Animate CSS on selection of <option> - javascript

I am attempting to trigger a change of CSS for some objects further down in my code when one of the option tags is selected. I did not include them here as they are not pertinent to the issue at hand which is the jQuery. I am at a loss at this point. Here is what I have so it even possible?
$("#feed-filter option:selected").change(function () {
$("#CA, #GA, #GD").animate({height: '0px'});
<div class="feed-filter">
<select id="feed-filter" name="feed-filter">
<option id="option-ALL" value="ALL" selected>ALL</option>
<option id="option-CA" value="A">A</option>
<option id="option-DAD" value="B">B</option>
<option id="option-GA" value="C">C</option>
<option id="option-GD" value="D">D</option>

firstly you aren't triggering a CSS animation, that is a jQuery animation. Secondly, the ID's you are animating don't exist in the HTML, and thirdly, your selector/listener is invalid, you need to listen to $('select').change();
If you need to then access the value of the selected option you can do so by doing something like this
$('select').change(function() {
var val = $(this).val();


How to empty a value from the first option of a select box option using javascript or jquery?

Here's my code. Is it possible to empty the value of the first option using jquery/javascript ?
<select id="select_1" name="select_1" class="category-select required">
<option value="0">Select category</option>
<option value="1">Phones</option>
<option value="2">Computers</option>
<option value="3">Tablets</option>
so it will become like that:
<option value="">Select category</option>
I already know that i can remove the whole first option by targeting its value
$("#select_1 option[value='0']").remove();
You can use plain javascript to get the first option of a select element using .options like so, which returns an indexed collection, so you can just use zero based index to grab the first option and set it's value property:
document.getElementById("select_1").options[0].value = '';
To target the first element of a collection use :first. Then you can use val('') to remove the value from it:
$('#select_1 option:first').val('');
<script src=""></script>
<select id="select_1" name="select_1" class="category-select required">
<option value="0">Select category</option>
<option value="1">Phones</option>
<option value="2">Computers</option>
<option value="3">Tablets</option>
$(document).ready(function (){
$('#btnremoveoption').click(function (){
$('#select_1 option:first').remove();
<select id="select_1" name="select_1" class="category-select required">
<option value="0">Select category</option>
<option value="1">Phones</option>
<option value="2">Computers</option>
<option value="3">Tablets</option>
<input type="button" id="btnremoveoption" value="Click to Remove all Options" onclick="Remove_options()"/>
This Program will keep Removing first option when ever button will be click.
$(document).ready(function (){
$('#select_1 option:first').remove();
this will remove it onload of the page. without leaving the option blank it will be filled with the next option.

Bind event on select option

I have the following HTML
<option value="">filter</option>
<option data-behavior="toggle-visibility" data-scope="a" value="a">a</option>
<option data-behavior="toggle-visibility" data-scope="b" value="b">b</option>
and I need to fire up a Javascript callback when any of the options is selected.
I have the following piece of Javascript:
$(function() {
$(document).on("EVENT", "[data-behavior~=toggle-visibility]", function() {
Is there an event I can use to achieve my goal?
PS - I understand I could move data-behavior="toggle-visibility" to the select tag and then listen for change and get the currently selected value. However, since that piece of Javascript is already used with other elements, I need to keep the data-behavior attribute on the options.
It should work here
You should be using on change event instead:
The example is as follows:
$("select").on("change", function(e) {
var sel = $(this).find(":selected");
var attr = sel.attr("data-behavior");
console.log(attr + "....." + $(this).val())
<script src=""></script>
<option value="">filter</option>
<option data-behavior="toggle-visibility" data-scope="a" value="a">a</option>
<option data-behavior="toggle-visibility" data-scope="b" value="b">b</option>
Html Code:
<select id="maker-list">
<option value="">filter</option>
<option data-behavior="toggle-visibility" data-scope="a" value="a">a</option>
<option data-behavior="toggle-visibility" data-scope="b" value="b">b</option>
JavaScript code:
$('#maker-list').off('change').on('change', e => {
selectedValue = $('#maker-list').val();
// Here you can call another function with selectedValue
In above JavaScript Code, we bind change even and unbind the same event after selecting value so that it will not fire twice. jquery help
I hope this will work ... happy coding :)
$("select").on("change", (e) => {
<script src=""></script>
<option value="">filter</option>
<option data-behavior="toggle-visibility" data-scope="a" value="a">a</option>
<option data-behavior="toggle-visibility" data-scope="b" value="b">b</option>

Get pre-selected value of an HTML select element

Or through example, how can one retrieve "c" via JavaScript or jQuery no matter if the user changed it?
<select id="select-menu">
<option value="a">A</option>
<option value="b">B</option>
<option value="c" selected>C</option>
<option value="d">D</option>
I tried the following, however, it returns the value of the currently selected menu. I suppose I can take a similar approach which runs upon page load and save the value, but expect there is a more "proper" way to do so.
$('#select-menu > option').each(function(i){
if(this.selected) {
return false;
Use jQuery .attr() to get initial value:
function get_initial(){
$('#select-menu > option').each(function(i){
if($(this).attr('selected')) {
console.log('initial: ' + this.value)
if(this.selected) {
console.log('current: ' + this.value)
$('.initial').on('click', get_initial);
<script src=""></script>
<select id="select-menu">
<option value="a">A</option>
<option value="b">B</option>
<option value="c" selected>C</option>
<option value="d">D</option>
<button class="initial">check initial</button>
There is no better way. A select is meant to be user-modifiable.
If you want to retain the original value you could save it on load:
$(document).ready(function() {
var initialValue = $("#select-menu").val();
You could also write it in a hidden input:
<input type="hidden" name="initial-select-menu" value="c">
This way has the benefit that the value will be submitted along with the rest of the form. Might be preferable in some cases.
Or you could stuff that initial value in a data attribute:
<select id="select-menu" data-initial="c">
<option value="a">A</option>
<option value="b">B</option>
<option value="c" selected>C</option>
<option value="d">D</option>
You could save the value on an html5 data-* attribute:
<select id="select-menu" data-default="c">
And get it with
The following code exhibits various examples related to getting of values from select fields using JavaScript.
Working Snippet
const selectMenu = document.getElementById("select-menu");
var selectedIndex = selectMenu.options[selectMenu.selectedIndex].value;
/*Option 1*/
selectMenu.onchange = function() {
selectedIndex = selectMenu.options[selectMenu.selectedIndex].value;
/*Option 2*/
/*selectMenu.addEventListener("change", function(){
selectedIndex = selectMenu.options[selectMenu.selectedIndex].value;
/*Option 3*/
/*function updateSelectedIndex() {
selectedIndex = selectMenu.options[selectMenu.selectedIndex].value;
<!-- Option 3 -->
<!-- <select id="select-menu" onchange="updateSelectedIndex"> -->
<select id="select-menu">
<option value="a">A</option>
<option value="b">B</option>
<option value="c" selected>C</option>
<option value="d">D</option>
Try this for the appropriate cases:
let preselectedOption = $(targetDropDown).find('option[selected]');
let currentOption = $(targetDropDown).find('option:selected');

Option select to dynamically change next selection

I am using a lightbox called featherlight. I have a form inside of that lightbox that requires a dynamic select option to change the content of the next question select box.
The select box works outside of the lightbox yet inside it fails.
Any ideas where I appear to be going wrong?
<option value="111">111</option>
<option value="222">222</option>
<option value="111">111</option>
<option value="222">222</option>
<script type="text/javascript">
$('select').change(function(){ // when one changes
$('select').val( $(this).val() ) // they all change
Your HTML is most likely being added after the handlers are bound - you can use .on to get around this:
$(document).on("change", "select", function() {
$('select').val( this.value )
You should replace document with a container that is present at the time of page load and contains your dynamic content - else this event is going to fire each time the document is changed (and check if a select was actually changed)
With a common class:
<select class="common">
<option value="111">111</option>
<option value="222">222</option>
<select class="common">
<option value="111">111</option>
<option value="222">222</option>
$(document).on("change", "select.common", function() {
$("select.common").not(this).val( this.value ) //added .not(this) since we dont need to change the value of the select being interacted with
have unique id for both select as follow
<select id='select1'>
<option value="111">111</option>
<option value="222">222</option>
<select id='select2'>
<option value="111">111</option>
<option value="222">222</option>
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#select1').change(function(){ // when one changes
$('#select2').val( $(this).val() ) // they all change
I guess you are accessing parent element from child window
try the following
window.parent.$(#select2.val( $(this).val());

Submitting a value with jQuery

I've been pulling my hair out with this one, although I'm certain the solution is embarrassingly simple! I have developed a pull-down menu that requires a selection before presenting more choices, based on the initial selection. It works fine.
However, I need to have jQuery submit the value of the option chosen without a submit button present. So, basically, when a user selects a fruit size, the user is taken to the relevant page in the option value. I cant figure it out! Heres my code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var val = $('#fruit').val();
CSS to hide size select:
<style type="text/css">
.fruitSubSelect {display: none;}
<form action="nothing">
<select id="fruit">
<option value="">Choose Fruit</option>
<select id="fruitApple" class="fruitSubSelect">
<option value="">Choose Size</option>
<option value="">Big Apple</option>
<option value="">Small Apple</option>
<select id="fruitOrange" class="fruitSubSelect">
<option value="">Choose Size</option>
<option value="">Big Orange</option>
<option value="">Small Orange</option>
<select id="noFruit">
<option value="">Choose A Fruit First</option>
<option value="">Please Select Fruit First</option>
Would appreciate any help! Thanks.
I think you're looking for something like this:
window.location.href = this.value;
This will get the selected value of the dropdown and set the window location to it (so the page will go to it).
the addition of this into your jquery alert's the selected option's URL:
live example:
With dropdowns, do not use .val(). :selected is what you're looking for.

