string].filter(isNaN);
You can use regex replace method. First replace all the digits with empty string and then split the resultant string.
const input_string = 'E100T10P200E3000T3S10';
const ret = input_string.replace(/\d/g, '').split('');

regex to find specific strings in javascript

disclaimer - absolutely new to regexes....
I have a string like this:
For this I need to extract two values. Subject and x-access-token.
As a starting point, I wanted to collect two strings: subject= and x-access-token=. For this here is what I did:
It returns only one element subject=. I expected both of them. Where i am doing wrong?
The g modifier does not affect exec, because exec only returns the first match by specification. What you want is the match method:
No regex necessary. Write a tiny parser, it's easy.
function parseValues(str) {
var result = {};
str.split("||").forEach(function (item) {
var parts = item.split("=");
result[ parts[0] /* key */ ] = parts[1]; /* value */
return result;
var obj = parseValues("subject=something||x-access-token=something-else");
// -> {subject: "something", x-access-token: "something-else"}
var subj = obj.subject;
// -> "something"
var token = obj["x-access-token"];
// -> "something-else"
Additional complications my arise when there is an escaping schema involved that allows you to have || inside a value, or when a value can contain an =.
You will hit these complications with regex approach as well, but with a parser-based approach they will be much easier to solve.
You have to execute exec twice to get 2 extracted strings.
According to MDN:
If your regular expression uses the "g" flag, you can use the exec() method multiple times to find successive matches in the same string.
Usually, people extract all strings matching the pattern one by one with a while loop. Please execute following code in browser console to see how it works.
var regex = /[a-z,-]+=/g;
var string = "subject=something||x-access-token=something";
while(matched = regex.exec(string)) console.log(matched);
You can convert the string into a valid JSON string, then parse it to retrieve an object containing the expected data.
var str = 'subject=something||x-access-token=something';
var obj = JSON.parse('{"' + str.replace(/=/g, '":"').replace(/\|\|/g, '","') + '"}');
I don't think you need regexp here, just use the javascript builtin function "split".
var s = "subject=something1||x-access-token=something2";
var r = s.split('||'); // r now is an array: ["subject=something1", "x-access-token=something2"]
var i;
for(i=0; i<r.length; i++){
// for each array's item, split again
r[i] = r[i].split('=');
At the end you have a matrix like the following:
y x 0 1
0 subject something1
1 x-access-token something2
And you can access the elements using x and y:
"subject" == r[0][0]
"x-access-token" == r[1][0]
"something2" == r[1][1]
If you really want to do it with a pure regexp:
var input = 'subject=something1||x-access-token=something2'
var m = /subject=(.*)\|\|x-access-token=(.*)/.exec(input)
var subject = m[1]
var xAccessToken = m[2]
However, it would probably be cleaner to split it instead:
.map(function(a) {
a = a.split(/=/);
return { key: a[0], val: a[1] }

How to split a string by Node Js?

My array:
var str=['data1,data2 '];
I have used:
var arr = str.split(",");
But one error is showed. TypeError: Object data1,data2 has no method 'split'. How can I solve this problem.
My output will be:
arr= data1,data2
// or
How can I solve this problem ?
You should do this :
var arr = str.toString().split(",");
"TypeError: Object data1,data2 has no method 'split'" indicates the variable is not considered as a string. Therefore, you must typecast it.
update 08.10.2015 I have noticed someone think the above answer is a "dirty workaround" and surprisingly this comment is upvoted. In fact it is the exact opposite - using str[0].split(",") as 3 (!) other suggests is the real "dirty workaround". Why? Consider what would happen in these cases :
var str = [];
var str = ['data1,data2','data3,data4'];
var str = [someVariable];
str[0].split(",") will fail utterly as soon str holds an empty array, for some reason not is holding a String.prototype or will give an unsatisfactory result if str holds more than one string. Using str[0].split(",") blindly trusting that str always will hold 1 string exactly and never something else is bad practice. toString() is supported by numbers, arrays, objects, booleans, dates and even functions; str[0].split() has a huge potential of raising errors and stop further execution in the scope, and by that crashing the entire application.
If you really, really want to use str[0].split() then at least do some minimal type checking :
var arr;
if (typeof str[0] == 'string') {
arr = str[0].split(',')
} else {
arr = [];
If your starting point is a array with a string inside. This should work:
var arr = str[0].split(",");
Otherwise you should have a string as starting point for your code to work as you expected:
var str = 'data1,data2';
If you have more elements in the array you will need to iterate them with a for loop.
Edit to add other cases:
If you have several strings in that array, then you should be more carefull and do something like this:
var str = ['data1,data2 ', ' data3, data4 ']; // notice these strings have many spaces in different places
var longString = str.join(',');
var array = longString.split(',').map(s => s.trim()).filter(Boolean); // removing spaces from start and end of strings, and eventually removing empty positions
As you said, str is an array (with one element). If you want to split the string contained in the array, you have to access the array first:
var arr = str[0].split(",");
let's say we have two date :
date1: 17/01/1989
date2: 20/02/2000
if we want to compare them just split the string and compare like this
var date1= date1.toString().split("/");
var date2= date2.toString().split("/");
var a = parseInt(date1[2] + date1[1] + date1[0]);
var b = parseInt(date2[2] + date2[1] + date2[0]);
if(a < b){
alert("date2 bigger than date1")}
else if(a > b){
alert("date1 bigger than date2")
alert("date 1 and date2 are equals ");

How to Convert Array-like String to Array

I have a string that looks like an array: "[918,919]". I would like to convert it to an array, is there an easier way to do this than to split and check if it is a number? Thanks
Use JSON.parse.
var myArray = JSON.parse("[918,919]");
You can get rid of the brackets at the beginning and the end, then use:
which will return an array split by the comma character.
var temp = new Array();
temp = "[918,919]".slice( 1, -1).split(",");
for (a in temp ) {
temp[a] = parseInt(temp[a]);
If you use JSON.parse the string must have " and not ' otherwise the code will fail.
for example:
let my_safe_string = "['foo','bar',123]";
let myArray = JSON.parse(my_safe_string)
the code will fail with
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ' in JSON at position 1
instead if you use " all will work
let my_safe_string = "["foo","bar",123]";
let myArray = JSON.parse(my_safe_string);
so you have two possibility to cast string array like to array:
Replace ' with " my_safe_string.replace("'",'"'); and after do JSON.parse
If you are extremely sure that your string contain only string array you can use eval:
let myArray = eval(my_safe_string );

javascript - get two numbers from a string

I have a string like:
The numbers can change.
How can I get the two numbers from it and store that into two variables?
var str = "text-345-3535"
var arr = str.split(/-/g).slice(1);
Try it out:
This will give you an array with the last two number sets.
If you want them in separate variables add this.
var first = arr[0];
var second = arr[1];
Try it out:
Just for fun, here's another way.
Try it out:
var str = "text-345-3535",first,second;
str.replace(/(\d+)-(\d+)$/,function(str,p1,p2) {first = p1;second = p2});
var m = "text-345-3535".match(/.*?-(\d+)-(\d+)/);
m[1] will hold "345" and m[2] will have "3535"
If you're not accustomed to regular expressions, #patrick dw's answer is probably better for you, but this should work as well:
var strSource = "text-123-4567";
var rxNumbers = /\b(\d{3})-(\d{4})\b/
var arrMatches = rxNumbers.exec(strSource);
var strFirstCluster, strSecondCluster;
if (arrMatches) {
strFirstCluster = arrMatches[1];
strSecondCluster = arrMatches[2];
This will extract the numbers if it is exactly three digits followed by a dash followed by four digits. The expression can be modified in many ways to retrieve exactly the string you are after.
Try this,
var text = "text-123-4567";
if(text.match(/-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)/)) {
var x = Text.match(/([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)/);
Another way to do this (using String tokenizer).
int idx=0; int tokenCount;
String words[]=new String [500];
String message="text-345-3535";
StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(message,"-");
System.out.println("Number of tokens = " + tokenCount);
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) // is there stuff to get?
{words[idx]=st.nextToken(); idx++;}
for (idx=0;idx<tokenCount; idx++)
words[0] =>text
words[1] => 345
words[2] => 3535

