Increment javascript variable function onclick - javascript

This the page I'm working on:
When you click on a shaded area the chart associated with the area pops up. What I'm trying to figure out is how to get the "Next PSA" link at the bottom to advance the chart in the popup to the next PSA every time you click it. I've figured out how to get it to advance by one PSA, but can't get it past that one. You'll see if you click on the link.
I have a function (called replace) that replaces the image source for the chart with a link to the next PSA number up. However, I can't figure out how to get it to increment. I tried PSA++ and PSA=PSA1 but neither of them work.
Here's my code:
<title>DEV PSA ERC Map DEV</title>
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function overlay(a) {
PSA =;
var numeric ='GB', '');
PSAnum = Number(numeric)
PSA1 = PSAnum + 1;
nextPSA = ('0' + PSA1).slice(-2);
var overlayContent = '';
overlayContent += '<div id="overlay">';
overlayContent += '<div>';
var imgsrce = '';
imgsrce += 'Charts/WebCharts/GB';
imgsrce += numeric;
imgsrce += '/ERCGraph.PNG';
overlayContent += '<img id="chartimage" src="';
overlayContent += imgsrce;
overlayContent += '" />';
overlayContent += '<br /><b><h1> Close</b></h1>';
overlayContent += '<b><h1> Next PSA</b></h1>';
overlayContent += '</div>';
overlayContent += '</div>';
el = document.getElementById("overlay"); = ( == "visible") ? "hidden" : "visible";
if ( == "visible") {
} //end of overlay function
function replace(a) {
image = document.getElementById('chartimage');
image.src = 'Charts/WebCharts/GB';
image.src += nextPSA;
image.src += '/ERCGraph.PNG';
} //end of replace function
$('.overlay-bg').click(function() {
function closePopup() {
el = document.getElementById("overlay"); = "hidden";
$(function() {
$.get("getDate.php", function(data) {
document.getElementById("timestamp").innerHTML = "<b>RAWS observations updated on " + data + "</b>";
var file;
file = 'GB_PSAdata_Real.js';
$.getJSON(file, function(events) {
var gbname = Object.keys(events);
var divContent = '';
divContent += '<div id="map">';
divContent += '<map name="mapmap">';
for (i = 0; i < gbname.length; i++) {
var PSA = (gbname[i]);
JSONcoords = events[PSA][0].Coords;
JSONcoordString = JSONcoords.toString();
divContent += '<area id="' + PSA + '" href="#" shape="poly" coords="';
divContent += JSONcoordString;
divContent += '" onclick="overlay(this)">';
// console.log(divContent)
divContent += '</map>';
divContent += '<img src="GetPSAavg.php" width="826" height="1005" usemap="#mapmap" />';
divContent += '</div>';
<div id="overlay">
<div id="header">
<img src="PSlogo.png" style="height:75px">
<img src="GBlogo.png" style="height:75px">
<span><b>Great Basin ERC Percentiles</b> *Experimental*</span>
<div id="main">
<div id="map"></div>
<div id="timestamp">RAWS Observations Updated</div>
<div id="legend">
<img src="LegendFull2.png" id="legendIMG">

You need to move the code that increments the number into the replace() function, so it gets executed each time replace() is called. Currently it is executed only once when the overlay() function is called.
First, explicitly declare a global variable (outside of any function):
var currentPSANum = null;
Place this line inside the overlay() function:
currentPSANum = Number('GB',''));
Then use the following for the replace() function:
function replace(a) {
var image = document.getElementById('chartimage');
image.src = 'Charts/WebCharts/GB' + ('0' + currentPSANum).slice(-2) + '/ERCGraph.PNG';


I am developing duolingo type sentence practice in javascript. I have implemented it but it needs more improvement

I have used following code to develop sentence grammar practice. When I click button then order should to maintained. I want it when button clicked then it should hide but after click on top button again show up.
Move sentence to left if there is blank. Also show button again if words clicked again.
Should using only buttons for showing at top also at bottom?
<div id="sen">I am learning JavaScript by developing a simple project.</div>
<div id="dash"></div>
<div id="container"></div>
<div id="val"></div>
var sen = document.getElementById("sen").innerHTML;
var senTrim = sen.trim();
var senArr = senTrim.split(/\s+/);
var dashElement = "";
dashElement += "<div onclick='funDiv(;' style='display: inline'" + "id = dashid" + i + ">" + '__ ' + '</div>';
var dash = document.getElementById("dash");
dash.innerHTML = dashElement;
//var dashID = document.getElementById("dashid0").innerHTML;
//var dash1 = document.getElementById("val");
//dash1.innerHTML= dashID;
var htmlElements = "";
for (var i = 0; i < senArr.length; i++) {
htmlElements += "<button onclick='fun(;' id = 'btn" + i + "'>" + senArr[i] + '</button>';
var container = document.getElementById("container");
container.innerHTML = htmlElements;
var ii = 0;
function funDiv(clicked){
var inText = document.getElementById(clicked).innerHTML;
document.getElementById(clicked).innerHTML = " __ " ;
function fun(clicked){
document.getElementById(clicked).style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("dashid" + ii).innerHTML = document.getElementById(clicked).innerHTML + " ";
How about something like this?
<div id="sen">I am learning JavaScript by developing a simple project.</div>
<div id="dash"></div>
<div id="container"></div>
<div id="val"></div>
var sen = document.getElementById("sen").innerHTML;
var senTrim = sen.trim();
var senArr = senTrim.split(/\s+/);
var dashElement = "";
for (var i = 0; i < senArr.length; i++) {
dashElement += `<div onclick='dashClick(;' style='display: inline' id=dash${i}> __ </div>`;
var dash = document.getElementById("dash");
dash.innerHTML = dashElement;
var htmlElements = "";
for (var i = 0; i < senArr.length; i++) {
htmlElements += "<button onclick='btnClick(;' id = 'btn" + i + "'>" + senArr[i] + '</button>';
var container = document.getElementById("container");
container.innerHTML = htmlElements;
var picked = 0;
function dashClick(clicked) {
const dash = document.getElementById(clicked);
dash.innerHTML = " __ ";
const btn = document.getElementById(`btn${dash.btnId}`); = "inline";
function btnClick(clicked) {
var btnId = clicked.replace('btn', '');
document.getElementById(clicked).style.display = "none";
const dash = document.getElementById("dash" + picked)
dash.innerHTML = document.getElementById(clicked).innerHTML + " ";
dash.btnId = btnId;
I have implemented it using appendChild and remove functions of JavaScript.
<div id="sen">I am learning JavaScript by developing a simple project.</div>
<div id="dash"></div>
<div id="container"></div>
var sen = document.getElementById("sen").innerHTML;
var senTrim = sen.trim();
var senArr = senTrim.split(/\s+/);
var dashElement = "";
var btnElements = "";
for (var i = 0; i < senArr.length; i++) {
btnElements += "<button onclick='btnClick(;' id = 'btn" + i + "'> " + senArr[i] + ' </button>';
var container = document.getElementById("container");
container.innerHTML = btnElements;
var picked = 0;
function dashClick(clicked) {
var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName('button');
var dash = document.getElementById("dash");
dashChild = dash.childNodes;
if(document.getElementById(clicked).innerText.trim() == buttons[i].innerText.trim()){
buttons[i].style.opacity = "1";
buttons[i].style.pointerEvents = "auto";
document.getElementById(clicked).remove(); // remove clicked text
// Button click
function btnClick(clicked) {
var dashElement = document.createElement("div");
var text = document.getElementById(clicked).innerText; = "inline";
dashElement.innerHTML = "<div style='display: inline' onclick='dashClick(;' id=" + picked +"> " + text + " </div>"; // add text at top of button
document.getElementById(clicked).style.opacity = "0"; //hide button that has been clicked
document.getElementById(clicked).style.pointerEvents = "none";

fix variable increment in javascript

I'm coding a wordpress theme and I want to increment a load more button.
I'm not using wordpress always and this is the first time I've this problem with a javascript variable. The variable pull_page in fact will not increment and every time the script will run it will fetch only two pages. Is there any error in the code, and how I can fix it?
$('#load-more').on('click', function(e){
var pull_page = 1;
var jsonFlag = true;
$.getJSON("/beta/wp-json/portfolio/all-posts?page=" + pull_page, function(data){
$.each(data, function(i, item){
var html = '<div class="card">';
html += '<a href="'+ item.permalink +'">';
html += '<img class="card-img-top w-100" src="'+ item.featured_img_src +'" id="case-studies" />';
html += '<div class="overlay"><h4 class="text-center" id="client-name">'+ item.title +'</h4></div>';
html += '</a>';
html += '</div>';
jsonFlag = false;
if(data.length >= 4){
jsonFlag = true;
jsonFlag = false;
}); // end load more
You're resetting pull_page to 1 each and every time the load more button is clicked.
Move it outside.
var pull_page = 1;
$('#load-more').on('click', function(e) {

problems to show images from firebase to my website how to solve?

mi js
var imgs = document.getElementById("galeria");
function mostrarImagenDeFirebase() {
imagenesFbRef.on("value", function (snapshot) {
var datos = snapshot.val();
var result = "";
result += '<div class="owl-carousel owl-theme">';
for (var key in datos) {
var images = datos[key].url;
result += '<img class="owl-lazy" height="500" data-src="'+images+'" alt="">';
result += ' </div>';
imgs.innerHTML += result;
<div class="row"id="galeria">
does not show the page the images only leaves the space but does not show it
Try replacing data-src= with src=, also please close your image tags - <img ... />

Please help me in this javascript for 'read more' link of post summary

I am using this code on my blogger blog.This is the javascript-
<script type='text/javascript'>
var thumbnail_mode = & quot;
yes & quot;; //yes -with thumbnail, no -no thumbnail
summary_noimg = 430; //summary length when no image
summary_img = 340; //summary length when with image
img_thumb_height = 200;
img_thumb_width = 200;
<script type='text/javascript'>
function removeHtmlTag(strx, chop) {
if (strx.indexOf("<") != -1) {
var s = strx.split("<");
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (s[i].indexOf(">") != -1) {
s[i] = s[i].substring(s[i].indexOf(">") + 1, s[i].length);
strx = s.join("");
chop = (chop < strx.length - 1) ? chop : strx.length - 2;
while (strx.charAt(chop - 1) != ' ' && strx.indexOf(' ', chop) != -1) chop++;
strx = strx.substring(0, chop - 1);
return strx + '...';
function createSummaryAndThumb(pID) {
var div = document.getElementById(pID);
var imgtag = "";
var img = div.getElementsByTagName("img");
var summ = summary_noimg;
if (thumbnail_mode == "yes") {
if (img.length >= 1) {
imgtag = '<span style="float:left; padding:0px 10px 5px 0px;">
<img src="' + img[0].src + '" width="' + img_thumb_width + 'px" height="' + img_thumb_height + 'px"/>
summ = summary_img;
var summary = imgtag + '<div>' + removeHtmlTag(div.innerHTML, summ) + '</div>';
div.innerHTML = summary;
And this is the code i am using in div of post element
<div expr:id='"summary" +'>
<a class='more' expr:href='data:post.url'> read more </a>
<script type='text/javascript'>
createSummaryAndThumb( & quot; summary < data: / > & quot;);
This is the result:
Twitter is the second most popular social networking site. It is used by celebrities all around world. It is also called a microblogging website... read more
I want read more link just after ' ...' for example-
It is also called a microblogging website... read more
How can i do it, please help me.
Just one solution of many, but give your div prior to the anchor a display:inline; css styling and the anchor will fall to the right of the div content. Either in another included css file, in a style tag, or within the div tag place a style="display:inline".

Close jQuery Popup

I have a Site that was built with some scripts from it is a very old site and I need to make one little edit. I did not create the site i am just wondering why the JavaScript popup wont close. If you click on CA you get a coming soon but if you click on TX it opens a popup that will not close.
My question is what line of code do i need to change to get that to close?
Is the issue with the below code?
var strGoToUrl = "";
function ShowPopup(strUrl) {
var str = '<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" style="background:black"><tr>';
str += '<td style="background:#ffeccc" width="460">';
str += '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr>';
str += '<td align="right">Close</td>';
str += '</tr><tr>';
str += '<td align="center">';
str += 'TODAY- ASA members can get medical insurance quotes and buy quality, affordable ';
str += 'medical insurance group plans through Benefit Consultants Northwest (BCNW).<br/><br/>';
str += 'Click here for Quotes, Medical plan information and plan selections.<br/>';
str += '<img src="images/bcnw_logo3.gif" width="186" height="60" border="0" /><br/>';
str += 'Automotive Industry Health Insurance Trust (A-HIT) association medical plans ';
str += 'are not currently available in this state.<br/><br/>';
str += '</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>';
strGoToUrl = strUrl;
if (document.getElementById) {
var elem = document.getElementById("popupDiv");
elem.innerHTML = str; = "block";
ShowRectangularDynamicDropShadow(elem, "#333333", 5);
function GoToUrl() {
window.location = strGoToUrl;
function HidePopup() {
if (document.getElementById) {
var elem = document.getElementById("popupDiv");
HideRectangularDynamicDropShadow(elem); = "none";
elem.innerhtml = "";
Try this... Not tested but should work...
<div id="popupDiv">
//Rest of the code
<div id="shadow"></div>
function ShowPopup(strUrl) {
//rest of the code
shadowDiv = document.getElementById("shadow").style.display = 'block';
ShowRectangularDynamicDropShadow(shadowDiv, "#333333", 5);
//rest of the code
function HidePopup() {
if (document.getElementById) {
var elem = document.getElementById("popupDiv");
shadowDiv = document.getElementById("shadow");
HideRectangularDynamicDropShadow(shadowDiv); = "none"; = "none";
elem.innerhtml = "";

