How to create a memoize function - javascript

I am stumped with this memoize problem. I need to create a function that will check to see if a value has already been calculated for a given argument, return the previous result, or run the calculation and return that value.
I have spent hours on this and while I am new to JS. I cannot get my head around how to do this. I cannot use any built in functions and would really like to understand what I need to do.
Here is what I have so far, which is so wrong it feels like pseudo-code at this point. I have searched existing memoize questions out here but I cannot seem to make any solution work yet. Any help is much appreciated.
myMemoizeFunc = function(passedFunc) {
var firstRun = passedFunc;
function check(passedFunc){
if(firstRun === undefined){
return passedFunc;
}else{return firstRun;}
Sorry, I should have been more clear. Here are my specific requirements:
myMemoizeFunc must return a function that will check if the calculation has already been calculated for the given arg and return that val if possible. The passedFunc is a function that holds the result of a calculation.
I understand this may seem like a duplicate, but I am marking as not so, as I am having some serious difficulty understanding what I should do here, and need further help than is given in other posts.
This is what my thought process is bringing me towards but again, I am way off.
myMemoizeFunc = function(passedFunc) {
var allValues = [];
return function(){
for(var i = 0; i < myValues.length; i++){
if(myValues[i] === passedFunc){
return i;
return passedFunc;
I should not be returning i or passedFunc here, but what else could I do within the if/else while checking for a value? I have been looking at this problem for so long, I am starting to implement code that is ridiculous and need some fresh advice.

I think the main trick for this is to make an object that stores arguments that have been passed in before as keys with the result of the function as the value.
For memoizing functions of a single argument, I would implement it like so:
var myMemoizeFunc = function (passedFunc) {
var cache = {};
return function (x) {
if (x in cache) return cache[x];
return cache[x] = passedFunc(x);
Then you could use this to memoize any function that takes a single argument, say for example, a recursive function for calculating factorials:
var factorial = myMemoizeFunc(function(n) {
if(n < 2) return 1;
return n * factorial(n-1);

Consider this an extension on the answer of Peter Olson.
For a variable number of arguments you could use something like this.
Note: This example is not optimal if you intent to pass complex arguments (arrays, objects, functions). Be sure to read further and not copy/paste blindly.
function memo(fn) {
const cache = {};
function get(args) {
let node = cache;
for (const arg of args) {
if (!("next" in node)) = new Map();
if (!, {});
node =;
return node;
return function (...args) {
const cache = get(args);
if ("item" in cache) return cache.item;
cache.item = fn(...args);
return cache.item;
This builds the following cache tree structure:
const memoizedFn = memo(fn);
memoizedFn(1, 2);
memoizedFn(2, 1);
cache = {
item: fn(),
next: Map{ // <- Map contents depicted as object
1: {
item: fn(1),
next: Map{
2: { item: fn(1, 2) }
2: {
next: Map{
1: { item: fn(2, 1) }
This solution leaks memory when passing complex arguments (arrays, object, functions) that are no longer referenced afterwards.
memoizedFn({ a: 1 })
Because { a: 1 } is not referenced after the memoizedFn call it would normally be garbage collected. However now it can't be because cache still holds a reference. It can only be garbage collected once memoizedFn itself is garbage collected.
I showed the above first because it shows the base concept and demonstrates the cache structure in a somewhat simple form. To clean up cache that would normally be garbage collected we should use a WeakMap instead of a Map for complex objects.
For those unfamiliar with WeakMap, the keys are a "weak" reference. This means that the keys do not count towards active references towards an object. Once an object is no longer referenced (not counting weak references) it will be garbage collected. This will in turn remove the key/value pair from the WeakMap instance.
const memo = (function () {
const primitives = new Set([
function typeOf(item) {
const type = typeof item;
if (primitives.has(type)) return "primitive";
return item === null ? "primitive" : "complex";
const map = {
"primitive": Map,
"complex": WeakMap
return function (fn) {
const cache = {};
function get(args) {
let node = cache;
for (const arg of args) {
const type = typeOf(arg);
if (!(type in node)) node[type] = new map[type];
if (!node[type].has(arg)) node[type].set(arg, {});
node = node[type].get(arg);
return node;
return function (...args) {
const cache = get(args);
if ("item" in cache) return cache.item;
cache.item = fn(...args);
return cache.item;
const fib = memo((n) => {
console.log("fib called with", n);
if (n == 0) return 0;
if (n == 1) return 1;
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
// heavy operation with complex object
const heavyFn = memo((obj) => {
console.log("heavyFn called with", obj);
// heavy operation
return obj.value * 2;
// multiple complex arguments
const map = memo((iterable, mapFn) => {
console.log("map called with", iterable, mapFn);
const result = [];
for (const item of iterable) result.push(mapFn(item));
return result;
console.log("### simple argument demonstration ###");
console.log("fib(3)", "//=>", fib(3));
console.log("fib(6)", "//=>", fib(6));
console.log("fib(5)", "//=>", fib(5));
console.log("### exlanation of when cache is garbage collected ###");
(function () {
const item = { value: 7 };
// item stays in memo cache until it is garbade collected
console.log("heavyFn(item)", "//=>", heavyFn(item));
console.log("heavyFn(item)", "//=>", heavyFn(item));
// Does not use the cached item. Although the object has the same contents
// it is a different instance, so not considdered the same.
console.log("heavyFn({ value: 7 })", "//=>", heavyFn({ value: 7 }));
// { value: 7 } is garbade collected (and removed from the memo cache)
// item is garbade collected (and removed from memo cache) it is no longer in scope
console.log("### multiple complex arguments demonstration ###");
console.log("map([1], n => n * 2)", "//=>", map([1], n => n * 2));
// Does not use cache. Although the array and function have the same contents
// they are new instances, so not considdered the same.
console.log("map([1], n => n * 2)", "//=>", map([1], n => n * 2));
const ns = [1, 2];
const double = n => n * 2;
console.log("map(ns, double)", "//=>", map(ns, double));
// Does use cache, same instances are passed.
console.log("map(ns, double)", "//=>", map(ns, double));
// Does use cache, same instances are passed.
console.log("mutated ns", ns);
console.log("map(ns, double)", "//=>", map(ns, double));
The structure stays essentially the same, but depending on the type of the argument it will look in either the primitive: Map{} or complex: WeakMap{} object.
const memoizedFn = memo(fn);
memoizedFn(1, 2);
memoizedFn({ value: 2 }, 1);
cache = {
item: fn(),
primitive: Map{
1: {
item: fn(1),
primitive: Map{
2: { item: fn(1, 2) }
complex: WeakMap{
{ value: 2 }: { // <- cleared if { value: 2 } is garbage collected
primitive: Map{
1: { item: fn({ value: 2 }, 1) }
This solution does not memoize any errors thrown. Arguments are considered equal based on Map key equality. If you also need to memoize any errors thrown I hope that this answer gave you the building blocks to do so.

There are a number of memoization libraries available. Doing memoization efficiently is not as straight forward as it seems. I suggest a library be used. Two of the fastest are:

See here for a comprehensive(-ish) list of memoization libraries:


How do I clone a “WeakMap” or “WeakSet” in Javascript?

I know that WeakMap and WeakSet are not iterable for security reasons, that is, “to prevent attackers from seeing the garbage collector’s internal behavior,” but then, this means you cannot clone a WeakMap or WeakSet the way you clone a Map or Set, cloned_map = new Map(existing_map), cloned_set = new Set(existing_set).
How do I clone a WeakMap or WeakSet in Javascript? By cloning, I mean creating another WeakMap or WeakSet with the same weak references.
Why are WeakMap/WeakSet not "cloneable"?
WeakMaps and WeakSets are not "cloneable" for the same reason as why you can't iterate them.
Namely to avoid exposing the latency between the time the key becomes inaccessible and when it is removed from the WeakMap / WeakSet. (The reasoning for this is already covered your linked question )
ECMAScript 2023 Language Specification, 24.3 WeakMap Objects
An implementation may impose an arbitrarily determined latency between the time a key/value pair of a WeakMap becomes inaccessible and the time when the key/value pair is removed from the WeakMap. If this latency was observable to ECMAScript program, it would be a source of indeterminacy that could impact program execution. For that reason, an ECMAScript implementation must not provide any means to observe a key of a WeakMap that does not require the observer to present the observed key.
How iterability and clonability are linked
Think about how new WeakMap(existingWeakMap) would need to be implemented.
To create a new WeakMap from an existing one would require iterating over its elements and copying them over to the new one.
And depending on how many elements there are in the WeakMap, this operation would take a varying amount of time (it would take a lot longer to copy a WeakMap with 100'000 entries than to copy one with none).
And that gives you an attack vector: You can guesstimate the number of key-value pairs within the WeakMap by measuring how long it takes to clone it.
Here's a runnable snippet that uses this technique to guess to number of entries within a Map (could be easily used against WeakMap, if it were clonable):
Note that due to Spectre mitigations in browsers is typically rounded, so a larger margin of error in the guesses should be expected.
function measureCloneTime(map) {
const begin =;
const cloneMap = new Map(map);
const end =;
return end-begin;
function measureAvgCloneTime(map, numSamples = 50) {
let timeSum = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) {
timeSum += measureCloneTime(map);
return timeSum / numSamples;
function makeMapOfSize(n) {
return new Map(Array(n).fill(null).map(() => [{}, {}]));
// prime JIT
for(let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
const avgCloneTimes = [
{size: 2**6, time: measureAvgCloneTime(makeMapOfSize(2**6))},
{size: 2**7, time: measureAvgCloneTime(makeMapOfSize(2**7))},
{size: 2**8, time: measureAvgCloneTime(makeMapOfSize(2**8))},
{size: 2**9, time: measureAvgCloneTime(makeMapOfSize(2**9))},
{size: 2**10, time: measureAvgCloneTime(makeMapOfSize(2**10))},
{size: 2**11, time: measureAvgCloneTime(makeMapOfSize(2**11))},
{size: 2**12, time: measureAvgCloneTime(makeMapOfSize(2**12))},
{size: 2**13, time: measureAvgCloneTime(makeMapOfSize(2**13))},
{size: 2**14, time: measureAvgCloneTime(makeMapOfSize(2**14))},
function guessMapSizeBasedOnCloneSpeed(map) {
const cloneTime = measureAvgCloneTime(map);
let closestMatch = avgCloneTimes.find(e => e.time > cloneTime);
if(!closestMatch) {
closestMatch = avgCloneTimes[avgCloneTimes.length - 1];
const sizeGuess = Math.round(
(cloneTime / closestMatch.time) * closestMatch.size
console.log("Real Size: " + map.size + " - Guessed Size: " + sizeGuess);
On my machine (Ubuntu 20, Chrome 107) i got the following output (YMMV):
Real Size: 1000 - Guessed Size: 1037
Real Size: 4000 - Guessed Size: 3462
Real Size: 6000 - Guessed Size: 6329
Real Size: 10000 - Guessed Size: 9889
As you can see it is incredibly easy to guess the size of a Map just by cloning it. (by refining the algorithm / taking more samples / using a more accurate time source it could be made even more accurate)
And that's why you can't clone WeakMap / WeakSet.
A possible alternative
If you need a clonable / iterable WeakMap / WeakSet you could build your own by using WeakRef and FinalizationRegistry.
Here's an example how you could build an iterable WeakMap:
class IterableWeakMap {
#weakMap = new WeakMap();
#refSet = new Set();
#registry = new FinalizationRegistry(this.#cleanup.bind(this));
#cleanup(value) {
constructor(iterable) {
if(iterable) {
for(const [key, value] of iterable) {
this.set(key, value);
get(key) {
return this.#weakMap.get(key)?.value;
has(key) {
return this.#weakMap.has(key);
set(key, value) {
let entry = this.#weakMap.get(key);
if(!entry) {
const ref = new WeakRef(key);
this.#registry.register(key, ref, key);
entry = {ref, value: null};
this.#weakMap.set(key, entry);
entry.value = value;
return this;
delete(key) {
const entry = this.#weakMap.get(key);
if(!entry) {
return false;
return true;
clear() {
for(const ref of this.#refSet) {
const el = ref.deref();
if(el !== undefined) {
this.#weakMap = new WeakMap();
*entries() {
for(const ref of this.#refSet) {
const el = ref.deref();
if(el !== undefined) {
yield [el, this.#weakMap.get(el).value];
*keys() {
for(const ref of this.#refSet) {
const el = ref.deref();
if(el !== undefined) {
yield el;
*values() {
for(const ref of this.#refSet) {
const el = ref.deref();
if(el !== undefined) {
yield this.#weakMap.get(el).value;
forEach(callbackFn, thisArg) {
for(const [key, value] of this.entries()) {, value, key, this);
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return this.entries();
get size() {
let size = 0;
for(const key of this.keys()) {
return size;
static get [Symbol.species]() {
return IterableWeakMap;
// Usage Example:
let foo = {foo: 42};
let bar = {bar: 42};
const map = new IterableWeakMap([
[foo, "foo"],
[bar, "bar"]
const clonedMap = new IterableWeakMap(map);
It can be done, trusting that you run your code before whatever is making a weakmap by tracking WeakMap.prototype.set and WeakMap.prototype.delete
However creating a clone needs me to keep my own view of things so this might result in no weakmap ever being collected by garbage ;-;
//the code you run first
let MAPS=new Map()
let DELETE=WeakMap.prototype.delete, SET=WeakMap.prototype.set
let APPLY=(FN,THIS,ARGS)=>BIND(Function.prototype.apply,FN)(THIS,ARGS)
let theMap=MAPS.get(this)
theMap=new Map()
return APPLY(SET,this,arguments)
let theMap=MAPS.get(this)
theMap=new Map()
return APPLY(DELETE,this,arguments)
function cloneWM(target){
let theClone=new WeakMap()
return theClone
//the example(go on devtools console to see it properly)
let w=new WeakMap()
console.log("go on devtools console to see it properly")

How to deal with a `Variable 'xxx' is used before being assigned.`

I have a code block like below where I need to find something inside a loop, and also return a second variable. So I can't use a simple Array.find or Array.some good ole' for...of is my friend. map/filter don't allow a break and find can only return actual elements from the array, not a related calculation.
But the below within typescript is giving me an unavoidable error.
I'm wondering if either there's a more idiomatic way to do this, or a better structure / place to declare the variable?
Variable 'found' is used before being assigned.
let found: ParseResult
// breaks when first item found but we capture a different value
for (const rule of ParserRules) {
// const rex = new RegExp(route.match)
const parsed = rule.rex.exec(input)
if (parsed) {
found = { parsed, rule }
// #ts-ignore
return found // FIXME used before defined?
Here are the various JS iterator methods I tried...
const ar = [1, 2, 3, 4]
const log = console.log
const finder = (list) => {
console.log('map', => it === 3))
console.log('find', list.find(it => it === 3))
console.log('some', list.some(it => it === 3))
console.log('filter', list.filter(it => it === 3))
console.log('find', list.find(it => {
if (it === 3) return it * 2 // value coerced to T|F
console.log('filter', list.filter(it => {
if (it === 3) return it * 2 // value coerced to T|F
const arr = list.forEach((k) => {
if (k === 3) return ('here')
log('arr', arr)
let found
for (const elem of list) {
log('elem of', elem)
if (elem === 2) {
found = elem
log('found', found)
The summary of your problem is that a function returning a value in a variable when, at times, the logic doesn't get a chance to assign any value to it.
You can either initialize the variable with a default value or, at the point of returning, check if it really has a value.
let found: ParseResult= {}
return found || false //Or an empty object etc
This can be done in many ways but what might suit your case would be
.map((rule) => {
const parsed = rule.rex.exec(input)
if (parsed) {
return { parsed, rule }
.find((x) => !!x)
Yes you are looping it once more but this is more readable. Also it would not be that costly.
If your processing is heavy, you can try this approach as well but this will be a custom implementation and will not come out of the box:
function getParsedValue(ar, input) {
let parsed;
const rule = ar
.find((rule) => {
parsed = rule.rex.exec(input);
return !!parsed;
return !!rule ? { rule, parsed } : null

Defining an indexer for an object

One can make an object iterable by implementing [Symbol.iterator].
But how can one override the behavior of the [] operator?
For example i have a an object which has an array inside of it and i want to be able to access that given an index like obj[3].
is that possible?
const SignalArray = (data = []) => {
return {
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return {
next: () => {
if (index < data.length) {
return { value: data[index++], done: false };
} else {
index = 0;
return { done: true };
how can one override the behavior of the [] operator?
Only via Proxy, added in ES2015. You'd provide a get trap and handle the property keys you want to handle.
Here's an example where we check for property names that can be successfully coerced to numbers and return the number * 2:
const o = new Proxy({}, {
get(target, prop, receiver) {
const v = +prop;
if (!isNaN(v)) {
return v * 2;
return Reflect.get(...arguments);
o.x = "ex";
console.log(o[2]); // 4
console.log(o[7]); // 14
console.log(o.x); // "ex"
If you want to override setting the array element, you'd use set trap. There are several other traps available as well. For instance, in a reply to a comment, you said:
...if you hate es6 classes and want to write a wrapper around an array that gives it extra functionality, like an observable array for example...
...that would probably involve a set trap and overriding various mutator methods.

How to clone an Iterator in javascript?

In ES6, is there any possible to clone an iterator states?
var ma=[1,2,3,4];
var it=ma[Symbol.iterator]();;
if I want to remember here the it states how should I do in javascritp?
what is remebered in it?
since the
JSON.stringify(it) //it would just return {}
You can’t clone an arbitrary iterator, but you can create many distinct iterators from one by holding onto some state:
function tee(iterable) {
const source = iterable[Symbol.iterator]();
const buffers = [[], []]; // substitute in queue type for efficiency
const DONE = Object.create(null);
const next = i => {
if (buffers[i].length !== 0) {
return buffers[i].shift();
const x =;
if (x.done) {
return DONE;
buffers[1 - i].push(x.value);
return x.value;
return* (_, i) {
for (;;) {
const x = next(i);
if (x === DONE) {
yield x;
const [a, b] = tee(iterator);
assert( ===;
It's not possible to clone an iterator. Iterator state is basically completely arbitrary and any given iterator may require or produce side effects (e.g. reading from or writing to a network stream) which are not repeatable on demand.
I built a library that allows you to fork an iterator here:
Means you can do something like:
import { buildForkableIterator, fork } from 'forkable-iterator';
function* Source() {
yield 1;
yield 2;
return 'return';
const forkableIterator = buildForkableIterator(Source());
console.log(; // { value: 1, done: false }
const child1 = fork(forkableIterator);
// { value: 2, done: false }
// { value: 2, done: false }
// { value: 'return', done: true }
// { value: 'return', done: true }
If you no longer need to keep consuming from a fork providing you loose references to it there also shouldn’t be a memory leak.
It's not official yet, but I think there might be a solution in a stage 2 proposal for Iterator Helpers. If these methods don't affect the original iterator, then doing something like iter.take(Infinity) or iter.drop(0) would have the same effect as cloning.

Why is my required external file being ignored in React Native?

I have two React Native 'scenes', one of which launches puzzles in the other. In launch.js, I retrieve data from a separate data file as follows:
import fileData from './data.js';
//var fileData = require('./data.js'); <= I've had it this way, too; data.js is a module.exports of an array-type object
I pass the data to game.js as follows:
onSelect(passed) {
var inFileData = fileData; //*** this is just a debugging abstraction so I can see what the values are
id: 'game board',
passProps: {
title: passed,
theData: fileData,
The data is acquired in game.js,
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
id: 'game board',
title: this.props.title,
theData: this.props.theData, //<= here
My problem is that when I do 'stuff' in the game, such as changing a value of a word with
var data = this.props.theData;
data[index].word = "test";
this.setState({theData: data});
when I go back to launch.js (and then back to game.js) these changes persist, even to the extent of having the values in the variable inFileData (the *** comment above) reflect what was changed in the game instead of what's in the data.js file. Also, in game.js I'm unable to hold any sort of copy of the imported data (even with kludgy for-loops to try to duplicate the object) to reset values, all of which leads me to believe I'm missing some key underpinning of React's state model. Can anyone shed some light on where I'm going wrong?
I finally resolved this issue (after spending 2 days on it!) with this cloning function using the deepClone call. The function is described in this excellent article, which I came across on the ancient and much-up-voted StackOverflow question, How do I correctly clone a JavaScript object?
I included the entire "owl" function as deepCopy.js in my React Native project as
var deepCopy = require('./deepCopy.js');
after appending
module.exports = owl;
to the deepCopy.js file, then used it with
var copy = owl.deepCopy(fileData);
id: 'game board',
passProps: {
title: passed,
theData: copy,
Note that because this isn't a web environment I had to comment out the "HTML DOM Node" section of the owl function as it made references to "document" which React Native didn't appreciate.
I guess the issue here was the depth of the array that was being cloned, and references at deeper levels still being retained. Seems like a more native solution must exist, but at least this works...I'll wait to see if anyone has further input before marking this as answered.
Edit: I'm going to include the code in case it gets taken down:
/* This file is part of OWL JavaScript Utilities.
OWL JavaScript Utilities is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
OWL JavaScript Utilities is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with OWL JavaScript Utilities. If not, see
owl = (function() {
// clone objects, skip other types.
function clone(target) {
if ( typeof target == 'object' ) {
Clone.prototype = target;
return new Clone();
} else {
return target;
// Shallow Copy
function copy(target) {
if (typeof target !== 'object' ) {
return target; // non-object have value sematics, so target is already a copy.
} else {
var value = target.valueOf();
if (target != value) {
// the object is a standard object wrapper for a native type, say String.
// we can make a copy by instantiating a new object around the value.
return new target.constructor(value);
} else {
// ok, we have a normal object. If possible, we'll clone the original's prototype
// (not the original) to get an empty object with the same prototype chain as
// the original. If just copy the instance properties. Otherwise, we have to
// copy the whole thing, property-by-property.
if ( target instanceof target.constructor && target.constructor !== Object ) {
var c = clone(target.constructor.prototype);
// give the copy all the instance properties of target. It has the same
// prototype as target, so inherited properties are already there.
for ( var property in target) {
if (target.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
c[property] = target[property];
} else {
var c = {};
for ( var property in target ) c[property] = target[property];
return c;
// Deep Copy
var deepCopiers = [];
function DeepCopier(config) {
for ( var key in config ) this[key] = config[key];
DeepCopier.prototype = {
constructor: DeepCopier,
// determines if this DeepCopier can handle the given object.
canCopy: function(source) { return false; },
// starts the deep copying process by creating the copy object. You
// can initialize any properties you want, but you can't call recursively
// into the DeeopCopyAlgorithm.
create: function(source) { },
// Completes the deep copy of the source object by populating any properties
// that need to be recursively deep copied. You can do this by using the
// provided deepCopyAlgorithm instance's deepCopy() method. This will handle
// cyclic references for objects already deepCopied, including the source object
// itself. The "result" passed in is the object returned from create().
populate: function(deepCopyAlgorithm, source, result) {}
function DeepCopyAlgorithm() {
// copiedObjects keeps track of objects already copied by this
// deepCopy operation, so we can correctly handle cyclic references.
this.copiedObjects = [];
thisPass = this;
this.recursiveDeepCopy = function(source) {
return thisPass.deepCopy(source);
this.depth = 0;
DeepCopyAlgorithm.prototype = {
constructor: DeepCopyAlgorithm,
maxDepth: 256,
// add an object to the cache. No attempt is made to filter duplicates;
// we always check getCachedResult() before calling it.
cacheResult: function(source, result) {
this.copiedObjects.push([source, result]);
// Returns the cached copy of a given object, or undefined if it's an
// object we haven't seen before.
getCachedResult: function(source) {
var copiedObjects = this.copiedObjects;
var length = copiedObjects.length;
for ( var i=0; i<length; i++ ) {
if ( copiedObjects[i][0] === source ) {
return copiedObjects[i][1];
return undefined;
// deepCopy handles the simple cases itself: non-objects and object's we've seen before.
// For complex cases, it first identifies an appropriate DeepCopier, then calls
// applyDeepCopier() to delegate the details of copying the object to that DeepCopier.
deepCopy: function(source) {
// null is a special case: it's the only value of type 'object' without properties.
if ( source === null ) return null;
// All non-objects use value semantics and don't need explict copying.
if ( typeof source !== 'object' ) return source;
var cachedResult = this.getCachedResult(source);
// we've already seen this object during this deep copy operation
// so can immediately return the result. This preserves the cyclic
// reference structure and protects us from infinite recursion.
if ( cachedResult ) return cachedResult;
// objects may need special handling depending on their class. There is
// a class of handlers call "DeepCopiers" that know how to copy certain
// objects. There is also a final, generic deep copier that can handle any object.
for ( var i=0; i<deepCopiers.length; i++ ) {
var deepCopier = deepCopiers[i];
if ( deepCopier.canCopy(source) ) {
return this.applyDeepCopier(deepCopier, source);
// the generic copier can handle anything, so we should never reach this line.
throw new Error("no DeepCopier is able to copy " + source);
// once we've identified which DeepCopier to use, we need to call it in a very
// particular order: create, cache, populate. This is the key to detecting cycles.
// We also keep track of recursion depth when calling the potentially recursive
// populate(): this is a fail-fast to prevent an infinite loop from consuming all
// available memory and crashing or slowing down the browser.
applyDeepCopier: function(deepCopier, source) {
// Start by creating a stub object that represents the copy.
var result = deepCopier.create(source);
// we now know the deep copy of source should always be result, so if we encounter
// source again during this deep copy we can immediately use result instead of
// descending into it recursively.
this.cacheResult(source, result);
// only DeepCopier::populate() can recursively deep copy. So, to keep track
// of recursion depth, we increment this shared counter before calling it,
// and decrement it afterwards.
if ( this.depth > this.maxDepth ) {
throw new Error("Exceeded max recursion depth in deep copy.");
// It's now safe to let the deepCopier recursively deep copy its properties.
deepCopier.populate(this.recursiveDeepCopy, source, result);
return result;
// entry point for deep copy.
// source is the object to be deep copied.
// maxDepth is an optional recursion limit. Defaults to 256.
function deepCopy(source, maxDepth) {
var deepCopyAlgorithm = new DeepCopyAlgorithm();
if ( maxDepth ) deepCopyAlgorithm.maxDepth = maxDepth;
return deepCopyAlgorithm.deepCopy(source);
// publicly expose the DeepCopier class.
deepCopy.DeepCopier = DeepCopier;
// publicly expose the list of deepCopiers.
deepCopy.deepCopiers = deepCopiers;
// make deepCopy() extensible by allowing others to
// register their own custom DeepCopiers.
deepCopy.register = function(deepCopier) {
if ( !(deepCopier instanceof DeepCopier) ) {
deepCopier = new DeepCopier(deepCopier);
// Generic Object copier
// the ultimate fallback DeepCopier, which tries to handle the generic case. This
// should work for base Objects and many user-defined classes.
canCopy: function(source) { return true; },
create: function(source) {
if ( source instanceof source.constructor ) {
return clone(source.constructor.prototype);
} else {
return {};
populate: function(deepCopy, source, result) {
for ( var key in source ) {
if ( source.hasOwnProperty(key) ) {
result[key] = deepCopy(source[key]);
return result;
// Array copier
canCopy: function(source) {
return ( source instanceof Array );
create: function(source) {
return new source.constructor();
populate: function(deepCopy, source, result) {
for ( var i=0; i<source.length; i++) {
result.push( deepCopy(source[i]) );
return result;
// Date copier
canCopy: function(source) {
return ( source instanceof Date );
create: function(source) {
return new Date(source);
// HTML DOM Node
// utility function to detect Nodes. In particular, we're looking
// for the cloneNode method. The global document is also defined to
// be a Node, but is a special case in many ways.
function isNode(source) {
if ( window.Node ) {
return source instanceof Node;
} else {
// the document is a special Node and doesn't have many of
// the common properties so we use an identity check instead.
if ( source === document ) return true;
return (
typeof source.nodeType === 'number' &&
source.attributes &&
source.childNodes &&
// Node copier
canCopy: function(source) { return isNode(source); },
create: function(source) {
// there can only be one (document).
if ( source === document ) return document;
// start with a shallow copy. We'll handle the deep copy of
// its children ourselves.
return source.cloneNode(false);
populate: function(deepCopy, source, result) {
// we're not copying the global document, so don't have to populate it either.
if ( source === document ) return document;
// if this Node has children, deep copy them one-by-one.
if ( source.childNodes && source.childNodes.length ) {
for ( var i=0; i<source.childNodes.length; i++ ) {
var childCopy = deepCopy(source.childNodes[i]);
return {
DeepCopyAlgorithm: DeepCopyAlgorithm,
copy: copy,
clone: clone,
deepCopy: deepCopy
module.exports = owl;

