Guacamole VNC File Transfer - javascript

I am using Guacamole HTML5 clientless VNC viewer. I am trying to upload a file via Guacamole over VNC. Is this possible?
I looked at the application's homepage and this function seems possible. There is an event called onfile in guacamole.all.js, but there isn't a code sample to replicate this functionality.
How do I upload a file via Guacamole over VNC?

Guacamole uses SFTP to transfer files back and forward to the computer, so it doesn't transfer files over the VNC connection like TightVNC can. This means that you will have to setup an SFTP server on the computer running the VNC-server to be able to transfer files to the computer. If you have done that, you will have to provide the SFTP server details in your connection details page.
Once everything is setup properly you can start uploading and downloading files. For uploading you need to set a "standard uploading directory" in your connection properties. To upload something to that directory simply drag a file and drop it in the view screen in your browser. A little dialog with the upload process will appear and the file will be transferred to the remote computer!
For downloading open the guacamole menu while viewing your remote computer by pressing ctrl+alt+shift. If everything is setup properly you will see a device which you can browse and select the files you want to download. Good luck with this.
P.S. If the VNC-server is running on a windows machine, look at freeFTPd. It's a free lightweight program that can be setup to start at windows startup. Perfect solution for using with guacamole. If you are running linux it shouldn't be too hard to find an sftp server.


How do I move a file located on the internet to my google cloud storage without downloading them?

I found this but it is no way helpful to me as i dont have the size and have the md5 of the files and i cant even download them as they are too huge like 2 gb 3gb .
If anyone has knowledge of making a script that makes a tsv file for a public url of a file for Google cloud storage transfer job without downloading the file .
Thanks in advance
(i am not a developer so plz explain answer step by step)
Unfortunately, there is no such solution. You must download and upload the files manually!
But, there is an alternative solution if you're familiar with the cloud!
You can go for a cloud-based solution, if you don't want to download the files on your pc and upload them manually.
Like, your cloud server will pull the files from your predefined URLs, download them locally on that virtual machine, finally upload them on your Google Cloud Storage and remove the local file from the virtual machine.
All these can be done through a script which you have to write and run on that virtual machine.
You may launch a ubuntu virtual server from Digitalocean, AWS, GCP or any other cloud providers.
So, the steps are:-
Launch a ubuntu virtual server
Write automation script
Configure the server to run your script
Run your script
Now sleep!

Aptana Studio 3 - SFTP - Preview not displaying CSS/JS. What's wrong?

I have a website hosted that I am using Aptana to connect to the server via SFTP and edit the files there. When I preview the html file, it seems to store a temp version of the file on my local drive:
instead of using the live version... and this seems to cause it to not load the CSS/JS (I guess it's not making a copy of these files to the temp path).
What's going on? When I view the site live on the internet, everything is working fine.
The files from your remote server might not be synchronized with the files on your computer.
Check your Synchronization options to ensure you tell Aptana to 'sync from your remote site to your machine' - if you do not have all the files from the server on your computer, you need to do this at least once before you start working on your changes.
After this, you will want to decide how to keep the changes made on your computer in sync with the server (either manually upload them yourself, or tell Aptana to automatically synchronize them)
Check this page for a brief tutorial on how to set up the sync options (step 7):

How to build an executable to run a html5 website, "like a mac widget"

Is possible to package a website to execute?
I need to send to a client unique one file to execute a html5 website, but i don't want to send him all the files and folders, and for this client i can't upload the site to a server to view it online. I want to send him just an executable where all the files must be read, and executed. The idea is to use this executable like a mac widget, but i need to send this to some people who don't use mac.
Thanks for answers

HTML5 Synchronization Between User and Server

I am trying to create a HTML5 app that will allow an user to automatically upload files from a user's computer to my server (similar to Dropbox for Windows where file transfers are updated between computer and server in the background).
The user will have around 100+ .csv files in a single folder. The HTML5 app will ask the user to select the folder. Afterwards, the files will be uploaded to the server in the background.
Is this possible in HTML5 using WebSockets or FileStream? Any advice will be appreciated! Thanks.
You can achieve this by using JWebSocket framework.Visit it has got lot of plug-ins and one such plug-in is FileUpload plug-in. this will help you.

Upload a PPT file and see it like a presentation

The upload part is OK!
My problem is open that PPT file and show like a presentation.
I have no idea how can I do that. My server side language is PHP.
Your client needs to have MS-Powerpoint, or at least MS Powerpoint Viewer, installed
Your browser needs to be capable of ActiveX
Ideally, you can also configure your server to send the file as MIME-type:

