InDesign extendScript: How do I transform the entire selection? - javascript

By using the simple array app.selection[x], you can apply a transformation to any object in the selection, independently. But how do I apply a transformation to the entire selection together?
For example: inside InDesign, I can select two side-by-side objects and flip them horizontally, causing them to switch places and flip.
Inside a script, I can target each object in the selection, but they will not switch places; they will remain in the same place and flip.
for ( var x = 0; x < app.selection.length; x++ ){
app.selection[x].absoluteFlip = Flip.HORIZONTAL;
I could possibly group the selection, apply a transformation, then ungroup when finished, but this seems like unnecessary bulk that could slow down the code. I can easily do it manually inside InDesign, so it should follow that there's some way to access app.selection as a single object instead of an array. Does such an object exist?

Not really a solution, but it's worth noting that I don't think absoluteFlip is the action being performed, but a state indicating if the item has ben flipped. It's writable so you can set the state, but I think what's happening when using the menu to flip is flipItem:,
in which you can set "around" coordinates.
Now getting the origin of the selection box isn't straightforward for some reason (or maybe it is but I don't know how), but you can either use first object coordinates to set the origin so you can flip it around different coordinates depending on order of selection. Or you can sort the array to find left most coordinates (or whichever is needed), like this:
var selection_array = app.selection;
selection_array.sort(function(a, b){return a.visibleBounds[1]-b.visibleBounds[1]})
var flip_origin = [selection_array[0].visibleBounds[1],selection_array[0].visibleBounds[0]]
app.selection[i].flipItem(Flip.HORIZONTAL, flip_origin);
Not sure it's easier or faster than grouping and ungrouping though.

Consider resize. It has a "individual/global" parameter :
void resize (in: varies, from: varies, by: ResizeMethods, values: Array of varies[, resizeIndividually: bool=true][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])
Resize the page item.


Pass Pointer to Array Element to Function

I am working on a program for a task in Linear Algebra that performs computations on vectors and matrices of floating point numbers.
v = [3.14159, 2.256, 1.5783, 6.782]
A = [ 9.7 2.333 5.467 5.2123
6.789 4.789 5.671 9.111
1.113 4.562 8.223 5.2125
6.666 7.8181 3.426 4.3567]
A part of the program performs the same operations on an input vector as it does on a specified row of an input matrix, handled by a function in C++. In C++, the same function can accept input of either a vector or matrix by having it accept a pointer to a specific array element; as long as the pointer arithmetic is meticulous and, knowing memory layout is row-major, it works. I am wondering if the same can be done in JavaScript.
I could write either of two functions:
i) A function that expects a vector.
Passing the vector in works.
However, passing in the matrix doesn't work.
I had hoped to pass in the pointer to, say, the first element in the second row (the element containing 6.789). Then to access the entire row by something like A[0][i]. But JavaScript doesn't like that.
ii) A function that expects a matrix.
Passing the matrix in works.
However, passing in the vector doesn't work. If I try to access the vector elements as v[0][i], JavaScript doesn't like that.
Either my syntax is incorrect, or I am trying to do something that cannot be done.
The vector and array cannot be changed in form (i.e., flattened, etc.) because the rest of the program needs them to keep their forms; the vector needs to remain a vector and the matrix needs to remain a matrix.
In JavaScript, is it possible to pass a pointer to a specific array element into a function and then, within the function, have the vector (or row of matrix) treated as just a regular array?
If not, is there a suggested work-around?
Does this do what you're after?
function doSomethingWithVectorOrMatrixRow(vectorOrMatrix, matrixRow) {
const aVector = matrixRow === undefined ? vectorOrMatrix : vectorOrMatrix[matrixRow];
return doSomething(aVector);
/* Use it as */ doSomethingWithVectorOrMatrixRow(v);
/* or */ doSomethingWithVectorOrMatrixRow(A, 1);
Although of course it would be more efficient to store a matrix as a flat Array, and simply operate on a given range of that Array, which would work equally well for a vector (range = whole vector), but you say you can't change the data structure used.

ActionScript 3.0 Reproducing z-index from JavaScript for 2D game

My 2D game uses a "wide" floor, seen below, which requires objects to move behind and in front of each other as they move vertically.
See me!
In JavaScript I would simply apply the "y" position to the z-index property of the object, effectively layering the elements. I've been experimenting with AS3's indexing, addChildAt and setChildIndex, but have not yet figured out a solution. Note that objects will added and modified dynamically as the game updates, and will be numerous.
What is the simplest method to reproduce this in AS3?
This seems to be best matching what you are describing:
Using Matrix3D objects for reordering display
As mentioned previously, the layering order of display objects in the display list determines the display layering order, regardless of their relative z-axes. If your animation transforms the properties of display objects into an order that differs from the display list order, the viewer might see display object layering that does not correspond to the z-axis layering. So, an object that should appear further away from the viewer might appear in front of an object that is closer to the viewer.
To ensure that the layering of 3D display objects corresponds to the relative depths of the objects, use an approach like the following:
Use the getRelativeMatrix3D() method of the Transform object to get the relative z-axes of the child 3D display objects.
Use the removeChild() method to remove the objects from the display list.
Sort the display objects based on their relative z-axis values.
Use the addChild() method to add the children back to the display list in reverse order.
This reordering ensures that your objects display in accordance with their relative z-axes.
The following code enforces the correct display of the six faces of a 3D box. It reorders the faces of the box after rotations have been applied to the it:
public var faces:Array; . . .
public function ReorderChildren()
for(var ind:uint = 0; ind < 6; ind++)
faces[ind].z = faces[ind].child.transform.getRelativeMatrix3D(root).position.z;
faces.sortOn("z", Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING);
for (ind = 0; ind < 6; ind++)
It's essentially what you're doing already, using addChild. You could use setChildIndex() instead of removing the objects from the display list as well.

How to apply transformation to selection in Illustrator by scripting

I managed to select every thing I want in Illustrator with a ExtendScript Toolkit javascript code: lots of things (text, path, symbols, ...) in several layers. Now I want to resize them the same way, then move them.
I know how to apply a transformation to one object by code, but I want to avoid looping on each element because it would be very very long and transformation would be applied from the anchor point of each element, so my drawings wouldn't be cohesive.
So, I am looking for a way to do like in Illustrator UI: right click > transform > scale. Is there any UI command like this I could access from code (javascript)?
There are at least three ways to do this:
Record AI Actions that perform required transformations, and then play these Actions (by DoScript) from your script
Group selected objects and apply required transformations to the group as #Dane proposed. You need to backup the Layer object property to allow objects to be restored in original layers, as shown in VBA example below:
For i = Index_Lo To Index_Hi
Call Layers_Backup.Add(Item:=SelectedItems(i).Layer, Key:=Format(i))
Call SelectedItems(i).Move(Temp_Group, AiElementPlacement.aiPlaceAtEnd)
Next i
Call Temp_Group.Resize(scaleX:=120, scaleY:=120, changeLineWidths:=120)
For i = Index_Lo To Index_Hi
Call SelectedItems(i).Move(Layers_Backup(Format(i)), AiElementPlacement.aiPlaceAtEnd)
Next i
Call Windows API functions (like PostMessage (..., WM_COMMAND, ..., ...), SendDlgItemMessage, FindWindowEx etc) to show, fill and execute required AI transformations dialog boxes
IMHO, item #1 is the easiest to implement while item#2 is the most reliable
So I dont know if you can get away with not looping in some form or other. that said, if you dont mind putting your selection in to a group, it might be faster to loop through your selection adding to a group which might be faster than looping and through the selection and scale and moving each element. With the group object you can then do groupObject.scale() and .translate().
Here is a snippet i took from a script of mine.
#target "illustrator"
var aiApp = app.activeDocument;
var aSelection = aiApp.selection;
var aGroup = app.activeDocument.groupItems.add();
for (i=0; i < aSelection.length; i++){
aSelection[i].move( aGroup, ElementPlacement.INSIDE);
aSelection[i].move( aGroup, ElementPlacement.PLACEATEND);
//moves up 700 points and scales by 200
aGroup.resize(200, 200, true , true, true, true, 200)

Scaling Raster with Paper.js using Tween.js

I'm think I'm having a similar issue as this in that I can not work out (or know if it exists) whereby I can get access to the scaling applied to a given object (in my instance, a raster).
I need to know this so I can animate the scaling via Tween.js.
Anyone have any ideas or know if indeed it is possible to find out the current scaling applied to a raster (or any) object?
I thought it was an issue with Rasters so I tried tweening the scale property of a Path and then a Group and I couldn't get access to the values in order to animate it.
Because I am using Tween.js I can not simply use the object.scale(value) function.
I even tried applying an arbitrary (animated) number to the scale function and it failed to work... i.e.:
object.scale( 0 );
object.arbitraryNumber = 0;
createjs.Tween.get( object )
.to( { arbitraryNumber:1 } , 1000, createjs.Ease.getPowInOut(2) )
.addEventListener( "change", function( event ) {;
} );
Although this did not work, when the same approach was applied to the x position of the object, it animated fine.
Is there anything that needs to be flagged in order to update scaling of an object?
When calling Item.scale() method on each frame with values from 0 to 1, you are actually scaling down item exponentially because each call scales the item relatively to the previous value.
What you want to do is animate the Item.scaling property instead.
You also have to know that by default, PaperJS use global coordinates system and apply every transformations directly to points.
You can change this behavior by setting Item.applyMatrix property to false.
Doing this, scale change will affect item matrix instead of affecting points coordinates and you will be able to animate it as you expect.
Here is simple Sketch of a scale animation:
var circle = new Path.Circle(, 50);
circle.fillColor = 'orange';
circle.applyMatrix = false;
function onFrame(event)
circle.scaling = Math.sin(1 + event.count * 0.05);
You should be able to transpose this example to your Tween.js context easily.

How do I check my condition on an if statement to see if it is working correctly?

I'm trying to make a type of circular display which cycles through a series of values as well as moving text elements within an svg file. It uses the hammer.js library and uses the drag event. The values can go in either direction. I have it working to some degree. As the last value is shown from an array, it goes back to the beginning of the array to get the first values. Or vice-versa.
var keyArray = ["C","C#","Db","D","D#","Eb","E","F","F#","Gb","G","G#","Ab","A","A#","Bb","B"];
This is my array. Here is how I wrap it past the end of the array and back to the beginning.
** As per the request of a few commenters and the suggested solution by Nina, I have modified the code below to reflect their suggestions. I have also added a few more lines for clarity of what is happening overall.**
var delta = keyArray.length - 5; // can be constant, it is always positive
//5 svg text element containing 5 musical keys
keys = document.getElementById("keys"+i);
//ev.deltaX is the change received from the hammer pan event
//text element moves relative to its original starting X
//This if is what appears to be failing.
if (keys.getAttribute("x")>=565){
keys.textContent = keyArray[(currentEdgeIndex + delta) % keyArray.length];
With the suggested changes, I removed the Number() calls as well as implementing the modulus for the wrapper. The behavior is still erratic. On the example below, if you pan to the right, as the first text element reaches 565, it meets the condition for the if, is moved back to the left by 150.
What it should do next is to change the textContent to the next appropriate value in the array. However, this is where it becomes erratic, it is no longer past 565 so it does not meet the condition of the if statement, but the text changes at every increment of the pan event as if it were.
I am sure I am not seeing something simple that is causing the trouble but not sure what it is.
The array does appear to be circling correctly, though I'm still not sure "How can I check to see if the if statement is being correctly evaluated and met?"
The project can be viewed here.
* Edit with solution *
Nina suggested the problem lie in the handling of the touch event. After further investigation, I found she was correct. I had originally been moving the object relative to its starting position and the deltaX from the touch event. I then was trying to change the current position by simply moving it back to the left rather than adjusting the starting position.
So I replaced the
This kept the movement relative to the starting position and the deltaX of the touch event.
Please delete the Number(...) casting where it's not necessary. ...length returns always number and the result of calculation is a number too.
Your actual key feature is to move 5 entries down, and this can be achieved wit a simple addition and a modulo, to keep the value in a specific range, like
keys.textContent = keyArray[(keyArray.length + currentEdgeIndex - 5) % keyArray.length];
Further simplified can this calculation then lead to just add a positive number of
delta = keyArray.length - 5; // can be constant, it is always positive
keys.textContent = keyArray[(currentEdgeIndex + delta) % keyArray.length];
and make the modulo out of it.

