How to access JSON Object.$$state.value? - javascript

Warning: I'm going to sound like I have no idea what I'm talking about here, because I kind of don't. I'm in the process of self-learning Javascript and AngularJS through a lot of trial and error coding.
I have some javascript code (hesitant to copy here because it's a mess) that returns an Object with the following structure:
What I want to save to a variable is the object corresponding to Object.$$state.value in the picture. This object has username, hash and salt, which are what I care about. I don't know what all the other stuff like $$state are or how they got there.
However, if I do this (let's call the main Object "whatIHave"):
var whatIWant = whatIHave.$$state.value;
this does not work. whatIWant is null.
Does anyone recognize what's going on here? What is $$state, how did it get there, and how can I extract the value I want?

So that is a promise. You need to do something like:
whatIHave.then(function(whatIWant) {
// Work here
I highly recommend you to research what a promise is (like this link)
If you're curious enough, about what is that $$state and what is that value, I will explain a bit:
The promises have a $$state and there angular saves all the callback functions you want to call in a pending array (all those function you registered with .then like I explained before).
It also have the status: resolved (1) and rejected (2)
Finally, when you resolve or reject the promise, the value you pass when doing that, is saved in value.
You're trying to cheat in here, because when you try to access that value, it could be not there yet (that is what async is all about).
So the idea is learning the basic of promises, learning how to work with them and then use your whatIHave correctly.


Return from Model.update()

I was checking Sequelize's examples and documentation the other day, and I came across:
{ where:
{ id: req.params.albumId },
returning: true /*or: returning: ['*'], depending on version*/
I was very exited when I saw this. A very good way to avoid quite a few lines of code. What I was doing before was to get the object by Model.findOne(), re-set every field to their new values and invoke the instance method .save(), instead of using a static method like that.
Needless to say I was quite happy and satisfied when I saw that such static method existed, disappointing however, was to learn the method only returns the instance it updates if you're running Sequelize with PostgreSQL.
Very sad to learn that, as I'm using MySQL.
The method sure, issues a SQL statement containing the proper UPDADE string in it, but that's it. I don't know if it hit anything, and I don't have a copy of the updated data to return.
Turns out I need a Model.findOne() first, in order to know if that object exists with that id(and/or other filtering parameters), the Model.update() to issue the updates and finally a Model.findByPk() to return the updated model to the layer above (all of it inside a transaction, naturally). That's too much code!
Also during the update, if there's a UniqueConstraintError exception thrown (witch can be quite common), it's errors[] array carries no valid model 'instance', it's just 'undefined', so it complicates matters if you want details about what happened and/or throw custom error messages defined inside the models.
My questions are: Are there workarounds out there better than those I'm already implementing? Any sequelize plugins that may give me that with MySQL? Any sequelize beta code that can give me that? Is there any effort by the part of the sequelelize dev team to give us that? I'd appreciate any help given.
I'm running Sequelize version is 6.7.0, with Node.js v14.17.5.
Ps.: I even realized now that static Model.update() under MySQL will even update something that doesn't exist without complaining about it.

Using Angular Http.Get() synchronously

I have a very simple requirement:
I'm writing a authorization service for an Angular site (Angular 7 it makes a difference).
The service needs a "hasPermission" function which takes a user and a resource name. It makes an Http.Get() call to a backend to determine whether or not the user is authorized to access that resource. When, and ONLY WHEN, the data comes back from the Get() call, it returns true or false.
I have been searching the web for about a week trying to figure out how to do it. My problem is that the Http.Get() returns an observable AND THEN CONTINUES. Which means the function returns before it receives the data back on which to make a decision. The same thing if I use the Http.Get().toPromise() - the function continues as soon as the promise is created.
It seems like every "solution" I read is some variant of "return a promise" or "return an observable". But then it's analagous to "It's turtles all the way down" -in this case, it's promises (or observables) all the way up. At some point there needs to be a method that waits for and returns the data, not a promise of the data or an observable of the data.
I need some way to add a "waitForDone" after creation of the observable or promise and before the function returns its value, but from everything I can find, you can't do that in JavaScript because it's single-threaded.
Note, I can't, as some solutions have suggested, "Just put the code after the http.get(...) in a separate function and call it from success callback" because the code to be execute needs to return from this function.
And async/await doesn't do it, because async turns the whole function into a promise, so, even though the await may wait for the Get() to return the data, the function will still have gone on and returned to the caller before it had the data it needed.
It doesn't seem to me that this is an unusual requirement. While it's nice to be able to issue a request then go do something else while you wait for the data to come back, there have to be times when you MUST HAVE the data before you can do anything else.
Any help is appreciated.
You can use the async-await syntax: instead of
you could put async in the function declaration and then go as follows
const someVal = await get(someArgs).toPromise();
doStuff(someVal); // this line won't execute until get() has resolved the promise
But, fundamentally, it is turtles all the way down. It's syntactic sugar atop of the Promise recipe, and that's what it gets transpiled to (if you transpile it).

How do I resolve an infinite Javascript promise?

I'm using the Apollo GraphQL library, and at one point it returns a promise. I can see that it's a resolved promise when I inspect it in the console:
Promise {[[PromiseStatus]]: "resolved", [[PromiseValue]]: Object}
However, when I Promise.resolve(thatPromise) I get back ... the same promise. No matter how many times I resolve the promise, it keeps returning a promise, making it impossible to access the promise's value.
I know the value is in there (if I inspect [[PromiseValue]] it's a plain object with values) ... I just can't figure out how to get it out at the code level instead of in the browser console.
Has anyone ever run in to something like this, and if so were you able to figure out how to extract the value of such an infinitely resolving promise?
P.S. I did try:
but it appears to be a special browser value that you can't access from the code.
P.P.S. Just realized it may or may not actually be a promise. I get it by calling response.clone().json(), so while it looks like a promise maybe it's just a clone of a promise, in which case that might explain why I can't resolve it. However, it doesn't explain how I can extract the value.
I think there's weirdness going on here and I'm not reporting all of the relevant details. Will post more info as soon as I sort things out better (don't want to send anyone on a wild goose chase).
There's no reason for you to have to call Promise.resolve to get the value. Remember that Promises are asynchronous. You have to access it's value like this:
myPromise.then(value => {
// do whatever you're going to do with value
You can read up more [here][1] on how Promises work.

Javascript, Node, Promises, and recursion

I'm having trouble controlling execution flow. This is a follow-on to node.js, bluebird, poor control of execution path and node.js table search fails with promises in use. Judging by console.log print-outs, my recursive routine works great, except that the first call to resolve() (a signal to the nth recursive call) gives the green light to follow-on code that shouldn't get that green light until the first call to the recursive routine calls resolve(). It turns out the first call to the recursive routine delivers the answer I want reported, but by the time it reports it, the follow-on code is no longer listening for it and is running blissfully along with an "undefined" answer. Bad.
My code is much to long to share here. I tried to write a small model of the problem, but haven't found the combination of factors to replicate the behavior.
Sound familiar? How do you keep proper control over Promises releasing follow-on code on time?
I thought maybe the first call to the routine could start an array passed into a Promise.all and later calls would add another entry to that array. I haven't tried it. Crazy?
Without seeing your actual code, we can't answer specifically.
Sound familiar? How do you keep proper control over Promises releasing
follow-on code on time?
The answer is always to not resolve the first promise in the chain until you're ready for things to execute and to structure your promise chain so that dependent things don't get executed until the things they are waiting on have been properly resolved. If something is executing too soon, then you're either calling something too soon or your promise structure is not correct. Without seeing your actual code, we cannot know for sure.
A common mistake is this:
which should be:
where you should pass a reference to the next async function rather than calling it immediately and passing its return value.
I thought maybe the first call to the routine could start an array
passed into a Promise.all and later calls would add another entry to
that array. I haven't tried it. Crazy?
You cannot pass an array to Promise.all() and then add things to the array later - that is not a supported capability of Promise.all(). You can chain subsequent things onto the results of Promise.all() or do another Promise.all() that includes the promise from the previous Promise.all() and some more promises.
var someArrayOfPromises = [...];
var pAll = Promise.all(someArrayOfPromises);
var someMorePromises = [...]

How to think when working with promises

I'm working for the first time with async programming, specifically with promises in Javascript and I'm really confused with it. I'm still thinking like we do in C, PHP, C# and so on where for each step the next one can be sure of it's completion. This is easy to work, because if we have a code like that (in C# for example)
IEnumerable<Page> pages = pagesRepository.getAll();
we can be sure in the next line that all pages are available for us to use in the pages object. This makes life easier, because we can already do work with that data properly.
Now, in JS with promises we would have something like
var pages = dataService.getPages();
and this would not return the data, but just a promise which is very different. Of course we can add a callback with then but I'm getting confused, because somewhere else in my code I might need to reference this variable, and I cannot be sure when the callback will be called.
So how do we think when we deal with those things? Is there some tutorial or some videos out there that show in detail how to work with async programming with promises in JS?
Of course we can add a callback with then but I'm getting confused, because somewhere else in my code I might need to reference this variable, and I cannot be sure when the callback will be called.
You don't need to.
The "somewhere else code" will use .then() and yield a new promise for its result, relying on the pages promise. You can easily map the results, or chain other asynchronous tasks. Whenever you need to know about the timing of callbacks because of multiple dependencies, you should use your library's methods for composing promises, like all().
So how do we think when we deal with those things?
Think functional!
Every task in your program should explicitly and only depend on its inputs. A function should try to only use its arguments, not any global variables that contain state.
Is there some tutorial or some videos out there that show in detail how to work with async programming with promises in JS?
General Promise Resources in the wiki of the Q library is a very good start.
The simple answer here is that promises are similar to Task asynchronous programming in C#.
However instead of being able to use the 'await' operator, the 'then' function on a promise is analogous to using 'ContinueWith' to chain Tasks in C#.
Callbacks can get complicated to use across scopes, especially with extensive use of nested anonymous functions, so please give promises a go

