How to I validate a password using regular expressions in javascript? - javascript

This is my code. It functions perfectly up to the password validation. It completely ignores my null test and goes straight to the actual validation but then refuses to go past it and keeps giving me my invalid password alert. Any ideas as to how to fix this issue?
function validate(){
var l = document.getElementById('lname').value;
var f = document.getElementById('fname').value;
var e = document.getElementById('email').value;
var e2 = document.getElementById('cemail').value;
var u = document.getElementById('newuser').value;
var p = document.getElementById('newpass');
var p2 = document.getElementById('cnewpass');
var str = new RegExp(/[a-zA-Z]{1,30}$/);
var em = new RegExp(/[a-z0-9._-]+#[a-z]+\.[a-z]{1,30}$/);
var pass = new RegExp(/[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,15}$/);
if (l == null || l == ""){
alert("Please enter your last name");
return false;
var ln = str.test(l);
alert("Invalid Name.");
return false;
if (f == null || f == ""){
alert("Please enter your first name");
return false;
var fn = str.test(f);
alert("Invalid Name.");
return false;
if (e == null || e == "") {
alert("Please enter an email address");
return false;
if (e2 == null || e2 == "") {
alert("Please enter an email address");
return false;
var eml = em.test(e);
alert("Invalid Email.");
return false;
var eml2 = em.test(e2);
alert("Invalid Email.");
return false;
alert("Please ensure that the emails match.");
return false;
if (u == null || u == "") {
alert("Please enter a user name");
return false;
var un = str.test(u);
alert("Invalid user name");
return false;
if (p == null || p == "") {
alert("Please enter a password");
return false;
if (p2 == null || p2 == "") {
alert("Please enter a password");
return false;
var pwrd = pass.test(p);
alert("Invalid Password.");
return false;
alert("Please ensure that the passwords match");
return false;

You should amend js code that retriving data from from. Look,
var p = document.getElementById('newpass');
var p2 = document.getElementById('cnewpass');
Here You are trying to get NOT values of input tags, you are trying to get tag.
So You should replace above code with:
var p = document.getElementById('newpass').value;
var p2 = document.getElementById('cnewpass').value;
I hope it will help you

You should pass the value of password fields.
try changing the code to
var p = document.getElementById('newpass').value;
var p2 = document.getElementById('cnewpass').value;


javascript validation not reading other conditions on my if else if

what could be wrong I tried to validate the input fields name, company_name, password, when I'm on the password field it says password should not be empty but I already inputted some characters on the password input field.
it doesn't seem to read the validation for password.length and password != confirm_password condition on my else if
here's my code
$('#button-parent a').bind('click',function(e){
var $this = $(this);
var prev = current;
var name = document.getElementById('name').value;
var company_name = document.getElementById('company_name').value;
var password = document.getElementById('password').value;
var confirm_password = document.getElementById('confirm_password').value;
var email = document.getElementById('email').value;
if( name == null || name == "") {
alert('name is required');
return false;
} else if( name.length < 5) {
alert('name must be atleast 6 characters');
return false;
} else if( company_name == null || company_name == ""){
alert('company name is required');
return false;
} else if ( password == null || password == ""){
alert('password field should not be empty');
return false;
} else if ( password.length < 8 ) {
alert('password must be atleast 8 characters');
return false;
} else if ( password != confirm_password ) {
alert('Password do not match');
return false;
rIf you are using jQuery why don't you get the values from $() selector?
$(function() {
$('#button-parent a').bind('click', function(e) {
var $this = $(this);
var prev = current;
var name = $('#name').val();
var company_name = $('#company_name').val();
var password = $('#password').val();
var confirm_password = $('#confirm_password').val();
var email = $('#email').val();
var errorMsg = '';
if (name == null || name == "") {
errorMsg += 'name is required\n';
if (name.length < 5) {
errorMsg += 'name must be atleast 6 characters\n';
if (company_name == null || company_name == "") {
errorMsg += 'company name is required\n';
if (password == null || password == "") {
errorMsg += 'password field should not be empty\n';
if (password.length < 8) {
errorMsg += 'password must be atleast 8 characters\n';
if (password != confirm_password) {
errorMsg += 'Password do not match';
if (errorMsg != '') {
return false;
This way you can show all the errors in the form at once and the users will not be irritated at all.
You can try to use the following line of code instead since you are using jQuery.
var password = $('#password').val();
For a quick check to see if this line works, you can type and run this command at the console section of the developer tool. If it works you should be seeing the input value.

javascript validating in the wrong order

function validateForm() {
var name = document.forms["myForm"]["name"].value;
if (name == undefined || name == null || name == "") {
alert("Name must be filled out");
return false;
var letters = /^[A-Za-z]+$/;
if (name.match(letters)) {
return true;
} else {
alert('Name must have alphabet characters only');
return false;
function validateForm() {
var unit = document.forms["myForm"]["unit"].value;
if (unit == undefined || unit == null || unit == "") {
alert("Unit must be filled out");
return false;
var alpha = /^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/;
if (unit.match(alpha)) {
return true;
} else {
alert('User address must have alphanumeric characters only');
return false;
The validation works but it starts from the unit field instead of the name, when I fill out the unit field with the right characters and submit it doesn't go back to validate the Name field, please need serious advice?
You cannot have 2 functions with the same name as the second one will override the first. Merge the functions like so:
function validateForm() {
var formIsValid = true;
var name = document.forms["myForm"]["name"].value;
if (name == undefined || name == null || name == "") {
alert("Name must be filled out");
formIsValid = false;
} else if (!name.match(/^[A-Za-z]+$/)) {
alert('Name must have alphabet characters only');
formIsValid = false;
var unit = document.forms["myForm"]["unit"].value;
if (unit == undefined || unit == null || unit == "") {
alert("Unit must be filled out");
formIsValid = false;
} else if (!unit.match(/^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/)) {
alert('User address must have alphanumeric characters only');
formIsValid = false;
return formIsValid;

Javascript Email Validation from Form Field suddenly doesn't work?

Working on a web page which used to have a working email validation, but after adding in a few additional features it suddenly no longer works. The page shouldn't proceed unless all fields are valid, everything is basically client-side if you're wondering why it's a bit of a weird website.
Originally the e-mail validation worked for if the field was blank or did not have an '#' and '.' following it, using the code:
if (d==null || d=="")
alert("Please enter your email address");
return false;
var emailAddress = d;
var atLoc = emailAddress.indexOf("#",1);
var dotLoc = emailAddress.indexOf(".",atLoc+2);
var len = emailAddress.length;
if (atLoc > 0 && dotLoc > 0 && len > dotLoc+2)
return true;
alert("Invalid E-mail address format! Please enter your e-mail address again.");
return false;
However, added with the entire code of:
function validateForm(){
var f=document.forms["registration"]["FirstName"].value;
var a=document.forms["registration"]["Surname"].value;
var b=document.forms["registration"]["address"].value;
var c=document.forms["registration"]["post"].value;
var d=document.forms["registration"]["email"].value;
var z=document.forms["registration"]["password"].value;
if (f==null || f=="")
alert("Please enter your first name");
return false;
if (a==null || a=="")
alert("Please enter your surname");
return false;
if (b==null || b=="")
alert("Please enter your address");
return false;
if (c==null || c=="")
alert("Please enter your postcode");
return false;
if (d==null || d=="")
alert("Please enter your email address");
return false;
var emailAddress = d;
var atLoc = emailAddress.indexOf("#",1);
var dotLoc = emailAddress.indexOf(".",atLoc+2);
var len = emailAddress.length;
if (atLoc > 0 && dotLoc > 0 && len > dotLoc+2)
return true;
alert("Invalid E-mail address format! Please enter your e-mail address again.");
return false;
It no longer works...? Puzzled, any help appreciated.

Jquery form validation coding

My Jquery validation is not working, below is the script coding. I am getting a
Fatal error: Uncaught exception
error and not sure why. I know one of the reasons can be the validation code isnt correct. Is the coding correct or is there errors?
<script type="text/javascript">
$('form#contact').submit(function(e) {
var isValidZip = /(^\d{5}$)|(^\d{5}-\d{4}$)/.test(jQuery('#form_zip').val());
var isValidYear = /^\d{4}$/.test(jQuery('#gradDate').val());
var year_number = parseInt(jQuery('#gradDate').val());
var isValidEmail = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s#\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s#\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))#((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/.test(jQuery('#form_email').val());
var first_name = jQuery.trim(jQuery('#first_name').val());
var last_name = jQuery.trim(jQuery('#last_name').val());
var form_email = jQuery.trim(jQuery('#form_email').val());
var street = jQuery.trim(jQuery('#street').val());
var city = jQuery.trim(jQuery('#city').val());
var state = jQuery.trim(jQuery('#state').val());
var isValidPhone = /^[2-9]\d{2}[2-9]\d{2}\d{4}$/.test(jQuery('#phone_day').val());
function validZip(zip)
if (zip.match(/^[0-9]{5}$/)) {
return true;
if (zip.match(/^[A-Z][0-9][A-Z][0-9][A-Z][0-9]$/)) {
return true;
if (zip.match(/^[A-Z][0-9][A-Z].[0-9][A-Z][0-9]$/)) {
return true;
return false;
alert('Please enter a valid Zip Code.');
else if(!isValidYear || (year_number > <?php echo date('Y')?>)){
alert('Please enter a valid High School Graduation Year.');
else if(!isValidEmail (jQuery('#form_email').val())){
alert('Please enter a valid Email Address.');
else if(first_name.length <= 0 || first_name == 'First Name' || (!first_name.match(/[a-zA-Z]/)) || (first_name.match(/[0-9]/))){
alert('Please enter your First Name.');
else if(last_name.length <= 0 || last_name == 'Last Name' || (!last_name.match(/[a-zA-Z]/)) || (last_name.match(/[0-9]/))){
alert('Please enter your Last Name.');
else if(street.length <= 0 || street == 'Street Address'){
alert('Please enter your Street Address.');
else if(city.length <= 0 || city == 'City'){
alert('Please enter your City.');
else if(state.length <= 0 || state == 'State'){
alert('Please enter your State by 2 letter abbreviation.');
else if(country.length <= 0 || country == 'Other'){
alert('Please enter your Country.');
else if(!isValidPhone){
alert('If your phone number is correct, close this box and then Click the button in the form.');
else {
return false;
return false;
You have php inside your JavaScript code:
else if(!isValidYear || (year_number > <?php echo date('Y')?>)){

nested if else in javascript

I have trouble with the nested if structure in javascript. Any help is appreciated.
function validateForm()
var a = document.forms["demo1"]["addr1"].value;
var b = document.forms["demo1"]["city"].value;
//var c = document.forms["demo1"]["fname"].value;
//var d = document.forms["demo1"]["lname"].value;
//var f = document.forms["demo1"]["phno"].value;
//var g = document.forms["demo1"]["email"].value;
//var g1 = document.forms["demo1"]["cemail"].value;
//var h = document.forms["demo1"]["pwd"].value;
//var h1 = document.forms["demo1"]["cpwd"].value;
if(b=="" || b==null)
alert("Please enter your city");
return false;
else if(a=="" || a==null)
alert("Please enter your address");
return false;
else {return true;}
<form name = "demo1" action = "exp2.php" onsubmit = "return validateForm()" method = "POST">
The code works fine(as intended) if there is only one if statement. But I am not getting the intended result if more than one if else is been deployed.
First, you don't need break statements, they're useless in this context.
Second, you don't need to nest and, in fact, you shouldn't since checking of a and b is independent of each other:
if(b=="" || b==null)
alert("Please enter your city");
return false;
if(a=="" || a==null)
alert("Please enter your address");
return false;
return true;
What about shorten ur code with reusable isEmpty function
function validateForm()
var isEmpty = function ( name , label ){
var val = document.forms["demo1"][ name ].value;
if( ! val )
alert("Please enter your "+ label );
return true;
return false;
return !isEmpty( 'city', 'city') &&
!isEmpty( 'addr1', 'address');
isEmpty return true or false
if(b=="" || b==null) {
alert("Please enter your city");
return false;
else if(a=="" || a==null) {
alert("Please enter your address");
return false;
else {
return true;
Like paxdiablo says you can use two separate if statements.
But if you only want to require an address when a city is entered you must realize that this is not a nested if statement. This is:
if(b=="" || b==null)
alert("Please enter your city");
return false;
if(a=="" || a==null)
alert("Please enter your address");
return false;
return true;
A more reabable version would be, imo:
if(b=="" || b==null)
alert("Please enter your city");
return false;
if((b=="" || b == null) && (a=="" || a==null))
alert("Please enter your address");
return false;

