Access JavaScript array object in PHP [duplicate] - javascript

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What is the difference between client-side and server-side programming?
(3 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have a JSON data about 150 users, i have convert that into java script array, now what i want it to pass this array to PHP, So that i can perform further operations on this array.
var JSONString = '[{'user_id' : "1", "user_name" : "abc", "email":""}, {"user_id":"2", "user_name":"abc", "email":""}]'
var JSONObject = JSON.parse(JSONString);
for (var key in JSONObject) {
if (JSONObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
console.log(JSONObject[key]["user_id"] + ", " + JSONObject[key]["user_name"]);
now what i need it to pass this array to PHP array variable , that will loop through and perform further operation.
i have seen some solution that display it on html with JavaScript, but i don't need that. i need this array object in php array variable.

Instead of parsing JSON string in JavaScript, pass it directly to PHP and use
PHP function
json_decode($json, true)
it will give you data in array format.


Get value of json file in javascript(nodejs) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I access and process nested objects, arrays, or JSON?
(31 answers)
Closed 9 months ago.
So i want to get a value from a json file, but for the life of it, i cant get to understand what to write.
So if someone could help me write this line of code in javascript node, i would be grateful.
I am trying to get the value of "totalCount"
This is from a library called GeoDb just for context.
const timezone = require("./TimezonePortugal.json"); //referencing the json
console.log(timezone.metadata); // i dont know what to say afther this
"." means inside.
If you want to get value of totalCount you have to think like this:
timezone.metadata.totalCount = totalCount inside the metada, metadata inside the timezone
For example:
var timezone=
"countryCodes": ["PT","YT",],
"metadata": {

receive string from input and convert it to javascript object [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Safely turning a JSON string into an object
(28 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I want to receive my javascript object such as
{ "user": { "active": true, "dob": '1988-09-11', "group": 14, "department: "business"" } }
from input using a node package such as readline-sync and store it as an object to be able to access to the values seperately using their keys. The readline-sync stores my input as an string I tried to convert it to javascript object using
let obj= JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(stringObj));
but still it is string.
Is it possible to receive a string from the input and convert it object?
JSON.stringify() Receives an object and returns a string. If what you want to do is the inverse (convert a JSON string into an object), you need to use JSON.parse()
Then, what you want is:
let obj = JSON.parse(stringObj);

How to get data from Json Object using javascript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I access and process nested objects, arrays, or JSON?
(31 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I'm getting data as a json object
var data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));
On data console I got this. I want to get key and its value .
{lobby: {…}}
Parse JSON to Object var data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
Use Object.keys(data); to get all keys
Use data.key or data['key'] to get key value.

How to get all the keys in nested json object in java script [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I access and process nested objects, arrays, or JSON?
(31 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Hi below is my json string which is available in javascript
"101":{"my":"1", "u":"4", "s":false, "isChecked":true},
"102":{"my":"2", "u":"4", "s":false, "isChecked":false}
"1000":{"my":"999", "u":"888", "s":true, "isChecked":true}
Now -for example- I want to get the values of the isChecked property for each key:
"101" "isChecked" is true
"102" "isChecked" is false
"1000" "isChecked" is true
Could please you share any useful snippet of code for this scenario?
Use for statement to go through the object:
var data = { /* your data here */ }
for (var key in data) {
console.log(key, data[key].isChecked);

parsing json string using json parse method [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I access and process nested objects, arrays, or JSON?
(31 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Hi friends I have a I have a json string as shown below. How to parse the string to get day,min_amount,max_amount values .
Just use JSON.parse. The syntax for accessing a value is simple:
obj = JSON.parse(json)
day = obj[0].day
min_amount = obj[0].day
max_amount = obj[0].day
The great thing about Javascript is how simple it is to use JSON, because JSON is just a serialized version of plain-old javascript hashes, arrays, and scalars.
It's already in object form. SO use this :
var x = [{"day":"1970-01-01","min_amount":"0.00","max_amount":"0.00"},{"day":"1970-01-02","min_amount":"1.00","max_amount":"2.00"}]
Here is the working example :
As you may not have noticed, JSON is JavaScript synthax.
<script type="text/javascript">
var data = [
Dumping it directly in the JavaScript code is perfectly valid.
But if you are fetching this data at run time and have the information as a string, you can convert it using JSON.parse(string).
The information can be then read from this structure by the variables data[0].day, data[0].min_amount, data[0].max_amount, data[1].day, data[1].min_amount, data[1].max_amount.

