JavaScript variable poofs out of existence in findById callback - javascript

Inside this bit of code, the req parameter is defined, but when I get inside the callback, it isn't anymore. I can still get to it via res.req (weird), though. What happened? I thought that the function would close over its environment.
function addDocument(req, res) {
// in scope
Request.findById(req.body._id, function(error, request){
if (request) {
// disappeared
} else {
res.send404('Couldn\'t find a request with that ID.');

In javascript you d do that, all simply
function addDocument(req, res) {
// in scope
Request.findById(req.body._id, function(error, request){
if (request) {
req.whatever; // What is Request.findById for ?
} else {
res.send404('Couldn\'t find a request with that ID.');


node.js app: throw new Error('Can\'t set headers after they are sent.')

I have the following code:
router.get('/:widget', function(req, res, next) {
var widget = req.params.widget;
if ( ! validate(widget) ) {
res.status(400).send("Invalid widget");
redis.hget("e:" + widget, 'ccid', function (e, d) {
if (e){
res.status(500).send("Database query failed");
if (d) {
res.status(200).send("Resource found");
} else {
res.status(400).send("Unknown widget");
res.status(200).send("why are you here?");
I was under the impression that when the code hits a "return"... it exits the function.
But what seems to be happening is that when the logic hits the:
res.status(400).send("Unknown widget");
path, it still hits the
res.status(200).send("why are you here?");
as well. I thought it would have exited the method.
Clearly, I'm wrong... because I'm getting the above error message. The error goes away when I remove the res.send() and return() after the redis.hget call.
What should I be using instead of the "return" statement after each res.status().send()?
"redis.hget" is an asynchronous call. As "redis.hget" is an asynchronous call, your "router.get" function keeps on executing to the end, where it encounters "res.status(200).send("why are you here?")" and hence send the response to client.
Now, in the next event loop the asynchronous function "redis.hget" gets executed which after getting the response from Redis sever, again call "res.status(400).send...". But as the response was already sent to client before, so you get the error "Can't set headers after they are sent"
function (e, d) { ... } is a different function that is called asynchronously.
Returning from function(req, res, next) { ... } won't stop that function from running (or vice versa).
Given that you always send a response from inside function (e, d) { ... } , it doesn't make sense to try to send one from function(req, res, next) { ... } as well.
Your return statement is in a callback function (the one you pass to redis.hget()). Your return statements take you out of that, but then you continue on to the end of the router.get() function.

How to make synchronous call in Angular JS?

The following code supposed to be update username in the data base then retrieve updated username.
updateUserMame and getUserName are two different REST calls.
updateName(name) {
var obj = this;
if (name === 'None') {
name = null;
obj.UtilityService.updateUserName(name, obj.userId)
.success(function (data) {
if (data) {
console.log('Name is updated for ID:'||obj.userId);
} else {
console.log('Something Wrong');
.then(function (result) {
I have user name 'Nathan Drake' in the dataBase.
When I run the update function with 'Elena Fisher', it is returning 'Nathan Drake'.
I've read some articles to make synchronus service calls, but unable to figure out what is going wrong.
Please help.
You could wrap your update function in a promise:
var updatePromise = $q.when(updateName(name)); // creates a promise
When your promise has finished processing, you can resolve it using then() which takes a success callback and an error callback
updatePromise().then(function successCallback(response){ // resolves the promise using then
getUserName(userId) // execute the rest of your code
function errorCallback(response){
You would need to inject $q into the scope you are working with
Your code does not make much sense, that is I see possible mistakes as it looks like you are interchanging user name and user id and calling the obj context from inside a function even when its not declared there etc. Either we are missing code or this will fail when you try to run it.
Here is your example with some fixes and comments that show how you could do it using callbacks (no sync code, as mentioned by everyone else on this thread you should avoid actually waiting for I/O and use callbacks instead).
updateName(name) {
var obj = this; // good, you captured this
if (name === 'None') {
name = null;
obj.UtilityService.updateUserName(name, obj.userId)
.success(function (data) {
if (data) {
// ok, you successfully updated the name so why would you go back to the server and get it again? You know the value based on your update.
console.log('Name is updated for ID:' + obj.userId.toString());
// for your example though here is how you could handle it
obj.getUserName(obj, obj.userId, function(user){ // i assumed the name is stored in variable userName
console.log('Name from server = ' + user.userName); // no idea what you are returning but you can figure it out from here
// maybe you also want to capture it again?? = user.userName;
} else {
console.log('Something Wrong');
// pass in captured this as obj, the user id, and a callback
getUserName(obj, userId, callback){
.then(function (result) {
callback(result); // call the callback with the result. The caller can then do something with it

Extract value from double callback

How can I assign value to variable in global from double callback?
First of, I read some value from file, when its done, I pass it to some fn in callback and want to use result value in initial scope, outside callback.
I can't wrap my head around this for some reason although at first it looks trivial.
var done = function(err, value) {
if (err) {
var resultValue = someMethod(value);
var resultVal = ?? //result value needed here
function loadFile(done) {
fs.realpath(filePath, function (err, resolvedPath) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
fs.readFile(resolvedPath, function (err, value) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
return done(null, data);
As I said in my comment you are using an asynchronous call to load a file. You want the result of someMethod stored into the global variable resultVal. Except this isn't possible.
When you call loadFile(done) a asynchronous call is made to the server. This call is being resolved by an event. If the event returns 200 the server returned the expected answer. If their is an error it will be passed to done, if not the data will be passed. Let's say this takes about 250 ms to resolve.
In the mean time JavaScript continued parsing the code, because the call was asynchronous, running in a separate thread, thus not halting the execution of the main thread. The next line that gets parsed is returnVal. However the call isn't resolved yet because this line gets executed 1 ms after the function loadFile was called. This leaves a gap of 249 ms.
The solution is to rethink your code to cope with the asynchronous call.
var done = function(err, value) {
if (err) {
var resultValue = callBack(value);
function someMethod(value)
//execute whatever you want to do here!
function loadFile(done) {
fs.realpath(filePath, function (err, resolvedPath) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
fs.readFile(resolvedPath, function (err, value) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
return done(null, data);
Of course you can provide the function done with the callback you want. Just look at this code:
var done = function(err, value, callBack) {
if (err) {
var resultValue = someMethod(value);
loadFile(done, method1);
function method1(value)
//execute whatever you want to do here!
function loadFile(done, callBack) {
fs.realpath(filePath, function (err, resolvedPath) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
fs.readFile(resolvedPath, function (err, value) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
return done(null, data, callBack);
Instead of declaring resultValue as : var resultValue = someMethod(value);
You can do global.resultValue = someMethod(value);
This will make resultValue as a global variable.
You can access it anywhere using global.resultValue.
Similarly,instead of using global you can also use process.
global and process are global objects for nodejs just like window is for javascript.

Asynchronous Calls and Recursion with Node.js

I'm looking to execute a callback upon the full completion of a recursive function that can go on for an undetermined amount of time. I'm struggling with async issues and was hoping to get some help here. The code, using the request module, is as follows:
var start = function(callback) {
url: ''
}, function (error, response, body) {
var startingPlace = JSON.parse(body).id;
recurse(startingPlace, callback);
var recurse = function(startingPlace, callback) {
url: 'bbb'
}, function(error, response, body) {
// store body somewhere outside these funtions
// make second request
url: 'ccc'
}, function(error, response, body) {
var anArray = JSON.parse(body).stuff;
if (anArray) {
anArray.forEach(function(thing) {
url: 'ddd'
}, function(error, response, body) {
var nextPlace = JSON.parse(body).place;
start(function() {
// calls final function to print out results from storage that gets updated each recursive call
It seems that once my code goes past the for loop in the nested requests, it continues out of the request and ends the initial function call while the recursive calls are still going on. I want it to not finish the highest-level iteration until all the nested recursive calls have completed (which I have no way of knowing how many there are).
Any help is GREATLY appreciated!
In your example you have no recursive calls. If I understand correctly you want to say that recurse(point, otherFunc); is the beginning of a recursive call.
Then just go back to the definition of the recursive call (which you have not shown in your post) and do this (add a third argument for a callback function to be called in the end of recursion; the caller will pass it as a parameter):
function recurse(startingPlace, otherFunc, callback_one) {
// code you may have ...
if (your_terminating_criterion === true) {
return callback_one(val); // where val is potentially some value you want to return (or a json object with results)
// more code you may have
Then in the original code that you posted, make this call instead (in the inner-most part):
recurse(startingPlace, otherFunc, function (results) {
// results is now a variable with the data returned at the end of recursion
console.log ("Recursion finished with results " + results);
callback(); // the callback that you wanted to call right from the beginning
Just spend some time and try to understand my explanation. When you understand, then you will know node. This is the node philosophy in one post. I hope it is clear. Your very first example should look like this:
var start = function(callback) {
url: ''
}, function (error, response, body) {
var startingPlace = JSON.parse(body).id;
recurse(startingPlace, otherFunc, function (results) {
console.log ("Recursion finished with results " + results);
Below is only additional information in case you are interested. Otherwise you are set with the above.
Typically in node.js though, people return an error value as well, so that the caller knows if the function that was called has finished successfully. There is no big mystery here. Instead of returning just results people make a call of the form
return callback_one(null, val);
Then in the other function you can have:
recurse(startingPlace, otherFunc, function (recError, results) {
if (recErr) {
// treat the error from recursion
return callback(); // important: use return, otherwise you will keep on executing whatever is there after the if part when the callback ends ;)
// No problems/errors
console.log ("Recursion finished with results " + results);
callback(); // writing down `return callback();` is not a bad habit when you want to stop execution there and actually call the callback()
Update with my suggestion
This is my suggestion for the recursive function, but before that, it looks like you need to define your own get:
function myGet (a, callback) {
request.get(a, function (error, response, body) {
var nextPlace = JSON.parse(body).place;
return callback(null, nextPlace); // null for no errors, and return the nextPlace to async
var recurse = function(startingPlace, callback2) {
url: 'bbb'
}, function(error1, response1, body1) {
// store body somewhere outside these funtions
// make second request
url: 'ccc'
}, function(error2, response2, body2) {
var anArray = JSON.parse(body2).stuff;
if (anArray) {
// The function that you want to call for each element of the array is `get`.
// So, prepare these calls, but you also need to pass different arguments
// and this is where `bind` comes into the picture and the link that I gave earlier.
var theParallelCalls = [];
for (var i = 0; i < anArray.length; i++) {
theParallelCalls.push(myGet.bind(null, {url: 'ddd'})); // Here, during the execution, parallel will pass its own callback as third argument of `myGet`; this is why we have callback and callback2 in the code
// Now perform the parallel calls:
async.parallel(theParallelCalls, function (error3, results) {
// All the parallel calls have returned
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
var nextPlace = results[i];
recurse(nextPlace, callback2);
} else {
return callback2(null);
Note that I assume that the get request for 'bbb' is always followed by a get request for 'ccc'. In other words, you have not hidden a return point for the recursive calls where you have the comments.
Typically when you write a recursive function it will do something and then either call itself or return.
You need to define callback in the scope of the recursive function (i.e. recurse instead of start), and you need to call it at the point where you would normally return.
So, a hypothetical example would look something like:
get_all_pages(callback, page) {
page = page || 1;
url: "",
data: { page_number: 1 },
success: function (data) {
if (data.is_last_page) {
// We are at the end so we call the callback
} else {
// We are not at the end so we recurse
get_all_pages(callback, page + 1);
function show_page_count(data) {
I think you might find caolan/async useful. Look especially into async.waterfall. It will allow you to pass results from a callback from another and when done, do something with the results.
function(cb) {
url: ''
}, function(err, res, body) {
if(err) {
return cb(err);
cb(null, JSON.parse(body).id);
function(id, cb) {
// do that otherFunc now
// ...
cb(); // remember to pass result here
], function (err, result) {
// do something with possible error and result now
If your recursive function is synchronous, just call the callback on the next line:
var start = function(callback) {
url: ''
}, function (error, response, body) {
var startingPlace = JSON.parse(body).id;
recurse(startingPlace, otherFunc);
// Call output function AFTER recursion has completed
Else you need to keep a reference to the callback in your recursive function.
Pass the callback as an argument to the function and call it whenever it is finished.
var start = function(callback) {
url: ''
}, function (error, response, body) {
var startingPlace = JSON.parse(body).id;
recurse(startingPlace, otherFunc, callback);
Build your code from this example:
var udpate = function (callback){
//Do stuff
function doUpdate() {
function updateDone(err) {
if (err)
throw err;
With ES6, 'es6-deferred' & 'q'. You could try as following,
var Q = require('q');
var Deferred = require('es6-deferred');
const process = (id) => {
var request = new Deferred();
const ids =//do something and get the data;
const subPromises = => process(id));
Q.all(subPromises).then(function () {
.catch(error => {
return request.promise
process("testId").then(() => {

Node.js callback functionality

I'm new to the Node.js platform and I'm trying to learn as much as I can. After playing with callbacks one thing really confuses me:
So, I have this function :
function registerUser(body, res, UserModel){
var userJSON = {
email :,
password : body.password,
accessToken : null
var user = null;
var userAlreadyExists = false;
UserModel.find({}).select('email').exec(function(err, results){
console.log('Database error : ' + err);
// send the appropriate response
for(var index in results){
if(results[index].email =={
userAlreadyExists = true;
// send the appropriate response
newAccessToken(UserModel, function(error, token){
if(error != null){
// handle the error
userJSON.accessToken = token;
user = new UserModel(userJSON);{
// .. handle the error
// .. handle the registration
And then the function which accepts the callback:
function newAccessToken(UserModel, callback){
UserModel.find({}).select('email accessToken').exec(function(err, results){
callback(err, null);
// .... bunch of logic for generating the token
callback(null, token);
I would expect the callback to not work(maybe throw an error) since both user and userJSON are not defined in it's context.(well, that's not exactly true, but since it is executed async - after a while - , I would expect the callback to lose it's references to those variables, which were defined locally in the registerUser function). Instead this example works perfectly, the callback function keeps it's references with those two variables defined in the registerUser function. Could somebody explain me how the async callback and the references work and why does the example work?
Instead of callbacks, those are called closures, and in JavaScript the scope treatment is special. Check this document:
H i, the function you 'calllback to' is within the scope of the variables you are trying to access, so all good to go for accessing them.
This is not a nodejs thing, regular JS works the same way .
The difference
1) Will not be able to access a var called 'foo'
function finishfunction() {
console.log(foo); /* undefined */
function functionwithcallback(callback) {
function doStuff() {
var foo = "bar";
2) like yours, access to 'foo' is fine.
function functionwithcallback(callback) {
function doStuff() {
var foo = "bar";
functionwithcallback(function() {
console.log(foo) /* all fine */

