Add class to the div if div have specific class - javascript

Here i am trying to add class alignright in blog-post div if div have the specific class blog-post but bellow code is not working help me to sort out this.
<div class="switches">
<span class="blog off">Blog</span>
<div class="timeline">
$(".switches span").click(function(){
if ( $( this ).hasClass( "blog off" ) ) {
<div class="single-post single-post blog-post">
<div class="single-post single-post web-post"></div>

The .hasClass() function doesn't do what your code thinks it does. It always just returns a boolean. You want .filter():

<div class="switches">
<span class="blog off">Blog</span>
<div class="timeline">
<div class="single-post single-post blog-post"></div>
<div class="single-post single-post web-post"></div>
$(".switches span").click(function(){
if ($(this).hasClass("blog off")) {
var mydiv = $(this).parent().next();

The problem is the hasClass() method, which will return a boolean value, so calling addClass after that it will fail
$(".switches span").click(function () {
//this is the span
if ($(this).hasClass("off")) {


How to check if inner <div> has text

what I'm trying to do is to check if my inner <div> has a text for example Ended and then remove if it has a text. I have multiple <div> with the same class name. I tried using .filter(). I would like to remove the div container_one that contains the found element.
Here is my HTML:
var $filstatus = $('.status').filter(function() {
return $(this).text() == 'Ended';
<div class="main_container">
<div class="container_one">
<div class="inner_container">
<div class="status">Ended</div>
<div class="container_one">
<div class="inner_container">
<div class="status">On going</div>
<div class="container_one">
<div class="inner_container">
<div class="status">Ended</div>
Thank you for the help!
I would use the jQuery's selector by content
combined with .closest(). This might be the shortest way:
$('.status:contains("Ended")', $('.main_container')).closest('.container_one').remove();
First ('.status:contains("Ended")') will select all elements that have a class status, contain the text "Ended" and are children of main_container (not needed but is recommended to speed up selection of elements on complex pages).
Then the method .closest('container_one') will climb up the parents tree for each of the elements from the previous step and select the first parent element with class 'container_one'.
At last it will remove all elements found.
Note: all those methods work both with single element and collections of elements, so no need of any for/foreach.
Working JSFiddle Demo
Pure JavaScript solution with forEach:
var div = document.querySelectorAll('.container_one');
var target = el.querySelector('.status');
if(target.textContent == 'Ended'){
<div class="main_container">
<div class="container_one">
<div class="inner_container">
<div class="status">Ended</div>
<div class="container_one">
<div class="inner_container">
<div class="status">On going</div>
<div class="container_one">
<div class="inner_container">
<div class="status">Ended</div>
Try this
filter will return an array , then use each to loop over that and delete the element. In this case it will remove that specific div but the parent div will still be in dom
var $filstatus = $('.status').filter(function() {
return $(this).text().trim() === 'Ended';
$filstatus.each(function(index, elem) {
<script src=""></script>
<div class="main_container">
<div class="container_one">
<div class="inner_container">
<div class="status">Ended</div>
<div class="container_one">
<div class="inner_container">
<div class="status">On going</div>
<div class="container_one">
<div class="inner_container">
<div class="status">Ended</div>
If you want to remove .container_one whose inner child has the text Ended, try
const ended = $('.status').filter((index, element) => $(element).text() === 'Ended')
Since you want to remove the closest ansistor with class .container_one, you will need to use closest
Check this:
Try using this if you don't need $filstatus in other places
if ($(this).text() == "Ended"){
I see your problem is you are able to remove the child div status but what you want is to remove the entire parent div with class container_one
you can use $.each for that and use closest(class_name) to remove the parent including its child
$.each($('.status'), function(idx, div) {
if ($(this).text() == 'Ended') {
or you can continue your filter and just add .closest('.container_one') to your jquery selector
var $filstatus = $('.status').filter(function() {
return $(this).text() == 'Ended';

Jquery Dropdown List not sliding up after mouse leave

So I was basically trying to create a drop-down list with jquery. I was successful in achieving but came across with a slight problem. Here's the code
<div class="dropdown_heading">
<div class="dropdown_container">
<div class="">
<div class="">
<div class="">
Once I hover over the dropdown_heading the dropdown shows-up and I'm able to navigate over it but the only way the it slides back up is if i actually have the cursor in the dropdown_container. If I try to slide it up removing the mouse from dropdown_heading, the dropdown is still visible. How would I be able to slide the submenu back up when the mouse leaves both div_container and div_heading?
I've tried to execute this function but therefore I am unable to navigate over the container. Thanks.
You can try a timer based solution like
jQuery(function($) {
var $target = $(".dropdown_container");
$('.dropdown_heading').hover(function() {
$target.stop(true, true).slideDown(500);
}, function() {
var timer = setTimeout(function() {
$target.stop(true, true).slideUp();
}, 200);
$'hoverTimer', timer);
$target.hover(function() {
}, function() {
$(this).stop(true, true).slideUp();
.dropdown_container {
display: none;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="dropdown_heading">
<div class="dropdown_container">
<div class="">
<div class="">
<div class="">
The toggleClass() method toggles between adding and removing one or more class names from the selected elements.
This method checks each element for the specified class names. The class names are added if missing, and removed if already set - This creates a toggle effect..
Try this,
<script src=""></script>
<div class="dropdown_heading">
<div class="dropdown_container">
<div class="">
<div class="">
<div class="">

Only show parent if child contains certain string

I have a group of divs that appear on multiple pages, that have this pattern:
<div class=“entry”>
<div id=“post”>
<div class=“text”>
<div class=“service”></div>
<div class=“timeline”>
<div class=“entry-title”>
<div class=“entry”>
<div id=“post”>
<div class=“text”>
<div class=“service”></div>
<div class=“timeline”>
<div class=“entry-title”>
<div class=“entry”>
<div id=“post”>
<div class=“text”>
<div class=“service”></div>
<div class=“timeline”>
<div class=“entry-title”>
This group appears on multiple pages.
My ideal javascript/jquery solution is something like this:
display:none on all div class="entry"
if child div class="entry-title" contains #something, change parent div class="entry" to display:block
so that on Page One I can insert this code to only show #hashtagOne, on Page Two only #hashtagTwo, etc. etc.
Try something like this:
if ($(this).text().trim().charAt(0) =="#") {
This simply works fine :
if($(this).find(".entry-title:contains('#something')").length > 0){
Its pretty simple, just use :contains() and .closest() together either on page load or whatever event you want this display:block behavior to run.
As you want to show based on differnt pages, I suggest to use page title and set it to title="Page One" and title="Page Two" etc and then compare it in document ready state and show accordingly the desired div
if(jQuery(document).find("title").text() == 'Page One')
jQuery( "div.entry-title:contains('#something')" ).closest('.entry').show();
else if(jQuery(document).find("title").text() == 'Page Two')
jQuery( "div.entry-title:contains('#something Else')" ).closest('.entry').show();
$(".entry").find(".entry-title").text(function(key, text) {
if (text.indexOf("#")>=0) {
Here is the working Plunker

Applying Class to Elements With Attribute

I'm trying to apply a class to all elements that have the attribute "state" equals to "disabled". I'm going through each of the elements that have ".overlay" and checking the state and then appending the class "disabledClass" when the attribute "state" is "disabled". Problem is that its applying "disabledClass" on all of the elements. I'm guessing it has something to do with my usage of $(this) in $(this).find(".navElement").addClass("disabledClass"); ?
<div id="1" class="overlay" state="active">
<div class="navElement">
<p>About us</p>
<div id="2" class="overlay" state="disabled">
<div class="navElement">
<p>Our values</p>
<div id="3" class="overlay" state="disabled">
<div class="navElement">
<p>The founder</p>
$(".overlay").click(function () {
$(".overlay").attr("state", "disabled");
$(this).attr("state", "active");
$(".overlay").each(function () {
if ($(".overlay").attr("state") == "disabled") {
Try this:
$(".overlay").attr("state", "disabled");
$(this).attr("state", "active");
if($(this).attr("state") == "disabled"){ //changed this
Sorry, but I don't really get your question, i.e. what you want to know...
But probably this helps:
Using jQuery to look for all DOM elements with class overlay and the attribute state set to disabled and then append the class disabledClass to it's child that contains already the class navElement this simple statement should do the trick:

jquery select div below parent div

I have a few divs set up like so:
<div class="menu_options">
<div class="parent_div">input field</div>
<div class="children_div">
<div class='something">field</div>
<div class="something_else">field</div>
<div class="menu_options">
<div class="parent_div">input field</div>
<div class="children_div">
<div class='something">field</div>
<div class="something_else">field</div>
<div class="menu_options">
<div class="parent_div">input field</div>
<div class="children_div">
<div class='something">field</div>
<div class="something_else">field</div>
in jquery i am doing
$('.parent_options').each(function() {
$(this).click(function() {
right now $(this) is giving me the parent_div that i clicked on and I need to be able to move down to the children_div and hide the entire children_div. Any ideas. I know in prototype i used a down function but not sure if jquery has it.
If you want to hide .children_div after clicking on .parent_div use
$('.parent_div').click(function() {
Demo here
$('.parent_div').each(function() {
$(this).click(function() {
If you're binding the function to all .menu-options, there's no need for each(). This should work if I understood your query properly:
$('.parent_div').click(function() {
try .next()
$( this ).next( ".tb-contents'" ).show();
This will work.

