Extract PresentationNotes from keynote - javascript

I'm having a hard time extracting presentationNotes from a keynote presentation using JXA (Javascript for osx) I don't want to use applescript. There is way more to this script than extracting notes.
It seems rather simple. However when I get the presentationNotes its in an RichText object that doesn't seem to have anyway to get normal text.
So I figured I'd open up textEditor and write them out to it.
Well I can't figure out how to do that.
var app = Application('Keynote')
document = app.documents[0]
slide_name = document.name()
i = 1 // loop through folder contents
folder_name = 'chapter'+i
//create a folder
var textEdit = Application('textEdit')
var doc = textEdit.make({new:'document'})
doc.text = "fsdfsdfs"
var c = 0;
for(slide in document.slides){
var s = document.slides[slide]
var note = s.presentationNotes // returns object specifier
// I've tried lots of things here.
Any ideas or help would be appreciated. I've seen some applescript examples, however I couldn't get them to translate. Apparently applescript as text doesn't relate to toString()

You were almost there. You should not push the text, but push a paragraph object of the text.
Here is a complete example (text only).
It uses the currently open Keynote and TextEdit documents.
var Keynote = Application("Keynote");
var presentation = Keynote.documents[0];
var TextEdit = Application("TextEdit");
var document = TextEdit.documents[0];
document.paragraphs.push( TextEdit.Paragraph({color:"red", size:18}, "presentation: "+ presentation.name()+"\n" ))
for (var i=0; i<presentation.slides.length; i++) {
slide = presentation.slides[i];
slideTitle = slide.defaultTitleItem().objectText();
notes = slide.presenterNotes(); // text only
document.paragraphs.push( TextEdit.Paragraph({color:"blue", size:14}, "\n"+ (i+1) +": "+ slideTitle + "\n") )
document.paragraphs.push( TextEdit.Paragraph({}, notes +"\n") )


Replacing Text with replacetext() and defining said replacement as heading

I have a Google spreadsheet and a Google document. The document is a report which gets filled by the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is also defining what comes into the report. Therefore I have a script, which gathers a bunch of placeholders depending on values in the the document.
After all the placeholders have been inserted in the document (there are a couple of pages before that) it looks kind of like this:
{{text1.1}}//this is already a couple lines of text
I already have a script, which inserts all the text parts and I have set up a script, which should be capable of writing the tables at the correct position. So far I can replace the {{header1.1}}, but if I try to define it as a heading it works, but everything after the header1.1 is also a heading
I've been at this problem for quite a while and didn't get and its always one step forward one step back. Also this is my first question after a couple of years just reading on stackoverflow. I'd appreciate if someone could help.
function myUeberschriftenboi() {
doc = DocumentApp.openById('someID');
var body = doc.getBody();
const plain3style = {};
plain3style[DocumentApp.Attribute.HEADING] = DocumentApp.ParagraphHeading.HEADING3;
var lvl2array = [ "{{header1.1}}" , "{{header1.2}}" ];
var fill2array = [ "Energy" , "Energyflow" ]
var lvl2count = 1;
for( var j = 0 ; j < lvl2array.length ; j++)
var seek = body.findText(lvl2array[j]);
if( seek != null)
body.replaceText(lvl2array[j] , "1.1."+lvl2count+" "+fill2array[j]+"\n");
var seek2 = body.findText("1."+lvl2count+" "+fill2array[j]);

Retrieve the hyperlink on a specific text string within Google Doc using Apps Script

I'm trying to use Google Apps Script to get the hyperlink from a specific string found in this Google Doc.
The string is ||stock||
The hyperlink is https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/?symbol=aapl&qsearchterm=aapl
Any help is greatly appreciated.
The code I'm currently using
function docReport() {
var doc = DocumentApp.openByUrl('https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XNiqgJ_hM2SWjoR-OTsq1w-ZFKvTIERDIs_NOWJpckY/edit');
var body = doc.getBody();
Logger.log(body.getParagraphs().length);//get the number of paragraphs
for (var x=0;x<body.getParagraphs();X++) {
var el = body.getChild(x);
var bodyText = body.getText();
var words = bodyText.match(/\S+/g); // get word count for body - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33338667/function-for-word-count-in-google-docs-apps-script
Logger.log(words.length); // retruns # of words
var paragraphAll = body.getParagraphs(); // gets all paragraph objects in a document
var paragraphText = paragraphAll[1].getText().match(/\S+/g);
Logger.log(paragraphText.length); // retruns # of words in a paragraph
You want to retrieve hyperlink of the text of ||stock||.
If my understanding is correct, for example, how about this sample script? In your situation, the text value which has a link has already been known. The sample script uses this situation.
By the way, from your question, I'm not sure whether there are several values of ||stock|| in the document. So this sample script supposes that there are several values of ||stock|| in the document.
I think that there are several answers for your situation. So please think of this as one of them.
Sample script:
var searchValue = "\\|\\|stock\\|\\|"; // Search value
var body = DocumentApp.openByUrl('https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XNiqgJ_hM2SWjoR-OTsq1w-ZFKvTIERDIs_NOWJpckY/edit').getBody();
var searchedText = body.findText(searchValue);
var urls = [];
while (searchedText) {
var url = searchedText.getElement().asText().getLinkUrl(searchedText.getStartOffset());
searchedText = body.findText(searchValue, searchedText);
Logger.log(urls) // Results
If there is only one search value in the document, you can also use the following script.
var searchValue = "\\|\\|stock\\|\\|";
var body = DocumentApp.openByUrl('https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XNiqgJ_hM2SWjoR-OTsq1w-ZFKvTIERDIs_NOWJpckY/edit').getBody();
var searchedText = body.findText(searchValue);
var url = searchedText.getElement().asText().getLinkUrl(searchedText.getStartOffset());
If I misunderstand your question, please tell me. I would like to modify it.

how to break up the content of a long text file to fit into multiple variables in google apps script?

I have a very long plain text file in my google drive which I need to parse through and select pieces of information through a script. I have successfully pulled out the text and put it into a string variable, but it is so long that the variable only contains about 1/6 of the full document.
This is the code I am using:
function f09ToSpreadsheet() {
var allFilesInFolder,cntFiles,docContent,fileNameToGet,fldr,
thisFile,whatFldrIdToUse;//Declare all variable at once
whatFldrIdToUse = '0B2O23fJ4nQLONlA4RlhuLWp0Y0k';
fileNameToGet = 'Copy of RS_Tionesta_1N.txt';//Assign the name of the file to get to a variable
//Get a reference to the folder
fldr = DriveApp.getFolderById(whatFldrIdToUse);
//Get all files by that name. Put return into a variable
//allFilesInFolder = fldr.getFilesByName(fileNameToGet);
allFilesInFolder = fldr.getFiles();
//Logger.log('allFilesInFolder: ' + allFilesInFolder);
if (allFilesInFolder.hasNext() === false) {
//If no file is found, the user gave a non-existent file name
return false;
cntFiles = 0;
//Even if it's only one file, must iterate a while loop in order to access the file.
//Google drive will allow multiple files of the same name.
while (allFilesInFolder.hasNext()) {
var thisFile = allFilesInFolder.next();
docContent = thisFile.getAs("application/octet-stream");
var string = docContent.getDataAsString();
Logger.log('docContent : ' + string );
The "string" object, when printed to the log, only contains the first part of the text doc.
Is there any way to, say, split up the document into small pieces and store each part in a variable?
I'm afraid I've not tested this so apologies if it doesn't work straight away but could you get your document paragraph by paragraph and append the text like that?
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var body = doc.getBody();
var paras = body.getParagraphs();
paras.forEach(function( para ){
var text = para.getText();
populateSheet( text );

Find text content by char style

I'm just starting with Indesign (CS5) scripting.
I Try to get content (text) by char style.
I made a little script, it's work when I diplay in alert the content, but not when I try to write it to a txt file. do you have any idea ??
var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
var myTextFile = File ("C:/Users/julien/Documents/catalogues/mapping/test.txt");
myTextFile.open ("w");
Products = new Array;
var tosearch = "myStyle" ;
app.findTextPreferences = null
app.changeTextPreferences = null;
app.findTextPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = tosearch;
var myFound = myDoc.findText ();
for (i = 0; i <myFound.length; i++){
myTextFile.write (myFound[i].contents);
myTextFile.write ("\n");
myTextFile.close ();
And last but not list, I try to find on what page data come from, but exept the selected page, I didn't find how to get page number for my "found text".
Many thanks
I just did the "trick" adding a
myTextFile.encoding = 'UTF-8'
just before open my file !!!

Javascript for google image ripping broke with update

I grabbed a few small scripts and threw them together to take google's new image layout and turn back into the old one, then take the images and replace them with the full size versions. Worked great until about last week. Not sure what changed on the server side.
(function() {
// Get list of all anchor tags that have an href attribute containing the start and stop key strings.
var fullImgUrls = selectNodes(document, document.body, "//a[contains(#href,'/imgres?imgurl\x3d')][contains(#href,'\x26imgrefurl=')]");
//clear existing markup
var imgContent = document.getElementById('ImgContent');
imgContent.innerHTML = "";
for(var x=1; x<=fullImgUrls.length; x++) {
//reverse X to show images in correct order using .insertBefore imgContent.nextSibling
var reversedX = (fullImgUrls.length) - x;
// get url using regexp
var fullUrl = fullImgUrls[reversedX].href.match( /\/imgres\?imgurl\=(.*?)\&imgrefurl\=(.*?)\&usg/ );
// if url was fetched, create img with fullUrl src
if(fullUrl) {
newLink = document.createElement('a');
imgContent.parentNode.insertBefore(newLink , imgContent.nextSibling);
newLink.href = unescape(fullUrl[2]);
newElement = document.createElement('img');
newElement.src = decodeURI(fullUrl[1]);
newElement.border = 0;
newElement.title = fullUrl[2];
function selectNodes(document, context, xpath) {
var nodes = document.evaluate(xpath, context, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
var result = [];
for (var x=0; x<nodes.snapshotLength; x++) {
return result;
Google changed the 'ImgContent' id for the image table holder to something slightly more obscure. A quick change had everything working again. I made a simple problem complicated by looking past the easy stuff. Thanks to darvids0n for the enabling, he ultimately pointed out what I was missing.
the script is not going to work as said by bobby .
try this grease monkey script from user script repository.
rip Google image search :- http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/111342

