Calling function from c# to JS File - javascript

I am using an inline jquery in the c# code and it works. But when I try to call it through js file, it does not work.
C# code
#" if($(""div[id*='Name'] input[id*='" +
checkboxID + #"']"").is(':checked')" );
Here, I get the value true. So Now I try to make a function in js file and call it.
"javascript:Foo(this,'" + checkBoxID + "');
return false;");
Js File :
function ToggleScorecardConfig(sender,checkboxID) {
var a = checkboxID + "#";
alert(a); //WORKS
alert($(""div[id*='Name'] input[id*='" + checkBoxID +
#"']"").is(':checked')); //ERROR : ')' Expected
I know I am doing some very small mistake, Can anyone please guide me.

You have double double quotes in the JS file code, should just be:
$("div[id*='Name'] input[id*='" + checkBoxID + "']")
The '#' is used to escape the double quotes in C#, that's why the in-line code works, you don't need that in JS


encodeURIComponent not working with Twitter button

I'm currently trying to make an app that tweets out the quote that's currently in the text bubble. However, when I use this line of code,
<a class="twitter-share-button" href="" + encodeURIComponent(quote.quote + ' - ' +;>Tweet</a>
It doesn't take me anywhere. Is there any way I could get this working or would I need to use an external Twitter button?
CodePen Link:
You can't embed javascript in your markup like that. One approach you could take would be to add some code to your randomQuote function like this:
var randomQuote = function() {
... // current code
var text = quote.quote + ' - ' +;
$('.twitter-share-button').attr('href', ""+encodeURIComponent(text));
Another approach would be to move your quote variable declaration out of the randomQuote function and set an onclick on the twitter-share-button
<a class="twitter-share-button" onclick="goTweet()">Tweet</a>
that calls a function that does something like:
function goTweet() {
var text = quote.quote + ' - ' +;
window.location.href = "" + encodeURIComponent(text);

\n or <br\> is not working in javascript

I am setting value of hiddenfield from code behind in
hdmodulename.Value =Dt_Module.DefaultView(0).Item("vModuleCode").ToString() +
"-" + Dt_Module.DefaultView(0).Item("vModuleName").ToString()
hdmodulename.Value = hdmodulename.Value + "'\n'" + Dt_Module.DefaultView(0).Item("vModuleCode").ToString() + "-" + Dt_Module.DefaultView(0).Item("vModuleName").ToString()
End If
now alert in javascript
i code like below:
alert('You cannot select ' + document.getElementById('<%=hdmodulename.ClientID%>').value);
Output :
'\n' is printed inseted of new line
so what is the probem??
Thanks A ton in advance
As for web pages, break lines with <br> or <p></p> tags. You can also Use Environment.NewLine with VB.
For JS use \n' for the line break -
alert("some text\nmore text in a new line");
Please try with Environment.NewLine for
as below:
Dim value As String = "[First" + _
Environment.NewLine + _
will return
Not a vb expert, but shouldn't it be "\n" instead of "'\n'"?
The one in the vb code have both double and single.

How to pass multiple parameter to a function

I am using onclick event to perform some acction, but for som reason the second ID is not being passed what am I doing wrong here:
row += '<td>' + data[staff].Naame + '(' + data[staff].place1 + 'fID="' + data[staff].id+ '"' +')</td>'
$(document).on("click", ".name", function (e) {
var code = ($(this).attr("code"))
var fID = ($(this).attr("fID"))
function(code, fID);
For some reason fID is not being passed from 'fID="' + data[staff].id+ '"' to function(code, fID); why is that?
Avoid using loads of string concatenation in jQuery, to create elements, as it is generally unreadable and leads to typing mistakes (like not putting the fId inside the tag attributes):
Instead build the element with jQuery. I am not 100% sure of what your link should look like from the code, but something like this (tweak to suit):
var $td = $('<td>').html(data[staff].Naame);
$td.append($('<a>', {class: 'name', code: data[staff].place, fId: data[staff].id}).html(data[staff].place1));
I think you need to define fID within the <a ... > tag - like you are doing for code.
Try this.
row += '<td>' + data[staff].Naame + ''+data[staff].place1+'</td>'

How do you document.writeln() a hyperlink?

Very simply question I can't seem to find solved here.
How can I use javascript to print a hyperlink? I'm very beginner with JavaScript and I need something like the following to work:
document.writeln("" + flaggedKCSarticles.flag_object[i].feedback_text + "");
1) Escape the internal quotes by adding a backslash:
document.writeln("<a href=\"javascript:toggleDummy1();\">" +
flaggedKCSarticles.flag_object[i].feedback_text + "</a>");
2) Use single quotes:
document.writeln('<a href="javascript:toggleDummy1();">' +
flaggedKCSarticles.flag_object[i].feedback_text + "</a>");
Double quotes " are conflicting. Use a single quote in outermost, and double quotes to wrap href attribute.
So it may look like:
document.writeln('' + flaggedKCSarticles.flag_object[i].feedback_text + '')
You need to adjust quotes and double quotes so they doesn't conflict.
However, document.write and the like are very poor practice. You will learn soon enough that you need to append in a container rather than "brute print" into a document.
For example:
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = "javascript:toggleDummy1();";
// a more semantic way could be:
// a.onclick=function(event){
// toggleDummy1();
// }
a.innerText = flaggedKCSarticles.flag_object[i].feedback_text;
There is a problem in your markup, try this
document.writeln("" + flaggedKCSarticles.flag_object[i].feedback_text + "");
document.writeln("<a href='javascript:toggleDummy1();'>" + flaggedKCSarticles.flag_object[i].feedback_text + "</a>");
change your syntax like that,
document.writeln('' + flaggedKCSarticles.flag_object[i].feedback_text + '');
i hope this will work

send html code when using onclick()

I'm getting syntax error when using this code:
$('#column1').append('<span class="link_style"></span>');
When javascript executes I'm getting this code generated:
and this would be the function which is producing error:
function show_text(text)
new_cities[i][j].content has this value "<p>description</p>" so basically my data is represented as string so there is definitely some problem in the quotes....
you need to change this:
"show_text(' + new_cities[i][j].content + ')"
into this :
"show_text(\'' + new_cities[i][j].content + '\')"

