Action always going to Index using submit() - javascript

In my view, I'm using a function, submitForm(action) to submit the form on button click. This is one of many buttons that will use this function. The action parameter will indicate which controller method to use.
The function seems to generate the correct Action attribute (the path is correct in the console), but it is always directed to the Index method rather than the action parameter.
The button:
<input type="button" value="Save Only" id="save" onclick="submitForm('SaveOnly')" />
The function:
function submitForm(action) {
var $form = $("#myForm");
$form.action = ("/Area/MyController/" + action);

You're not accessing the 'action' attribute of the form itself, but to the jQuery selector result, in order for your code to work, you need to access the DOM element from inside the selector with $form[0].
I recommend to stick to jQuery, you're already using it!. Below is a working code with jQuery selectors.
<form id="myForm"></form>
<input type="button" value="Save Only" id="save" data-action="saveOnly" />
var action = $(this).data('action');
var $form = $("#myForm");
$form.attr('action', "" + action);
$form.attr('method', 'GET');


Need to submit a form without the onsubmit and include the action

Here is a form
<form name = "xrefform"
id = "xrefform"
action = ""
method = "post"
onsubmit = "return submitx('#coltop#', '#col#')">
There are two different way to submit it:
1) when you want the data in the form to be placed in a MySql Table
2) when you want the data to be deleted from the Mysql Table
For the first case I have
<input type = "Submit"
name = "SubmitXref"
class = "submitbut"
value = "Submit"
onclick = "aasubmit('xref2.cfm')">
with corresponding javascript:
function aasubmit(target) {
document.xrefform.action = target;
}//end function aasubmit
This works fine.
For the delete case I have
<input type = "Submit"
id = "delbut"
class = "onoffbut"
value = "delete"
onclick = "aasubmit('repdel.cfm')">
This has a problem, which is that the submitx() javascript runs, and in this case I don't want it to.
I find references that say using the document.form.submit() method will avoid running the onsubmit function. But I can't figure out how to indicate the action.
Can someone show me how to do this?
After fussing around some more I found the answer:
For the delete button --which needs to evade the onsubmit script --here is the HTML:
<input type = "button"
id = "delbut"
value = "Delete this item"
onclick = "buttonsubmit('xrefdel.cfm', 'xrefform')">
And here is the javascript.
function buttonsubmit(target, source) {
var q = document.getElementById(source);
q.action = target;
This works perfectly. The ordinary submit honors the onsubmit script, the delete button skips it.
Let's outline your requirements:
One form
Two submit buttons
No JavaScript submit.
If you give each of the submit buttons a name, then you can have a single action page and check which button was clicked.
name="doUpdate" or name="doDelete"
The only name key that will exist in the form scope is whichever submit button was clicked. Use structKeyExists() to check and process accordingly.
Of course, you probably want to use onsubmit="return validateForm()" to call a validation function. If you click on "delete", you might want the user to confirm that was what they wanted to do before processing it. The function validateForm() just needs to return true or false, so you'll still avoid the JavaScript submit().
Do something like this in the form:
<input name="action" value="save" id="action" type="hidden">
<button type="submit" class="button button-basic-green" onclick="document.getElementById('action').value='save';"><span class="fa fa-save"></span> Save</button>
<button type="submit" class="button button-basic" onclick="document.getElementById('action').value='reload';"><span class="fa fa-repeat"></span> Save & Reload</button>
<button type="submit" class="button button-basic" onclick="document.location.href='./';return false;"><span class="fa fa-arrow-circle-o-left"></span> Cancel</button>
Note the default action of "save". Gets you something like:
Then in the singular form-action page, check to see what the form.action is and process accordingly.
<cfif form.action eq "reload">
<cfset loc="page.cfm?">
<cfset loc="./">

Linking form and button to javascript command

I am trying to make a simple form and button work. I have linked to a JS Fiddle here View JS Fiddle here
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="search" placeholder="enter sport">
<button type="submit" id="WFFsearch">Search</button>
$('#WFFsearch').on('click', function () {
var searchInput = $('#search').text();
var url = "" + searchInput + "/statistics";;
I want to be able to enter "nba" without the quotation marks and click the search button, then have a new window which generates the following link The first part and the last part of all the urls will be the same, it's just the middle that changes (nba, nfl, mlb). Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
$('#WFFsearch').on('click', function () {
var searchInput = $('#search').val();
var url = "" + searchInput + "/statistics";;
You need val() property, since input is in question, not text().
you wanna use the .val() instead of .text() as text gets the value between 2 tags <div>here is some text</div> and val gets the value <input value="some value"/>
EzPz! This is a very simple task. First of all though, since you're using jQ to establish your button's click event, you can either drop the attribute type="submit", OR (recommended), create your event on the form's submit. If it were me, I'd id the form and use the forms submit, so that you don't need any alters to your button type="submit" and enter key can still be used in search box to submit the form.
Also, you're trying to .text on an input. Input's have value. In jQuery you can get or set that value by calling .val() instead.
The code:
$('#frmGetStats').on('submit', function (e) {
var searchInput = $('#search').val(),
url = "" + searchInput + "/statistics",
win =;
alert("In this sandbox, new windows don't work. \nHowever you can see the link is \n[" + url + "]");
<script src=""></script>
<form id="frmGetStats">
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="search" placeholder="enter sport">
<button id="WFFsearch" type="submit">Search</button>
To get the value of an input field, use .val(). .text() is for the text in a DOM element.
Clicking on the submit button submits the form by default, which reloads the page and kills the script. You need to return false from the event handler to prevent this.
$('#WFFsearch').on('click', function () {
var searchInput = $('#search').val();
var url = "" + searchInput + "/statistics";;
return false;

using a variable to define elements

My function uses two variables which I define in my input-tag
function insert(aTag, eTag) {
var input = document.forms['form'].elements['textarea'];
<input type="button" name="bold" value="bold" onClick="insert('<b>', '</b>')">
The function will place the aTag and the eTag around selected parts in the textarea.
As I want to use this function in other textareas in the same form, I tried to use another variable in this function. This unfortunatly doesn't work.
I tried a lot of variants. Concept about like here:
function insert(aTag, eTag, selectInput) {
var input = document.forms['form'].elements[selectInput];
<input type="button" name="bold" value="bold" onClick="insert('<b>', '</b>', 'thistextarea')">
In the onClick handler, this refers to the object that was clicked. So you can simply do:
<input type="button" name="bold" value="bold" onClick="insert('<b>', '</b>', this)">
The function would receive the object without re-selecting it from anywhere:
function insert(aTag, eTag, input) {
Side note: unobtrusive event handlers are preferred to inline.

JQuery get formaction and formmethod

I have the a like this one
<form id="popisgolubova_form">
<input name="pregledaj" type="button" formaction="uredigoluba.php" formmethod="post" formtarget="_self" value="pregledaj" class="button" onclick="popisgolubova_radiobutton(this)">
<input name="rodovnik" type="button" formaction="rodovnik.php" formmethod="post" formtarget="_blank" value="rodovnik" class="button" onclick="popisgolubova_radiobutton()">
<input name="podaci" type="button" value="poodaci" formaction="podaciogolubu.php" formmethod="post" formtarget="_blank" class="button" onclick="popisgolubova_radiobutton()">
and javascript
function popisgolubova_radiobutton(element)
var popisgolubova_radiobutton=$("input[name=RadioGroup1]").is(":checked");
First I'm checking if any checkbox is checked or not and if it is the I can submit the form. But the problem is formaction, formmethod and formtarget. how to get them and submit them
To get the action or method attributes of a form you can try something like below:
$(function() {
var action = $("#formid").attr('action'),
method = $("#formid").attr('method');
Hope this helps to get an idea to solve ur problem
<form id="popisgolubova_form">
<input name="pregledaj" type="button" formaction="uredigoluba.php" formmethod="post" formtarget="_self" value="pregledaj" class="button postForm"/>
$(document).on('click', '.postForm', function () {
$('#popisgolubova_form').attr('action', $(this).attr('formaction'));
$('#popisgolubova_form').attr('method', $(this).attr('formmethod'));
$('#popisgolubova_form').attr('formtarget', $(this).attr('formtarget'));
So the question is talking about the unfortunately named
...which is a way to override
per clicking a properly set up submit button. The place you want to check this is upon submit - when you're sure things are actually being submitted.
The button you used to submit is stored as :focus - this does not seem to be otherwise stored in the event object at the moment.
$('form').on("submit", function(event) {
if( $(':focus').is('[formaction]') ) {
if( $(':focus').is('[formtarget]') ) {
if( $(':focus').is('[formaction]') ) {
I had this problem and after searching the web I couldn't find a proper answer. Finally, I realized it's so simple.
When you add an event on form.submit you have an event argument that contains e.originalEvent.submitter, just use it as follows:
var url = form.attr('action');
if (e.originalEvent.submitter) {
var frmAction = $(e.originalEvent.submitter).attr('formaction');
if (frmAction)
url = frmAction;
You can use the samething for the formmethod as well.

Submitting Value of Jquery Button To Server

I have a form with several buttons, i want to submit the form to the server using script so i use a function bind to the click events of the buttons. On the server side i want to be able to get the value of the button that was clicked. How can this be achieved?
Using the conventional method to post the form i am able to do a request.getParameter() and get the value of the button that was clicked. I would also like to do a request.getParameter() on the server side and get this parameter or some other more efficient method. Under is what i have:
function submitPage(){
document.getElementById("citizenRegistration").method = "POST";
//need to send the value of the button to server
<li><input id="save" type="submit" name= "user_request" value="Save"/>
<input id="update" type="submit" name= "user_request" value="Update"/>
<input id="query" type="submit" name= "user_request" value="Query"/>
function submitPage(actionFlag){
// actionFlag value can be save,update,Query
document.getElementById("citizenRegistration").method = "POST";
And you can send the button value to the function.
//need to send the value of the button to server
var buttonVal = $(this).val();
Hope this helps you.

