How to use linq.js except - javascript

I am trying to use linq.js to remove a object from a array. I am customizing highcharts and i need to modify the series. I identified the object I want to remove using .where. When I run it through the Except it is not throwing any errors. it just doesn't filter the object out.
object that I want to remove from the series
var matchingSeries = Enumerable.From(series).Where('x => == "' + item + '"').First();
trying to get this to work
var newSeries = Enumerable.From(series).Except(matchingSeries).ToArray();
I would like to use the id as the identifier. the id is nested in

In LINQ in C#, Except deals with two lists. Remove the First() call from your first statement to return a list of items that can be matched against the first list.


JavaScript - Undo sorting of an Array

I'm making a sortable table. The table data is from an array of objects. I need to be able to sort the array based on the properties
an object looks like this:
"AbsenceReservationID": 7220,
"Name": "DGM",
"RequestState": "Goedgekeurd",
"From": "2017-03-21T00:00:00+01:00",
I'm using lodash, so I can easily sort my array using the following syntax:
myArr = _.sortBy(myArr , "Name");
myArr = _.sortBy(myArr , "Name").reverse;
However I'm stuck at the last sorting method. I need to be able to undo the sort but I can't figure out a good way to do this. Here's how it would work:
1st click - sort asc
2nd click - sort desc
3rd click - remove sorting
on this property
I think the hard part is when the user sorts on mutliple properties, so for example
How can I achieve this removal of a property sort?
You basically have three choices:
Don't offer the "unsorted" option
Remember the original order (perhaps by adding a property for it), and for the "unsorted" option, sort on that property
For instance, you can add an originalIndex property:
_.forEach(myArr, function(e, i) { e.originalIndex = i; });
Then myArr = _.sortBy(myArr, "originalIndex"); will get the original order back.
Keep the original array somewhere (since _.sortBy creates a copy), and use the original array again when you want the "unsorted" version
You can use to create an original copy:
var oldArr = myArr.slice(); // gives you a new copy.
You can use oldArr after sorting.
Where are you getting the data from initially? (service)
If it is coming from a service call - would recommend simply re-calling that service and setting the data equal to the data retrieved again.
If you don't want to make a call to the service again, simply create two objects in JS sortingData and unsortedData. Then when you use the lodash method, simply apply it only to the sortingData array. On the third click, do
sortingData = unsortedData;
Where are you getting the data from initially? (manually created)
The same approach of having two objects applies here. Once the data has been created, before you allow sorting to be done, set the unsortedData to the data that you have generated. e.g.
unsortedData = data;

Building Applescript ObjectSpecifier With Name in Javascript

Is there a way to build an ObjectSpecifier using name instead of array number in Javascript Applescript?
search = ObjectSpecifier().buttons["Add"].value
items = items.groups.whose({_match:[search,"Selected"]})
The index for "add button" is different in each item, so if I build the ObjectSpecifier with buttons[3] Instead of buttons["Add"], it only returns the items that have add button at the index 3. I also tried "ObjectSpecifier().buttons.byName("Add").value", but it doesn't work.
buttons["Add"].value should work. Make sure all the items in the arrays you're filtering have buttons["Add"] in them. If not, filter out the ones who don't have buttons["Add"] first, and then filter again with buttons["Add"].value.

Underscore JS, Grouping by an array Attribute.

I'm trying to use Javascript to group an array by one of it's attributes.
Essentially I have a list of e-mail templates, and I'm trying to group them by the category that they are in so that I can make a collapsible accordion with it later.
I think I might have the syntax of underscore JS wrong, or I'm addressing my array incorrectly. Currently I am calling groupby using the following command:
console.log(_.groupBy(result, 'im_category'));
but my array looks like the 'im_category' property is hidden under the attributes function. I'm not sure how to get there.
I've attached my console.log of what the array looks like and what happens when I run that command. (I get three different objects when I should get 2 if it's working correctly. )
Your im_category is a property of the attributes object in your businessEntity - _.groupBy is looking for properties of businessEntity. You need to create a function as iteratee:
var grouped = _.groupBy(result, function (item) {
return item.attributes.im_category;

How to check if an array of string elements is found inside another array with jQuery.inArray()?

I have a <SELECT multiple="multiple"> box with options.
I store the selected options in a JS variable - selectedFeatures.
I want to pass selectedFeatures array variable of options to jQuery.inArray() - but the function is designed to take and check for one value only.
I can show/hide( or filter ) the markers on my map if I actually specify an index of an element like so: selectedFeatures[0] inside inArray()
..but since I may select multiple options from a select box this method of filtering doesn't work.
How can I check if an array of items in found inside another array with JS/jQuery?
// store selected options as an array of string elements inside the variable
var selectedFeatures = $("#features").val();
// for every element inside 'markers.houses' array...
$(markers.houses).each(function(index, elem){
// check if any of the values inside the 'selectedFeatures' array are found
// also inside a sub-array 'features' inside every element of 'markers.houses'
// array. if 'true' show that particular marker, otherwise hide the marker
if(jQuery.inArray(selectedFeatures, elem.features) !== -1 || jQuery.inArray(selectedFeatures, elem.features) > -1){
Fig 1.1 - store selected options in an array variable and use it with jQuery.inArray()
What you are asking for can be solved with PHP's array_diff function. I know you're not using PHP, but that's why there is array_diff on PHPJS, a project dedicated to porting PHP functions into JavaScript.
Anyway, to solve this you basically want to call array_diff(selectedFeatures,elem.features).length == 0. (You may need to swap the arguments around, I'm not sure which array is which in your question)
array_diff returns the elements of the first array that are not present in the others. If all of the elements in the first array are also in the second array (ie. array1 is a subset of array2), then the returned array will be empty, hence its length is zero.
Check this library: underscore.js
And you could use _.difference(array, *others).
Or you can create your own function to check if values from one array are in another array.

JQuery: Append to listbox - setting JSON data as value

I'm trying to append all the selected items from listbox 1 to listbox 2, and it's working fine. The problem is that I want to set the item values of the listitems on listbox 2 to an ID i get from JSON.
I have the ID from JSON, but I'm not sure how to set the values when I use appendTo.
Here's the code I'm using now, when the values is set to "0":
$('#ListBox1 option:selected').appendTo('#ListBox2');
I think I have to do something like this:
var numberOfSelectedItems = $('#ListBox1 option:selected').length;
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfSelectedItems; i++)
var ID = data.array[i].ID; //This is the ID value from JSON.
//TODO: Set the ID as value on each selected item
Please help =)
You should be able to set use the .attr() jQuery function to set the id on each item, perhaps combined with using Javascript's helpful array functions to the next ID in the list.
Something like...
$('#ListBox1 option:selected')
.attr('id', data.array.shift())
JQuery allows you to chain together successive operations on a given selection, so you can set the id attribute on each before appending it to your second list.
data.array.shift just removes and returns the first item in the array, so each time this is called (for each list item) you'll get the next id assigned to the list item being processed.
Of course, if you need use data.array afterwards you may need to copy it first.

