Changing text inside of a dynamically created element - javascript

I want to change the text inside of an element for dynamically created elements. i = 2 because that's Why is it not working?
var loanName = function() {
for(var t=1; t < i; t++) {
$('body').on('keyup', '.loanNameV'+t, function () {
var loanN = $('.loanNameV'+t).val();

$('body').on('keyup', '[class^="loanNameV"]', function () {
var numbesideclass = ($(this).attr('class').split('loanNameV'))[1];
var loanN = $(this).val();
Note: this code will work if you don't have another class for loanNameV elements like class="loanNameV1 anotherclass anotherclass" in this case this code will not work as expected


JQuery not able to get dynamic HTML element [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
jQuery .on() event doesn't work for dynamically added element
(3 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have this problem in JQuery and I can't seem to get past this issue.
I have a dynamically generated list of Li elements, and for each Li element I want to attach an On Hover so that a dropdown shows below the Li element. The catch is the Li elements are generated dynamically.
I have tried using .on("hover"), but nothing triggeres the event. The following is my code.
//On Init
$( document ).ready(function() {
$(".app").on("hover", function () {
console.log('test'); //Does not trigger
$(".app").on("mouseenter", function () {
console.log('test'); //Does not trigger
//Load JSON file to generate app listing
function generateList(){
//Load JSON file
$.getJSON('json/adapters.json', function (json) {
var listCol = 5;
var ul = $('#container-apps');
//Generate app list from adapters.JSON
json.adapters.forEach(function (adapter) {
//Count adapter for no result function
adapterCount += 1;
var link =;
var git = adapter.git;
var img = adapter.image;
var name =;
//Appending the HTML elements
//List element
var li = $("<li>").attr("class", "app").appendTo(ul);
var a = $("<a>").attr({
"href": "javascript:void(0);",
var image = $("<img>").attr("src", img).appendTo(a);
var label = $("<div>").attr("class", "item-name black-font").html(name).appendTo(a);
//Hover element
var hoverContainer = $("<div>").attr("class", "hoverContainer").appendTo(li);
var hoverUL = $("<ul>").appendTo(hoverContainer);
var hoverPageLi = $("<li>").appendTo(hoverUL);
var hoverPageA = $("<a>").attr({"href": link, "target":"_blank", "class":"app-link"}).html("SDK").appendTo(hoverPageLi);
var hoverGitLi = $("<li>").appendTo(hoverUL);
var hoverGitA = $("<a>").attr({"href": git, "target":"_blank", "class":"app-link"}).html("Github").appendTo(hoverGitLi);
//Generate dummy box for responsive
for (var i = 0; i < (listCol); i++) {
$('<li class="item flex-dummy"></li>').appendTo(ul);
$(function () {
console.log('test'); //Does not trigger
Try this syntax:
$("body").on("click", ".app", function(){
//do something

onclick() automatic firing on loading but failing afterwards

I understand that onclick() in html with parenthesis calls automatically. But in my situation, I want to pass a parameter into the onclick function(specifically, the element clicked). So how do I manage this without having onclick fired when the page loads? In addition, the onclick method does not fire after its automatically firing upon loading. My code is below:
for (i = 0; i < returnPostPhotoSrcs().length; i++) {
// var photosArray=returnPhotoNames()
// var imgName=photosArray[i]
var imgSrcArray=returnPostPhotoSrcs();
var imgSrc=imgSrcArray[i]
var postNamesArray=returnPostNamesArray();
var postName=returnPostNamesArray[i]
var img=img_create(imgSrc,postName,'');;
var postNamesArray=returnPostNames();
var innerSpan = document.createElement('span');
innerSpan.onmousedown=playShout(innerSpan); //problem line
var text = postNamesArray[i];
innerSpan.innerHTML = text; // clear existing, dont actually know what this does
var outerSpan = document.createElement('span');
outerSpan.onmousedown=playShout(outerSpan); //another problem line, also doesnt call onclick
var li = document.createElement('li');
var imgSpacer=img_create('spacerSource',"spacer",'')"25px";;
// if (i>0 && i<returnPostPhotoSrcs().length-1) {
// hackey
var imgSpacer=img_create('spacerSource',"spacer",'')"25px";;
// }
var outerDiv = document.getElementById("postDivOuter");
Adding onto this you could also do:
img.onmousedown= function(e) { playShout(e) };
//for playshout
playshout = function(e) {
var element =; //this contains the element that was clicked
The function fires because you are calling it. You need to use a closure
img.onmousedown= function() { playShout(img) };
As others have shown, you can create an anonymous function, or another option is to use .bind():
innerSpan.onmousedown = playShout.bind(null, innerSpan);

Copy/Paste element with jQuery

I have a div that I'm appending to another div when a button is clicked. I'm also calling a bunch of functions on the div that gets created.
<a onClick="drawRect();">Rect</a>
function drawRect(){
var elemRect = document.createElement('div');
elemRect.className = 'elem elemRect'; = "absolute"; = "#ecf0f1"; = "100%"; = "100%"; = "100";
var createDefaultElement = function() {
var handleDblClick = function() {
var renderUIObject = function(object) {
var makeDeselectable = function() {
I could clone the element when the browser detects a keydown event
$(window).keydown(function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 77) {
return false;
then append it to #canvas. But the problem is, none of the functions I mentioned above get called with this method.
How can I copy/paste an element (by pressing CMD+C then CMD+V) and call those above functions on the cloned element?
The jQuery.clone method returns the cloned node. So you could adjust your code to do something like this:
var myNodes = $('.ui-selected').clone();
myNodes.each(function () {

How can i optimize my Jquery code?

I've created some JavaScript using Jquery, for the page animation :
I trying to optimize it since i repeat the same thing for subtab1, subtab2, subtab3.
The same function is executed for all of them, and the only thing is changes is variable i iterating on?
Any suggestion?
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
var $defensivo = $('#defensivoimg');
var $equilibrado = $('#equilibradoimg');
var $activo = $('#activoimg');
var $defensivoSubTab = $('#subtab1');
var $equilibradoSubTab = $('#subtab2');
var $activoSubTab = $('#subtab3');
var $fundosdiponiveis = $('#fundosdiponiveis');
var $fundosdiponiveisTab = $('#tabs1');
$'click', function () {
$fundosdiponiveis.removeClass("subshow show").addClass("hide");
$'click', function () {
$fundosdiponiveis.removeClass("subshow show").addClass("hide");
$'click', function () {
$fundosdiponiveis.removeClass("subshow show").addClass("hide");
For a while:
var $fundosdiponiveis = $('#fundosdiponiveis');
This is my default div.
var $defensivoSubTab = $('#subtab1');
var $equilibradoSubTab = $('#subtab2');
var $activoSubTab = $('#subtab3');
That divs apears when i clicking on one of the following tabs:
var $defensivo = $('#defensivoimg');
var $equilibrado = $('#equilibradoimg');
var $activo = $('#activoimg');
And that button hides and changes style"display" to none, on click, of my three #subtab's
var $fundosdiponiveisTab = $('#tabs1');
Any suggestion?
You could write a function that returns the proper function:
function createShowTabFunc(tab) {
return function () {
$fundosdiponiveis.removeClass("subshow show").addClass("hide");
Then assign your click handlers:
$'click', createShowTabFunc($defensivoSubTab));
$'click', createShowTabFunc($equilibradoSubTab));
$'click', createShowTabFunc($activoSubTab));
Have a common class attribute to all the tab's and you just need to write $('.class').click() and in this get the id of the corresponding tab and according to the id fetched by attr function, you can have an if else to define your variables inside the if else and execute your code block.

Bind function to the event "onclick" of the elements of an array of buttons

Preamble: I'm Italian, sorry for my bad English.
This is my problem:
I want to assign a function to a set of buttons.
I need to send a parameter to the function.
this is the code that I've tried:
function test(atxt) {
var buttons = $('.tblButton');
for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
function sayHello(txt){alert('hello' + txt)};
...getting the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLButtonElement> has no method 'onClick'
can you tell me where I went wrong and how can I fix it?
EDIT: I need iteration because I need the 'id of the button as a parameter of the function so i need to do buttons[i].onClick(sayHello(buttons[i].id))
Supposed to be
$(buttons[i]).on('click', function() { sayHello(atxt) });
If you want to get the current button id then I think you are looking for this..
for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
$(buttons[i]).on('click', function() { sayHello( });
If you want to iterate through all of the buttons then you have to do that with .each() handler of the jquery:
$(".tblButton").each(function () {
checkout the jsbin:
Would this not work for your example: Do you have another reason for the iteration?
function test(atxt) {
function sayHello(txt){alert('hello' + txt)};
OR optionally if the elements are static and present:
function test(atxt) {
function sayHello(txt){alert('hello' + txt)};
Alternate approach: just change
to this style:
var txt = "fred";
var atext = "hello" + txt;
function sayHello(atext) {
$('.tblButton').on('click', function() {
//below here just to demonstrate
$('.tblButton').eq(0).click();//fires with the fred
txt = "Johnny";// new text
atext = 'hello' + txt;
$('.tblButton').eq(1).click();//fires the Johnny
see it working here:
SO based on your note:
this markup and code:
<button class="tblButton" id="Ruth">Hi</button>
<button class="tblButton" id="Betty">Hi again</button>
$('.tblButton').on('click', function() {
alert("Hello "+$(this).attr("id"));
$('.tblButton').eq(0).click();//fires with the Ruth
$('.tblButton').eq(1).click();//fires the Betty

