I'm adding my own grunt build setup to my meteor project and assumed from the docs that if I put it into the private folder, it would be left alone by iso-build. Alas this is not the case, and all manner of hell breaks loose.
I'd like to know why?
A simple solution is to put my assets folder outside the meteor folder, which I'm fine with.
NB : I'm not looking to debate the validity using grunt in this situation, I'm interesting in understanding how iso-build treats folders, and how, if possible, to implement some control over what it includes or ignores etc.
basically meteor doesn't ignore npm modules in the private directory, i've gone with the strategy of moving my grunt setup and assets outside of the meteor directory and have my assets moved by grunt into the public directory.
I'm trying to use Angular2 with Springboot, but I can't set them together.
I first started a springboot project, and then tried to follow the Angular 2 Tour of Heroes by johnpapa and run npm install.
The structure looks like below:
I have the /app folder, and the .js are compiled to resources/static/app/js.
1) The folder resources/static/node_modules/ has lots of files. So when running bootRun, it gets really slow and sometimes can't even refresh the files. I believe I shouldn't put the node_modules there, but not sure..
2) npm install puts the files in ./node_modules so currently I copied them to static folder. Should I just build the node_modules to static?
3) My structure looks hacky.. what is the best way to do it ?
How to set this structure? Also, please let me know if I should start using grunt/gulp or some other tool to make this easier.
Ps.: In case anyone is interested in the johnpapa's guide: johnpapa's angular2 guide
1) Remove node_modules from static folder. Your build process should bundle all the necessary modules. node_modules is used only during build.
2) Do not copy node_modules into static folder
3) Remove sources from static folder. That one is meant only for generated bundle + some static PROD files like index.html
Try really cool project builder Jhipster ;)
I shared on github a project that integrates Angular 2 with springboot. you can check here Angular 2 with spring boot
I have one code base for both Web and NodeWebkit (NW) application.
I use the following stack:
- React
- Hapi
- Sequelize
- Windows environment
Web version of the application uses MySQL, while NW uses Sqlite. It all works fine. I have config file that compiles application for what I need (web or NW).
The problem that I face now is how to deploy the NW application. Idea is to provide NW applicaiton to a client, where he will open it clicking the icon.
Since I use the Node for the NW version, and the application uses many modules which are stored in node_modules, I face a challenge how to pack it all up.
My idea is to make an Windows installer. User will click it and the installer will extract all files to the destination. And also make an icon on the user desktop to run it.
Problem is with the Windows file name limitation. Inside the node_modules, there are many subdirectories that simply violate the Windows limitation. I cant even copy the node_modules folder. I cant even delete it. Well sure I can copy it If I zip it... or remove manually long folders.
I have not yet started working on the installer, but I am thinking I will hit the wall with this approach.
Does anyone have an idea how to make this deployment?
How can I integrate NPM3 in NW?
My plan now is to make Windows installer. That windows installer will install normally application files. The node_modules will be zipped previously and placed inside the installer. Installer will then simply unzip it to the destionation folder.
I will post my progress here.
Some update here.
Main issue here was the depth of the node_modules. I have many modules in node_modules, and after some thinking I figured out there is a simple rule there. Some modules are server side modules, while other ones are used by react.
And since Webpack already creates a huge files in which all of the modules are already included, I simply do not need them at all.
So I have removed all front end side modules(babel modules, react-*), and left only server side (Hapi, sequelize...). Miracle happened, application run and was much faster at the startup.
I am going to use Inno setup to make a manifest file, and it should be good to go.
I am still not out of the danger zone, as developer might need a server side module, which has huge depth. But I will think about that if it happens.
More to follow...
actually in nodejs you can do the following:
1-Create another folder inside your project folder for example "server_modules"
2-In the created folder create another package.json file and install any modules needed for server out there
3-All these modules will be accessible as normal node_modules using require('module_name') and you can delete "server_modules" folder when you package your desktop version if you don't need it
Note: this approach used by some developers to achive micro services in nodejs but it is useful in your case
I'm currently playing around with Yeoman Angular Fullstack Generator. That's pretty cool and works as expected. Since it uses grunt, it's possible to run grunt serve dist so that it starts the server with my uglified and concatenated files...
Last week I found modulus.io (nodejs cloud hosting like heroku) and they were offering a free evaluation phase. Problem: They expect that my project has an app.js so they can start it with node app.js.
Do you guys know how can I use grunt to generate a dist folder just for modulus.io, including all contents of the already generated dist folder (currently just frontend code) + all needed server-side javascripts + an appropriate app.js (that uses express and the contents from the dist folders) and the package.json file?
Any help would be appreciated. :) I think a similar task must exist somewhere since you might have this problem on any other cloud hosting platform. Unfortunately I couldn't find a proper solution
In short, modulus.io is just looking for an entry-point into the application. It can be called whatever you like, so long as in your package.json file you have a line that tells it what to launch, ie. "main": "dist/app.js".
See: https://modulus.io/codex/projects/app-guidelines for more info.
The full stack generator that you are using should have generated all this for you however...?
EDIT: Running a simple grunt command will create a \dist directory that is ready to be uploaded.
I am just starting on integrating AngularJS into my Django project.
After I installed Karma for testing following the tutorial I got bunch of Node.js modules installed in my root project folder.
Should I check all of this files from node_modules folder into my repo? Or should I ignore them with .gitignore?
Are there alternatives to installing Karma to root or is it required?
I have found that you need to install a particular node module in a folder that encompasses all files that will use it. This is most easily accomplished by putting all node modules in the root folder of your website. This is by design of node's creator, though I'm not sure if he wants it that way or just does not want to change it. Either way, there is no way around this.
As for karma, as it is a node module, it needs to be in a folder that includes all files that will use it; therefore, if your entire website uses it, you're better off putting it in the website's root folder.
Of course, as node is open source, you could go in & change this requirement of node modules so they can be installed anywhere, maybe with a pointer from a file that uses it to that node module.
Only you & your team (and your users) can determine if you want to push or ignore your website files, but in general with node_modules, if your users need them, send them. If only your developers need them, either install them individually on all developers' machines or make another branch for development work. Node also has a way to separate development modules from release modules, so you could look into that.
I am in the process of converting an existing Rails 3.1 app I made for a client into a Backbone.js app with the Rails app only as a backend server extension. This is only a personal project of mine, to learn more about Backbone.js.
While setting up Backbone.js (using Backbone-on-Rails), I noticed I have some dependencies (like backbone-forms) that come from external sources and are frequently updated.
I've grown accustomed to using Bundler to manage my Ruby gems, but I haven't found anything similar for JavaScript files. I'm wondering if there is any way to do the same for Javascript (and possibly css) files.
Basically I can see three possibilities to solve this issue:
Simply write down all the sources for each JS file and check these sources from time to time to see what has changed.
Use some kind of existing "Bundler for Javascript" type of tool, I've been looking for something like this but have yet to find anything (good).
Since most of these JS files will be coming from Git anyway, use Git to get the files directly and use checkout to get the latest version from time to time.
I prefer the last option, but was hoping on some more input from other people who have gone this route or preferred some other way to tackle this issue (or is this even an issue?).
I figure the Git way seems easy, but I am not quite sure yet how I could make this work nicely with Rails 3.1 and Sprockets. I guess I'd try to checkout a single file using Git and have it be cloned in a directory that is accessible to Sprockets, but I haven't tried this yet.
Any thoughts?
You don't mention it in your alternatives, but ideally you should use something like Maven to manage your dependencies. Unfortunately, there are no public repositories for javascript files. This discussion lists some other options which might be of help to you: JQuery Availability on Maven Repositories
For now I've settled on using the Git solution combined with some guard-shell magic.
The steps I follow:
Create a dependencies directory somewhere on your local drive
Clone the repositories with javascript (or css) files you want to use in the app
Set up a custom guard-shell command to do the following:
group 'dependencies' do
guard 'shell' do
dependencies = '~/path/to/dependencies/'
watch(%r{backbone-forms/src/(backbone\-forms\.js)}) {|m| `cp #{dependencies + m[0]} vendor/assets/javascripts/#{m[1]}` }
Place the Guardfile at the root of the app directory
It takes some time to set things up, but after that, when you have the Guard running, and you pull changes into your dependencies, the required files are automatically copied to your application directory, which are then part of your repository.
It seems to work great, you need to do some work for each new file you want to include in the asset pipeline, but all that is required is cloning the repository in your dependencies directory and adding a single line to your Guardfile, for example for the backbone-form css:
watch(%r{backbone-forms/src/(backbone\-forms\.css)}) {|m| `cp #{dependencies + m[0]} vendor/assets/stylesheets/#{m[1]}` }
Also, the reason I added this Guard to a group is because I keep my dependencies outside the main application directory, which means guard normally doesn't check my dependencies directory. To make this work, I start up my main Guard processes using bundle exec guard -g main and use bundle exec guard -w ~/path/to/dependencies -g dependencies in a new terminal window/tab to specify the -w(atchdir).