CannonJS floor. Make a ball stick to the ground - javascript

Noob Question: I'm trying to drop a ball to the floor and make it stick there or even roll over a plane. Right now it passes trough the plane. I'm not sure where I made a mistake or if I'm doing anything wrong.
var world, timeStep=1/60, scene, renderer, camera,
icosahedronBody, sphereShape, groundShape,
ground, groundBody, groundShape;
MASS = 5;
function initCannon() {
world = new CANNON.World();
world.broadphase = new CANNON.NaiveBroadphase();
sphereShape = new CANNON.Sphere();
groundShape = new CANNON.Plane();
icosahedronBody = new CANNON.Body({
mass: MASS,
groundBody = new CANNON.Body({
mass: 0, // mass == 0 makes the body static
world.solver.iterations = 10;
world.defaultContactMaterial.contactEquationStiffness = 1e9;
world.defaultContactMaterial.contactEquationRegularizationTime = 4;
icosahedronBody.linearDamping = 0.5;
groundBody.quaternion.setFromAxisAngle(new CANNON.Vec3(0,1,0),-Math.PI/2);
var ballContact = new CANNON.ContactMaterial( groundBody, icosahedronBody, 0.0, 0.0);
function initThree(){
scene = new THREE.Scene();
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000 );
var light = new THREE.AmbientLight( 0x404040 ),
directionalLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0xffffff ),
gridHelper = new THREE.GridHelper( GRID_HELPER_SIZE, GRID_HELPER_STEP );
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth - 100 , window.innerHeight - 100 );
renderer.setClearColor( 0x757575 );
document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );
camera.position.set(1,25,100); // camera position to x , y , z
camera.lookAt( new THREE.Vector3() )
directionalLight.position.set( 1, 0.75, 0.5 ).normalize();
scene.add( directionalLight );
scene.add( light );
scene.add( camera );
scene.add( gridHelper );
var icoGeometry = new THREE.IcosahedronGeometry(10, 1),
icoMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( {color: 0xff0000} );
icosahedron = new THREE.Mesh( icoGeometry, icoMaterial );
var groundGeometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(100 , 1, 100),
groundMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( {color: 0xcccccc} );
ground = new THREE.Mesh( groundGeometry, groundMaterial );
ground.receiveShadow = true;
scene.add( icosahedron );
scene.add( ground );
function animate() {
requestAnimationFrame( animate );
function updatePhysics() {
// Step the physics world
// Copy coordinates from Cannon.js to Three.js
function render() {
renderer.render( scene, camera );

It appears that your CANNON.Plane is oriented the wrong way. By default, it's normal is pointing in the Z direction, so you need to rotate it -90 degrees along the positive X axis to make its normal point in the positive Y direction (use the right hand rule):
groundBody.quaternion.setFromAxisAngle(new CANNON.Vec3(1,0,0),-Math.PI/2);
Secondly, you have to make the BoxGeometry match. Make sure its thinner along its Z axis.
var groundGeometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(100, 100, 1),
I also note that the radius of the THREE.IcosahedronGeometry is 10, while the radius of the CANNON.Sphere is 1 (the default). Set its radius to 10 to match the three.js geometry:
sphereShape = new CANNON.Sphere(10);
Replace these three lines and your simulation looks like it should. Good luck!


How to render caps with clipping planes and stencil in Threejs with outer and inner mesh objects

I’m new to three.js and stackoverflow. I’m trying to clip and cap three.js objects that have been rendered so I can move the helperPlane back and forth through the object to see inside it. There's an object inside it. What I’m looking to do is similar to this description of advanced clipping techniques in OpenGL here: More OpenGL Game Programming - Bonus - Advanced Clip Planes. So, if this can be done in OpenGL, there must be some way to do it in WebGL too?
I adapted the clipping_stencil example from threejs ( webgl - clipping stencil ), and everything looks right as long as I don’t move the helperPlanes. When the helperPlanes are moved, some of the cap faces of the larger mesh disappear, there’s some rendering artifacts-I think this is z-fighting-and the caps might not be rendered in the desired position.
Setting the renderingOrder property for the meshes was the big trick to getting the inner mesh to be rendered in the scene, but I don't know what to do about the z-fighting? when I move the clipping planes on the sliders.
I also posted this on discourse.threejs. Everything is on a JSFiddle. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
import * as THREE from 'three';
import Stats from '';
import {GUI} from '';
import { OrbitControls } from '';
let camera, scene, renderer, object, object2, stats;
let planes, planeObjects, planeObjects2, planeHelpers;
let clock;
const params = {
animate: false,
planeX: {
constant: 1,
negated: false,
displayHelper: false
planeY: {
constant: 1,
negated: false,
displayHelper: false
planeZ: {
constant: 0,
negated: false,
displayHelper: false
function createPlaneStencilGroup( geometry, plane, renderOrder ) {
const group = new THREE.Group();
const baseMat = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial();
baseMat.depthWrite = false;
baseMat.depthTest = false;
baseMat.colorWrite = false;
baseMat.stencilWrite = true;
baseMat.stencilFunc = THREE.AlwaysStencilFunc;
/* Subtract the mask created from the front-facing image
from the mask created from the back-facing image, we get
a new mask that represents the area where the clip edge
would be. Set the stencil buffer operation to increment
when rederering back-facing polygons and decrement on
front-facing polygons. This results in the desired mask
stored in the stencil buffer : */
// back faces
const mat0 = baseMat.clone();
mat0.side = THREE.BackSide;
mat0.clippingPlanes = [ plane ];
mat0.stencilFail = THREE.IncrementWrapStencilOp;
mat0.stencilZFail = THREE.IncrementWrapStencilOp;
mat0.stencilZPass = THREE.IncrementWrapStencilOp;
//mat0.depthFunc = THREE.LessDepth; // See reference above
const mesh0 = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, mat0 );
mesh0.renderOrder = renderOrder;
group.add( mesh0 );
// front faces
const mat1 = baseMat.clone();
mat1.side = THREE.FrontSide;
mat1.clippingPlanes = [ plane ];
mat1.stencilFail = THREE.DecrementWrapStencilOp;
mat1.stencilZFail = THREE.DecrementWrapStencilOp;
mat1.stencilZPass = THREE.DecrementWrapStencilOp;
//mat1.depthFunc = THREE.LessDepth;
const mesh1 = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, mat1 );
mesh1.renderOrder = renderOrder;
group.add( mesh1 );
return group;
function init(){
clock = new THREE.Clock();
// scene
scene = new THREE.Scene();
// camera
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(36, window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight, 1,100);
// Lights
scene.add(new THREE.AmbientLight(0xffffff, 0.5));
const dirLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff,1);
dirLight.castShadow = true; = 2; = -2; = 2; = -2;
dirLight.shadow.mapSize.width = 1024;
dirLight.shadow.mapSize.height = 1024;
//Clipping planes
planes = [
new THREE.Plane( new THREE.Vector3( - 1, 0, 0 ), 1 ),
new THREE.Plane( new THREE.Vector3( 0, - 1, 0 ), 1 ),
new THREE.Plane( new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, - 1 ), 0 )
planeHelpers = p => new THREE.PlaneHelper( p, 2, 0xffffff ) );
planeHelpers.forEach( ph => {
ph.visible = false;
scene.add( ph );
} );
//Inner Cube
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 0.5,0.5,0.5 );
//Outer Cube
const geometry2 = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 1,1,1 );
object = new THREE.Group();
//Set up clip plane rendering
Object 1
Render order 1: Draw front face / back face clipped and front face
/ back face not clipped (4 meshes)
Render order 2: Draw planar clip cap
Object 2
Render order 3: Draw front face / back face clipped and front face
/ back face not clipped (4 meshes)
Render order 4: Draw planar clip cap
planeObjects = [];
planeObjects2 = [];
const planeGeom = new THREE.PlaneGeometry( 4, 4 );
for ( let i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) {
const poGroup = new THREE.Group();
const poGroup2 = new THREE.Group()
const plane = planes[ i ];
// Object 1
const stencilGroup = createPlaneStencilGroup( geometry,
plane, i + 4 ); // Render after first group
// Object 2
const stencilGroup2 = createPlaneStencilGroup( geometry2,
plane, i + 1 ); // Render this first
// plane is clipped by the other clipping planes
const planeMat =
new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( {
color: 0xfff000, // inner torus colour
metalness: 0.1,
roughness: 0.75,
clippingPlanes: planes.filter( p => p !== plane ),
//depthFunc: THREE.LessDepth,
stencilWrite: true,
stencilRef: 0,
stencilFunc: THREE.NotEqualStencilFunc,
stencilFail: THREE.ReplaceStencilOp,
stencilZFail: THREE.ReplaceStencilOp,
stencilZPass: THREE.ReplaceStencilOp,
} );
const planeMat2 =
new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( {
color: 0xff0000, // inner torus colour
metalness: 0.1,
roughness: 0.75,
clippingPlanes: planes.filter( p => p !== plane ),
//depthFunc: THREE.LessDepth,
stencilWrite: true,
stencilRef: 0,
stencilFunc: THREE.NotEqualStencilFunc,
stencilFail: THREE.ReplaceStencilOp,
stencilZFail: THREE.ReplaceStencilOp,
stencilZPass: THREE.ReplaceStencilOp,
} );
const po = new THREE.Mesh( planeGeom, planeMat );
const po2 = new THREE.Mesh( planeGeom, planeMat2 );
po.onAfterRender = function ( renderer ) {
po2.onAfterRender = function ( renderer ) {
// Draw Planar Clip Cap
po.renderOrder = i + 4.1; // Render last (slightly)
po2.renderOrder = i + 1.1; // Render slightly after first group
object.add( stencilGroup );
object.add( stencilGroup2 );
poGroup.add( po );
poGroup2.add( po2 );
planeObjects.push( po );
planeObjects2.push( po2 );
scene.add( poGroup );
scene.add( poGroup2 );
// Object 1
const material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( {
color: 0xfff000, // outer torus colour
metalness: 0.1,
roughness: 0.75,
clippingPlanes: planes,
clipShadows: true,
shadowSide: THREE.DoubleSide,
} );
// add the color
const clippedColorFront = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
clippedColorFront.castShadow = true;
clippedColorFront.renderOrder = 6;
object.add( clippedColorFront );
// Object 2
const material2 = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( {
color: 0xff0000, // outer colour
metalness: 0.1,
roughness: 0.75,
side: THREE.DoubleSide,
clippingPlanes: planes,
clipShadows: true,
shadowSide: THREE.DoubleSide,
} );
// add the color
const clippedColorFront2 = new THREE.Mesh( geometry2, material2 );
clippedColorFront2.castShadow = true;
clippedColorFront2.renderOrder = 3;
object.add( clippedColorFront2 );
const ground = new THREE.Mesh(
new THREE.PlaneGeometry(9,9,1,1),
new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({color:0x999999, opacity:0.25, side:THREE.DoubleSide})
ground.rotation.x = - Math.PI/2; // rotates x/y to x/z
ground.position.y = -1;
ground.receiveShadow = true;
stats = new Stats();
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({antialias:true});
renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true;
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
renderer.setClearColor( 0x263238 );
renderer.localClippingEnabled = true;
const controls = new OrbitControls(camera, renderer.domElement);
controls.minDistance = 2;
controls.maxDistance = 20;
const gui = new GUI();
gui.add(params, 'animate');
const planeX = gui.addFolder( 'planeX' );
planeX.add( params.planeX, 'displayHelper' ).onChange( v => planeHelpers[ 0 ].visible = v );
planeX.add( params.planeX, 'constant' ).min( - 1 ).max( 1 ).onChange( d => planes[ 0 ].constant = d );
planeX.add( params.planeX, 'negated' ).onChange( () => {
planes[ 0 ].negate();
params.planeX.constant = planes[ 0 ].constant;
} );;
const planeY = gui.addFolder( 'planeY' );
planeY.add( params.planeY, 'displayHelper' ).onChange( v => planeHelpers[ 1 ].visible = v );
planeY.add( params.planeY, 'constant' ).min( - 1 ).max( 1 ).onChange( d => planes[ 1 ].constant = d );
planeY.add( params.planeY, 'negated' ).onChange( () => {
planes[ 1 ].negate();
params.planeY.constant = planes[ 1 ].constant;
} );;
const planeZ = gui.addFolder( 'planeZ' );
planeZ.add( params.planeZ, 'displayHelper' ).onChange( v => planeHelpers[ 2 ].visible = v );
planeZ.add( params.planeZ, 'constant' ).min( - 1 ).max( 1 ).onChange( d => planes[ 2 ].constant = d );
planeZ.add( params.planeZ, 'negated' ).onChange( () => {
planes[ 2 ].negate();
params.planeZ.constant = planes[ 2 ].constant;
} );;
function onWindowResize() {
camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
function animate() {
const delta = clock.getDelta();
requestAnimationFrame( animate );
if ( params.animate ) {
object.rotation.x += delta * 0.5;
object.rotation.y += delta * 0.2;
for ( let i = 0; i < planeObjects.length; i ++ ) {
const plane = planes[ i ];
// Planar clip cap for object 1
const po = planeObjects[ i ];
plane.coplanarPoint( po.position );
// planar clip cap for object 2
const po2 = planeObjects[ i ];
plane.coplanarPoint( po2.position );
// planar clip cap for object 1
po.position.x - plane.normal.x,
po.position.y - plane.normal.y,
po.position.z - plane.normal.z,
// planar clip cap for object 2
po2.position.x - plane.normal.x,
po2.position.y - plane.normal.y,
po2.position.z - plane.normal.z,
renderer.render( scene, camera );
I had some success with what I set out to do. This is an updated JSFiddle. I was able to implement capping an object inside another object with clipping and stencils. I included drag and orbit controls and gui to select the plane (x,y,z) to section along. I noticed some strange behaviour in rendering the caps depending on the object position and the rotation of the camera.
I needed to move the object further away from the camera to see the caps rendered when sectioning in the x and y planes, but not z
The caps seemed to disappear like a sliding door if I rotated the camera from positive x to negative x
So I think the caps are rendering in the same place as the clipping plane and depth testing can’t discriminate between the two at some camera points. I think moving the caps away from the clipping plane by some tolerance along a vector normal to the plane will get the caps to render at more angles when I move the camera. I tried this in my animate function:
innerCap.translateOnAxis(clipPlane.normal, -1.5);
This gets the caps to render for a little more of an angle in the direction of negative x. I think this tolerance is some function of the distance from the object to the camera, but I’m not sure how to implement this. Thanks for your help.

Three.js | Raycasting imported .obj model via blender

I have loaded a 3D terrain via Blender with the OBJLoader. I have also created a mesh (yellow pointer on the picture below) which i want to follow the mouse while it's on the terrain.
I tried to use the raycaster method but i don't know exactly how to apply it to my .obj as it seems that I can't access it outside the loader.
How can i make my pointer(yellow mesh) stick to my terrain (loaded .obj) while it's following the mouse ?
Please help a total three.js noob...
var scene = new THREE.Scene();
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 10000 );
var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );
camera.position.z = 150;
var light = new THREE.HemisphereLight( 0xffffbb, 0x080820, 1 );
scene.add( light );
var controls= new THREE.OrbitControls(camera,renderer.domElement);
controls.minDistance= 1;
controls.minPolarAngle= -Math.PI/2;
controls.maxPolarAngle= Math.PI/2;
var terrain;
var mtlLoader = new THREE.MTLLoader();
(materials) => {
var loader = new THREE.OBJLoader();
function ( object ) {
terrain = object;
scene.add( terrain );
var Cylindergeometry = new THREE.CylinderGeometry( 5, 0, 8, 32 );
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {color: 0xffff00} );
var cylinder = new THREE.Mesh( Cylindergeometry, material );
var Torusgeometry = new THREE.TorusGeometry( 7, 0.5, 8, 6);
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xffff00 } );
var torus = new THREE.Mesh( Torusgeometry, material);
//Merge the two parts to make it one mesh (yellow pivot)
var PivotGeometry = new THREE.Geometry();
var pivot = new THREE.Mesh(PivotGeometry, material);
// Trying to Raycast the terrain to make the pivot follow the mouse while it's on it
var raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster();
var mouse = new THREE.Vector2();
function onMouseMove( event ) {
mouse.x = ( event.clientX / renderer.domElement.clientWidth ) * 2 - 1;
mouse.y = - ( event.clientY / renderer.domElement.clientHeight ) * 2 + 1;
raycaster.setFromCamera( mouse, camera );
// See if the ray from the camera into the world hits one of our meshes
var intersects = raycaster.intersectObject( terrain,true );
// Toggle rotation bool for meshes that we clicked
if ( intersects.length > 0 ) {
pivot.position.set( 0, 0, 0 );
pivot.lookAt( intersects[ 0 ].face.normal );
pivot.position.copy( intersects[ 0 ].point );
//Met à jour l'affichage de la scène
var animate = function () {
requestAnimationFrame( animate );
renderer.render( scene, camera );
My loaded .obj terrain
You have the following line in your code:
var intersects = raycaster.intersectObjects( object );
I don't see where object as a variable is declared. I suggest you declare this variable in your module scope, assign the loaded OBJ file to it and then use this code instead:
var intersects = raycaster.intersectObject( object, true );
OBJLoader.load() returns an object of type THREE.Group which is in some sense a container holding an arbitrary number of meshes. Hence, you want to raycast recursively.

Three.js ParametricGeometry animation (dynamically changing function)

I am really new to computer graphics, and I started experimenting with some things with THREE.js. So I wanted to an animation of a flag (wave motions) and I couldn't find anything (maybe I don't know what to search). So I made my flag with a parametric geometry, and the function is just a cos. And I wan't to animate the flag by dynamically changing the function of the parametric geometry. How can I do that, and is this the correct way of doing this?
P.S. The change in the function that I want is simply moving the cos along the X asis so it looks like the flag is moving.
In dependency on amount of vertices in your mesh, you can use shaders or simple changing of vertices in your animation loop with cos function.
Below, there's the approach with simple changing.
var scene = new THREE.Scene();
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 60, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 1000 );
camera.position.set( 0, 2, 10 );
var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );
var controls = new THREE.OrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement );
scene.add( new THREE.GridHelper( 10, 10 ) );
var planeGeom = new THREE.PlaneGeometry( 10, 3, 20, 3 );
var plane = new THREE.Mesh( planeGeom, new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: "red", side: THREE.DoubleSide } ) );
scene.add( plane );
function render(){
requestAnimationFrame( render );
planeGeom.vertices.forEach( v => {
v.z = Math.cos( .5 * v.x - * .001 ) * .5;
planeGeom.verticesNeedUpdate = true; // the most important thing, when you change vertices
renderer.render( scene, camera );
overflow: hidden;
margin: 0;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Animating a bezier curve in ThreeJS

I would like to animate a bezier curve in ThreeJS. The start, end and control points will update. Eventually I will need to have many curves animating at once. What's the most efficient way to do this?
If you run the code snippet below, you'll see that I'm creating the Bezier object, Geometry and Line each time the frame renders. I'm removing the previous line from the scene and then adding the new, updated line. Is there a better way? Perhaps updating only the geometry and not adding the line again?
var camera, scene, renderer, geometry, material, mesh;
Create the scene, camera, renderer
function init() {
scene = new THREE.Scene();
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(50, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 10000);
camera.position.z = 500;
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
Add the initial bezier curve to the scene
function addCurve() {
testPoint = 0;
curve = new THREE.CubicBezierCurve3(
new THREE.Vector3( testPoint, 0, 0 ),
new THREE.Vector3( -5, 150, 0 ),
new THREE.Vector3( 20, 150, 0 ),
new THREE.Vector3( 10, 0, 0 )
curveGeometry = new THREE.Geometry();
curveGeometry.vertices = curve.getPoints( 50 );
curveMaterial = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color : 0xff0000 } );
curveLine = new THREE.Line( curveGeometry, curveMaterial );
On each frame render, remove the old line, create new curve, geometry and add the new line
function updateCurve() {
testPoint ++;
curve = new THREE.CubicBezierCurve3(
new THREE.Vector3( testPoint, 0, 0 ),
new THREE.Vector3( -5, 150, 0 ),
new THREE.Vector3( 20, 150, 0 ),
new THREE.Vector3( 10, 0, 0 )
curveGeometry = new THREE.Geometry();
curveGeometry.vertices = curve.getPoints( 50 );
curveLine = new THREE.Line( curveGeometry, curveMaterial );
function animate() {
function render() {
renderer.render(scene, camera);
<script src=""></script>
Creating new lines per each frame is very exepnsive opertation.
What is that the best way to create animated curves?
Probably using shaders. But it can take much more time to implement, so if my next suggestions will be enough for you, just them.
Improve curve updating in your code
I tried not to change a lot of your code. Marked edited places with "// EDITED" comment. I added an array cause you said that there will be many curves.
As #WestLangley said, try to avoid using new keyword inside animation loop.
CubicBezierCurve3 has v0, v1, v2 and v3 attributes. Those are THREE.Vector3`s that you provide from the beginning. .getPoints() uses them to return you vertices array. So you can simply change them and no new keyword is needed. See this line for more details.
Rather then recreating line, in your case you can simply update geometry. As you have a THREE.Line - your geometry only needs vertices. After changing vertices you should set geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true or Three.js will ignore your changes.
var camera, scene, renderer, geometry, material, mesh, curves = [];
Create the scene, camera, renderer
function init() {
scene = new THREE.Scene();
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(50, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 10000);
camera.position.z = 500;
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
Add the initial bezier curve to the scene
function addCurve() {
testPoint = 0;
curve = new THREE.CubicBezierCurve3(
new THREE.Vector3( testPoint, 0, 0 ),
new THREE.Vector3( -5, 150, 0 ),
new THREE.Vector3( 20, 150, 0 ),
new THREE.Vector3( 10, 0, 0 )
curveGeometry = new THREE.Geometry();
curveGeometry.vertices = curve.getPoints( 50 );
curveMaterial = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color : 0xff0000 } );
curveLine = new THREE.Line( curveGeometry, curveMaterial );
curves.push(curveLine); // Add curve to curves array
curveLine.curve = curve; // Link curve object to this curveLine
On each frame render, remove the old line, create new curve, geometry and add the new line
function updateCurve() {
testPoint ++;
for (var i = 0, l = curves.length; i < l; i++) {
var curveLine = curves[i];
// Update x value of v0 vector
curveLine.curve.v0.x = testPoint;
// Update vertices
curveLine.geometry.vertices = curveLine.curve.getPoints( 50 );
// Let's three.js know that vertices are changed
curveLine.geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true;
function animate() {
function render() {
renderer.render(scene, camera);
<script src=""></script>

Three.js - troubles with the size of texture

Less words, more code =)
var objects = [];
var camera, scene, renderer;
document.addEventListener( 'mousedown', onDocumentMouseDown, false );
function onDocumentMouseDown( event ) {
var vector = new THREE.Vector3( ( event.clientX / window.innerWidth ) * 2 - 1, - ( event.clientY / window.innerHeight ) * 2 + 1, 0.5 );
projector.unprojectVector( vector, camera );
var ray = new THREE.Ray( camera.position, vector.subSelf( camera.position ).normalize() );
var intersects = ray.intersectObjects( objects );
if ( intersects.length > 0 ) {
console.log(intersects[ 0 ].object);
function init() {
container = document.getElementById( 'container' );
scene = new THREE.Scene();
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 90, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 1100 );
camera.position.z = 50;
scene.add( camera );
var particle = new THREE.Particle( new THREE.ParticleBasicMaterial( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "img/satellite.png" ) } ) );
objects.push( particle );
//particle.scale.x = particle.scale.y = 0.25
scene.add( particle );
projector = new THREE.Projector();
renderer = new THREE.CanvasRenderer();
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
container.appendChild( renderer.domElement );
function render() {
camera.lookAt( scene.position );
renderer.render( scene, camera );
As a result, we get clickable particle with a texture. But I don't understand several things:
Why the "clickable" area of particle is so small? It works only if I click in the middle of a particle.
Why is that particle so huge? The texture is this .png file and the particle is way more bigger than 16×16. How can I fix that? Yes, I know about particle.scale, that will make particle look smaller. But, the "clickable" area of particle woukd also become smaller.
I know this is an old question but I came across the same issue today and i found this question unanswered, after some workaround i came across a solution for this.
The solution is to create 2 particles, one as a simple particle that draws a geometry (rect or arc) that is a ParticleCanvasMaterial and then the particle that displays the image on top of it.
So you can use the ParticleCanvasMaterial to track the intersections and display the other particle as a dummy object where it's only purpose is displaying an image on the 3D scene.
A little bit of code:
var programFill = function (context) {
context.rect(-0.5, -0.38, 1, 1);
//creating particle to intersect with.
var p = new THREE.ParticleCanvasMaterial({ program: programFill, transparent: true });
var particle = new THREE.Particle(p);
particle.scale.set(23, 23);
//use same position for both particle and imgParticle
particle.position.set(200, 300, 200);
//creating particle that displays image.
var imgTexture = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture('images/image.png');
var p2 = new THREE.ParticleBasicMaterial({
map: imgTexture
, size: 1
var imgParticle = new THREE.Particle(p2);
imgParticle.scale.x = 0.5;
imgParticle.scale.y = 0.5;
imgParticle.position.set(200, 300, 200);

