Auto-detect when scrollbar disappears - javascript

I got a centered Layout including a max-width and margin: 0 auto;. Furthermore i am currently using Isotope for filtering and sorting a grid.
The Problem is: There is the possibility that the height of the body / main container becomes smaller than the actual window height and therefor of course removes the scrollbar, since the body has overflow: hidden. The centered layout jumps (because of the margin: 0 auto), which doesn't look very great.
The Question: Is there a callback function from Isotope where i could test if the scrollbar is shown or not? Or is there even a possibility to bind a function on the body when the scrollbar disappears? what is the best method to check if there is a scrollbar visible or not? (EDIT// as suggested an easy method is $(document).height > $(window).height, now i just need a triggered event to call the if statement)
Thanks in advance!
EDIT here is a LINK TO FIDDLE to play around


Fixed side menu inside wrapper

So I have a site that is contained in a wrapper that has a max width. This site also has a fixed side menu that is toggled with a button.
My issue is having the fixed side menu to stay inside the page wrapper as fixed elements are relative to the window not the parent element.
Here is an example using position: fixed:
As you can see the menu is coming out from the side of the viewport, not the wrapper (grey area).
I have found away around this using position: absolute:
Here you can see the menu is coming out of the wrapper. (correct)
But I had to write some extra jQuery to spoof fixed positioning on scroll.
// Fix menu
$(window).on('load scroll resize', function() {
navigation.find('ul').css('top', $(window).scrollTop());
But doing it this way causes glitches/lag on most web browsers. Though the example isn't to bad when scrolling but when implementing this on an actual site with tons more elements/code it becomes very obvious.
Here is what it looks like in use when scrolling down the page:
I have thought of disabling scrolling when the menu is open but I was just wondering if anyone can help?
there is a work-around for this. you need to create a bar at the top with position:fixed. This bar should have height: 1px and no background-color so you can't see it.
then you can add your navigation inside of there, and float:right. when you float right, it will show up, but will be pinned to the invisible fixed bar at the top. also, you have to give the nav a width of 0 so its invisible. then you can transition its width to 100px or whatever you want on button click.
finally, use jQuery to set its height to the height of the window on resizing of the window, and when you show it.
here's the fiddle:
since the bar is inside a position:relative bar, it shouldn't jump around as much (or at all)
do NOT add right or left padding to the navigation though, this will break the effect. instead, you can put a container around the nav, and make the nav width: 90% or something so it appears to have some padding.
here's an updated fiddle with how the padding should be:
If performance accross all browsers is the issue, you could re-write your function using plain .js instead of jquery.
I couldn't replicate the jittery movement in chrome, but the below should be put less strain on the browser.
$(window).on('load scroll resize', function() {
document.getElementById('nav-list') = window.scrollY + 'px';

Part of div hidden with tinyscrollbar until window is resized

I'm having a strange issue with
I've created a fiddle at
In the source, there's a <li> element at line 153 that says 'THIS SHOULD BE VISIBLE'
However, when initially running it, it's not visible in the scroll window.
If I resize the window, even a tiny bit, the rest of the items are visible as expected
I'm struggling to see a) what is causing this, and b) why it fixes itself on resize?
If you turn off prettycheckable, you can see that the problem doesn't happen. I believe this is happening because the scrollbar plugin reads the height of the div before the checkboxes are made larger by the prettycheckable plugin. So the height of the div is set, the scrollbar is generated, then the checkboxes are enlarged with the other plugin.
Right now you are styling the heights for the generated elements. Those only come into play once the javascript has evaluated. In order to fix this, you need to style the elements in the real html. For example, this solves your problem:
.overview li {
height: 2.5em;
Because the .overview li is there before the checkboxes are "prettyfied" and then when they are generated, they don't make that element any larger.

Can I expand a div so the overflow-y:auto scrollbar doesn't clip the div content?

Similar question, without a great answer:
How can I include the width of "overflow: auto;" scrollbars in a dynamically sized absolute div?
I have a <div> of fixed height that acts as a menu of buttons of uniform width. Users can add/remove buttons from the menu. When there are more buttons than can fit vertically in the <div>, I want it to become scrollable - so I'm using overflow-y:auto, which indeed adds a scrollbar when the content is too large in y. Unfortunately, when the scrollbar shows up it overlaps the menu buttons, and adds a horizontal scroll bar as a result - the big problem is it just looks horrible.
Is there a "right" way to fix this? I'd love to learn some style trick to make it work right (i.e. the scrollbar sits outside the div rather than inside, or the div automatically expands to accommodate the scroll bar when necessary). If javascript is necessary, that's fine - I'm already using jQuery - in that case, what are the right events are to detect the scrollbar being added/removed, and how do I make sure to use the correct width in a cross-browser/cross-style way?
<button type="button" id="add">Add a button!</button>
<div id="menu">
var d = $('<div/>');
var b = $('<button type="button">Test</button>');
First: To remove the horizontal scrollbar set overflow-x: hidden; as Trent Stewart has already mentioned in another answer.
CSS Approach:
One thing I have done in the past is to add a wider wrapping div around the content div to make room for the scrollbar. This, however, only works if your container width is fixed... and may need to be adjusted (by serving different styles) in various browsers due to variable rendering of scrollbars.
Here a jsfiddle for your case. Note the new wrapper <div id="menu-wrap"> and its fixed width width: 95px;. In this case the wrapper div is doing the scrolling.
You could probably also solve this by giving the wrapper some padding on the right, and thereby avoid the fixed width problem.
jQuery Approach:
Another option is to detect the overflow using jquery as described here, and then increasing the width or padding of the div to make space. You may still have to make browser-specific adjustments though.
Here a jsfiddle with a simplified version for your example. This uses your click function to check the div height after every click, and then adds some padding to make room for the scrollbar; a basic comparison between innerHeight and scrollHeight:
if($('#menu').innerHeight() < $('#menu')[0].scrollHeight){
$('#menu').css( "padding", "0 15px 0 0" );
To make this more cross-browser friendly you could check for the scrollbar width (as outlined here) and then add the returned value instead of the fixed padding. Here another jsfiddle to demonstrate.
There are probably many other methods, but this is how I would go about it.
Have you tried simply using overflow-x: visible; or hidden

Set an element height via CSS or JavaScript/JQuery

This should be simple but nothing's working:
How do you set the height of a webpage to be, lets say, exactly 4000 pixels—in such a way that scroll bars exist even when the page is blank?
I'm new to JavaScript/JQuery but very experienced with similar technologies. I'm trying to do some fancy effects based on scrolling the page. To accomplish this methodically, as a first step I'm looking to make a "really tall" page. From there I will hide/display items based on the scroll height with pseudo-code along the lines of:
function onScrollEvent() {
var height = scroll height
var sectionIndex = Math.floor(height / MAX_SECTION_HEIGHT);
for each item in my array of graphics
if item index != sectionIndex then item.fadeOut else item.fadeIn
Once I have that working, I'll start creating the effects I want to see. The problem is, I can't make the stupid page "really tall."
When I set the height style property of the main-content div, it doesn't seem to trigger scroll bars unless there's actual content on the page. How do I make the page "permanently tall," so to speak? That is, I want the page to behave (scroll) as though it has 4000 pixels of content even if there's only one line of text on the page. Right now it behaves as though there's a call to:
height = Math.min(height of contents, height of div style)
Have you tried min-height for body, or html tags? min-height requires the element to be at least that height regardless of the content contained.
html, body{
min-height: 4000px;
Live Demo
Easy in CSS:
height: 4000px;
Example here.
This is the simplest way. min-height is not supported by all browsers. This is a specific height that you can set to the body tag (essentially the webpage itself) to make it really tall.
In your CSS add:
min-height: 4000px;
And you'll also need:
height: 4000px;
for internet explorer (via IE's conditional comments).
In Chrome 10, on OSX 10.6 -- this renders a complete blank page with scroll on the Y axis, hope this is how you meant:

Change CSS width using javascript (JQuery Tools Scrollable) center

I am using JQuery Tools Scrollable to build a full-page-width scrollable form, such that each page of the form scrolls all the way across the page, replaced by the next page sliding in from the right.
The problem I'm having is how to center each page such that it stays centered amidst browser resizing and in-browser zooming (Ctrl +/-). My code is based upon:
I've tried encasing my code in a div like this:
<div style="margin-left:-440px; padding-left:50%; width:50%; min-width:880px;">
But, because this div is itself positioned in the middle of the page, the scrolling pages don't slide all the way to the left edge - they cut out at the div's edge about 30% away from left, which looks bad.
The only conclusion I can think of is to dynamically alter the margin-left I've defined on div class="items" to make sure it's always equal to 50% - 440px but no less than 0.
How can I do this using javascript?
is the container div absolute or relative positioned? If it has a specific width, let's say "800px", then centering it horizontally is easy with auto margins on left and right, e.g. margin: 0 auto. Otherwise it gets tricker.
If you want to respond to resize in Javascript, in jquery I do something like $(window).resize(function() {}) (docs here) and inside of the handler function update some value in CSS. If you just want to increase the width but still have auto-margins, you could select your div and update the width property, e.g. $('.mydiv').css('width', '900px');. This would fire any time the window is resized.

