How do I keep SOME double line breaks in wordpress? - javascript

Is there any way to force double line breaks to be preserved?
I mean, NOT across the whole site, but just inside a specific container, only in the editor (javascript). The content saved to the post content should be filtered normally.
Do you know of any property or class that could make wpautop not to catch them and preserve them?
Or what part of wpautop should I hack to make it skip the conversion when the BR tags have some class?
I could add the class manually, and I don't need the modified wpautop filter to run in the whole post or in PHP, just in the editor in JS.


How to style text node with Vue.js?

<div id='app'>{{ userContent }}</div>
In userContent, if a line starts with - I want to style only that line red. I can modify userContent data in js with the class for those lines and use v-html but then I lose XSS protection. Is there any way to have XSS protection with Vue.js but also be able to style the userContent?
I dont think this is possible without creating new elements from the user provided string.
You could parse the string yourself using a regular expression to match the lines starting with a hyphen, something like (?<=\-)(.*?)(?=\n) or \-(.*?)\n, wrap that content in a new element with a class, and then style it, but you would then need to inject that back into the html, which I believe would then open you up to XSS, same as with v-html.
To my knowledge and after a quick search there doesnt seem to be any way to do this purely with CSS.

Convert HTML entities inside <code> tag to display on web site?

Good day,
I'm writing some HTML/CSS code examples on a web site. I'm using the <code> element to mark out my examples.
I'm trying to:
Convert all HTML-tags inside my <code> blocks to be displayed on my web site
Make my examples beautiful with syntax highlighting and maybe even auto indent
I have tried PrismJS and Highlighter.JS but I cannot get any of them to convert the HTML tags. Are you forced to make it server side? And if so are there any PHP-examples or tools for this that works fine with any of the JS-libraries?
Thanks in advance
Well you might do a simple trick to display html and css codes without and tag
You might simply but the text inside a input within the code
Then you might simply style it and give it custom background and everything also it will be easy for the user to copy it but make sure to right the code you want to display inside the html code not on the rendered page or it will not be displayed to the users like this
<input type="text" name="html_test_code">whatever code here</input>
And then the styling of sytax might be done using js easily

Can CKEditor Advanced Content Filter (ACF) allow html comment tag?

Im looking to use CKEditor for a tool that will let users assemble html content from a set of predefined plugin widgets that put placeholder content onto the page. This seems very doable, however I want my html source to contain comments that I will embed flags that I will use to process and replace placeholder content with the needed actual content. It seems that the ACF filter will likely remove any elements that are not configured as allowedContent if the user were to go back and forth with the source button. And I'm not certain it won't remove it as it is added to the current content and moved around.!/guide/plugin_sdk_integration_with_acf
I'm I correct that this would become an issue and if so
can anyone show me an example of how I can configure the ACF allowedContent to keep a html comments in a block like this:
<hr><!-- this is my comment -->
<!-- this is my end comment --><hr>
with out losing the comment in the finial html output? I also do not want to disable filtering with the CKEDITOR.config.allowedContent = true; even if that would work.

How to create an independent HTML block?

I want to know if there is some way to create an independent HTML block .
For more explanation :
My problem is that I have a webpage in which I allow some users can add content (may contain HTML & CSS )
I allow them to add their content inside a certain block , but sometimes their content may not be clean code , and may contain some DIVS with no end , Or even some DIV end with no starting DIV
This sometimes distort my page completely
Is there any way to make their content displayed independently from my parent div , so that my div is first displayed well , and then the content inside it is displayed ?
I'm sorry for long message .
Thanks for any trial to help
sometimes their content may not be clean code , and may contain some
DIVS with no end , Or even some DIV end with no starting DIV This
sometimes distort my page completely
The easiest solution for you is going to be to add the submitted content to your page inside an <iframe>. That way, it doesn't matter if the submitted HTML is invalid.
If you have to worry about users possibly submitting malicious content (such as JavaScript), the problem becomes much harder: you need to sanitize the HTML. I can't tell you how to do this without knowing what server-side language you're using.
My problem is that I have a webpage in which I allow some users can add content (may contain HTML & CSS ) I allow them to add their content inside a certain block , but sometimes their content may not be clean code , and may contain some DIVS with no end , Or even some DIV end with no starting DIV This sometimes distort my page completely
If that is the problem you are trying to solve, then having some markup to say a chunk of code was independent wouldn't help: They might include the "End of independent section" code in the HTML.
If you want to put the code in a page, you need to parse it, sanitise it (using a whitelist) to remove anything potentially harmful and then generate clean markup from the DOM.
you could use Static iframes.
check this out
The safest way is to restrict the tags they can submit, and validate/sanitize those that they do, similar to the way we can use markup on here.
Having unchecked HTML injected into your page is asking for trouble.
Failing that, good old iframe will do the trick.
Okay, i belive there is something you can do, but it can require some time. You can use a parser to go through the users html, and get the tags and their content, and recreate the html making it clean.
But, as there are a lot of tags that can be used, or even invented tags, than you can limit the tags that the user are able to use in their html. You put a legend with the acceptable tags.
There are some pretty good html parsers for php, but they may break for some very bad html code, so this is why i suggest you just recreate it based on the parsing with a limited subset of acceptable tags.
I know it's a difficult/time consuming solution, but this is what i have in mind

Is there a NO-OP tag in HTML?

I am looking for a tag that i can use to mark out a position in the html, which i can then find later using JQuery. However, I need the tag to be as useless as possible: even empty divs and spans can cause the layout to change depending on the CSS rules you set. For that matter, even rubbish tags that html doesn't understand seem to acquire styles from css, and I don't think there is any way to find comments via DOM traversal?
This tag will be used to mark out the start and end of a chunk of HTML to be Ajaxed. I do not want to wrap the whole chunk in a div or span (which i what i'm doing now), because this can affect how the CSS cascades and i want the fact that the html is marked out as a chunk to be completely transparent to the programmer (me).
Any ideas?
edit: I just thought of using empty script tags. Those should be completely inert and invisible. I shall look into it
edit: How could i forget about display: none? stupid stupid stupid
Script tags
Anchor tags <a name...>
Can you use comment tags: <!-- whatever -->? Parser would allow you to distinguish it.
Given that you're talking about trying to use comments or <script> tags it seems that you don't want the content of your "chunk" to be visible to the user? If so, why can't you just wrap it like this:
<div style="display:none;" id="myChunk1">...your content...</div>
That won't interfere with the layout. If you have multiple "chunks" on the page use class="chunkClass" instead of setting the style inline.
Using jQuery you can easily get access to the content, delete the whole chunk, replace it, make it visible, etc.
If one extra <div> or <span> is screwing up your layout there's probably something else going on with your CSS.
[Responding to the title, not the actual scenario] If PHP is involved, <?php  ?> makes a dandy no-op tag; e.g.,
<p>No space between this<?php
will render as
No space between thisthat.
(except this facility does not do the Right Thing for embedded PHP multi-line tags, so the preceding was coded without any embedded newlines).

