How to build a graph page like this one? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I came accoss this webpage: and it is very cool. I would like to build some content with similar looking.
Is it possible that someone could give me a direction how this page is built? Thanks a lot for that.

this is made with javascript , css , html5
there are many jquery plugin like scroll magic who can give you the same effect as scrolling content automatically or made you own timeline : (
also drawing and animating lines can made with SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics ), visit for more information ( .
hope this can give you a small view of how you can do the same effect :)


Javascript: how to make a website that allow user to scroll in any direction? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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This site is pretty cool,, and I'm wondering what function makes the users can scroll in any direction and the size of page is endless.
This is the library that the website uses:
It shows you when you open up the inspector and take a look at the console.
No problem, make a div that's HUGE, like 10,000px (hardcoded!) in width or something that's way bigger than any possible screen size, and however high you need it to be. Then, fill with content. Boom! Your done.

CSS mouse hover glows [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Can someone tell me this effect used in this page (
When you hover a region, it's glows. I need a name of this effect to find a tutorial.
This effect is very special and I don't thing that there are any tutorials out there. Anyway, creating things like that is really not easy and maybe you should get an advanced understanding of web development first in order to really understand the code and what it does in this case.
What you're looking for is the JS file:
The CSS file:
And this bit of code: <canvas class="loginFun" width="320" height="700"></canvas>

How to acheive background animition like the page has given below [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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This is the link:
I want this animition :
I inspect element on this page , but there is no pics as background, I found nothing.
How to create this animition ?
Is it made only by javascript or css?
Are there more example like this animition?
I really like this style , I want to study more
It looks like they're using something like fullpage.js, a pretty cool jQuery plugin. Pretty simple to setup, check out the demos they have.

How do I create clickable areas on an image within a webpage with javascript? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to create a webpage displaying an image that has areas on it that can be clicked to do various things like playing sound, displaying text, linking to other pages. The only problem is I have no idea what I need to use within javascript to do so. The area need not be complicated, just a simple geometric shape.
What sort of tools should I be looking at in Javascript to do achieve this?
Thanks in advance
You might want to take a look at <map></map> tag in HTML:
It should accomplish what you want to do.

need some help for a image slide show? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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On my first day of work with html I built a navigation bar yesterday which looks pretty sweet to me ...take a look at it here
Now I want to include a slideshow like thing in my site next probably using some javascript or jquery plug ins...I am looking for something similar to the one at (the text on the image looks a pretty good to me)
I have searched on github too ..but the results i got did not match the style i want ..probably my keywords for the search were not too precise..
try this
or this ( only for text)

