Open the popup of the particular div - javascript

When I click on the class="team-single" of id="team-1" then it should open the .team-popup of that particular id.
But it doesn't seem to work.
<div class="team-single" id="team-1">
<div class="team-popup">
<span class="close-btn">x close</span>
<div class="team-single" id=team-2>
<div class="team-popup">
<span class="close-btn">x close</span>
This is what I am using for js
jQuery(".team-single").click(function(e) {
var currentID = || "No ID!";
jQuery(" #currentID .team-popup").css({
display :"block",

I'd reduce what you have to just:
jQuery(".team-single").click(function(e) {

Use find() with this to get current context
jQuery(this).find(".team-popup").css({ display :"block",
// jQuery(".team-popup",this).css({ display :"block",
Why your code did not work :
You stored the ID in a variable, and to access this variable in a selector use:
jQuery("#"+currentID+" .team-popup").

Variables aren't substituted inside strings. If you want to use a variable in a string, you have to use concatenation:
$("#" + currentID + " .team-popup")
But the answers using $(this).find() are better solutions. I'm just posting this so you can understand what was wrong with your code.

Use this:
$(this).children().css("display", "block");


Insert variable into file path string in javascript

Depending on the user selection the variable "team" contains different team names as string. I want then display the according team logos which are saved as .png files. Therefor I want to insert the variable's string into the file path. How to do that?
Thank you.
$('ul.subbar li a').on('click', function(e) { // User clicks on a team in the navbar
e.preventDefault(); // Stop loading new link
var team = $(this).html(); //assign clicked team name to variable
$('.teamLogo').src("'images/Clubs/Germany/' + 'team' + '.png'").alt(team);
<div class="topRow">
<div class="team">
<div class="teamLogo">
<img class="teamLogo" src="images/man united.png" alt="Manchester United">
<div class="selectedClub">Manchester United</div>
You have a problem here:
$('.teamLogo').src("'images/Clubs/Germany/' + 'team' + '.png'").alt(team);
Should probably be something like:
$('.teamLogo').attr('src', 'images/Clubs/Germany/' + team + '.png').alt(team);
(without the extra quotes)
Better answer is to use string interpolation

How to select text value from a variable div id tag?

<div id="Modal<%= index %>">
<input type="text" id="textvalue">
In the above code I need to get value of text field but the problem coming is the div id is variable according to index i.e it may be 'Modal0' or 'Modal1' or 'Modal"n"' depending on value of index. So, if i write $(#textvalue).val() then it is always giving the text entered in id 'Modal0'. What will be solution for this? And the big issue is that I can not use 'Modal0' or 'Modal1' ... id because that is generated dynamically.
you can use closest jquery function like that make dive id is different.
closest will fetch the parent tag.
You should include the parent div in the query as well, for example:
$("#Modal0 input").val();
First you should select the div you´re looking for , then find it's text-input
Im not sure if this is what you're trying to do, but if the clicking of buttons will only affect the ID of the same container div of the input.textvalue element then this will do the trick:
$('div[id^=Modal] #textvalue').val());
$('a').on('click', function(e) {
const ID = $(this).attr('href')
const counterID = ID.substring(ID.length-1);
const targetID = $('div[id^="Modal"]').attr('id');
$('div[id^="Modal"]').attr('id', 'Modal'+(counterID-1));
console.log('DIV ID:', 'Modal'+(counterID-1));
$('button').on('click', function(){
console.log('DIV ID: ' + $('div[id^=Modal]').attr('id'), ' ,TEXT VAL: ' + $('div[id^=Modal] #textvalue').val());
<script src=""></script>
Modal 1
Modal 2
Modal 3
<div id="Modal">
<input type="text" id="textvalue">

strange variable scope in jQuery

I know scope in javascript in sometimes tough but this time I suspect the issue may be jQuery execution order. In the following code I try to define a simple HTML element (simulates a button) in javascript and pass different text to it when mounting it in HTML using jQuery:
var name;
var buttonsecondary = '<div class="buttonsecondary clicked"><p>'+name+'</p></div>';
<script src=""></script>
<div class="content-item" id="things4">
<a href="aFabrica.html">
<div class="itemHome">
<div class="bg" id="buttonsecondaryfabrica"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
var name = "A Fábrica";
<div class="content-item">
<a href="lojas.html">
<div class="itemHome">
<div class="bg" id="buttonsecondaryloja"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
var name = "Loja";
The problem is that I get the same text on both buttons: "Store" although in the first alert getting "Street" and in the second "Store"...
Does anyone know how to explain it?
The problem is that the buttonsecondary variable already contains the final HTML of the button because it's merely a concatenated string.
You need to generate the desired HTML each time:
function generateButton(name)
return '<div class="buttonsecondary clicked"><p>' + name + '</p></div>';
var name = "A Fábrica";
var name = "Loja";
In your original code, you are creating a string with variables that are changed later on. When you change the variables, the string does not get updated because the variables are not bound. You need to create a new string if you want to pass in a new value for the name.
Change this:
var buttonsecondary = '<div class="buttonsecondary clicked"><p>'+name+'</p></div>';
To this:
function createSecondaryButton(name) {
return '<div class="buttonsecondary clicked"><p>' + name + '</p></div>';
Or, since you are using jQuery:
function createSecondaryButton(name) {
return $('<div>').addClass('buttonsecondary clicked')
Then simply call the function:
$("#buttonsecondaryfabrica").after(createSecondaryButton('A Fábrica'));

Add class to element with dynamically added data attribute

Ok, so I have a HTML file, that looks something like this:
while($stuff = $junk->fetch()){ ?>
<div class="top-div" data-place-id="<?php echo $place['id']; ?>"></div>
//some stuff
<span class="expand" data-place-id="<?php echo $place['id']; ?>"></span>
} ?>
As you can see, for each result from a database, a structure like this is being output. Naturally, there are going to be at least a few of these each time.
I wish to make it so, that each time the span is clicked, a class is added to the <div data-place-id=""> where the data-place-id is the same as the clicked elements.
I tried doing it this way:
expandOverlay = function(){
But, this just adds the class to every single element with this class.
Then I tried this:
expandOverlay = function(){
$(".expand").each('click', function(){
var dataAttr = $(this).data();
if($(".place-overlay").data() == dataAttr){
But that didn't work either.
So, how do I get the .data() from my clicked element and how do I find other elements with the same data attribute, so I can assign it a class?
try this,
dataid = $(this).data('place-id');
First grab the data attribute of clicked item
Mave a div selection where data-place-id is same as span's data-place id ny concatenating the attribute selector.
$('span.expand').click(function() {
$('div[data-place-id="' + $(this).data('place-id') + '"]').addClass('is-expanded');
Cristian has it right, but it may not need to be that complex. How about this?
$('span.expand').click(function() {
Doesn't much matter what the data-place-id value is, does it?
this works?
$('span.expand').click(function() {

JQuery onclick attribute undefined in each() loop

Please forgive my awful coding style. I am learning to write a Chrome extension and can't figure out some JQuery stuff. I am trying to parse a document with some rows, each containing a (dynamically generated?) link, the HTML code looks like this:
<div class="row" id="rand">
<div class="display">
<div class="link">
<a name="actionLink" href="#" alt="action" onclick="listener.postAction('form', 'http://***/')" class="alink"><span>Confirm</span></a>
I am grabbing the info the following way:
var $itemArea = $(this).find(".display");
var id = $(this).attr("id");
var alink = $(this).find(".link").find("a");
var onclick = alink.attr("onclick");
console.log("id=" + id);
console.log("alink=" + alink);
console.log("onclick=" + onclick);
Here's the output from JSBin:
"alink=[object Object]"
"onclick=listener.postAction('form', 'http://***/')"
However, when I debug this in Chrome, the value of "onclick" returned by my code is undefined. To make things more confusing, when I inspect the onclick attribute of alink, it shows the correct value? What am I doing wrong?
Try the following to get your var instead
var onclick = $('.link a:first',this).attr('onclick');

