Javascript webpage doesn't work on localhost, but OK as file:/// - javascript

but... file:///home/me/public_html/path/index.html everything works fine...
I'm trying to get a javascript page to run locally. (Using Ubuntu 14.04 and Apache)
When I open the file file:///home/me/public_html/path/to/index.html directory from file manager the webpage javascript runs fine all OK. (by double clicking the index.html file)
When I open it in chrome/firefox using localhost/~me/path/to/index.html only the html is rendered - the javascript doesn't run.
What have I missed or have failed to account for?
The js source files look like this:
<script src="libraries/jquery-1.9.0.min.js"></script>
<script src="bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="libraries/prettify/prettify.js"></script>
<script src="libraries/tinycolor.js"></script>
[Solved] it was the subdirectory permissions... they were drwx------and should have been drwxr-xr-x - localhost works now.

Install FireBug in Firefox and view the Console tab. If you found any Network Error, then there is a problem for your Apache to perform requests.
When I faced the same problem, it was the issue of my WAMP stack not able to perform requests due to installation of Bitnami Stacks which were interfering with the Apache of WAMP.


JavaScript 404 Error in IIS

My team is building a web application using Jquery. We are coding it with Visual Studio Code and running locally using npm's http-server.
I am trying to publish the application on a local IIS server to demo to our management team. I created a new site on IIS (for this topic, I'll call it "MyWebApplication"). I copied our code to the MyWebApplication folder under wwwroot. Our application, however, is not displaying properly from the server--it only displays some of the text, but the menu we created in JavaScript is not showing up.
Looking at the Network tab in the Chrome debugger, I do have an error:
GET http://{iisserver}/scripts/menudata.js?_=1524242509037 404 (Not Found)
The initiator is jquery-3.2.1.min.js:4.
Notice it's looking for the script in the root, http://{iisserver}/scripts/..., not in http://{iisserver}/MyWebApplication/scripts/....
If I expand the scripts folder on the Sources tab of Chrome's debugger, menudata.js and one other script related to our menu are not listed. All other .js files in the folder are.
The menu does show up if I copy my scripts folder from MyWebApplication directly to the wwwroot folder, but I shouldn't have to do that.
Are there any ideas on what I can do to make this script accessible from my IIS?
This is IIS 7.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2.
This is a 404 log entry from the IIS log:
2018-04-23 14:29:16 x.x.x.x GET /scripts/menudata.js _=1524493754277 80 - x.x.x.x Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/65.0.3325.181+Safari/537.36 404 0 2 187

IDEA Failed to load resource

I want to debug my html + javascript site in IDEA and Chrome browser.
When I press 'debug' in console i got:
Failed to load resource file:///C:/js/angular.min.js
As I undestand, I need to set root path of my web site in properties. But where this option?
Such urls (site root-relative, the ones starting with slash) can't be properly resolved when opening file locally (using file:// protocol) - the browser will search for these files in your system root (C:/). You need using remote javascript debug configuration (access your html using the web server url rather than local path) to make this work. See for more information on remote javascript debugging in Idea
Note that Idea 12 supports so-called built-in webserver (, so you can test your code without installing a web server.
Instead of accessing from local file system try to access your html + javascript application from a web server by putting those appication files in web server.
Install XAMPP or WAMP in your system and copy your application into the htdocs folder to run that application locally.Also edit the files using IDEA from there.So,you can parallely edit using IEDA and run using XAMPP.

Unable to download Javascript from remote installation (Codeigniter)

I installed my CI application on a remote server (an OpenShift install). I have Javascript files included in the view headers. When I try to access the application, all the Javascript files are stuck in "GET" (looking at firebug Net console) and spin endlessly. Am I missing some specification? Here is an example of what I have in the view header file within the head tags
<script src="<?php echo base_url('js/jquery-1.8.2.js');?>"type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
Turned out that the base_url in applications/config needed to specify https instead of http: which is what I had. This might be an OpenShift deployment thing but it did solve my problem!

How to see Console log output in samsung galaxy S2

I am using samsung galaxy s2 version 2.3.3, i open a web page in android default web browser.
In the Page i put console.log("some info") to debug the page, but i am unable to see the console.log output in my device.Please help me in this.Thanks in advance.
Warning: No Longer Working!
This solution appears to no longer be functional as the web tool has not been maintained over the years.
Try using It's a remote debugger for JavaScript. The setup is basically just injecting a <script> tag in your page. Once connected you can read all the console.log calls from the remote page on JSConsole, as well as execute commands on the client.
Steps to Setup
Go to JSConsole Home Page, and type :listen.
Copy the resulting <script src=""></script>.
Drop that into the page you need to debug.
Open your page in any browser (phone, tablet, desktop, etc). All console.log calls will be forwarded to the window.
There are more details plus a couple of useful videos on the Remote Debugging Page.
In Two ways we can see console.log messages
Using Eclipse
Method 1:
Use WEINRE remote WEb Inspector in REmote. it is a nodejs package. Steps to install WEINRE.
Install nodejs
run this command to install weinre :npm install -g weinre (for
MACsudo npm install -g weinre)
Then launch WEINRE: weinre --boundHost -all- --httpPort 8082, here
8082 is port number where WEINRE is launched.
Then add the following script tag in the HTML/web page you want to
debug or to see console messages, <script
xx.xx.xx.xx is the IP of your machine.
weinredemo is the ID for your page and you can use any of our own.
Then open the page , where you want to see console messages in any mobile device.
Open this page any webkit
There go to console tab and see the messages.
Method 2:
please connect your mobile via USB drive and see the phone listed in ECLIPSE and need to install ANDROID ADT plugin for eclipse to see the console messages in Eclipse.

Image and js is not geting displayed from apache tomcat

I have facing strange problem. I have deployed images and js file in Apache Tomcat directrory but it is not showing on page and a warning is coming up:
Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type text/html: "http://localhost:8084/webApp/img/access.jpg".
Earlier it was working fine but now jquery is also not working and the following error is coming up:
Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
Earlier this error message was appearing in Firefox but Chrome was working fine. But now it is showing the error in Chrome as well.
I have also tried to use the absolute path but no success.
<script src="/webApp/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
<img src="http://localhost:8084/webApp/img/access.jpg"/>
If you are using tomcat, you should locate the resources at $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT folder. From there, you might have access to the files.
You can check the access permissions from terminal. If you use unix / linux, locate to the folder:
And execute the command:
ls -la
This means it can be accessed by everyone, so should be available to everyone accessing to the server by browser
drwxr-x**r-x#** 22 user staff 704 11 jun 01:25 .
You could also try changing the permisions, but your server would be unsure:
sudo chmod a+rx webApp/img/access.jpg
Or go to the webApp folder via cd and execute
sudo chmod -R a+rx .
Deppending on your preferences (the last one means giving permission to all resources on webApp folder, what means givving access to all your projects in server, quite unsure...).
Hope it helps somebody.

