Zurb Foundation based CMS, preview effect of media queries - javascript

I'm building a CMS based on Zurb Foundation, and one thing I'd really like to do is allow the user to switch between large/medium/small layouts via a button so that they can both preview how the page looks at this size, but also so they can set up columns etc. for different breakpoints.
Media queries are predicated on the window width, and I've been so far able to build something that my users find quite intuitive, and I feel that asking them to resize their browser window to change the mode seems a bit iffy.
An immediate way that I can think of would be to use an iframe for the main edit view, but the problem is that the page interactions I have are quite complex, drag & drop, drag to resize etc. - I have all of these working at present with both mouse and touch, and in order to drag & drop between the parent and an iframe I'd have to rewrite a significant amount of code. So I'd rather avoid this if at all possible.
I'm looking for suggestions/advice on how I could make this work - workarounds and hacks are fine.
This is how it looks at the moment, to give you an idea of the kind of interface I currently have - no live link that I can share atm, sorry:

OK - this is the solution I've come up with so far - the whole page, not just the editor area goes in an iframe.


How to simulate mobile viewport using angular

I am building an application where there would be 3 preview buttons (Desktop, Mobile, Tablet). Users will be able to create their own design (such as card view/accordions) which would inherit bootstrap classes for responsiveness. Once they click on the preview buttons for eg Mobile/Desktop/Tablet, their created components would behave as per the viewport.
The necessary CSS is in place. The scenario can be achieved if we are using an iframe to load the component. When we are using the iframe that time the viewport behaves as a separate element, helping the CSS to render as it's getting the desired width for the breakpoint. But without the iframe it's not able to bring the outer shell, hence the CSS is waiting for the entire browser to resize, and then only it can show the changes.
But I would want to remove the iframe dependency from the project. The project is being built using angular js 11.
For better understanding, it's the same thing that we experience when we do inspect elements and switch on the mobile emulator in chrome.
Any kind of help or another solution way around is highly appreciated.

make attractive scrollbar compatible with all browsers

I am developing chat and call application in my project.
So there are 3 tabs.
people to chat
dialer to dial to particular person
chat / call history
in this tabs there are 3 portions.
chat / call / history portion.
tab changer navigator.
I make middle portion scrollable.
I want to make that scrollbar thinner. I don't want to use browser's default scrollbar.
For this I find "::-webkit-scrollbar" which is perfect only for chrome.
I want to apply this css to all browsers.
I find scroll plugins but I don't want to use any external plugin. I want to solve this by using jquery / css/ javascript.
is there any property or anything which can solve my issue?
The ::webkit-scrollbar pseudo element is NON-Standard and there is no way to make this cross-browser-compatible at the moment. There are good reasons why this hasn't evolved as standard yet. Just imagine some touch devices having browsers without scrollbars or with scrollbars, which are hidden by default and shown only when scrolling (to save valuable space). Custom styling would need to fit all these use cases.
Therefore I'd generally recommend you not to style the browser scrollbar with this hack. If you really need a solution, you could try jquery.scrollbar. IMHO this is no robust solution, however. It relies purely on JavaScript and may be jiggling around on some devices.
edit: further info on MDN

Which technique to hide right column with heavy content?

I'm building a mobile site for a great magazine with a lot of content that is partly heavily. The problem now is that I have to hide the entire right column on the mobile site (yes, I need it in this case).
I've done a great research on mobile design, read a lot of articles, but can't find a solution that addresses this problem. It's usual to hide the right column with CSS or JS. But then everything still loaded. In this case the right column is so big, with a lot of content, it seems worthwhile to not load it for the page to load faster.
What should I do?
You should be able to detect the user's browser on the backend (I assume you're using PHP) and then make a simple control structure where you decide whether to load or not load that right-hand column on your site.
Here are some libraries that you may find useful (obviously you shouldn't have to reinvent the wheel for such a trivial task):
http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/ (uses regex)
If you think that it is not a problem that mobile users wont be able to see that content, then you should not load it. There are php classes to check for mobile devices and based on that you can decide to not load some part of content. There is one problem - php class can only base on user agent settings, not browser size, so in theory someone with high resolution mobile device wont be able to see that content anyway.
One more idea on my mind - you can not load content in php, but after general content is loaded, check in js viewport width and eventually load part of content by ajax if there is enough place.
In summary, as we dont know your site content, it is up to you to decide if you can afford to not show part of content at all (for mobile devices). In this case when resolution change, users still wont be able to see it (i.e. changing device position horizontal to vertical). Of course in this case page will load faster, which also migh be crucial for mobile internet connections.

Maximum Browser Width and Height On Page Load

Ive Googled and stackoverflowed since earlier on today and i just cant find a solution. I'm looking for a way using JQuery/JS to open up a webpage ive created with a maximized window. So on the page loading whichever browser the user is using, my webpage will be displayed as though the user has hit the maximise button on their browser, but automatically on load.
I need to make an interactive website which is best displayed maximised, any ideas? Btw im very new to building websites so any solution JS fiddle based or properly explained would be so much appreciated.
For security reasons, JavaScript cannot change the window's size (including minimizing or maximizing it).
You can, however, open a new window set to a certain size - but not automatically - only in response to user interaction, like a click on the page (again, for security reasons).
I don't know what your site's content is - but if it isn't flexible enough to fit different screen sizes (like a game, maybe?) then your best bet from a user experience perspective may be to just put some text up somewhere on the page that says something like "Site best viewed in fullscreen". Or, if it is something like a game, maybe a nice big button on the homepage that says "Launch Game"?
Your best bet, however, is to have your content fit any screen size/shape. This is often called things like "responsive webdesign", and there's tons of info out there on how to design a website responsively, as well as how to implement said design.
Good luck!
window.innerHeight and window.innerWidth

Custom scrollbars

I'm working on making an application with adobe air and I have a div that uses overflow-y. In order for the UI to look nice and sexy, what's the best way to replace the ugly default scrollbar [link broken] with a creation of my own?
EDIT: Everyone remember that this is on adobe air, not on a browser (I know better than to to mess with a scrollbar, that's way web -4.2)
Users know how to to use the default platform UI widgets: they know what they look like, how they behave, etc. And the platform ones work really well.
They won't know how to use your widget. And even if you try and copy the platform one except for appearance, your widget will behave as a cheap knockoff; it will be missing features the user expects:
Does your scroll thumb grow/shrink to show the length of the document, with a minimum size such that its always grab-able — but only on platforms where that is expected?
Does middle-click scroll to the position clicked, left-click scroll down only, and right-click scroll up only, and each in proportion to where clicked on the scrollbar — on the platform where this is expected?
Does clicking in the blank space between the thumb and up or down arrow work? Does it scroll by the amount the user is expecting, which varies by platform?
Does scrolling go at the speed the user expects when the scroll buttons are held down?
How is the user dragging the thumb handled when the mouse goes outside the scrollbar? Or middle-click, on the before-mentioned platform.
Does your custom scroll bar follow the visual theme the user selected e.g., because he needs extra-high-contrast and/or extra-large widgets due to disability?
The answer to most of those is probably "no". At least, that's been my experience with web sites where the designer decided the platform scroll bars aren't cute enough.
Skin them, like you would any other flex component. To keep your code nice any clean you can specify the embed the skin files through a style in a css file.
Edit: A link on how to skin a scrollbar

