How do I separate data subsets in firebase? - javascript

I am saving data from multiple locations in my webapp. For example, I am saving employee information from one page and employer group information from another. When I save the data, I am unable to differentiate between the two groups in my firebase view as it is organized by ID given when the data is created. Instead of by ID first, I would like to organize all of my data into two separate sections either 'employee' or 'group'. The following code is repeated for the employee data controller but with 'employee' substituted for the word 'group'.
.controller('GroupsCtrl', ['$scope', 'groupsService', function
( $scope, groupsService, $firebase ) {
$scope.newGroup = {
name: '',
date: ''
$ = {};
$ = groupsService.getGroups();
$scope.addGroup = function(newGroup) {
$scope.newGroup = {
name: '',
date: ''
$scope.updateGroup = function (id) {
$scope.removeGroup = function(id) {
And this is how I would like it to be structured:
"-JcFXid1A2G8EM7A_kwc" : {
"name" : "hi",
"date": "02/13/91"
"-JcFZP5FNtL4Yj6nja_7" : {
"name" : "hi"
"date": "02/13/91"
"-JcFtGoZL7J-CCIjTYcL" : {
"name" : "dfgdfg",
"date": "02/13/91"
"-JcFXid1A2G8EM7A_kwc" : {
"name" : "hi",
"date": "02/13/91"
Any advice would be great! I am still learning, Thank you!

var ref = new Firebase(FIREBASE_URI + '/groups');
will organize it into the groups sub category.
I figured it out!


Type script react Json array formatting to display

This is data stored in database
"id": "0",
"item": {
"title": "City1"
"id": "1",
"item": {
"title": "City2"
now this data is present in city in props.
Now data is present in state loading it from database in react
interface itemType { title: string };
Declared interface for formatting data in string,
I want to show only title in string format expected.
I'm writing a function like this.
private loadData = () => {
interface itemType { title: string };
const titleArray: [itemType] = [];
const { city} = this.props;
city.source.isComplete ? => {
titleArray.push({ title: item.title })
}) : [];
Help me converting this into string as asked above. Thanks.
I just want to get the title out from that JSON array and store it in variable.
How can I do that?
You could map your fetched data directly :
const titleArray: [itemType] = => item.title);

MongoDB- Return Array of existing fields by compare collection with Array of object

I'm new to Mongo and trying compare a array with a documents of collections and return list of matching records.
Let me explain:First Array
I have a collection (user) with following documents:
> db.user.find().pretty()
"_id" : ObjectId("57358220bf3e7d076b6ccdb1"),
"name" : "Sunny",
"phone" : "9417702107",
"email" : ""
"_id" : ObjectId("57358242bf3e7d076b6ccdb2"),
"name" : "Pal",
"phone" : "9015719419",
"email" : ""
"_id" : ObjectId("57358262bf3e7d076b6ccdb3"),
"name" : "viveky",
"phone" : "8826565107",
"email" : ""
Second Array: i have a array of objects that is come from Http request below is structure of array.
"contacts" : [
"name" : "Sunny",
"phone" : "9417702107"
"name" : "Sukhpal",
"phone" : "9015719419"
"name" : "anurag",
"phone" : "9988776655"
"name" : "vivek",
"phone" : "8826565107"
Now I want to know which objects of Second Array are exists in First Array and which doesn't . Comparison should on basis of phone only . And in result i want same Array as Second Array but with one extra field that is
"exists":"true" or "exists":"false" . Something like this.
"contacts" : [
"name" : "Sunny",
"phone" : "9417702107"
"exists" :"true"
"name" : "pal",
"phone" : "90177668899"
"exists" :"false"
So for this i had tried something here is code of node.js with mongoos.
exports.matchcontacts = function(req, res, next)
var response = {};
var conArray = req.body.contacts;
var contact_list = [];
for(var i=0; i<conArray.length;i++)
var name = conArray[i].name;
var phone = conArray[i].phone;
response = {"error" : true,"message" : "Error fetching data"};
else if(!data)
response = {"error":false,"contacts":contact_list};
But always got null {} empty result, and if i tried to get response inside Callback function then it return only single last compared value.
Problem is in first method is that callback function return result very late so result always empty .
and in second method loop override result and it also inefficient to use callback inside loop it will call no of time. So whole story i had explained
Now Please can anybody help me with code or suggest right way to get desired result thanks
HavenĀ“t used mongodb, but the idea I would use is to first iterate your contacts and make a mapping of the phones to the corresponding object and mark them as non existent:
var obj = {};
for(var i=0; i<conArray.length;i++){
obj[conArray[i].phone] = conArray[i];
conArray[i].exists = false;
Then search in some way for the users that have those phones in your db, something like
var results = Users.find(records that have phone in Object.keys(obj) array)
Finally, you iterate your existant records and mark the corresponding contact
for(var i=0;i<results.length;i++){
obj[results[i].phone].exists = true;

Create tags object from array in mongo collection for Select2 options

I have a mongo collection with a array field called 'tags'. What I want to do is create a single object that stores all of the various tags with a label and value. The end result should be an object I can use in a Select2 field in a Meteor application to create the results options. I have gotten close, but all of my solutions have not worked and are super ugly (read: not functional javascript)
Here is a sample document:
"_id": "sjkjladlj",
"title": "Coldplay is Cool",
"tags": ["music", "yuppie"]
Now the end result I would like is:
value: "music",
label: "music"
value: "yuppies",
label: "yuppies"
value: "Some tag from another doc"
label: "Some tag from another doc"
Any ideas?
Here is the closest I have gotten.
options: function() {
tagsArray = [];
ca = Notes.find({}, {tags: 1}).fetch();
ca.forEach(function(it) {
result = {};
result = it.tags;
return tagsArray;
you can try with aggregation pipeline like this
Update. As soon as I posted I realized I simply need to add a inner loop. Its ugly, but it works.
options: function() {
tagsArray = [];
ca = Notes.find({}, {tags: 1}).fetch();
ca.forEach(function(it) {
result = {};
result = it.tags;
inner = {};
inner.value = child;
inner.label = child;
return tagsArray;

Mongodb delete subdocument

I'm trying to delete a subdocument in mongoDb but can't succeed in it. I've tried with $update,$push and $pull but I'm not successful.
I have the following document:
db.users.findOne({"_id": ObjectId("545677a9e4b0e0ef9379993c")})
"_class" : "",
"_id" : ObjectId("545677a9e4b0e0ef9379993c"),
"bookSummaries" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("545677e7e4b0e0ef9379993d"),
"isbn" : "2746969644"
"title": "test title"
"_id" : ObjectId("546a522a44ae4f5e652fdca7"),
"loanSummaries" : [
"loanStatus" : "REQUESTED",
"loanId" : "5473992044aec466a619290c"
"loanStatus" : "REQUESTED",
"loanId" : "5473997d44aec466a619290d"
"loanStatus" : "REQUESTED",
"loanId" : "547605a744ae0f0d558ae757"
"testArray" : [
"title" : "Back to the future",
"id" : "test"
"title" : "Back to the future",
"id" : "test2"
"title" : "Back to the future",
"id" : "test3"
"test ",
"test ",
"test 2",
"test 2",
"loanStatus" : "REQUESTED"
"title" : "Back to the future"
and I'm trying to create the queries to:
delete the whole "testArray" subdocument for only this specific subdocument
delete a specific loanSummaries give its loanId for this specific subdocument
Can you help me creating those queries? I've seen several post like this one, but it is not the same problem.
Thanks a lot
I recently had the same problem where I had to remove a nested subarray. In the query you need to identify the exact object that you want to remove, and then in your update query you can use the $ sign as index for the object in the array that you want to pull.
var query = {
"_id" : ObjectId(someUserId),
"bookSummaries._id" : ObjectId(bookId), //might also work with isbn as long as it is uniq
"bookSummaries.loanSummaries.loanId" : loanId
var updateQuery = {
"$pull" : {
"bookSummaries.$.loanSummaries" : {
"loanId": loadId
I tried the following queries in my shell which worked fine. You will have to enter the appropirate ids.
var query = { "_id" : ObjectId("53b73b1108fe927c0e00007f"), "bookSummaries._id" : ObjectId("53b73b1108fe927c0e00007f"), "bookSummaries.loanSummaries.loanId" : "53b73b1108fe927c0e00007f" }
var updateQuery = { "$pull" : { "bookSummaries.$.loanSummaries" : { "loanId": "53b73b1108fe927c0e00007f" } } }
Update 2
If you already know the index of item/object you want to remove you can use the queries below in order to achieve this.
Find the document you want to edit
var query = {
"_id" : ObjectId(someUserId),
Unset the object you want to remove
var update1 = {
"$unset" : {
"bookSummaries.1.loanSummaries.2" : 1
Pull the object which has the value null.
var update2 = {
"$pull" : {
"bookSummaries.1.loanSummaries" : null
And to remove you can basically use the same queries.
Find the document you want to edit
var query = {
"_id" : ObjectId(someUserId),
Unset the object you want to remove
var update1 = {
"$unset" : {
"bookSummaries.0.testArray" : 1
Because MongoDB provides a full JavaScript environment you can easily manipulate the document and save the data back to the db.
*Note: if you are using MongoDB with php or python etc. there are equivalent ways to do that. delete whole "testArray" subdocument for only this specific subdocument for example index(1) do
db.users.find({"_id": ObjectId("545677a9e4b0e0ef9379993c")}).forEach(function (user) {
delete user.bookSummaries[1].testArray;
//Saveing the changes;
to delete a specific loanSummaries give its loanId for this specific subdocument for example id 5473992044aec466a619290c do
db.users.find({"_id": ObjectId("545677a9e4b0e0ef9379993c")}).forEach(function (user) {
var loanToDelete = "5473992044aec466a619290c";
var loanIndexToDelete = -1;
var i;
for(i in user.bookSummaries[1].loanSummaries) {
if(user.bookSummaries[1].loanSummaries[i].loanId === loanToDelete) {
loanIndexToDelete = i;
if (loanIndexToDelete > -1) {
delete user.bookSummaries[1].loanSummaries[loanIndexToDelete];
//Saving the changes;
I had to do something similar but delete multiple subdocuments instead of just one. My query included an array of ids and this worked for me:
{ _id: userId },
$pull: { bookSummaries: { _id: { $in: ids } } },

Backbone collection tree creation

I'm using backbone 1.1 and trying to create a collection from a 3-5 level deep tree-navigation.
A simplified version of my code looks like this.
var treeItem = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults : {
'label' : '',
'children' : null
initialize : function() {
console.log('model init');
if (_.isArray(this.get('children'))) {
this.set({children : new treeItemCollection(this.get('children'))});
var treeItemCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: treeItem
var myTree = new treeItemCollection([
{ "label" : "first", "id": 1 },
{ "label" : "second", "id": 1, "children":
{ "label" : "second.first", "id" : 21 },
{ "label" : "second.second", "id" : 22 },
{ "label" : "second.third", "id" : 22, "children" : [
{ "label" : "third.first", "id" : 31 },
{ "label" : "third.second", "id" : 32 }
] }
In my understanding this should create the deeper level child-collections correctly (as to my understanding, initialize should be called when the object is constructed thus creating the deeper levels correctly).
For some reason this doesn't seem to be the case. The second level (eg. myTree.models[0].get('children') is correctly a collection of the treeCollection type, but the 3rd level (myTree.models[0].get('children').models[0].get('children')) is just straight up JSON from the parameter object.
To me that's the weirdest part, that the second level is ok, but the third is not. The console.log in initialize() is to check, and quite right, it gets triggered 4 times, not 6.
I'm trying to understand why the 3rd level doesn't get converted to a collection.
You can overwrite the parse function in the model to do this.
var treeItem = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults : {
'label' : '',
'children' : null
initialize : function() {
console.log('model init');
parse: function(response) {
if (response["children"]) {
response["children"] = new treeItemCollection(response["children"]);
return response;
this way, each time when you do fetch() or save(), it will automatically wrap your children (and their nested children, if exists) in treeItemCollection.
But this does not work when you bootstrap your data, or you are just using reset(). so you may want to overwrite the constructor method as well:
var treeItem = Backbone.Model.extend({
//other stuff shown above
constructor: function(attributes, options){
options = options || {};
options.parse = true;, attributes, options);
and it should work for your case.
We have used this pattern in many projects and we loved it. If you wanna apply it to all models/collections, and be more flexible, you probably wanna read this:

