how to get audio metadata using MEAN.js application - javascript

I want to upload audio file (either .wav or .flac) only if it match certain Sample Rate ,Channel and bit rate. but I have few doubts in implementing this functionality?
1) is it possible with client side scripting like AngularJs?
2) If its not possible with AngularJs than its possible to get the metadata information first on server with Node.js and upload only if it matches criteria.?
Please let me know in case you need more information for the same.

Have you tried working with Web Audio API? You don't necessarily need AngularJS and it's supported in all major browsers (Web Audio API Browser support).


How to forward audio/video data from a user's browser(client) to a server?

What I am Doing
I have a javascript file that uses getUserMedia() to get the audio and video from the client’s computer. How do I implement computer vision to video feed which was extracted from the camera using javascript getUserMedia() and speech recognition to audio feed which was extracted from the microphone using javascript getUserMedia() using python?
Why do I want to use Python?
I want to use python because I have already written all the code to run this locally on my machine, using flask but to run on other computers I have to use javascript to access the client's mic and cam and can't use python to do that or python would detect a mic and cam in the server instead of the client's machine.
What I Tried
Attempt #1
I have tried using js2py to translate .js file to .py file using:
js2py.translate_file(static/sketch.js', '')
from sketch import sketch
# I use getUserMedia() function after that from the .py file
I got an error which I found out was a too large .js file error.
Attempt #2
I looked at MDN docs articles:
I got really confused about how to use Ajax so didn’t even try because I didn’t know what to do. I am highly leaning towards thinking this could solve my problem but I could be wrong that’s is why I am asking this question.
Underlying Question
My question is how to deliver audio/video data from a user's browser to a server?

Is there an alternative way of changing the audio output device using web audio api?

Assume that I have access to the installed audio output devices and I have the labels and deviceId.Then I need to allow user change the output device using the selected device id.The only solution I got is by using setSinkId() method which found in audio element.But I want do solve this without using audio element only by using web audio api.Any suggestions plz.
Unfortunately there is currently no better way to do this.
There is a long standing issue on the Web Audio API repository about adding that functionality.

Encoding raw h.264 data to browser via Dash

I have a live stream of raw h264 (no container) coming from a remote webcam. I wanna stream it live in browser using DASH. DASH requires creating mpd file (and segmentation). I found tools (such as mp4box) that accomplish that in static files, but i'm struggling to find a solution for live streams. any suggestions - preferably using node.js modules?
Threads i have checked:
mp4box - from one hand i saw this comment that states " You cannot feed MP4Box with some live content. You need to feed MP4Box -live with pre-segmented chunks." on the other hand there's a lot of people directing to this bitmovin tutorial which does implement a solution using mp4box. In the toturial they are using mp4box (which has a node.js api implementation) and x264 (which doesn't have node.js module? or is contained in ffmpeg/mp4box?)
ngnix - ngnix has a module that support streaming to DASH using rtmp. for exemple in this toturial. I prefer not to go this path - as mention i'm trying to do it all in node.js.
Although i read couple of posts with similar problem, I couldn't find a suitable solution. Help would be much appreciated!
The typical architecture is to send your live stream to a streaming server which will then do the heavy lifting to make the stream available to other devices, using streaming protocols such as HLS and DASH.
So the client devices connect to the server rather than to your browser.
This allows the video to be encoded and packaged to reach as many devices as possible with the server doing any transcoding necessary and potentially also creating different bit rate versions of your stream to allow for different network conditions, if you want to provide this level of service.
The typical structure is encoded stream (e.g. h.264 video), packaged into a container (e.g. mp4 fragmented) and delivered via a streaming protocol such as HLS or DASH.

Live video broadcasting

I am going to develop a chat based application for mobile which allows video chat. I am using HTML5, javascript and PhoneGap. Using phoneGap, I am able to access mobile camera, capture a video, save the video and upload it in server. I have done it for android. But I need live broadcasting of the video. Is there any solution of that?
Note: It is not any android native app.
You didn't specify what facility you're currently using for the video capture. AFAIK, current WebView doesn't yet support WebRTC which is the w3 standard that will soon enable you to access the video frames in your HTML5 code. So I'm assuming you're using PhoneGap's navigator.device.capture.captureVideo facility.
On Android, captureVideo creates 3gp files. The problem with 3gp is that they cannot be streamed or played while capturing: the MOOV atom of the file is required for parsing the video frames in it, and it is written only after all frames in the file have been encoded. So you must stop the recording before you can make any use of the file.
Your best shot in HTML5 is to implement a loop that captures a short clip (3-5 seconds?) of video, then sends it to a server while the next chunk is being captured. The server will need to concatenate the clips to a single file that can be broadcast with a streaming server. This will add several seconds to the latency of the broadcast, and you are quite likely to suffer from lost frames at the point in the gap between two separate chunk captures. That might be sufficient for some use cases (security cameras, for example).
If your application is such that you cannot afford to lose frames, I see no other option but to implement the video capture and streaming in Java, as a PhoneGap Plugin.
See Spydroid
It uses the solution with the special FileDescriptor you found. Basically they let the video encoder write a .mp4 with H.264 to the special file descriptor that calls your code on write. Then they strip off the MP4 header and turn the H.264 NALUs into RTP packets.

Possible to stream live video without using RTSP?

Is it possible to live stream video (& audio) without using the RTSP protocol? Today I tried out Adobe's Flash Media Server and the free alternative Red5. Both seemed like a bit of an overkill (plus had issues with Red5 not supporting AAC audio).
Basically I'm looking for a way to upload live video to my server so it can be viewed using jwplayer, and then stored so it can be viewed later. Does MP4 support live streaming? So that I can record it client-side then upload it for viewing?
I've been experimenting with uploading jpg images and using a HTML5 canvas to display them so it appears like a video.
Here's my code: (using only a few images)
There's several things wrong with it. For one, it's not efficient because it requires mass amounts of jpg's to be uploaded. And most importantly there's no audio.
What would be best to do? Is RTSP the only sensible choice? Thanks. :)
Live via HTTP servers is, for the most part, not an option. But there is "Apple Live Streaming" aka MPEG-TS, although that limits your clients to iOS devices. It uses a plain ol'web server. (This seems to be changing, increasingly desktop browsers are supporting MPEG-TS, but will probably take some time before it is common place.)
For online streaming, rtsp is the best solution. Other protocols such as RTMP ( but transmit to any multimedia content using RTSP.
Another thing is that you can make a specific streaming server accepts HTTP redirect requests. Thus, instead of URL's as rtsp:// can have URL's like

