How to get the Australian Time Zone using Javascript? (Not JQuery) - javascript

I am trying to help a friend to get the Australian Time Zone for the University Assignment and finding difficulty.
Could someone point us in the right direction?
Thank you!
function Timezone() {
var x = new Date();
var currentTimeZoneOffsetInHours = x.getTimezoneOffset() / 60;
document.getElementById("add").innerHTML = currentTimeZoneOffsetInHours;
<p id="add"></p>

You simply use
let AuDate = new Date().toLocaleString("en-US", {timeZone: "Australia/Sydney"});

By looking at your code, looks like you are trying to get the current date and time of an Australian timezone. Lets say you want Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) and you want the date displayed how they would in Australia DD-MM-YYYY then do the following:
var timestamp_UTC = new Date();
var readable_timestamp_AEST = timestamp_UTC.toLocaleDateString("en-AU", {timeZone: "Australia/Sydney"}).replace(/\//g, "-") + ' ' + somestamp.toLocaleTimeString("en-AU", {timeZone: "Australia/Sydney"});
"en-AU" is the locales argument which tells the toLocalDateString to display the date as DD-MM-YYYY and the second argument is for options (timeZone is just one such possible option). Info about toLocalDateString function can be found here
Here is some information about the Date() function
Hope this clears up a few things around getting times and dates from the Date() function.

I think i understand what you mean. But before that i'd like to make 2 points:
1: The Timezone() function should be called somewhere.
function Timezone() {
var x = new Date();
var currentTimeZoneOffsetInHours = x.getTimezoneOffset() / 60;
document.getElementById("add").innerHTML = currentTimeZoneOffsetInHours;
2: The convention usually is that methods start with a lower case letter. Maybe updateTimezone() would be more appropriate.
Your question can be interpreted in 2 ways now:
you want your timezone's offset in hours and for this the code above should work. getTimezoneOffset() is the way to go.
you want a human readable name of your timezone, as you can see on my site (in my case it says GTB Summer). You can look in my source code to see how i achieve this:
var s = date.toString();
var iOfP = s.indexOf('('); // index of parenthesis
if (iOfP < 0) {
s = s.substring(s.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1);
} else {
s = s.substring(iOfP+1, s.length-1);
if (s.length > 4 && s.lastIndexOf(" Time") == s.length-5){
s = s.substring(0, s.length-5);
timezoneM.innerHTML = s;
This works because when you call toString() on the date the result should contain the full name of your timezone:


Setting timezone for running clock in JavaScript

Good days guys. I have this nice and clean code for a running clock.
<script type="text/javascript">
function DisplayTime(){
if (!document.all && !document.getElementById)
timeElement=document.getElementById? document.getElementById("curTime"): document.all.tick2
var CurrentDate=new Date()
var hours=CurrentDate.getHours()
var minutes=CurrentDate.getMinutes()
var seconds=CurrentDate.getSeconds()
var DayNight="PM"
if (hours<12) DayNight="AM";
if (hours>12) hours=hours-12;
if (hours==0) hours=12;
if (minutes<=9) minutes="0"+minutes;
if (seconds<=9) seconds="0"+seconds;
var currentTime=hours+":"+minutes+":"+seconds+" "+DayNight;
timeElement.innerHTML="<font style='font-family:Open+Sans:300italic,400italic,600italic,700italic,800italic,400,300,600,700,800&subset=latin,cyrillic-ext,latin-extfont-size:14px;color:#fff;'>"+currentTime+"</b>"
My only problem is it's based the system time. How can I set the timezone so that it will display the correct time based on the timezone specified?
There's nothing built into the JavaScript Date object that handles any timezones other than local (system) time and UTC.
You can do it by giving your Date instance the wrong time, using the delta between one of those timezones (local or UTC) and the time zone you want to use. It's easier if you use UTC.
So for instance, say we want our time in GMT+01:00:
var dt = new Date();
dt.setTime(dt.getTime() + (60 * 60 * 1000));
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^---- one hour in milliseconds,
// which is our offset from UTC/GMT
var hours = dt.getUTCHours(); // Use UTC methods to get time
var minutes = dt.getUTCMinutes();
var seconds = dt.getUTCSeconds();
Time stuff, particularly with timezones, is hard. You might look at using a library for it, although for just this sort of clock that would be overkill. One good library is MomentJS (which has a timezone add-on).
You can use getTimezoneOffset method of the Date object. It gives you the timezone offset, according to your timezone in minutes.
So in order to get the current time in UTC (+0 timezone) you can do something of the sort:
var tzOffset = CurrentDate.getTimezoneOffset();
// some timezones are not set hours, so we must calculate the minutes
var minutesOffset = parseInt(tzOffset%60,10);
// the offset hours for the timezone
var hoursOffset = parseInt(tzOffset/60, 10);
Then you need to do some math in your code to account for the offset:
var hours = CurrentDate.getHours() + hoursOffset;
var minutes = CurrentDate.getMinutes() + minutesOffset;
This would account for your timezone. If you want to calculate another timezone, that you specify, change the tzOffset above to show your timezone.
var tzOffset = CurrentDate.getTimezoneOffset() + TIMEZONE_HOURS*60;
TIMEZONE_HOURS is the timezone in hours you want, e.g. if you want UTC+3, you must set TIMEZONE_HOURS to 3.
As a whole timezones are a bit complicated task because they change a lot and there are some caveats with them. If you want to dwell more into this, check this answer in another question on SO
I have implemented your working code by adding one more function to obtain what you want. See this will help
function DisplayTime(timeZoneOffsetminutes){
if (!document.all && !document.getElementById)
timeElement=document.getElementById? document.getElementById("curTime"): document.all.tick2
var requiredDate=getTimeZoneTimeObj(timeZoneOffsetminutes)
var hours=requiredDate.h;
var minutes=requiredDate.m;
var seconds=requiredDate.s;
var DayNight="PM";
if (hours<12) DayNight="AM";
if (hours>12) hours=hours-12;
if (hours==0) hours=12;
if (minutes<=9) minutes="0"+minutes;
if (seconds<=9) seconds="0"+seconds;
var currentTime=hours+":"+minutes+":"+seconds+" "+DayNight;
timeElement.innerHTML="<font style='font-family:Open+Sans:300italic,400italic,600italic,700italic,800italic,400,300,600,700,800&subset=latin,cyrillic-ext,latin-extfont-size:14px;color:#fff;'>"+currentTime+"</b>"
function getTimeZoneTimeObj(timeZoneOffsetminutes){
var localdate = new Date()
var timeZoneDate = new Date(localdate.getTime() + ((localdate.getTimezoneOffset()- timeZoneOffsetminutes)*60*1000));
return {'h':timeZoneDate.getHours(),'m':timeZoneDate.getMinutes(),'s':timeZoneDate.getSeconds()};
<div id="curTime"></div>
visit this link as a reference
var x = new Date();
var currentTimeZoneOffsetInHours = x.getTimezoneOffset() / 60;
You can try using moment.js
It is very nice library which handles timezones too.

NaN javascript error when calculating between dates with timestamp

I would like to begin by saying i looked at multiple threads in this forum before posting. Wasnt able to find my solution :(
Issue: getting a NaN error when trying to find the difference between two dates with a timestamp from two textboxes.
The date format i'm using is DDMMYYYY HH:MM - 27/01/2015 00:00
code below.
thank you in advance for this super helpful forum :)
function stringToDate(s) {
var dateParts = s.split(' ')[0].split('-');
var timeParts = s.split(' ')[1].split(':');
var d = new Date(dateParts[0], --dateParts[1], dateParts[2]);
d.setHours(timeParts[0], timeParts[1], timeParts[2]);
return d;
function test() {
var a = textbox_1.value;
var b = textbox_2.value;
alert(stringToDate(a) - stringToDate(b));
Your date has / as separator but you are splitting the string on -. Change
var dateParts = s.split(' ')[0].split('-');
var dateParts = s.split(' ')[0].split('/');
Also, your time part has only hours and minutes, so there is no timeParts[2] present, just remove it from the setHours() call. Like this:
d.setHours(timeParts[0], timeParts[1])
Your code returns the difference in milliseconds. To convert it into date format just change
alert(stringToDate(a) - stringToDate(b));
alert(new Date(stringToDate(a) - stringToDate(b)));
The code is trying to parse a time in the format HH:MM:SS. Skip the third part:
d.setHours(timeParts[0], timeParts[1]);
You can convert the date into milliseconds, get the difference and get the date back.
var a = new Date();
a = a.getTime();
var b = new Date();
b = b.getTime();
var c = b - a;
var date = new Date(c);
alert(date.getDate() - 1);
for those who may have stumbled upon my post, i found my answer at the link below by user benjour.
How do I get the difference between two Dates in JavaScript?

JavaScript time question

I am new to JavaScript but need to run a check to make sure it is daylight. I am using yahoo's weather API to pull sunrise and sunset. I'm just a little confused as to the best approach for comparing its results to the current time.
I am confused because it returns a time like sunset: '9:01 pm'. bsince there is a PM it is text. I can't think of a good way to compare it to the current time... RegExp, then convert to an integer maybe?
What would be the best approach to this, and why (sorry I'm trying to learn)?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Create a new Date() with the info from yahoo's api, then compare with sunsetDate.getTime() and sunriseDate.getTime().
Passing today's date in mm/dd/yyyy format with the time as '9:01 pm' to the Date constructor will give you a valid date.
var today = new Date();
today = [today.getMonth()+1, today.getDate(), today.getFullYear()].join('/');
var yahooSunrise = '5:45 am';
var yahooSunset = '9:01 pm';
var sunrise = new Date(today + ' ' + yahooSunrise).getTime();
var sunset = new Date(today + ' ' + yahooSunset).getTime();
var now =;
var isDaylight = (now > sunrise && now < sunset);
This would work with something like this, but maybe you might need to change the timings to suite a particular climate:
function getNow() {
var now = new Date
if (now.getHours() < 5) { return "Could be still dark";}
else if (now.getHours() < 9) {return "Definitely day time";}
else if (now.getHours() < 17) { return "Definitely day time"; }
else {return "It gets dark now";}
One quick approach is to turn both the current time of day and the time you get back from yahoo into the value "minutes since the beginning of the day."
For example, if Yahoo gives you 9:01pm, use the pm to turn the time into 21:01. That is
21*60 + 1 = 1260 + 1 = 1261 minutes since the beginning of the day
Do this for both sunrise and suset. Then get the current time with
new Date()
and do the same kind of thing.
Then just do integer comparisons!
Hope that helps.
This sounds like a good candiidate for a regular expression on the data you get back from the service.
Something like (\d{1,2}):(\d{2})\s(AM|PM) will give you 3 capture groups.
1: The hour (1 or 2 digits)
2: The Minute (2 digits)
3: Either string "AM" or "PM"
You can then use these to parse out the actual time as integer hour and minute to compare to the current time.

the closest Sunday before given date with JavaScript

I need to know the date for last Sunday for given date in php & javascript
Let's have a function give_me_last_Sunday
give_me_last_Sunday('20110517') is 20110515
give_me_last_Sunday('20110604') is 20110529
The full backup is done on Sundays = weekly. If I want to restore daily backup I need full (weekly) and daily backup. I need to copy backup files before restoring to temp directory so I restoring daily backup I need to know what weekly backup file I need to copy along the daily file.
My thought was to get Julian representation (or something similar) for the given date and then subtract 1 and check if it is Sunday ... Not sure if this is the best idea and how to convert given date into something I can subtract.
Based on Thomas' effort, and provided the input string is exactly the format you specified, then:
function lastSunday(d) {
var d = d.replace(/(^\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2}$)/,'$1/$2/$3');
d = new Date(d);
d.setDate(d.getDate() - d.getDay());
return d;
If I were to write that now, I'd not depend on the Date object parsing the string but do it myself:
function lastSunday(s) {
var d = new Date(s.substring(0,4), s.substring(4,6) - 1, s.substring(6));
d.setDate(d.getDate() - d.getDay());
return d;
While the format yyyy/mm/dd is parsed correctly by all browsers I've tested, I think it's more robust to stick to basic methods. Particularly when they are likely more efficient.
Ok so this is for JavaScript only. You have an input that you need to extract the month, date, and year from. The following is just partly an answer then on how to get the date:
<script type="text/javascript">
var myDate=new Date();
var a = myDate.getDate();
var t = myDate.getDay();
var r = a - t;
document.write("The date last Sunday was " + r);
So the setFullYear function sets the myDate to the date specified where the first four digits is the year, the next are is the month (0= Jan, 1= Feb.,...). The last one is the actually date. Then the above code gives you the date of the Sunday before that. I am guessing that you can add more code to get the month (use getMonth() method). Here are a few links that might be helpful
(You can probably find the other functions that you need)
I hope this helps a bit even though it is not a complete answer.
Yup and strtotime has been ported to JS for eg here.
final code (big thanks to #Thomas & #Rob)
function lastSunday(d) {
var d = d.replace(/(^\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2}$)/,'$1/$2/$3');
d = new Date(d);
d.setDate(d.getDate() - d.getDay());
year = d.getFullYear()+'';
month = d.getMonth()+1+'';
day = d.getDate()+'';
if ( month.length == 1 ) month = "0" + month; // Add leading zeros to month and date if required
if ( day.length == 1 ) day = "0" + day;
return year+month+day;

creating date from a timestring in javascript

I am new to javascript and am trying to compare two date values ,I am getting two time value strings in the format
06:30:47 AM
01:10:47 PM
I need to compare these to find out if the first one is less than the other.I couldn't figure out how to do this in javascript.Can someone help?
I do not think that the standard implementation can parse this. I would do something like this:
function toDate(dateString) {
var timeComponents = dateString.replace(/\s.*$/, '').split(':');
if (dateString.indexOf("PM") > -1) {
timeComponents[0] += 12;
var date = new Date();
return date;
if (toDate('06:30:47 AM') > toDate('01:10:47 PM')) {
// ...
JavaScript's specified date/time parsing, what you can rely upon cross-browser, is surprisingly limited. For a long time, there was no single string date format that was mandated in the spec, and as of the recent 5th edition spec, the only mandated format is ISO-8601 (and some subsets). You can't yet rely on browsers having implemented that part of the 5th edition spec.
So you have a couple of choices:
Parse the string yourself and use the Date constructor that takes the individual parts of the date as numbers, e.g. new Date(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, ...). (You need only specify as many of those as you want, so for instance new Date(2010, 9, 14) is September 14th, 2010.)
Use a library like Moment that's already done the work for you. Moment lets you specify the format to parse.
Use the Date object. Check this:
Try putting the two values in Date variables and do this:
if(var1.valueOf() > var2.valueOf())
//Do Something
If your times are always in the format 00:00:00 AM then
var a="06:30:47 AM";
var b="01:10:47 PM";
var at=parseInt(a.substring(0,8).replace(/(^0+|:)/g,""));
var bt=parseInt(b.substring(0,8).replace(/(^0+|:)/g,""));
if (a.charAt(9)=="P") {at=at+120000};
if (b.charAt(9)=="P") {bt=bt+120000};
if (at<bt) {
// a is smaller
// a is not smaller
..should be cross-browser and time/format safe.
I tried something like this
var ts1="06:30:47 AM";
var ts2="01:10:47 PM";
var ds=new Date().toDateString();
var d1=new Date(ds+" "+ts1);
var d2=new Date(ds+" "+ts2);
if (!(d2>d1)){
alert("d1 should be less than d2");
Is there something wrong with this?
// specific formatter for the time format ##:##:## #M
var formatToMiliseconds = function(t){
t = t.split(/[:\s]/);
t = ((t[0] * 3600000) + (t[1] * 60000) * (t[2] * 1000)); // To ms
t = t + (/PM/i.test(t[3]) ? 43200000 : 0); // adjust for AM/PM
return t;
var time01 = formatToMiliseconds('06:30:47 AM');
var time02 = formatToMiliseconds('01:10:47 PM');
alert(time01 > time02); // false
allert(time01 < time02); // true
As a bonus, your time is now more compatible with the Date object and other time calculations.

