reset object order javascript - javascript

I have a object like this
Do you know how i reset the items order.
now 2, 4, 7
should be 0, 1, 2

Created a JSfiddle that shows you a way.
Im using a custom format function:
function format(object) {
var items = {};
var i = 0;
for (var index in object.items) {
items[i] = object.items[index];
object.items = items;
The resulted object is this:
"items": {
"0": {
"id": 122,
"product_id": "DE",
"price": "9.35"
"1": {
"id": 15,
"product_id": "CH",
"price": "8.00"
"2": {
"id": 78,
"product_id": "CH",
"price": "3.00"
"total_price": "20.35",
"item_count": 2,
"unit": "CHF"

How about this
var obj = {
var keys = Object.keys(obj.items)
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
obj.items[i] = obj.items[keys[i]];
delete obj.items[keys[i]];

Object properties do not have order. I assume you want to re-name the properties, counting up from 0, but have the properties maintain the original relative ordering of their keys. (So the property with the smallest name is renamed to 0, the second-to-smallest is 1, etc.)
To do this, get all the property names, and sort the names numerically. Then, get all the values in the same over as their sorted property names. Finally, re-insert those property values with their new property names.
var itemsObj = obj["items"];
// get all names
var propertyNames = Object.keys(itemsObj);
// sort property names in numeric order: ["2", "4", "7"]
propertyNames.sort(function(a,b){ return a-b; });
// get property values, sorted by their property names
// ["2", "4", "7"] becomes [{ "id":122, .. }, { "id":15, ... }, { "id":78, ... }]
var values = { return itemsObj[propName]; }
// clear out old property and add new property
for(var i=0; i<values.length; ++i) {
delete itemsObj[propertyNames[i]];
itemsObj[i] = values[i];

var data = {
"items": {
"2": {
"id": 122,
"product_id": "DE",
"price": "9.35",
"4": {
"id": 15,
"product_id": "CH",
"price": "8.00",
"7": {
"id": 78,
"product_id": "CH",
"price": "3.00",
"total_price": "20.35",
"item_count": 2,
"unit": "CHF"
var indices = Object.keys(data.items).map(function(i) { return parseInt(i, 10); }),
counter = 0;
indices.forEach(function (i) {
if (i > counter) { // put here some more collision detecting!
data.items[counter] = data.items[i];
delete data.items[i];

Object properties order is not guaranteed anyway. You should use an array instead.
Take a look at this answer


Remove duplicate array from response comparing attribute value

I want to remove a duplicate array from the response on the basis of the attribute value. If the attribute_value data match with other array attribute value then other should be removed.
The logic is very simple. check duplicate attribute_value in each array and remove duplicate array and return
In response. now you can see the attribute value = 1 is thrice
and attribute value = 2 is twice
How do i compare and remove whole array if I see attribute value duplicate?
I tried with filter method which seems not working. Please help.
for(var j=0; j<social_post_link.length; j++){
newFilterarray = social_post_link[j].activity_attributes[0].attribute_value.filter(function(item, index) {
if (social_post_link[j].activity_attributes[0].attribute_value.indexOf(item) == index){
return social_post_link;
"id": "484822",
"activity_attributes": [
"id": "868117",
"activity_id": "484822",
"attribute_name": "position",
"attribute_value": "1",
"id": "484884",
"activity_attributes": [
"id": "868175",
"activity_id": "484884",
"attribute_name": "position",
"attribute_value": "1",
"id": "484888",
"activity_attributes": [
"id": "868182",
"activity_id": "484888",
"attribute_name": "position",
"attribute_value": "1",
"id": "484823",
"activity_attributes": [
"id": "868120",
"activity_id": "484823",
"attribute_name": "position",
"attribute_value": "2",
"id": "484975",
"activity_attributes": [
"id": "868344",
"attribute_name": "position",
"attribute_value": "2",
"id": "484891",
"activity_attributes": [
"id": "868189",
"attribute_name": "position",
"attribute_value": "3",
"id": "484903",
"activity_attributes": [
"id": "868200",
"attribute_name": "position",
"attribute_value": "4",
Desired output
"id": "484822",
"activity_attributes": [
"id": "868117",
"activity_id": "484822",
"attribute_name": "position",
"attribute_value": "1",
"id": "484823",
"activity_attributes": [
"id": "868120",
"activity_id": "484823",
"attribute_name": "position",
"attribute_value": "2",
"id": "484891",
"activity_attributes": [
"id": "868189",
"attribute_name": "position",
"attribute_value": "3",
"id": "484903",
"activity_attributes": [
"id": "868200",
"attribute_name": "position",
"attribute_value": "4",
You can probably use the lodash utility uniqBy,
where iteratee is a function that returns the value you want to compare against.
In your case, it would probably look like the following:
const uniqueLinks = _.uniqBy(social_post_link, item =>
Here is a vanilla JS function that will accomplish the same.
const filterByIteratee = (array, iteratee) => {
// Empty object to store attributes as we encounter them
const previousAttributeNames = {
return array.filter(item => {
// Get the right value
const itemValue = iteratee(item)
// Check if we have already stored this item
if (previousAttributeNames.hasOwnProperty(itemValue)) return false
else {
// Store the item so next time we encounter it we filter it out
previousAttributeNames[itemValue] = true
return true
It will loop through an array, store its identifier by some function, and return only the first instance of each item.
Use it the same way:
const uniqueLinks = filterByIteratee(social_post_link, item =>
This is probably not the best performing solution. but it works for your requirements.
var resultArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < social_post_link.length; i++) {
var currentSocialLink = social_post_link[i];
for (var j = 0; j < currentSocialLink.activity_attributes.length; j++) {
if (!resultArray.some(val =>
val.activity_attributes.some(activity =>
activity.attribute_value === currentSocialLink.activity_attributes[j].attribute_value))) {
function removeDuplicates(myArr, prop) { // removes duplicate objects from array
return myArr.filter((obj, pos, arr) => {
return => mapObj[prop]).indexOf(obj[prop]) === pos;
I found this function not too long ago which removes duplicate objects from an array. Pass it the array and the property you wish to not be duplicated.

In JSON Object parent key name remove and Include its inner content

This is my JSON Object in this i want to remove "item" key from json and want to keep its inner object include with "children" and its tree like JOSN. How can I do this?
"item": {
"id": 11865,
"parentid": null,
"levelid": 63,
"name": "Total"
"children": [
"item": {
"id": 10143,
"parentid": 11865,
"levelid": 19,
"name": "Productive"
If I'm understanding what you want your object to look like after correctly, then this should do the trick:
var arrayOfObjects = [
"item": {
"id": 11865,
"parentid": null,
"levelid": 63,
"name": "Total"
"children": [
"item": {
"id": 10143,
"parentid": 11865,
"levelid": 19,
"name": "Productive"
arrayOfObjects.forEach(function(obj) { =;
obj.parentid = obj.item.parentid;
obj.levelid = obj.item.levelid; =;
delete obj.item;
All this is doing is manually moving the data from obj.item to obj and then deleting obj.item entirely.
I would do this:
//your original array of objects
var array = [{
"item": {
"id": 11865,
"parentid": null,
"levelid": 63,
"name": "Total"
"children": [
"item": {
"id": 10143,
"parentid": 11865,
"levelid": 19,
"name": "Productive"
}, ...];
array.forEach(function(parent) {
flattenKey(parent, 'item');
function flattenKey(parent, keyName) {
var section = parent[keyName];
var child = section ? section : {};
var keys = Object.keys(child);
keys.forEach(function(key) {
parent[key] = child[key];
delete parent[keyName];
basically, the function flattenKey would flatten any key for a given object (given its key).
logic is similar to other solutions here: iterate through child keys and assign their values to the parent object (flattening).
then it deletes the child key after step 1.
objArray = function(value){
var item = value.item;
for( var key in item )
value[key] = item[key];
delete value.item;
return value;
1) Use map to iterate on each item (value) of this given array objArray.
2) Get the item property of value, assign them to value directly
3) Finally delete the item property of the value.
Faster option
objArray = function(value){
var item = value.item;
var itemKeys = Object.keys(item);
for( var counter = 0; counter < itemKeys.length; counter++ )
value[itemKeys[counter]] = item[itemKeys[counter]];
delete value.item;
return value;
You can use a recursion, which keeps the content of item and adds the children property as well.
function delItem(a, i, aa) {
var children = a.children;
if (a.item) {
aa[i] = a.item;
aa[i].children = children;
delete a.item;
Array.isArray(children) && children.forEach(delItem);
var array = [{ "item": { "id": 11865, "parentid": null, "levelid": 63, "name": "Total" }, "children": [{ "item": { "id": 10143, "parentid": 11865, "levelid": 19, "name": "Productive" } }] }];
document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(array, 0, 4) + '</pre>');

Create array from complex array objects & loops in javascript

I currently have a complex orders array (coming from a JSON client) that contains multiple orders like this (contains 2):
0: {
"employee": "Nicole"
"total": 13
"lineItems": {
"elements": [2]
0: {
"name": "Burger"
"price": 8
1: {
"name": "Lamb"
"price": 6.50
1: {
"employee": "Dan"
"total": 11
"lineItems": {
"elements": [2]
0: {
"name": "Lamb"
"price": 4.50
1: {
"name": "Meatballs"
"price": 6.50
What I want to do is create a new array that loops through the above and creates new items array based on the name of the lineItems object above. i.e. final output looks something like this:
var items = {
"Burger" = {
"totalSpent" : 8
"Lamb" = {
"totalSpent" : 13
// Note this totalSpent is an iteration or sum of all "price" items where name/id = "Lamb"
"Meatballs" = {
"totalSpent" : 4.50
I'm more used to PHP and have tried a number of different versions of this but can't seem to get the desired output. Here's what I've got so far:
var orders = //As above//
// Initialising new array to hold my final values
var orderItems = [];
for (var i = 0, len = orders.length; i < len; i++){
for(var e = 0, leng = orders[i]['lineItems']['elements'].length; e < leng; e++){
var totalSpent = 0;
var id = orders[i]['lineItems']['elements'][e]['name'];
if (orders[id] in orderItems[id]){
// overwrite existing array item
orderItems[id]['totalSpent'] += orders[i]['lineItems']['elements'][e]['price'];
orderItems[id].push({totalSpent : orderItems[id]['totalSpent']});
else {
// Create new array item
orderItems[id].push({totalSpent : orders[i]['lineItems']['elements'][e]['price']});
Had to correct your orders syntax, I added it to my answer so you can run the Javascript Snippet;
Changed the whole dot notation to bracket notation to make it easier to read and understand;
Corrected the bug about items remaining an empty array (it was in the inner for);
var orders = [
"employee": "Nicole",
"total": 13,
"lineItems": {
"elements": [
"name": "Burger",
"price": 8
"name": "Lamb",
"price": 6.50
"employee": "Dan",
"total": 11,
"lineItems": {
"elements": [
"name": "Lamb",
"price": 4.50
"name": "Meatballs",
"price": 6.50
var items = {};
// loop in orders array
for (var i = 0; i < orders.length; i++) {
var elements = orders[i]["lineItems"]["elements"];
// loop in orders[i]["lineItems"]["elements"] object
for (var eIndex in orders[i]["lineItems"]["elements"]) {
// Add new item if it doesn't already exist
if (!items.hasOwnProperty(elements[eIndex]["name"])) {
items[elements[eIndex]["name"]] = {"totalSpent": elements[eIndex]["price"]};
} else {
// If it exists, sum totalSpent
items[elements[eIndex]["name"]]["totalSpent"] += elements[eIndex]["price"];
PS: To find out why I'm using bracket notation instead of dot notation, check this question, it's good to know!
First of all, there are some error in your order array, note the difference between {} (for objects) and []. Then it is just simple use of the map function to iterate over the arrays.
See your browser console (F12) for the result of this snippet
var orders = [{
"employee": "Nicole",
"total": 13,
"lineItems": {
"elements": [{
"name": "Burger",
"price": 8
}, {
"name": "Lamb",
"price": 6.50
}, {
"employee": "Dan",
"total": 11,
"lineItems": {
"elements": [{
"name": "Lamb",
"price": 6.50
}, {
"name": "Meatballs",
"price": 4.50
var items = {} { {
if (items[]) {
items[].totalSpent += elem.price
} else {
items[] = {"totalSpent": elem.price}

Search deep nested

I am working on a solution where I need to search for an element in a deeply nested JSON by its id. I have been advised to use underscore.js which I am pretty new to.
After reading the documentation , I tried to implement the solution using find, filter and findWhere.
Here is what I tried using find :
var test = {
"menuInputRequestId": 1,
"uid": 1,
"name": "Pizza",
"desc": "Italian cuisine",
"products": [
"uid": 3,
"name": "Devilled chicken",
"desc": "chicken pizza",
"uid": 7,
"name": "regular",
"price": "$10"
"uid": 8,
"name": "large",
"price": "$12"
"uid": 2,
"name": "Pasta",
"desc": "Italian cuisine pasta",
"products": [
"uid": 4,
"name": "Lasagne",
"desc": "chicken lasage",
"uid": 9,
"name": "small",
"price": "$10"
"uid": 10,
"name": "large",
"price": "$15"
"uid": 5,
"name": "Pasta",
"desc": "chicken pasta",
"uid": 11,
"name": "small",
"price": "$8"
"uid": 12,
"name": "large",
"price": "$12"
var x = _.find(test, function (item) {
return item.catalog && item.catalog.uid == 1;
And a Fiddle
The issue I faced is that these functions check the top level of the structure and not the nested properties thus returning undefined. I tried to use item.catalog && item.catalog.uid == 1; logic as suggested in a similar question Underscore.js - filtering in a nested Json but failed.
How can I find an item by value by searching the whole deeply nested structure?
The following code is the latest i tried. The issue in that is that it directly traverses to prices nested object and tries to find the value. But my requirement is to search for the value in all the layers of the JSON.
var x = _.filter(test, function(evt) {
return _.any(evt.items, function(itm){
return _.any(itm.outcomes, function(prc) {
return prc.uid === 1 ;
Here's a solution which creates an object where the keys are the uids:
var catalogues = test.catalog;
var products = _.flatten(_.pluck(catalogues, 'products'));
var prices = _.flatten(_.pluck(products, 'prices'));
var ids = _.reduce(catalogues.concat(products,prices), function(memo, value){
memo[value.uid] = value;
return memo;
}, {});
var itemWithUid2 = ids[2]
var itemWithUid12 = ids[12]
I dont use underscore.js but you can use this instead
function isArray(what) {
return === '[object Array]';
function find(json,key,value){
var result = [];
for (var property in json)
if (json.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
if( property == key && json[property] == value)
if( isArray(json[property]))
for(var child in json[property])
var res = find(json[property][child],key,value);
if(res.length >= 1 ){
return result;

programmatically add object properties of arrays

"uId": "2",
"tabId": 1,
"tabName": "Main",
"points": "10"
"uId": "3",
"tabId": 2,
"tabName": "Photography",
"points": "20"
how can I insert into specified array by inspecting its properties values? says I want to add a assoc object into uId = 3, how can I do that? or it's not possible technically?
This is also possible using (Added to the ECMA-262 standard in the 5th edition):{
if(i.uId == 3) i['newprop'] = 'newValue';
Example Here.
Update: It could be an array
if(i.uId == 3) i['newprop'] = ['newvalue1', 'newvalue2'];
Example2 Here.
They look like JSON data , so json_decode() to an array , search for the UId value and then add the corresponding assoc value and after the end finally wrap them up using json_encode()
foreach($array as $k=>&$arr)
echo json_encode($array,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
"uId": "2",
"tabId": 1,
"tabName": "Main",
"points": "10",
"somecol": "Hey"
"uId": "3",
"tabId": 2,
"tabName": "Photography",
"points": "20"
var array = [
"uId": "2",
"tabId": 1,
"tabName": "Main",
"points": "10"
"uId": "3",
"tabId": 2,
"tabName": "Photography",
"points": "20"
for ( var i = 0; i < array.length; i++ ) {
if ( array[i].uId == 3) {
array[i].someProp = "Hello";
break; // remove this line for multiple updates
Or you can make a function like this:
function getMatch(data, uid) {
for ( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
if ( data[i].uId == 3) {
return data[i];
and use it like this:
getMatch(array, 3).someproperty = 4;
You can use the map function, which executes a function on each element of an array {
if (el.uId == 3) {
el.prop = "value";
Or you can use the filter function.
// Get the array of object which match the condition
var matches = a.filter(function(x) { return x.uId == 3 });
if (matches.length > 0) {
matches[0].prop = "value";

