Ajax not calling success function - javascript

I'm using ajax to validate a from without reloadind the page.
Script Ajax
function updateResult(tab){
dataType: 'text',
success: function(data){
document.getElementById('resultat').innerHTML = '<p>'+data+'</p>';
error: function(data){
document.getElementById('resultat').innerHTML = '<p>ERROR</p>';
<?php $tab=$this->request->data; ?>
updateResult(<?php json_encode($tab);?>);
<?php echo "Success"; ?>
My problem is that ajax do not call the sucess function, I always have the "ERROR" text appearing ...
For the moment I don't have yet the code of my requeteSpecimen.php file and I just would like the success function to be called. Don't know if it can help but I'm using cakePHP 3.0.
Many thanks in advance.

You do not call actions like that in Cakephp.
First set up an Action in one of your Controllers call the url from your $.ajax function like this.
function updateResult(tab){
dataType: 'text',
success: function(data){
document.getElementById('resultat').innerHTML = '<p>'+data+'</p>';
error: function(data){
document.getElementById('resultat').innerHTML = '<p>ERROR</p>';
You could later on add a route for request_specimen and make it prettier.
In your Controller there should be a method called: public function request_specimen() {} Wich will handle the ajax request like so: if($this->request->is(['ajax']) { /* Handle request */}
The data sent to the function will be in $this->request->data;


Ajax call request in CodeIgniter with CSRF enabled

I am using an ajax call to save value of a radio button through hidden field in database using ajax call, used an alert to see if its working, and it is.
The URL I mentioned in the ajax call is redirecting it to a controller but I used an alert to see if its working, but its not working. Can't locate what's the issue.
Here is the code of ajax call in view:
<script type="text/javascript">
var hint=$('#hidfield').val();
alert('Oops, your response is '+hint);
url: '<?php echo base_url();?>welcome/save_answer',
type: "post",
dataType: "html",
data:{hint:$hint, <?php echo $this->security->get_csrf_token_name();?>: "<?php echo $this->security->get_csrf_hash();?>"},
success: function(data) {
Here is the controller:
function save_answer()
alert('You Can Do It !!');
$data = array(
Here is the model:
function save_answer($data)
Please suggest some way out.
You cannot used javascript "alert()" inside controller.
instead of "alert('You Can Do It !!');" use "die('You Can Do It !!');" to debug, and check in to your console.

Passing Php variable it Ajax

Hi I'm trying to pass a php variable from produto.php to another file descProduto.php it ajax but without success. Please someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong? The ajax is working but I can't get the value on descProduto.php
This is where I click produto.php
<img class="btn-details" src="plus.png" data-idproduto="'.$idproduto.'"/>
My ajax ( diferent file ajax.js)
$(".btn-details").on('click', function(){
var idproduto = $(this).data('idproduto');
type: "POST",
url: "descProduto.php",
async: false,
dataType: "html",
data: {'idproduto': idproduto},
success: function(result){
error: function(){
return false;
Where I get the variable descProduto.php
$idproduto = $_POST['idproduto'];
echo $idproduto;
Why using AJAX ? .You can't use for this matter.just use session
In page1.php
$_SESSION['var'] = 'foo'
In Page2.php
echo $_SESSION['var']; //foo
First of all check whether your $idproduto actually prints on produto.php (Developer Tools/ FireBug/ View Source).
Then console.log(idproduto) before sending the ajax post to see whether it sets correctly.

Form or jQuery Ajax?

When a form sends variable with GET Method, the URL changes, putting the variables that you are passing in this way
How can I get the same result with jQuery Ajax? Is it possible? Thank you
set path in your php layout/view file where you include this code
var path="<?php echo $this->webroot;?>";
and add following jquery code to post the data through ajax.
type: 'POST',
url: path+'homes/createEvent',
data: {eventname:eventname,manager:manager},
async: false,
success: function(resulthtml)
error: function(message)
and on homes_controller.php, u will get this ajax data in createEvent function,
function createEvent()

load view using ajax symfony2

I'm very new to symfony2 and I'm getting some problems to load a view using ajax when the user clicks on a div. Using firebug I can see the data is returned but I can not append the result in the page.
My Code:
//Default Controller
public function indexAction($num, Request $request)
$request = $this->getRequest();
$content = $this->forward('PaginationBundle:Default:ajax');
$res = new Response($content);
return $res;
return $this->render('PaginationBundle:Default:index.html.twig', array('num' => $num));
public function ajaxAction()
return $this->render('PaginationBundle:Default:page.html.twig');
My Js:
When clicking on #target, I'd like to load page.html.twig in my div
t = t +1;
type: "POST",
cache: "false",
dataType: "html",
success: function(){
I'm using isXmlHttpRequest() in my controller to detect if it's an ajax request to load ajaxAction. I get that view on firebug but it's not appended in my div#box. div#box exists in index.html.twig
Thanks everybody in advance
In your
$("div#target").click(function(event) event you didn't specify the url parameter in ajax call, and another thing is you must specify an argument inside the 'success'
parameter of ajax call.
t = t +1;
type: "POST",
url: "{{path('yourpath-means header name in routing.yml')}}",
cache: "false",
dataType: "html",
success: function(result){
Hope this helps...
Happy coding
This has nothing to do with symfony but with your ajax options. Pece is right though: You can use the return from §this->forward directly as it is a Response object.
The problem lies within your ajax options. You must pass the data object within your inner function or data is simply null. Try this:
success: function(data){
I don't get your forward to treat AJAX call. Try this :
return $this->forward('PaginationBundle:Default:ajax');
Controller::forward() already returns a Response object ;)

How do I reload the page after all ajax calls complete?

The first time a user is visiting my website, I am pulling a lot of information from various sources using a couple of ajax calls. How do I reload the page once the ajax calls are done?
if(userVisit != 1) {
// First time visitor
function populateData() {
url: "server.php",
data: "action=prepare&myid=" + id,
dataType: "json",
success: function(json) {
if(json.error) {
_id = response[json].id;
function getInformation(id) {
data: "action=get&id=" + id,
dataType: "json",
success: function(json) {
if(json.error) {
url: "server.php",
data: "action=update&myid=" + id + '&data=' + json.data.toString(),
dataType: "json",
success: function(json) {
if(json.error) {
So what the code does is, it gets a list of predefined identifiers for a new user (populateData function) and uses them to get more information from a thirdparty service (getInformation function). This getInformation function queries a third party server and once the server returns some data, it sends that data to my server through another ajax call. Now what I need is a way to figure out when all the ajax calls have been completed so that I can reload the page. Any suggestions?
In your getInformation() call you can call location.reload() in your success callback, like this:
success: function(json) {
if(!json.error) location.reload(true);
To wait until any further ajax calls complete, you can use the ajaxStop event, like this:
success: function(json) {
if(json.error) return;
//fire off other ajax calls
$(document).ajaxStop(function() { location.reload(true); });
.ajaxStop() works fine to me, page is reloaded after all ajax calls.
You can use as the following example :
$( document ).ajaxStop(function() {
window.location = window.location;
How it's works?
A: Whenever an Ajax request completes, jQuery checks whether there are any other outstanding Ajax requests. If none remain, jQuery triggers the ajaxStop event.
Hope help y'all, furthermore information, I'm sharing the link of the documentation following.
source: https://api.jquery.com/ajaxstop/
You could just redirect to the same page in the server.php file where the function is defined using a header('Location: html-page');
window.location = window.location;
See more at: http://www.dotnetfunda.com/forums/show/17887/issue-in-ie-11-when-i-try-to-refresh-my-parent-page-from-the-popupwind#sthash.gZEB8QV0.dpuf

