prevent all MouseClick event until page load - javascript

I have a situation in which i have to prevent all MouseClick events until the page loads.
i have 1 javascript function defined on page load like
Now in function init(), we are showing tree and select a particular node of it.
function init() {
setTimeout("treeScrollToView()", 1000);
Now i want to prevent all the mouse click event on tree/page until whole tree is not fully shown.
I have searched through some of the posts related to my question but that uses event.preventDefault() but i dont have Event object here.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

You can use:
body {
and then on page load reactivate them
$(document).ready(() => {
$('body').css('pointer-events', 'all') //activate all pointer-events on body
pointer-events:none; blocks all mouse interaction with the elements it's applied to - Since the body is usually the parent of all the elements in your page, it would case them not to react to any mouse interaction at all.
Keep in mind that all mouse interaction would be blocked this way, not only mouse clicks but mouse hover, mouse up's etc etc..

I think the basic need is to prevent user from clicking the tree area. I would prefer to display an overlay div rather than playing with the tree mouse click events.
You can show a loading overlay on the tree part until it is loaded. once done, you can hide the loading and show your original tree.
Ref: How to completely DISABLE any MOUSE CLICK

JavaScript Only
You can have an event listener along with a boolean. onclick disables a click. oncontextmenu disables right clicks.
(function(){window.onload = function () {
var allowClicks = false;
document.onclick = function (e) { !allowClicks&&e.preventDefault(); }
document.oncontextmenu = function (e) { !allowClicks&&e.preventDefault(); }
document.getElementById('myElement').onload = function () { allowClicks = true; }
myElement is your element which you can replace with whatever
Use this with one element
If you want to disable mouse clicks for just one element, do:
(function(){window.onload = function () {
var allowClicks = false,
elem = document.getElementById('myElement');
elem.onclick = function (e) { !allowClicks&&e.preventDefault(); }
elem.oncontextmenu = function (e) { !allowClicks&&e.preventDefault(); }
elem.onload = function () { allowClicks = true; }

onload="init();" here you can have event object.
pass event as argument.
now you can use that in init() function.

Try utilizing $.holdReady()
$("*").each(function(i, el) {
this.onclick = function(e) {
function init() {
$("div").on("click", function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 7000)
$(function() {
<script src="">


How to make an action on first click and another action on second click

My goal is to move a div element to the right side of the page on the first click and move it back to the left if I click it again and so on. How can I do this in javascript?
As enhzfelp said in their comment, the best solution would be to create a css class which moves your element to the right side of the page and to add / remove it with javascript.
If your goal is actually to perform one action and on next event call perform another, you can simply change a variable whenever the event is called.
Example code:
let right = false;
someElement.on('click', () => {
right = !right;
if (right) moveRight();
else moveLeft();
function moveRight() { ... }
function moveLeft() { ... }
You can also do this
var clickCount = 0;
function checkClick() {
if ( clickCount % 2 == 0 ) {
alert("first click");
} else {
alert("Second click");
<button onclick="checkClick()">Click me</button>
So, as I understood, you want to make so on click, the div element move to the opositive direction of left or right.
You can make this with an event listener, that listens to the click event and execute whatever you want on every click.
document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
// your code that executes on every click
This event listener listens the click on all your webpage, so if you want to only listen the click when the use click your div, you need to get the div. There are several ways, but I recomend you to add an id to the div.
<div id="iAmYourElement"></div>
And then get the element in JavaScript
const element = document.getElementById("iAmYourElement");
element.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
// your code that executes on every click
Now that we have the way to deal with the click event, let's talk about the code that goes inside the listener.
One way to do this is creating two CSS classes, one is your div on the left and another whe div on your right. So, if we need the element to be on the right, we add the right-class, and if we need the div to be to the left, we add left-class and remove right-class.
Final javascript code will looks like that:
const element = document.getElementById("iAmYourElement");
let isDivOnLeft = true;
element.addEventListener('click', function (event) { // executes if you click on the div
isDivOnLeft = !isDivOnLeft // We negate the value of isDivOnLeft, so if it was true, it will now be false and vice versa.
if (isDivOnLeft) {
} else {
function elementToRight() {
function elementToLeft() {
my English is kinda weak so I'll try my best to explain.
Let's assume that we have a div with id moveable
<div id="moveable"></div>
And we have button
<button id="move">Move</div>
And our goal is to move the div to the right in the first click, and in the second click, we will move it back to the right.
let button = document.getElementById("move");
let div = document.getElementById("moveable");
button.addEventListener("click", function () {
const dataMovedAttribute = div.getAttribute("data-moved");
if (dataMovedAttribute && dataMovedAttribute === "true") {
div.setAttribute("data-moved", "false"); = "left";
} else {
div.setAttribute("data-moved", "true"); = "right";
Checkout this example:

Undo .removeAtribute function

I'm looking for a solution to restore a removed attribute. I'm not an experienced programmer, so I'm not sure where to start when sharing my code, so I'll try to give some context below.
I have an image of a map that has several hidden overlays. These overlays are activated by a series of adjacent buttons.
Each of these buttons has a mouseover and mouseout event, which temporarily reveals the overlay. They also have an onclick event that permanently displays the overlay. I've used a .removeAtribute function to remove the mouseout event so that my overlay is permanent.
All other layers are still visible with the mouseover and mouseout events (so that you can make comparisons).
When I onclick another overlay button, it clears the previous one, however, now the mouseout event for the previously selected button is still inactive, so hovering over it causes the overlay to appear permanently.
How can I restore the mouseout event after I've removed it?
I have tried to use .setAttribute("onmouseout"), but I've had no luck in making that work.
Hopefully, this all makes some sense; I'll post some of my code below, which might help give further context.
function btn01On() {
function btnClear() {
<button id="btn01" class="map-button map-button1"
onclick="MM_showHideLayers('InfoCurrentExc','','show','OverlayCurrentExc','','show');btn01On();" onmouseover="MM_showHideLayers('OverlayCurrentExc','','show')" onmouseout="MM_showHideLayers('OverlayCurrentExc','','show')">
Current Excavation
Usually setting up event handlers using onevent attribute, (although oldest method for event handling) is not the recommended way, See
I recommend using EventTarget.addEventListener and EventTarget.removeEventListener for your case. Try the code below
const mouseoutHandler = function() {
MM_showHideLayers('OverlayCurrentExc', '', 'show');
const mouseOverHandler = function() {
MM_showHideLayers('OverlayCurrentExc', '', 'show');
const button01 = document.getElementById("btn01");
button01.addEventListener("mouseover", mouseOverHandler);
function btn01On() {
if (!mouseoutListener)
button01.addEventListener("mouseout", mouseoutHandler);
function btnClear() {
if (mouseoutListener) {
button01.removeEventListener("mouseout", mouseoutListener);
mouseoutListener = null;
const clickHandler = function() {
MM_showHideLayers('InfoCurrentExc', '', 'show', 'OverlayCurrentExc', '', 'show');
button01.addEventListener("click", clickHandler);
I was lucky enough to find someone who had a fix for this problem. I'll share the code below for anyone who might land here with a similar request.
I don't fully understand how this code works so if someone has a good explanation feel free to share it.
// Remove mouse outs
function btn01On() {
// keep mouse outs
const buttonIds = ["btn01"];
const mouseOuts = {};
buttonIds.forEach((id) => {
const el = document.getElementById(id);
if (el) {
mouseOuts[id] = el.getAttribute('onmouseout');
const restoreMouseOutEvent = () => {
buttonIds.forEach((id) => {
const el = document.getElementById(id);
if (el && mouseOuts[id]) {
el.setAttribute('onmouseout', mouseOuts[id]);

jquery onblur not firing

I am trying to get an onblur/onfocus combination working for a pair of text boxes which I am selecting via class in jquery. I am not getting any errors in debug, but the blur function never seems to be called. When debugging my breakpoint in the blur function is not hit.
$(document).ready(function () {
var row = $(this).closest('tr');
$('.editClass').click(function () {
var editBoxes = $(row).find('.editClass');
var focus = 0;
$(editBoxes).focus(function () { focus++ });
$(editBoxes).blur(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
if (!focus) {
alert('LOST FOCUS'); // both lost focus
}, 50);
Pretty sure the problem here was that the editBoxes were dynamically added to the page. This was not apparent in my question. Since they were dyncamically added I need to use
$(document).on('blur', '.editBoxes', function (){
The last two lines of your code example should be this
This is needed for closing the ready and click function call.
Another possible problem is that you wrap the focus and blur listeners in a click handlers. Why did you do this?

jquery draggable in iframe won't click

I have created a draggable within an iframe from it's parent and I would like to attach an event for when the draggable is clicked.
The draggable works by itself and all the click functions work by themselves, however as soon as you mix the two together the left click events stop working. If I remove the iframe and put the draggable and click bindings in a seperate page it works fine.
<iframe id="siteframe" src="">
$('#siteframe').load(function () {
$('#siteframe').contents().find('.draggable').draggable({ delay:200, iframeFix: true});
$('#siteframe').contents().find('.draggable').bind('mouseup',function() {
alert('mouse up');
$('#siteframe').contents().find('.draggable').click(function() {
$('#siteframe').contents().find('.draggable').on('click', function() {
<div class="draggable">draggable</div>
JSFiddle code:
JSFiddle demo:
After investigating a bit further it seems that it's the iframeFix: true option that messes with the click function, I'm guessing this is because it overlays the iframe? is there anything that can be done about this?
I think it is the problem that jquery ui create iframeFix mask too fast immediately after the mousedown event occured , but the delay is only use for mousestart control . So this can be optimized by add a function _iframeFix .
_iframeFix: function(event){
//patch for iframe
var o=this.options;
if(o.iframeFix === true){
$("div.ui-draggable-iframeFix").each(function() {
$(o.iframeFix === true ? "iframe" : o.iframeFix).each(function() {
$('<div class="ui-draggable-iframeFix" style="background: #fff;"></div>')
width: this.offsetWidth+"px", height: this.offsetHeight+"px",
position: "absolute", opacity: "0.001", zIndex: 1000
remove the iframe mask code in the _mouseCapture function ,and to create iframe mask after delay .
Also , you should add a mouseup event handle for the drag element in the iframe to endup the timeout control
.bind('mouseup.'+this.widgetName, this._mouseUpDelegate);
And final in the _mouseup function, clear the mouseup handle ,clear the timeout
_mouseUp: function(event) {
.unbind('mousemove.'+this.widgetName, this._mouseMoveDelegate)
.unbind('mouseup.'+this.widgetName, this._mouseUpDelegate);
var o=this.options;
mouseHandled = false;
.unbind('mouseup.'+this.widgetName, this._mouseUpDelegate);
if(this._mouseDelayTimer) clearTimeout(this._mouseDelayTimer);
if (this._mouseStarted) {
this._mouseStarted = false;
if ( === {
$.data(, this.widgetName + '.preventClickEvent', true);
return false;
Your code is right, but, you are loading iframe from different URL.
If parent domain and iframe url domain is different then javascript don't allows you to access iframe element.

attach an event to the body when ul is visible, then remove it when invisible

I have a <ul> that when clicked, toggles the visibility of another <ul>. How can I attach an event to the body of the page when the <ul>s are revealed so that the body will hide the <ul>.
I am new to writing these sorts things which bubble, and I cannot figure out why what I have done so far seems to work intermittently. When clicked several times, it fails to add the class open when the secondary <ul> is opened.
And of course, there may be an entirely better way to do this.
$(document).on('click', '.dd_deploy', function (e) {
var ul = $(this).children('ul');
var height = ul.css('height');
var width = ul.css('width');
ul.css('top', "-" + height);
ul.fadeToggle(50, function () {
//add open class depending on what's toggled to
if (ul.hasClass('open')) {
} else {
//attach click event to the body to hide the ul when
//body is clickd
$(document).on('click.ddClick', ('*'), function (e) {
//if (ul.hasClass('open')) {
// }
I'd suggest not binding a click event in a click event, even if you are unbinding it. Instead, i would do it this way:
$(document).on('click', function (e) {
if ( $(".dd_deploy") ) {
var ul = $('ul');
var height = ul.css('height');
var width = ul.css('width');
ul.css('top', "-" + height);
ul.fadeToggle(50, function () {
//add open class depending on what's toggled to
if (ul.hasClass('open')) {
} else {
else {
If you need to further prevent clicking on the opened menu from closing the menu, add an else if that tests for children of that menu.
You dont' really need all that code. All you need is jquery's toggle class to accomplish what you want. simple code like one below should work.
Example Code
$(document).ready(function() {
Firstly, you are defining a document.on function within a document.on function which is fundamentally wrong, you just need to check it once and execute the function once the document is ready.
Secondly why do you want to bind an event to ? it's not really a good idea.
I think you should also look at the hover function which might be useful to you in this case.
Working Fiddles
JSfiddle with click function
JSfiddle with hover function

