Loading external scripts within angular html views - javascript

I have signed up to a paid version of Polldaddy and was provided this script tag (minus the proper id).
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="http://static.polldaddy.com/p/0000000.js"></script>
This script has to be loaded within a div in a view of mine - and it is not working. Does angular have an issue with loading scripts within a view? Is it possible? If so, could you help me understand how to do it please?
Let me know if you need more info.

You can't load a script inside an Angular app due the Angular script directive, so you need to create your own directive.
Something like this:
function polldaddy() {
var injectScript = function(element) {
var scriptTag = angular.element(document.createElement('script'));
scriptTag.attr('charset', 'utf-8');
scriptTag.attr('src', 'http://static.polldaddy.com/p/0000000.js');
return {
link: function(scope, element) {
.directive('polldaddy', polldaddy);
and then in your HTML:
<div polldaddy></div>


After changing pages on small site using ngroute, my jquery toggle doesn't work

Full code:
Plunkr Link
I have been working on a basic AngularJS website and I recently ran into an issue which prevents me from using a jquery toggle after I navigate to a different page. I believe my issue is with the routing since the toggle works if I keep it on my index.html file as well as when I separate page one and put it into codepen. I am unable to find anything too similar around the web that could help me, which is possibly because I have been asking the question incorrectly, however at this point I think I need to ask for help. This may be just a fundamental lack of understanding of ng-route or angular controllers on my end so please bear with me if that's the case/
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#SmMagCld").click(function() {
<!doctype html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.6.4/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.6.4/angular-route.js"></script>
<script src="script.js"></script>
<body ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-view></div>
var app = angular.module("myApp", ["ngRoute"]);
app.config(function($routeProvider) {
.when("/", {
templateUrl: "main.html"
.when("/page1", {
templateUrl: "page1.html"
.when("/page2", {
templateUrl: "page2.html"
app.controller('mainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.message = 'welcome hooooooooome';
app.controller('page1Ctrl', function($scope) {
$scope.message = 'who is on first';
app.controller('page1Ctrl', function($scope) {
$scope.message = 'what is on second';
I would also like to say that no errors appear on my localhost when I put it up nor on the plunkr when I run it.
It isn't only the toggle that stops working after routing to a different page but I believe if I can figure out why that isn't working I can apply it to the other similar issues. I created the first site I linked to try and eliminate other possible variables that are causing the issue but if you want to see some other instances of my routes not working, here is another hhttps://plnkr.co/edit/98uEPuLJl8cKGjbrTGsn?p=preview that probably is littered with other mistakes. (not enough reputation to post more than two links so I added an extra h in front of the URL)
I'm fairly new to JavaScript/html, not to mention angularJS, as such any advice about cleaning or improving the code would be much appreciated. Please let me know if any additional information is needed or if I didn't explain my problem clearly.
If it's an angular app your views should be partial (It should not have html or body tags)
Load jquery before angular.
For events you can have ng-click, ng-mouseover, ng-keypress, etc Angularjs html events. And you can write functions on them which has dom manipulation using jquery, inside that page's controller.
onclick doesn't work on images with jquery in document.ready because this event checks only dom tree ready not complete multimedia load.
You can have the onclick binding either by angularjs directives or by binding it inside controller (where it executes on complete load of template).
Here's fixed plunker link : https://plnkr.co/edit/nZJtK1z4FkSIdiQS8Rk8?p=preview

Javascript ads in Angular templates

I'm trying to render a Javascript ad in my Angular template but it will not show up. I've found some solutions when they append the Javascript to the head tag but I want the ad to be placed in my Html (inside body).
Here is a Plunker: https://plnkr.co/edit/WHhQ95gS5HKSphmmirio
Here is a simple plain Html example that works.
<div class="ad">
<script src="http://media.affiliatelounge.com/data/nordicbet/ad_js/display_88.js?ad=ad_793270_88.html&size=300x250&clicktag=http://record.affiliatelounge.com/_sVuSoFFh4LK58VwA2IUESrKVVrME-Gsw/1&media=108786&campaign=1"></script>
But if I add the div inside an Angular template it will not render and the console says nothing.
I have some ads up and running here (http://www.odds.nu/erbjudanden), but they are either .gif or iframes. I want to be able to show Javascript ads instead. They are added to the Html but are not rendered (placed in the bottom of the page).
Can $sce or $compile help somehow?
My index.html
<div data-ng-view="" class="mainView"></div>
My app.js
$routeProvider.when("/erbjudanden", {
controller: "offerController",
templateUrl: "/app/templates/offers.html"
My offers.html
<div class="ad">
<script src="http://media.affiliatelounge.com/data/nordicbet/ad_js/display_88.js?ad=ad_793270_88.html&size=300x250&clicktag=http://record.affiliatelounge.com/_sVuSoFFh4LK58VwA2IUESrKVVrME-Gsw/1&media=108786&campaign=1"></script>
Any solution?
If you had inspected result of that url request(make sure adBlock is off)
You will see the actual result
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="//wlbetclic.eacdn.com/TrafficOpt/s.5.4.min.js?t=1"></script>');
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="//wlbetclic.eacdn.com/wlbetclic/img/js/Affiliate_12824.js?t=20160224"></script>');
//other lines omitted for brevity
So this file is executing document.write which obviously will not work in angular, just because they are totally different (even though you could trigger digest cycle somehow, you still don't have access to modify that script file, as it's generated by 3rd party server and has own variables)
What i would do is - make a page like ad.html, just like index.html or 404.html, then request this file from angular (not as template, but like a view file) as an iframe src with custom attributes
And i would use custom DOM element, and populate contents with jQuery, or with angular, look at jQuery sample below
Also i would need krux/postscribe plugin, because you cannot use document.write in async html files
<!-- create multiple holders -->
<ad-holder url="https://wlbetclic.adsrv.eacdn.com/S.ashx?btag=a_17172b_14837c_&affid=12824&siteid=17172&adid=14837&c="></ad-holder>
<div class="black-widow">
<!-- with size attributes -->
<ad-holder url="http://google.com" width="100" height="40"></ad-holder>
<!-- jQuery population with iframe -->
//get all custom elements
//create iframe placeholder
var $iframe = $(document.createElement('iframe'));
//get url of custom element
var url = $(this).attr('url');
//request ad.html file with params, currently it's url param
$iframe.attr('src', 'ad.html?url=' + url);
//some stylings acceptable here
//or get styles from custom-element
var heightValue = $(this).attr('height');
$iframe.height(heightValue || '50px');
//rebuild custom element with iframe
<!-- angular populate with iframe directive -->
angular.module('app', []).directive('adHolder', function(){
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: { url: '#' },
//you could also execute in compile-phase
link: function(scope, element, attribute){
var $iframe = angular.element(document.createElement('iframe'));
$iframe.attr('src', 'ad.html?url=' + scope.url);
And ad.html would look like
<div id="ad"></div>
function getQueryVariable(variable) {
var query = window.location.search.substring(1);
//for the sake of simplicity we expect only 1 param (url)
return query.replace('url=', '');
var adUrl = getQueryVariable('url');
if (adUrl)
postscribe('#ad', '<script src="' + adUrl + '"><\/script>');
else {
var $h1 = $(document.createElement('h1'));
$h1.text('No ad available');
The best part of this solution is that you can reuse same custom-element with different url attribute for any other ads
Checkout jQuery real working demo
Although this demo heavily uses jQuery, it's easy to tweak for angular version, which i would suggest you to implement as homework =)
Short answer:
Angular does not perform compilation of Javascript in HTML templates. You either put the HTML manually in the page (instead of loading as template) or have another way to call it.
You can read more here

Lazy load of angularjs application

What I need is to bootstrap AngularJs and render a directive on demand. Imagine there is a splash page that should not be resources-hungry (should not download much without need, even javascript at the bottom would be bad).
<!DOCTYPE html>
<button onclick="loadTheApp()">Launch app</button>
function loadTheApp() {
// load Angular and other files in this manner:
var el = document.createElement('script');
el.src = '/js/app.js';
// TODO: bootstrap Angular and render directive
I think you can use this solution:
el.onload = function() {
var element = document.body; // element which contains angular application
angular.bootstrap(element, ['myApp']);
assuming that app.js file contains angular and application (build version), or angular is loaded and app.js file contains application myApp

Adding angular directive with javascript files as package

I am writing a directive that I want other people to reuse.
The problem I encounter is that my directive has several js files it uses, and if I want others to use it, they need to add the js files explicitly.
Is there a way to make the directive include those files so that other will only have to add the directive file?
The way it works today is by adding the js files in the main head html file.
Can I use tamplateUrl to load the js files? Iv'e seen in THIS post that loading scripts creates some problems.
Concrete Example:
<body data-ng-app="example">
var app = angular.module('example', []);
app.directive('testDir', function(){
restrict: 'E',
templateUrl: 'test-me.html'
<script type="text/javascript" src="test.js"></script>
<div> TEXT </div>
function testMe() {
This format will call the directive and I will see the div TEXT text. BUT, I can't call the function testMe and I don't see any transfer in the network for test.js which is included in the directive's template.
How can I make it work?

Require directive on template

I am using RequireJS in my Angular app. I would like to require my pill where it is actualy used.
define([], function() {
angular.module('app').directive('pill', function() {
return function(a,b,c) {
b.html("A pill");
<div load-script="require(['pill']);"></div>
<div pill>test</div>
<html ng-app="app">
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.0/angular.js"></script>
<script src="http://requirejs.org/docs/release/2.1.10/comments/require.js"></script>
var app = angular.module("app", [])
app.directive('loadScript', function() {
return {
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
(new Function(attrs.loadScript))();
<div ng-include="'incl.html'"></div>
This short example should declare a pill directive that just transform text from test to A pill inside incl.html file. However, it doesn't work. I guess it is because the pill directive is registered after incl.html is compiled.
I want avoid declaring directives somwhere globaly for example inside main.html because it is not used there. Is this requirement achievable in elegant way?
The best way to load directive on demand is to create it using $compileProvider which you will need to cache during your app.config phase. Also, instead of using ng-include, I would suggest you load the directive you need when partial view that uses it loads.
To do that, it is actually quite complicated. I created following library that should help get you started:
angularAMD would make it easier for your create a independent file that allow you to configure RequireJS dependency to load the directive only on the partials that needs it.

