Teamcity build, deploy and run nodejs application - javascript

I have a remote host on an ovh server that I can access with FTP and SSH.
I have a nodeJs backend that runs on this remote server.
I want to build, deploy and run this nodejs server on the remote host from TeamCity.
Actually, I can build the project with TeamCity and it works well, build passing or failing if I have wrong confirations.
Question :
How can I deploy and run my nodejs server , after the building steps, directly within teamcity ?
Thanks for advance

You can create a teamcity remote agent on the target host that you can use to deploy the built code.
you can create a teamcity target that will ssh to the target host and deploy your artefacts generated in the build.
You can get the artefacts from build -> deploy either through teamcity artefacts or through mounted disk volumes(nfs disks)


How to host a Node.js app on AWS EC2 Ubuntu free tier?

I am really new to AWS EC2. I hosted my Express.js on AWS EC2 using PM2.
Here is the current log of EC2 of my app.
I don't know whether this is working or not.
My public IPv4 address is (
If Nginx is required, please guide me through its steps because I have no prior experience.
I am also adding the inbound rules here.
The above url used to give me the following data:
So is the working url.
I would prefer using Docker to run your application in EC2 instead of using PM2, It will be easy for you to migrate your application to any environment irrespective of application dependencies. PM2 is a good deployment tool but the better answer will be DOCKER.
Regarding NGINX, You can use NGINX or APACHE web servers to enable reverse proxy on your Node services to route your 5002 port to 443/80. There also I would suggest using AWS Application load balancer because it will provide the same and easy for you to install SSL certificate using AWS CERTIFICATE MANAGER.
Steps to Docker Node deployment in Ec2
Install DOCKER in your EC2 machine - Follow this reference URL
Clone your NodeJS codebase in the EC2 machine and add Dockerfile in the root folder in your codebase. Below I will add the Dockerfile sample.
Build docker image using this command in your root folder of the project docker build --no-cache -t <your_application_name>:latest .
Run NodeJs docker image using the given command
sudo docker run --name <your_application_name> -itd --net="host"
-e 5002:5002
--restart unless-stopped
Now you can start using the application on <your_instance_public_ip>:5002, Make sure to enable the 5002 port in security group inbound access.
In between, Here I'm adding a reference link to use Aws ALB to hide your EC2 IP address and application port number by using reverse proxying rules.
DOCKERFILE Sample for NODEJS application
FROM node:14.0
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# Install app dependencies
# A wildcard is used to ensure both package.json AND package-lock.json are copied
# where available (npm#5+)
COPY package.json /usr/src/app/
RUN npm install
# Bundle app source
COPY . .
CMD [ "node", "server.js" ] # you can add your start command
you should refer to this video (from Brad Traversy) where he deploys the Nodejs application on DigitalOcean droplet using pm2, but for deploying on AWS EC2 you can follow the exact same steps as both use the Ubuntu OS, NGINX and pm2 for configuring the application.

Move my MERN app (developped on windows) on a ubuntu machine and access it via LAN network

It's my first time here so please bear with me :)
Basically i developped a full stack MERN web application on my windows 10 machine (node js, express js and Mongodb in the backend + database and react js for the frontend), to run each one of them for now i use vscode (nodemon server for the backend and npm start for the front) all are running on my localhost on different ports.
what i need to do is to move that MERN app to an ubuntu machine and make it accessible via LAN network of that ubuntu continuously.
i guess i need to use git to move the app from windows to ubuntu? (correct me if i'm wrong) but how to make it run correctly there? and should i install a specific server to run it all on the LAN?
Thank you for the help in advance !

How to start node.js server on Azure Web App service?

I have a create-my-react bootstrapped application that is essentially a website that uses some FETCH API calls to a external API and it is deployed and works fine.
However, I added my own Nodejs backend, by creating a server and using using express for the routes/middleware. Everything works fine locally. I can hit my internal API endpoints (localhost:3000/myapiurlhere) and it performs an action on a database.
I have to run npm start to start up the create-my-react-app locally and then manually run the node server by node src/server.js then my internal API works.
The Azure Web App service is basically a preconfigured server with the Node RUNTIME on it, and it only seems to give you access to the D:\home\site\wwwroot folder (Windows server).
Do I need to find a way to run node server.js command on the server to start my node backend, or should it be running automatically? Also, I'm using create-my-react-app and npm run build , so it creates a build folder with a nested static folder.
I have started up REST APIs on Java on my Linux Ubuntu servers before but never on an App Service like Azure. How can I achieve what I'm trying to do?
Here is my server.js file:
const http = require('http');
const app = require('./app');
const port = process.env.PORT || 3001;
const server = http.createServer(app);
You dont have to do anything special, Have you followed this page on how to deploy basic nodejs app on Azure AppService?
One additional thing you need to do is that pass the Node version on appsettings of the appservice.

how to deploy nodejs api and vuejs app in one server

I have developed node rest api and vuejs web applications,
Im trying to deploy both project in to one aws server which run ubuntu.
Both applications have different port,
domain I try to configure for api and for vue app.
I can run both applications once after running the command in SSH, but I need them to run it forever.
What I did,
Deploy to apps separately
Apps can access with ports
I need them access
what are the step to do,
Any changes host file.
I found another way to deploy vue app and express/nodejs in one server without using PM. This what I did
Build your vue code using npm run build command. This will create a folder dist which should have index.html file and static folder.
Copy dist folder into your server code repository. In my case I created a folder public and moved the dist folder inside public.
In app.js file right before module.exports=app line, copy the following lines of code
//These 2 lines make sure that vue and express app are coming from the same server.
app.use('/static', express.static(path.join(__dirname,"../public/dist/static/")));
app.get('/', function(req,res) {
res.sendFile('index.html', { root: path.join(__dirname, '../public/dist/') });
First line make sure that the /static folder is accessible and second line will serve the index.html file when you run the node server. Routing between components will be taken care by vue.
This is how we are running our VueJS UI and ExpressJS REST API from the same server.
We are managing our services with PM2.
VueJS (Dev Environment, You can add the same settings to production)
In package.json add "start": "HOST='' PORT=80 npm run dev",, where 80 is the port VueJS is listening on, to the "scripts": {..} array. Then, after installing PM2, (for dev) we can start VueJS with cd /location/of/vue/root; sudo pm2 start npm run dev --name Vue -- start. (Make sure that Apache is not running).
Please note that setting the HOST to is important. Do not set it to LocalHost or your Servers IP address or you may run into issues.
In the /location/of/express/app.js add this similar to the bottom of the file:
app.listen(process.env.PORT || 8081), where 8081 is the port your REST API should be listening on. I can then start it with sudo pm2 start /location/of/express/app.js --name Express
At this point, the VueJS should be available at (implied Port 80) and the REST API would be available at
If you want to have point to the API, you need to make sure that your DNS is pointing the "api" subdomain to the desired port, or you may have to add the port into the URL as above.
Additionally, you can easily follow the logs through PM2 as well with pm2 logs APPNAME --lines 100.

Run node.js app remotely on WebStorm?

I have node.js installed on Vagrant and WebStorm access to a project on shared folder via VirtualBox.
Can I run node.js application on WebStorm and see the output on WebStorm (Terminal or SSH)? At the moment I have to keep switching to Putty to run it to see the output, its gets quite tiring.
Running Node.js applications remotely is not currently supported, please follow WEB-6136 for updates.
Debugging remote applications is possible (using Node.js Remote Debug run configuration - see But you can't see the remote process output in WebStorm console, as Stdout of it is not accessible via debug protocol WebStorm uses for remote debugging. Related feature request: WEB-17013
This feature is available through ssh on Webstorm 2017.1
Scroll down to Configuring a remote Node.js interpreter on a host accessible through SSH connection in the link below:

