javascript change css by tag index - javascript

in my code i have around 11 image tags , all of them have an id of "#bigimage"
i want to change the style of an image on each click on a specific button for the specific image
meaning on the first click changing the #bigimage [0]
second click changing the #bigimage [1]
this is what i did:
//click event
$('.jssora05r').click(function() {
var abc=$('#bigimag').length;
var ind=0
$("#bigimag").index(ind).css("display", "block !important");
it's not working, could someone help me?

just declare ind out side of the click event
also you need to change that id selector to some class selector and add same class to all images
var int = 0;
//click event
$('.jssora05r').click(function() {
// change id to some class
var abc=$('.someclass').length;
$(".someclass").index(ind).css("display", "block !important");


jQuery slideDown not working on element with dynamically assigned id

EDIT: I cleaned up the code a bit and narrowed down the problem.
So I'm working on a Wordpress site, and I'm trying to incorporate drop-downs into my menu on mobile, which means I have to use jQuery to assign classes and id's to my already existing elements. I have this code that already works on premade HTML, but fails on dynamically created id's.
Here is the code:
var menuCount = 0;
var contentCount = 0;
//find the mobile menu items
var submenus = $('[title="submenu"]');
if (submenus.length && submenus.parent('.fusion-mobile-nav-item')) {
submenus.addClass('dropdown-title').append('<i id="dropdown-angle" class="fa fa-angle-down" aria-hidden="true"></i>');
submenus.each(function() {
$(this).attr("href", "#m" + menuCount++);
var content = submenus.parent().find('ul.sub-menu');
content.each(function() {
$(this).attr("id", "m" + contentCount++);
$(document).on('click', '.dropdown-title', function(e) {
var currentAttrValue = $(this).attr('href');
if ($('.d-active') || $('.dropdown-title').is('.d-active')) {
} else {
I've registered the elements with the class dropdown-title using $(document).on(...) but I can't figure out what I need to do to register the elements with the custom ID's. I've tried putting the event callback inside the .each functions, I've tried making custom events to trigger, but none of them will get the 2nd to last line of code to trigger. There's no errors in the console, and when I console log the selector I get this:
[ul#m0.sub-menu.dropdown-content, context: document, selector: "#m0"]
So jQuery knows the element is there, I just can't figure out how to register it...or maybe it's something I'm not thinking of, I don't know.
If you are creating your elements dynamically, you should be assigning the .on 'click' after creating those elements. Just declare the 'on click' callback code you posted after adding the ids and classes instead of when the page loads, so it gets attached to the elements with .dropdown-title class.
Check this jsFiddle:
EDIT: Your edited JS code works... There also might be some problem with your HTML or CSS, are you hiding your submenus? Make sure you are not making them transparent.
You're trying to call a function for a attribute, instead of the element. You probably want $(this).slideDown(300).addClass('d-active'); (also then you don't need $(this).addClass('d-active'); before)
Inside submenus.each loop add your callback listener.
As you are adding the class dropdown-title dynamically, it was not available at dom loading time, that is why event listener was not attached with those elemnts.
var menuCount = 0;
var contentCount = 0;
//find the mobile menu items
var submenus = $('[title="submenu"]');
if (submenus.length && submenus.parent('.fusion-mobile-nav-item')) {
submenus.addClass('dropdown-title').append('<i id="dropdown-angle" class="fa fa-angle-down" aria-hidden="true"></i>');
submenus.each(function() {
$(this).attr("href", "#m" + menuCount++);
// add callback here
$(this).click( function(e) {
var currentAttrValue = $(this).attr('href');
if ($('.d-active') || $('.dropdown-title').is('.d-active')) {
} else {
var content = submenus.parent().find('ul.sub-menu');
content.each(function() {
$(this).attr("id", "m" + contentCount++);
Turns out my problem is that jQuery is adding to both the mobile menu and the desktop menu, where the desktop menu is being loaded first when I search for that ID that's the one that jQuery finds. So it turns out I was completely wrong about my suspicions.

Toggling Background Color on Click with Javascript

I am working on a class project and need to be able to toggle the background color of a transparent png on click. I have been working through a number of examples from the site, but I can't get it working. I am a total novice at Javascript and haven't had luck trying to plug in jQuery code either.
Here is the targeted section:
<div class="expenseIcon"><a href="#">
<img src="images/mortgage.png"></a><br/>
<p>Rent or Mortgage</p>
On clicking the linked image, the goal is for the background on the image to change to green. Clicking it again would change it back to the default, white. Here's the CSS I'd like to toggle on/off with click.
.colorToggle {
background: #A6D785;
I had tried adding class="iconLink" to the href and class="iconBox" to the image with the following Javascript adapted from another post, but it didn't work.
var obj = {};
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".iconLink").click(function () {
var text = $(this).find(".iconBox");
obj.var1 = text;
//return false;
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Let's break down what is happening with your current code when you click the link.
var obj = {};
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".iconLink").click(function () {
var text = $(this).find(".iconBox");
obj.var1 = text;
JQuery finds all elements with the classname "iconBox". In your case, this is the img element. The reference to that element is then saved in "obj.var1". You do not end up doing anything with this reference, so these two lines can be removed.
All elements with the class "iconBox" have the class "colorToggle" removed. Your img element didn't have this class on it, so nothing happens.
The class "colorToggle" is added to the anchor element. Yes! Now the element wrapping the img has a background color.
Unfortunately, clicking the anchor tag again won't do anything, since the anchor tag will already have the "colorToggle" class and all we would be doing would be trying to add it again. Hmm. Let's try changing addClass to toggleClass. Here's our new code:
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".iconLink").click(function () {
Also, note that because we're working with the anchor element, the p element won't be affected by this change. If you want the entire div to change background colors, use this line instead:
Using the given markup:
<!-- to toggle the bg-color onClick of anchor tag -->
<div class="expenseIcon">
<a href="#">
<img src="images/mortgage.png">
<p>Rent or Mortgage</p>
since the question asks for javascript, heres an option for updating the background-color of an element using the built-in method
//get a handle on the link
//only one element w/ className 'expenseIcon'
//first child of 'expenseIcon' is the anchor tag
var link = document.getElementsByClassName('expenseIcon')[0].children[0];
//get a handle on the image
var image = link.children[0];
//listen for click on link & call bgUpdate()
link.addEventListener('click', bgUpdate, false);
function bgUpdate() {
if( === 'lightgoldenrodyellow'){ = 'aliceblue';
} else if ( === 'aliceblue') { = 'lightgoldenrodyellow';
else console.log('image bgColor: ' +;
a similar example
background: red;
.colorToggle {
background: blue;
$(".expenseIcon").click(function () {
By default, the div will have expenseIcon background. ToggleClass will toggle the div class with colorToggle so will override the previous color.
You don't need an hyperlink tag A to manage clicks, just put it on the DIV.

remove onclick when attached to children

I have the following code:
layoutOverlaysBldg = $("#layout-overlays-bldg")
layoutOverlaysBldg.on("click", "div", function(event) {
var floor;
console.log("floornum: " + this.dataset.floornum);
floor = parseInt(this.dataset.floornum);
later - based on data I'm getting back from the DB - I want to remove some of the .on("click", "div", ...) from only some of the divs. I already have the selector that is getting the right divs but I cannot figure out how to remove the click event. I have tried .off("click") after selecting the right div but it has no effect.
This issue here is because you are using a delegated event. You can add or remove the event for all child elements, but not individual ones given your div selector.
With that in mind the easiest way to do what you need is to add the event based on a class, then add and remove that class on the children as needed. Something like this:
layoutOverlaysBldg = $("#layout-overlays-bldg")
layoutOverlaysBldg.on("click", "div.clickable", function(event) {
// your code...
You can then enable/disable the event on the child div by adding or removing the .clickable class.
You can try like this :
Example :
<div id="test">
<div id="first">first</div>
<div id="second">second</div>
<div onclick="unbindSecondDiv();">UNBIND</div>
function unbindSecondDiv()
test = $("#second")
alert('Selected Area Click is Unbind');
test = $("#test > div")
test.bind("click" , function(event) {
In the above example , selected DIV elements click event is bind.
And after execute function unbindSecondDiv() , second DIV click event will be unbind.
Have a try , may helps you.

jquery inside javascript function to hide div array

I am using jquery inside the javascript function to hide & show div.
I need to show only div "Area" while hide other div
This one works, when i directly put the name of the div to hide & show :---
<script src="">
function area_visible()
This one does not works if i try to access using array of div class, even alert message is not displayed 4 times for loop :----
<script src="">
var area_id = [
"Area" , "Area-1", "Area-2", "Area-3"
function area_visible()
$(area_id).each(function(index, element) {
if(element != area_id[0] )
$("#" + element).hide();
Please suggest. How to hide and show div by taking there name from an array (and i want to use jquery inside javascript function) ?
$("#" + element).hide();
$("." + element).hide();
You are trying to target an ID you must use . to target class.
in your first function you are using class $('.Area-1') and the second function you are selecting with ID $("#"+element)
so the fix is easy just change '#' to '.' in the second function
You have to change your id selector to a class selector and initiate the function:
$("." + element).hide(); // for your second function.
and initialize your func:
area_visible(); // for both it will work.

javascript set element background color

i have a little javascript function that does something when one clicks on the element having onclick that function.
my problem is:
i want that, into this function, to set a font color fot the html element having this function onclick. but i don't suceed. my code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function selecteazaElement(id,stock){
var number23=document.addtobasket.number;
if (stock>=6) stock=6;
for (i=1;i<=stock;i++){
//alert ('id: '+id+'; stock: '+stock);
number23.options[number23.options.length]=new Option(i, i);
and how i use it:
<li id = "product_types">
<a href="#" onclick='selecteazaElement(<?= $type->id; ?>,<?= $type->stock_2; ?>);'><?= $type->label; ?></a>
any suggestions? thanks!
i have added another function (jquery one) that does partially what i need. the new problem is: i want that background color to be set only on the last clicked item, not on all items that i click. code above:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.product_types > li').click(function() {
any ideas why?
I would suggest
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.product_types > li').click(function() {
$('.product_types > li').css('background-color','#FFFFFF');
Your element could have this code:
<li id = "product_types" onclick="selecteazaElement(this);" <...> </li>
To change the foreground color of that element:
function selecteazaElement(element)
If you want to change the background color on only the last element clicked, each element must have a different id. I'd suggest naming each one something like product_types1, product_types2, ..., product_typesN, and so on. Then have a reset function:
function Reset()
for (var i = 1; i <= N; i = i + 1)
When you call your selecteazaElement(this) function, first call the Reset function, then set the new element:
function selecteazaElement(element)
This way all of the elements that start with product_types followed by a number will be reset to one particular color, and only the element clicked on will have the background changed.
The 'scope' of the function when invoked is the element clicked, so you should be able to just do:
function selecteazaElement(id,stock){
var number23 = document.addtobasket.number;
if (stock>=6){
for (var i=1;i<=stock;i++){
//alert ('id: '+id+'; stock: '+stock);
number23.options[number23.options.length]=new Option(i, i);
// Alter 'this', which is the clicked element in this case = '#000';
$(function() {
/*if product_types is a class of element ul the code below
will work otherwise use $('li.product_types') if it's a
class of li elements */
$('.product_types li').click(function() {
//remove this class that causes background change from any other sibling
//add this class to the clicked element to change background, color etc...
Have your css something like this:
<style type='text/css'>
.altBackground {
/* color: your color ;
foo: bar */
Attach a jQuery click event to '#product_types a' that removes a class from the parent of all elements that match that selector; then, add the class that contains the styles you want back to the parent of the element that was just clicked. It's a little heavy handed and can be made more efficient but it works.
I've made an example in jsFiddle:
try this instead:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.product_types > li').each(function () {
$(this).click(function() {
If I am correct, the problem is that the click event is being binded to all of the list items (li). when one list item is clicked the event is fired on all of the list items.
I added a simple .each() to your code. It will loop through each of the list items and bind a event to each separately.
-Robert Hurst

