Javascript code editor with intelligence - javascript

Is there any code editor or even IDE, where you can get some compassion in the form of "method" auto-complete suggestions and "jump to definition", for your javascript code that uses a library like d3.js?

I have found that WebStorm does all that.
Need to follow here to set it up to know your external library (e.g. d3.js in my case) so that it can be smart about it. Download the unminified/debug version of your library first so you can supply it in that dialog. Installing WebStorm was quick and a no-brainer.
If you know of other tools that have these capabilities, please post your answer as well...
WebStorm currently doesn't cost all that much and currently comes with a 30 days trial.


How to fix these issues in Processing?

I'm a beginner of coding. I have encounter these two problem in learning Processing:
I can't use JavaScript mode in processing.When I change to JavaScript mode in processing, the IDE closed automatically. However, I check the program in task manager, I found that the javaw.exe is still running. I think it maybe the version problem.My processing version is 3.2.1
I can't save my file in processing.The error is that:
Can anyone help me to fix these two issues?
If you plan to use p5.js, while the main Processing editor is being developed, I recommend trying the p5.js editor (direct download link for Windows)
It's simpler and iterated much faster than the main Processing IDE, so should be easier to get started.
Additionally, here are few great video tutorial resources for p5.js:
1-6: Foundations of Programming in JavaScript - p5.js Tutorial
Introduction to Programming for the Visual Arts with p5.js
The Nature of Code
Have fun!
JavaScript mode isn't supported in Processing 3 yet. If you want to use the Processing editor, you'll have to download version 2.2.1.
Edit: I thought you were talking about Processing.js, but it looks like you're talking about p5.js. In that case, check out George's answer.
For the saving question: I think that processing always delete all the old files before saving again the new ones. Maybe it could be a problem that you are not running it as administrator. Try that.

Programming in JavaScript with documentation in the IDE

i recently got shown the Phaser framework (found at and plan on using javascript with it. I'm very used to coding in java in eclipse which has code assist that lets you see the documentation of a method (parameters, description etc) and i want to know if there is a way to/how to do it with javascript. The framework comes with the documentation, but how can i link it to the class in an ide?
Check out TypeScript and This will give you full intellisense (auto-complete) in Visual Studio. This is exactly what you desire and the workflow works well as I have been using it for over 6 months.

Does anyone know if there is an IDE with explicit support for Ember.JS?

Wanted to know if there is a good IDE with full support for Ember.JS not just basic JS. Or is there are any command line tooling or code generating tools like Grunt for Backbone.JS?
I have nothing for IDE with intellisense for EmberJS, but Sublime is usually the go-to program of choice for development in Javascript. With a few packages and a jslinter you can get cracking straight away.
In the editor, there are things called 'snippets' that allow you to type a key combination, and a large portion of the code will be instantly filled out for you. For instance this repo has a set that you can add to your Sublime application to help you get going. Apart from that, there's nothing really that can help you code faster and easier as having an automatic Jslinter (or jshinter depending on how much you hate Crockford) and a nice set of snippets.
With ember-rails you can generate an Ember.js app structure as well as controllers, models, etc. Find the generators here.
There is also a ember.js package for Bower. Have a look at Yeoman, which uses Bower for package management.

Most hands-off AJAX builder / graphical dev environment

I'm looking for a quick way to build the front-end AJAX for an administrative interface.
Is their a "Javascript Generator" similar for example to the Microsoft Visual dev environments where you can just place controls by hand in a graphical environment, and then double click the controls to enter the code that should power the object?
Here are the suggestions so far:
RadPHP / PHP for Delphi
Sigma Visual Widgets
Sencha Ext Designer
Has anyone had good / bad experiences with any of thse?
What about something like this:
VisualJS (online)
or maybe something like Wavemaker.
Is this what you were looking for?
I do warn you that (that I know of) you cant build AJAX applications as simple as you describe it.
Sencha/EXT Designer may be what you're looking for. It's not free.

Writing a non-GUI bot using Mozilla Framework

I'm looking for a way to write a non-GUI bot using Mozilla Framework. The bot should be able to work like normal browser (automatically download relevant JS files, make XMLHTTPRequests, run JS operations, modify DOM), except no GUI will be needed.
I wonder if it is possbile to build XULRunner without X, GTK/KDE (without any GUI dependencies), as I will run the bot on FreeBSD server 6.4.
It may sound a bit weird but I need a bot with capacity to operate like browser, runs JS, modifies DOM, submit forms running on non-GUI environments.
I've looked into other browsers such as Lynx, Links, Hulahop, Chrome V8 engine, WebKit JavascriptCore but yet to find desirable output.
It's a part of school project, thesis. We will use to observe price change of budget airlines and after one year long data collection, we need to deduce pricing strategy and customer behavior. It is a serious Final Year Project.
Any hint or help is greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!
You should be able to make progress with selenium. It's a record/test/play tool but its core is manipulating the DOM.
Update from Grundlefleck's comment: As for launching the actual tests there is selenium remote-control, which allows you to write your tests in Java, Ruby, plain HTML and other possible drivers.
Yes, it is possible (but it might very well require LOTS of code changes).
No, I do not know any of the details.
I would not recommend this approach for your purposes. From your comment, it sounds like you are trying to scrape webpages. If you really need to use JavaScript, you can use a stand-alone JavaScript-engine (Mozilla's is available here). Otherwise, I would use Beautiful Soup with Python or Twill. You might also want to read this question.

