Javascript race condition? - javascript

var len1 = $("div").length
// can a new div inserted here?
var len2 = $("div").length
console.log(len1 === len2) // always true?
Is it possible for some rogue script to insert a new div between jQuery calls?

Short answer: No.
Longer answer: You don't seem to be using alert or confirm in your code, and so the couple of weird edge cases in Firefox (which may only be in older versions) related to alert and confirm don't come into play. This answer from 2010 goes into those in detail.
But no, barring the above, no JavaScript code that accesses the DOM can be run between one statement and another in your code. Browsers run JavaScript with a single UI thread (and zero or more web worker threads, but web worker threads can't access the DOM).


IE 11 Will not load systemjs

I am working with SystemJS and I have a pseudo-bootstrapper file that I use to check to make sure certain conditions are met before the loading of the main scripts to execute the page load. Here is a snippet of that code.
var obj = document.createElement('script');
obj.src = 'jspm_packages/system.js';
This code does NOT execute the script, yet it does load it with a 200 code as evidenced by the network tab within the IE dev tools. There should be a global object "System" created, but it does not exist. Looking through the DOM, the object is properly created and appended to the body.
Does anyone know if this is strictly an issue with IE and SystemJS? I have no idea what's going on. I'm pulling my hair out, as per usual with the demon that is IE. I should note that every other browser works as expected, providing the "System" global variable.
EDIT Further testing has assured that this is not an issue with appendChild, as other scripts using the same method, execute on load just fine.
Reading this article tells us that your script may not run in IE11. The line in particular which is of interest is:
"Script elements with external resources should no longer execute during appendChild."
This appears to be what's happening.
EDIT: An alternate approach could be taken.
It would be a good idea to do condition checks on the server side before sending the response if you want to change page loading at the system.js level. If that is not possible then I'd suggest doing a redirect after the condition checks instead of appendChild.
The answer is that IE versions < Edge do not support promises. I needed a polyfill for IE 11.

Browser.ExecScript() stopped working after updating windows

I've set up a simple testbed for WatiN (ver 2.1) which reads:
var browser = new IE();
browser.GoTo(""); // webpage doesn't matter really
This works only if KB3025390 is not installed. Installing it breaks the above test with an UnAuthorizedAccessException which has HRESULT set to E_ACCESSDENIED. What gives? Is there any workaround?
Update: Using IWebBrowser2.Navigate2 along with "javascript:console.log(123)" type of scripts works however
it makes me feel uneasy using such a backchannel
the scripts run through this back-channel of .Navigate2() may only have a max length of about 2070 chars (give or take) otherwise they get forcibly truncated to this length leading to javascript errors upon attempting to run them
using .Navigate2(), even with the most trivial script, will clog the ready state of Internet Explorer for good in the sense that it will be set to READYSTATE_LOADING without any hope of getting rid of it. In simple terms this means that once you use this hack, you either have to perform every single subsequent operation in WatiN in a "dont-wait-for-webpage-to-load" fashion (GoToNoWait, ClickNoWait etc) lest your code freezes upon waiting for the browser to turn back to READYSTATE_COMPLETE (which will never come about ofcourse as already mentioned).
there appears to be a much broader issue here in the sense that I can't even access the properties of an IHtmlWindow2 object p.e. window.document throws an unauthorized exception again making it virtually impossible to transfer over to the C# world the return-values of the scripts I'm running (using Expando etc) for documents other than (for the window there is IWebBrowser2.Document which does the trick)
Update#2: The folks over at the selenium project have also noticed this issue:
A bug report has been created as well:
Update#3: IHTMLWindow2.setInterval and IHTMLWindow2.setTimeout also throw UnauthorizedAccess exceptions. These methods are not marked as deprecated in:
yet they have wounded up suffering from the same cutbacks all the same.
Update#4: I gave the approach recommended in this post a shot:
In order to dynamically invoke the "eval" method of the IHTMLWindow2 object (or any other method really). Got the same "System.UnauthorizedAccessException" as above. So no joy here either.
Microsoft recommends using "eval" over "execscript" however after the above experiment I suspect that they are refering to accessing "eval" only from within the browser.
As far as I can tell thus far, when it comes to the full-fledged IE11+ using "eval" out-of-process (via COM) appears to have been completely prohibited along with any other function-invocation of the window object, the only exception being the back-channel of the .Navigate2() mentioned above.
It turns out Microsoft eventually backpedaled on its decision to kill off .execScript at COM-level. Just install the latest updates for Windows including kb3025390: One of the updates for IE that came after kb3025390 brings back .execScript functionality at COM-level
Note, however, that .execScript is not accessible through IE's javascript anymore. In that context it's gone for good.
fyi: this one is also not working
try this worked for me at some places but not all places
ieObject.Navigate "javascript:<methodNameString>(<commaSeperatedParameterString>)", Null, "_parent"
ieObject.Navigate2 "javascript:"<methodNameString>(<commaSeperatedParameterString>)", Null, "_parent"
now trying to find out solution using eval
I have found a way around the problem of an update installing automatically. You can just create a simple batch file with following content.
#echo off
wusa /uninstall /kb:3025390/quiet /norestart
Then go to task scheduler, create a new task for this batch file to run every one hour or day as per your requirements. Add it as a system task so it runs in the background and does not affect the running automations.

CSS Animations stall when running javascript function

Let's say I have this javascript function:
function pauseComp(ms) {
var date = new Date();
var curDate = null;
do { curDate = new Date(); }
while(curDate-date < ms);
and a css3 animation (for instance, <i class="icon-spinner icon-spin"></i> from the new font-awesome 3). When I run the javascript function above, it stops the spinner while the function is running. See what I'm talking about here. Basically, javascript stops css animations, and I'm wondering why, or if anyone else has noticed this/found a workaround. I've tried putting it in a setTimeout(fn,0), where fn is the long process, but then realized why that will also not work (js is not multithreaded). Anyone seen this happening?
Update: Interestingly, it looks like this isn't as much of a problem in Safari, although interaction with the browser interface is still being affected.
A browser page is single threaded. Updating the UI happens on the same thread as your javascript program. Which also means that any animation will not draw new frames while Javascript code is being executed. Typically, this is no big deal because most JS code is executed very quickly, faster than a single animation frame.
So the best advice is simply this: Don't do that. Don't lock up the JS engine for that long. Figure out a cleaner way to do it.
However, if you must, there is a way. You can get an additional thread via HTML5's Web Workers API. This isn't supported in older browsers, but it will allow you to run some long running CPU sucking code away from the main webpage and in it's own thread, and then have it post back some result to your page when it's done.

In what situation would return null?

I'm trying to understand an intermittent script error that I am seeing in a JavaScript intensive thin-client application running under Internet Explorer 6 and Windows XP. The root cause of the problem is that the following function call returns a null value (however it does succeed without an error):
var doc ="text/html","_replace");
Where targetWindow is a window object.
Neither targetWindow nor targetWindow.document is null and so I'm struggling to understand why this call would return null. My interpretation of the documentation is that this method shouldn't ever return null.
This code has been unchanged and working perfectly for many years - until I understand why this is happening I'm not sure either how I might handle this, or what might have changed to cause this to start happening.
What might cause this function call to return null?
According to the documentation you should be passing "replace", not "_replace". Try this instead:
var doc ="text/html", "replace");
Since you say your code has worked for years, then it is likely that something has changed and the above suggestion may not be the issue. However, it is still worth a try.
Have you changed any js files / libraries you are using in your application lately? Also, are you using any browser plugins within the page? It is possible that a newer version of either of these could be somehow affecting your call to "". does not have any parameters by W3C standard. Check out this link:
I recommend you to use W3C documentation instead of Microsoft's one because with W3C you are sure it works on all modern browsers, while Microsoft is well known for adding extensions that, of course, works only in their own products. It's called EEE (Embrace, extend and extinguish).
Simply use without arguments. There are ways to manipulate user history, but that's called bad programming practice. History is user's private data and web application should not try to manipulate it.

Javascript debugging

I have recently started to tinker with Project Euler problems and I try to solve them in Javascript. Doing this I tend to produce many endless loops, and now I'm wondering if there is any better way to terminate the script than killing the tab in Firefox or Chrome?
Also, is firebug still considered the "best" debugger (myself I can't see much difference between firebug and web dev tool in safari/chrome ).
Any how have a nice Sunday!
Firebug is still my personal tool of choice.
As for a way of killing your endless loops. Some browsers will prevent this from happening altogether. However, I still prefer just going ctrl + w, but this still closes the tab.
Some of the other alternatives you can look into:
Opera : Dragonfly
Safari / Chrome : Web Inspector
Although, Opera has a nice set of developer tools which I have found pretty useful. (Tools->Advanced->Developer Tools)
If you don't want to put in code to explicitly exit, try using a conditional breakpoint. If you open Firebug's script console and right-click in the gutter next to the code, it will insert a breakpoint and offer you an option to trigger the breakpoint meets some condition. For example, if your code were this:
var intMaxIterations = 10000;
var go = function() {
while(intMaxInterations > 0) {
... you could either wait for all 10,000 iterations of the loop to finish, or you could put a conditional breakpoint somewhere inside the loop and specify the condition intMaxIterations < 9000. This will allow the code inside the loop to run 1000 times (well, actually 1001 times). At that point, if you wish, you can refresh the page.
But once the script goes into an endless loop (either by mistake or design), there's not a lot you can do that I know of to stop it from continuing if you haven't prepared for this. That's usually why when I'm doing anything heavily recursive, I'll place a limit to the number of times a specific block of code can be run. There are lots of ways to do this. If you consider the behaviour to be an actual error, consider throwing it. E.g.
var intMaxIterations = 10000;
var go = function() {
while(true) {
if (intMaxIterations < 0) {
throw "Too many iterations. Halting";
It just occurred to me that because you are the only person using this script, web workers are the ideal solution.
The basic problem you're seeing is that when JS goes into an endless loop, it blocks the browser, leaving it unresponsive to any events that you would normally use to stop the execution. Web workers are still just as fast, but they leave your browser unburdened and events fire normally. The idea is that you pass off your high-demand tasks (in this case, your Euler problem algorithm) to a web worker JS file, which executes in its own thread and consumes CPU resources only when they are not needed by the main browser. The net result is that your CPU still spikes like it does now, but your browser stays fast and responsive.
It is a bit of a pest setting up a web worker the first time, but in this case you only have to do it once. If your algorithm never returns, just hit a button and kill the worker thread. See Using Web Workers on MDC for more info.
While having Firebug or the webkit debuggers is nice, a browser otherwise seems like overhead for Project Euler stuff. Why not use a runtime like Rhino or V8?

